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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Celorn spits out his drink in response, while Belrev nearly falls back in his chair.

"NO." The two brother's said at the same time, much to the amusement of Shay.

Moments pass, as Celorn starts chuckling. "Bloody hell. What now Cel?" Belrev asked in irritation, his forehead resting on the bar counter. "You almost fell back you dummy." Celorn replied, laughing.


The casino room's noises filled the halls and surrounding areas of the Dojo, even reaching the training room.

Having stood there pondering something for a second, the Valkyr heard strange noises and decided to go check them out. They seemed to be coming from some sort of room a ways down. Once the Valkyr actually reached the room and walked through the door she found out that it was a casino.room, and the culprits of the noises were sitting down at the bar laughing at what was presumably humor and drinking. Sighing slightly the Valkyr decided to approach and sit down. Not too close to them but not too far off as well. Her Kubrow walking up beside her and placing his two front paws on the bar and standing vertically. She ordered something for her and her Kubrow as she turned her head to watch the group of people in what they were doing.

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Celorn spits out his drink in response, while Belrev nearly falls back in his chair.

"NO." The two brother's said at the same time, much to the amusement of Shay.

Moments pass, as Celorn starts chuckling. "Bloody hell. What now Cel?" Belrev asked in irritation, his forehead resting on the bar counter. "You almost fell back you dummy." Celorn replied, laughing.


The casino room's noises filled the halls and surrounding areas of the Dojo, even reaching the training room.

Having stood there pondering something for a second, the Valkyr heard strange noises and decided to go check them out. They seemed to be coming from some sort of room a ways down. Once the Valkyr actually reached the room and walked through the door she found out that it was a casino.room, and the culprits of the noises were sitting down at the bar laughing at what was presumably humor and drinking. Sighing slightly the Valkyr decided to approach and sit down. Not too close to them but not too far off as well. Her Kubrow walking up beside her and placing his two front paws on the bar and standing vertically. She ordered something for her and her Kubrow as she turned her head to watch the group of people in what they were doing.

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"It was mine."

"Who the hell cares Bel, just a glass."

At this Belrev and Celorn glare at each other, the red eyes of the twin's piercing into each other. Then it happens.

The twins laugh together, and clink glasses. "Brotherly love ain't it."

Both Erida and Luna laughed in agreement to Belrev and Celorn. 

Almost everyone would agree on that. Hek, you could say that I and Luna are like sisters to each other, even if we aren't Erida said and friendly hugged Luna with her right arm. Luna giggled and responded back to Erida with: It does feel like we are sisters in someway


After the song was done that Fang and his temporary band played, he bowed goodbye to the group and walked back to his friends. He sat down close to Luna and said: How did I do? I though it was uplifting to sing those songs.

Your performance was amazing. Are you sure you haven't thought of starting in the music business? Erida said jokingly to Fang.

Even if I wanted to become famous, it would lead to that my private life ruined for all eternity. That's why I prefer to be unknown and only known by my closest comrades or as you would say it "friends" Fang said, not liking the word "friends".

I wouldn't be able to handle that much attention either. Too many tenno's following me... Luna said shyly at the thought of getting too much attention.

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As the twins talked, they slowly began to notice the Valkyr.

"Seems we have a newcomer. Welcome."

"Welcome to our humble little bar!"

The twins each said, greeting the Valkyr.

The Valkyr gave a slight nod to the twins in question. "Evening." her tone of voice seemed slightly reclusive. Almost as if she was slightly shy. However she still seemed comfortable enough in social situations. She received her order and nodded in thanks to the barkeep. Her Kubrow barking his thanks as he began to start to drink what had been ordered for him. She simply shrugged and sat her drink on the table beside her. Not inclined to take her helmet off. Sighing after a good minute or so of silence, She finally had something to say after an additional Tenno joined them. "So uhm... How are you guys?" Her voice still had that shy and reclusive tone to it. 

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"The dynamic you and Luna have is good. Better than Celorn, Denger, and I in the same room. That is the definition of chaos. That is three brothers arguing all at once." Belrev said with a sigh, as he pulls up a video. Said video shows the three brothers eating at a restaurant, when suddenly Belrev himself takes a piece of food from Celorn.

