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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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A Corpus ship is seen passing the Dojo, albeit from a safe distance. Soon, however, it stops, and an airlock is opened. Trash is ejected, nothing, special except... A cyan figure is seen writhing about, drifting towards the dojo's doors, as well as a few scraps of metal.

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"Now then, you said you'd like to get to know me, yes?"

She takes another sip.

"Well then, ask away pal. I'm not going anywhere."

*Enderius takes one last drink, his hand moving just under the table* 

"I'm not one for talk I suppo-" *He's cut off by a call from his communications pad*

"Just one moment"

*He steps away from the table entirely and listens to the report* "Damn corpus." *He turns back for a moment* "We might have to continue this conversation later" *He quickly grabs his helmet and makes way to the 'new arrivals' location*

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Rael sighs.


With a flick of her hair out of her face, and a quick finish of her drink, she places her helmet back on and stands up, having not brought any weapons, she simply raises her hood and begins to leave.

"If you need me I'll tag along. Might get some of that conversation continued at some point."

Edited by WingedCrusade
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*Enderius and Rael arrive, Vladof and Elith already on the scene. Elith checking the Vaubans vitals as they take him towards the medbay.* "VLadof, status report"

*Vladof Clears his throat* "Kazhetsya, chto eto Tenno byl izgnan iz zheltogo korablya, on stradal nekotoryye vozdeystviya, no nichego nekotorykh ukhod v lechebno-zaliv ne dolzhen byt' v sostoyanii ispravit'."

*Enderius nods* "Good, but I want him disarmed, and checked. Lotus forbid we just picked up some really determined intruder"

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"What happened here? What'd he drift from space?"

"Apparently." *Elith said, her little group of sentinels helping to stabilize the Vauban.* "Come on sir, you may have suffered internal damage from exposure. We need to get you to our medical center" *Her Sentinels began nudging helping him along by lifting him off his feet and carrying him to the med-bay*

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"Hm. How he survive is beyond me, but I guess stranger things have happened."

In thought, she stands, idly by.

"What now? He just simply goes to get help?"

*Enderius watches as the tenno is taken to the medical center* "No, normally there's procedure for this...but I dare you to try and stop Elith from healing a fellow Tenno"

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"This woman... called Lys is seriously injured... I have a plan to bring her back..." He replied still in a worried tone.

"You had an injured Tenno onboard...and didn't think once to seek immediate medical attention..."

Edited by SoundwavePrime
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"She is in a cryopod right now... I was thinking what to do..." He replied in an angered tone.

"That doesn't change my question. Why not just get her medical attention, by the Lotus we had the decency to pry that accursed armor from your flesh without charging a credit."

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"JUST DO IT!!!" He shouted in anger. "I'm no longer a Stalker but I can still rip your heart out you understand?"

*Enderius laughed once* "I'd like to see you try" *He moved past him towards his ship however, his intent more focused on getting medical help for the injured Tenno, rather than starting a fight*

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Pilot was walking nearby but heard the familiar speech of Enderius and Echo who he met once already. He stand behind the door and listened what is going on at the med bay. He couldn't find the Nova so he decided to wonder around places for a while before starting searching again.

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For once, even Rael was angered by the topic of the dead.

"You plan on /what?/ The dead are dead, leave them be! Everyone dies at some point, if you can't accept that, then you need to grow up buddy, bringing them back will just make things a helluva lot worse. Do me a favor, don't disrespect the dead's rest. What's gone is gone."

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