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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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1 minute ago, kyrozon said:

Zek stayed quiet for a while. "Errm... i wil just be going."

Zek quickly walked over to Icarus, tapping his shoulder. "Well i'm gonna go see if my clan still has something to do for me, also keep an eye out for Seerena, last time i talked to her she seemed pretty strested out so she might visit this place agains soon."

Krim: From the looks of it, she isn't

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23 hours ago, BlackerGames said:

"Nothing. Nothing. We weren't talking about nothing."

Ryoka:"Daaa... Nope, can't remember what we we talkin' 'bout before, then again, you're an oldie! I don't blame your bad memory! What... wait but I can't remember either...? Does that mean... KYAAAA!!! NO!!! Am I become and Oldie too"!?

Her face bangs on the table with a forlorn expression.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Gunbuster17_6 said:

Ryoka:"Daaa... Nope, can't remember what we we talkin' 'bout before, then again, you're an oldie! I don't blame your bad memory! What... wait but I can't remember either...? Does that mean... KYAAAA!!! NO!!! Am I become and Oldie too"!?

Her face bangs on the table with a forlorn expression.

Morgan also bangs his face on the table, but for another reason.
He stands up from the chair, walks over to Icarus, and grabs him by the shoulders.
"You. You distracted her, right? PLEASE help me! It's like she's 10 years old!" He whispers to him.

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"Cya Zek"

Icarus was about to talk with his old pals when Morgan grabbed him, it relieved him that he wasn't in trouble or anything like that, because for a second he thought his boss hired somebody to keep him from taking breaks "Sure man, I wanted to talk with her anyway" he whispered back, walking to Ryoka shortly after "Hey there... um, Ryoka was it?"


"Of course it is!" Luv replied.

Edited by Denny2669
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1 minute ago, Denny2669 said:


Icarus was about to talk with his old pals when Velvor grabbed him, it relieved him that he wasn't in trouble or anything like that, because for a second he thought his boss hired somebody to keep him from taking breaks "Sure man, I wanted to talk with her anyway" he whispered back, walking to Ryoka shortly after "Hey there... um, Ryoka was it?"


She completley failed to notice Icarus talking to her... Her mind still begrudging the though of her being old... with a blank expression and monotone voice she stares forward...

Ryoka:"Oldie... gray hairs... wrinkled skin... crossing the space street... retirement home... Bingo night on Tuesday... Diabetes tests..."

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9 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

"Um, hey, Ryoka? You alright?" Icarus asks, tapping her on the shoulder.

In the same voice

Ryoka:"Touch me again and Ray-Ray will make a fillet out of you... Tax returns, seeing my grandchildren... Paying child support..."

Her communicator went off again. It napped her back into reality.

Ryoka:"Oh hai!!! Who is it!?

Oh it'syou Arky, what's wrong?

What!? Vee-Vee started asking for me? How sweet, tell him I will mess with him in the near future and I am fiddle-dee fine! I heard Ray-Ray wanted to see me or something, but he's a big dumb-dumb!

Oh Bermy started asking questions again? Pfft... Thats all she's good for that big ol' lump of whatever the heck she's made of! Ha ha ha, Im such a kidder!

I'll go home in a while, just taking some time off in some dojo space thingy.

Yeah yeah Arky, 'kay bye-bye!!!"

She hangs up the call to notice Icarus near her

Ryoka:"Oh, it's Ikky! What 'chu want?"

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8 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

"The bad one, after that the good one should cheer me up" Polo answered.

Alright lad, the bad news is that ye Carrier's memory bank got corrupted after a failed savin' an it couldn't really save anythin'. The good one is that it was only for the last 3 months. Me will only need som' rubido and circuits, then she will be back to normal lad Jack reported to Polo, waiting for his "feedback" before starting the repair job.

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1 minute ago, Denny2669 said:

"It doesn't? Huh, I guess you were more literal that I thought when you said you were "wearing" it. May I ask why it doesn't work?" Icarus asked. To Luv, Ryoka sounded adorable, like a talking kubrow pup.... wait, that actualy sounds horrifiyng...

Ryoka:"Why pay extra when I can have what I need? Heck, I paid extra for this useless helmet!"

She removes her helmet to reveal a the face of a young girl, about only 12 years old. Her red pigtails-styled hair flows out, and her face brimming with innocence.