In the video, a few minutes pass. The sight of two Excalibur's arguing and a Rhino rubbing his temples is visible. A real gem of a moment happens as the three brothers are kicked out of the restaraunt, and rudeley gesture at the restaurant manager who was a Frost. One could not tell the three apart, as the trio of brothers are practically identical save for a few differences.

"Beautiful isn't it?"


"Evening to you as well."


Belrev and Celorn look at the Valkyr, each brother having a different facial expression. Belrev's is of studying, and Celorn's is of curiosity.

"We are perfectly good. Name?" They ask.

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"The dynamic you and Luna have is good. Better than Celorn, Denger, and I in the same room. That is the definition of chaos. That is three brothers arguing all at once." Belrev said with a sigh, as he pulls up a video. Said video shows the three brothers eating at a restaurant, when suddenly Belrev himself takes a piece of food from Celorn.

In the video, a few minutes pass. The sight of two Excalibur's arguing and a Rhino rubbing his temples is visible. A real gem of a moment happens as the three brothers are kicked out of the restaraunt, and rudeley gesture at the restaurant manager who was a Frost. One could not tell the three apart, as the trio of brothers are practically identical save for a few differences.

"Beautiful isn't it?"


"Evening to you as well."


Belrev and Celorn look at the Valkyr, each brother having a different facial expression. Belrev's is of studying, and Celorn's is of curiosity.

"We are perfectly good. Name?" They ask.

The Valkyr sighed slightly in what seemed to be relief. However when she began to speak her name she turned rather rigid. "Designation. 01367-A" Her voice sounded a lot more stern and robotic ((Robotic in the sense of there were breaks in between each word)). Which didn't seem normal for her. However the Valkyr shook her head slightly and placed a hand on her helmet. "S-Sorry about that. I'm August." August's voice seemed to return to normal fairly quickly though. August shook her head slightly as if she had a slight headache. "That happens a lot..." Giving the twins a content smile, which was hidden by her helmet, and a light chuckle. However this time August noticed their facial expressions. One seemed to be eyeing her up, whereas the other one seemed to be curious to something. Turning to glance over to Celorn, August gave him a quick. "What's up?"

Edited by Pwn3rb0i
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"Nothing much. My name is Celorn." Celorn replied with a smile. "That is Belrev. My little emo brother." Celorn added, pointing to Belrev. The younger brother scowls at the older one, as the older one just chuckles. "And finally that is Shay. Emo brother's happy girlfriend." Celorn finished, pointing to Shay who waved at August.

"Nice to meet you August. I am Belrev." Belrev nodded to the Valkyr. He continues analyzing August.

"Im Shay! Hi there!" Shay happily said to August.

"Just ignore Bel's look. He is paranoid and does that to EVERYONE." Celorn said.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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"Nothing much. My name is Celorn." Celorn replied with a smile. "That is Belrev. My little emo brother." Celorn added, pointing to Belrev. The younger brother scowls at the older one, as the older one just chuckles. "And finally that is Shay. Emo brother's happy girlfriend." Celorn finished, pointing to Shay who waved at August.

"Nice to meet you August. I am Belrev." Belrev nodded to the Valkyr. He continues analyzing August.

"Im Shay! Hi there!" Shay happily said to August.

"Just ignore Bel's look. He is paranoid and does that to EVERYONE." Celorn said.

Gave a slight chuckle and nodded at Celorn's introduction of his brother. "I see." August looked over his shoulder to spot Shay sitting behind them, nodding to Shay August sat back in her chair. August nodded slightly at Celorn's closing comment and chuckled. "I-It's fine really. I-I get that look a lot." August kept her slight smile on underneath her Helm. She simply sat and waited for the twins or Shay to bring up something to talk about.

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"The dynamic you and Luna have is good. Better than Celorn, Denger, and I in the same room. That is the definition of chaos. That is three brothers arguing all at once." Belrev said with a sigh, as he pulls up a video. Said video shows the three brothers eating at a restaurant, when suddenly Belrev himself takes a piece of food from Celorn.

In the video, a few minutes pass. The sight of two Excalibur's arguing and a Rhino rubbing his temples is visible. A real gem of a moment happens as the three brothers are kicked out of the restaraunt, and rudeley gesture at the restaurant manager who was a Frost. One could not tell the three apart, as the trio of brothers are practically identical save for a few differences.

"Beautiful isn't it?"



Erida couldn't hold for a small burst of laughter as she saw the video, Luna giggled at the funny video too. Fang didn't react at all and just shrugged  as if it was nothing special for him as he saw it too.

In a way it is. Whenever Fang and Arthas argue to each other, they try to "win the argument" in a "mature" way. Rarely they compete or very rarely: fight against each other to prove a point. Otherwise they just argue maturely. I rarely argue with Luna for her sake Erida said to Belrev.


Erida overheard the talking between Belrev, Cerlorn and this new Valkyr. She reached out her hand to the other Valkyr and said: Nice to meet an other fellow Valkyr. My name is Erida and this shy Nyx sitting next to me is Luna. Luna shyly waved to the Valkyr and said with a very low voice: H...Hi....

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"We all do. ALL of us." Celorn said glancing to Belrev.

"So how'd you end up here August?" He asked.

August relaxed slightly "Huh. As for how I got here I-I suppose it was just pure coincidence really. I found the place and decided to check it out is all." She sighed slightly and turned her head slowly...


Erida couldn't hold for a small burst of laughter as she saw the video, Luna giggled at the funny video too. Fang didn't react at all and just shrugged  as if it was nothing special for him as he saw it too.

In a way it is. Whenever Fang and Arthas argue to each other, they try to "win the argument" in a "mature" way. Rarely they compete or very rarely: fight against each other to prove a point. Otherwise they just argue maturely. I rarely argue with Luna for her sake Erida said to Belrev.


Erida overheard the talking between Belrev, Cerlorn and this new Valkyr. She reached out her hand to the other Valkyr and said: Nice to meet an other fellow Valkyr. My name is Erida and this shy Nyx sitting next to me is Luna. Luna shyly waved to the Valkyr and said with a very low voice: H...Hi....

...To face a second Valkyr standing right in front of her with her hand outstretched. For one to call August's reaction to be slightly startled, they'd be making an understatement. As August nearly jumped from her chair and sparked her energy claws to slice the woman in half. Although before she did she realized what was going on and calmly sat back down. "S-Sorry." She quickly shook Erida's hand before looking over to Luna. Giving her a curt "Evening" Before curling into a ball on her chair.

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"We may argue like little children, but in the end we all love and care for each other. That is what brotherhood is. Caring and Loving the brothers that I have. Even if they drive me insane." Belrev finished, patting Celorn's back.


"Same situation with us. We got bored." Celorn replied sheepishly.

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...To face a second Valkyr standing right in front of her with her hand outstretched. For one to call August's reaction to be slightly startled, they'd be making an understatement. As August nearly jumped from her chair and sparked her energy claws to slice the woman in half. Although before she did she realized what was going on and calmly sat back down. "S-Sorry." She quickly shook Erida's hand before looking over to Luna. Giving her a curt "Evening" Before curling into a ball on her chair.

I should be the one to say sorry to you since I startled you Erida said, chuckled for the first awkward but funny first meeting. Luna shyly bowed to the other Valkyr while being behind Erida, feeling safe behind her.


"We may argue like little children, but in the end we all love and care for each other. That is what brotherhood is. Caring and Loving the brothers that I have. Even if they drive me insane." Belrev finished, patting Celorn's back.



I'm sure that Arthas would agree to your statement about brotherhood, if he was awake that is Erida said, quickly looking at her inbox for any new messages and then close her inbox.

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I should be the one to say sorry to you since I startled you Erida said, chuckled for the first awkward but funny first meeting. Luna shyly bowed to the other Valkyr while being behind Erida, feeling safe behind her.

August simply just sat there shivering slightly in her chair. "N-No it's okay. I over-reacted is all..." She let out a long exasperated sigh and unfurled from her ball and sat slightly straighter. However her arms were folded across her stomach. "So uh. How are you two I suppose?"