Ryoka:"Ah much better, hated that helmet. Hmm... looking at it now, this suitthingy makes me tall... Makes me... old... Aw no... Well my personal assistant will have to fix this... oh... Right... They... They're not here anymore... DANG IT IKKY STOP MAKING ME THINK ABOUT DUMB THINGIES! I will brand you as the next dumb-dumb!"

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Just now, (PS4)Gunbuster17_6 said:

Ryoka:"Why pay extra when I can have what I need? Heck, I paid extra for this useless helmet!"

She removes her helmet to reveal a the face of a young girl, about only 12 years old. Her red pigtails-styled hair flows out, and her face brimming with innocence.

Ryoka:"Ah much better, hated that helmet. Hmm... looking at it now, this suitthingy makes me tall... Makes me... old... Aw no... Well my personal assistant will have to fix this... oh... Right... They... They're not here anymore... DANG IT IKKY STOP MAKING ME THINK ABOUT DUMB THINGIES! I will brand you as the next dumb-dumb!"

"Oh, so you are around 10 years old. That explains so much."
He stares at her for a few seconds, trying to remember something.
"You... Remind me of my granddaughter, kid."

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3 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

"So not only did it not broadcast the footage, it didn't even save it. Great, awesome, amazing, wonderfull! Bye-bye fame! I'll miss ya!" Polo said in an almost crazy voice "Oh, you can keep working, ignore my mental breakdown" he said in a wierdly calm voice.

Easy lad, ye will only make it worse if ye don't calm down. Me will see if me can't save any lost data Jack said as he picked up his tool once again and started the repair work on the Carrier.

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Mind. Blown.

"Wow, that's really impressive... deam, looks can be decieving. How is it not too loose?"


"Thanks lad, but I'm already planning what else I can do now that has gone down the drain. Surely I became popular enough to last even without the show... yeah, I don't need the show, I'm bad at scripting stuff anyway..." Polo mumbled.

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9 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:



"Thanks lad, but I'm already planning what else I can do now that has gone down the drain. Surely I became popular enough to last even without the show... yeah, I don't need the show, I'm bad at scripting stuff anyway..." Polo mumbled.

I'm not the one to question ye decision lad, but be sure that ye made up ye mind about it Jack said as he was on his way of fixing the carrier as best as he could.

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5 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

Mind. Blown.

"Wow, that's really impressive... deam, looks can be decieving. How is it not too loose?"


Ryoka's expression exploded, as she rose from the table!

Ryoka:"WHAT THE! YOU LIL' PERV!!! How dare you think of a girl's figure and such! About how lose it is or isn't! And what do you mean by 'looks are decieving?' It couldn't be... *gasp*! That's clear signs that you were thinking about 'that' sort of thing you little perv you! I mean I don't blame you, I am just awesome and what nots, but how can you be so blunt about it Ikky! At least buy me dinner first! Treat me to a movie or something! But so bluntly you put it! Wow! I'm a mix of impressed and horrified! Ray-Ray and Vee-Vee say I'm not allowed to learn of this stuff for the next 30 years or so! Nyu!!! You are such a weirdo Ikky!

She was speaking a tone faster than can normally be picked up on, like her mouth was going 100x faster than her mind. Or something... Just what was going on inside this kid's head...?

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"Wha- What? N-No, that's not what I mean! My girlfriend is right there" Icarus said, pointing at Luv, then looking back at Ryoka "I wasn't thinking about that, I swear! I just meant that the warframe is for adults, and you're... well, not an adult. So I just thought it would be too big for you, no offense" he explained, trying his best to not trigger anything else i that kids head. But if he was single and in her age, he would possibly ask her out... did he really just think that?


Polo just kept mumbling, no need to further bother the engineer at work.

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1 minute ago, Denny2669 said:

"Wha- What? N-No, that's not what I mean! My girlfriend is right there" Icarus said, pointing at Luv, then looking back at Ryoka "I wasn't thinking about that, I swear! I just meant that the warframe is for adults, and you're... well, not an adult. So I just thought it would be too big for you, no offense" he explained, trying his best to not trigger anything else i that kids head. But if he was single and in her age, he would possibly ask her out... did he really just think that?


And back to her playful tone she went.

Ryoka:"Ha ha ha, I am triumphant! No need to try to hide your true colors Icarus sir! I know It all! Hee hee, I know you will now be called lil' Pervy! Merely because you have a girlfriend doesn't mean anything! You hath been crested as thine perv! And thou shalt remain sir perv! Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh man! I wonder If Yubi will be mad with me...! Pfft, fat chance! Oh, don't worry Ikky! I'm just teasing! Or am I!? I am such a wondrous genius!

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