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August simply just sat there shivering slightly in her chair. "N-No it's okay. I over-reacted is all..." She let out a long exasperated sigh and unfurled from her ball and sat slightly straighter. However her arms were folded across her stomach. "So uh. How are you two I suppose?"

Pretty good. We are just hanging around, taking it easy Erida said causally to August.

Um....I-I'm fine t-to.... Luna said as she tried to not sound so shy, but she usually reacted this way to new tennos. A moment later and Erida got something on her mind that she wanted to ask August, so she asked: So.....how many Valkyrs have you met outside of missions? I know that may sound like an odd question, I'm just curious that's all. She then went to a stool close to August and sat down, Luna sat down beside Erida.

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"That conclave match is coming up soon guys." Belrev said.

"I can't wait, its gonna be awesome." Celorn added.

Fang nodded to confirm that he heard Belrev said what he said. He went over to Erida and Luna to tell about it.

Sounds like fun. I wouldn't mind to watch a conclave match. How about you Luna; would you like to watch this conclave match with us? Erida asked Luna. Luna though for a moment and then responded with: I guess I could watch the conclave match. Then Erida turned her head back to August and asked her the same question, waiting for her answer.

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Pretty good. We are just hanging around, taking it easy Erida said causally to August.

Um....I-I'm fine t-to.... Luna said as she tried to not sound so shy, but she usually reacted this way to new tennos. A moment later and Erida got something on her mind that she wanted to ask August, so she asked: So.....how many Valkyrs have you met outside of missions? I know that may sound like an odd question, I'm just curious that's all. She then went to a stool close to August and sat down, Luna sat down beside Erida.

"That's good I suppose." She still seemed slightly shaky and sighed slightly. Perking up slightly at Erida's question. "N-no. It's fine. Outside of missions... Not many. I'd say like two. Counting you. I only really go on missions more often than visit places. Otherwise I'm in my Liset managing things." She shrugged slightly and leaned back against the bar. "I could ask the same for you Erida."

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"That's good I suppose." She still seemed slightly shaky and sighed slightly. Perking up slightly at Erida's question. "N-no. It's fine. Outside of missions... Not many. I'd say like two. Counting you. I only really go on missions more often than visit places. Otherwise I'm in my Liset managing things." She shrugged slightly and leaned back against the bar. "I could ask the same for you Erida."

Erida nodded and responded back to August: I see. Myself I haven't met that many Valkyr's since I came here with my friends, only a few strangers who happens to wear a Valkyr warframe. She leaned back on to the bar as an other question came up on to her mind. She look at August and asked her: Say...you know my and my friends name, but I don't know about your name. You don't have to tell your name if you don't feel like it, but It wouldn't hurt either if you did tell me your name. Take your time to answer the question, I can wait.

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Erida nodded and responded back to August: I see. Myself I haven't met that many Valkyr's since I came here with my friends, only a few strangers who happens to wear a Valkyr warframe. She leaned back on to the bar as an other question came up on to her mind. She look at August and asked her: Say...you know my and my friends name, but I don't know about your name. You don't have to tell your name if you don't feel like it, but It wouldn't hurt either if you did tell me your name. Take your time to answer the question, I can wait.

August shrugged slightly and nodded. "It's fine. I'm August." The valkyr simply nodded and leaned back against the bar to simply relax.

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Fang nodded to confirm that he heard Belrev said what he said. He went over to Erida and Luna to tell about it.

Sounds like fun. I wouldn't mind to watch a conclave match. How about you Luna; would you like to watch this conclave match with us? Erida asked Luna. Luna though for a moment and then responded with: I guess I could watch the conclave match. Then Erida turned her head back to August and asked her the same question, waiting for her answer.

"Excellent." Belrev smiled. Whistling with his fingertips, Belrev called Kage and Nipsey to the casino. The two Kubrow's rushed into the casino, with Kage going a bit too fast and sliding into a wall. The black and white Kubrow growls in irritation, as Nipsey barks at him. They then make their way to Belrev.

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