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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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((Time zones. We're US east. I can only guess that you're UK))


Upon entering the restaurant, Miranda ignored the sign that dictated that she wait for the host to escort her and merely picked the table most desirable and sat down, putting her shoes on as she did so. She looked over to Crimson. "Any ideas?"

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(Just gonna join the RP here)


As he stepped off his ship, Felix breathed in the Dojo air.  It had been several years since he had last been here, and it looked like it had changed quite a bit.  Behind him, his fellow Tenno crewman were unpacking the goods to be sold today.  While they went to the marketplace to set up shop, Felix decide he would go somewhewre and see if he could find some customers.  Hoping to find big spenders, he checked the directory for the most expensive restaurant in the area, finding one only a short walk away.  Getting to the restaurant, yelling out.


"Just shipped in, anything you could need, including exotics!  Marketplace shop #286, come on down later today"

*A Valkyr, Fae, approached the man. She bears the staff's symbol on her shoulder and speaks professionally* "Sir if you wish to sell some goods, you're more than welcome to do so in the trading area. But please don't bother the other guests"

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Miranda looked up to Crimson. "Tired are we? C'mon, it was just a little run. Ah well, I'm sure dinner will make you feel better." Upon the arrival of the waiter, Miranda eagerly requested a glass of water with lime, and began to browse the menu. "Ooh, Greek."

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In his frenzy, Droben threw out a Bastille, effectively immobilizing and temporarily disarming the sentinels as he continued to run, hopping onto another rooftop with a panicked gait.

"Oh dear..." *She said  directing one of her Dethcubes to vaporize the trap, freeing the rest. Elith still does her best to try and keep up, although failing woefully at her slow pace when she trips over herself and falls. As she hits the ground she lets out a short pained grunt seems to struggle to just stand back up. Her sentinels in pursuit immediately stop their chase and return to their mistress to help her get back on her feet. She smiles gently* "Thank you friends..." she says quietly, and a bit ashamed at her own state.* "Oh I don't want to alert Enderius...he's mad enough as is...and Fae and Vladof will just make the situation worse so..." *She pulls up her communicator* "Shyla? Can you help me. There's a man in need of treatment, but Enderius frightened him and now he's trying to run and hide. I need your Kubrow to find him"

*Shyla giggles* "Sure! I'll get our best! Be there in a few"

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Seeing the sentinels newly freed, Droben entered a full sprint. Tossing teslas left and right - though making sure not to aim any where they might hit a pedestrian - he attempted to slow if not incapacitate the sentinels en suit. Using a bounce to cross another gap, his helmet alerted him of a low energy pool. Without stopping his stride, he reached to his thighs where two odd blue-purple orbs sat holstered. Picking one of them up, he crushed it in his hand, releasing cyan energy waves which seeped into his warframe.




"I'm thinking the..." Miranda gave the menu a further look, "spetsofai sounds good. What about you?" She looked up eagerly at Crimson. Overhead, there was a light patter of footsteps as the chandelier shook a bit.

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Seeing the sentinels newly freed, Droben entered a full sprint. Tossing teslas left and right - though making sure not to aim any where they might hit a pedestrian - he attempted to slow if not incapacitate the sentinels en suit. Using a bounce to cross another gap, his helmet alerted him of a low energy pool. Without stopping his stride, he reached to his thighs where two odd blue-purple orbs sat holstered. Picking one of them up, he crushed it in his hand, releasing cyan energy waves which seeped into his warframe.




"I'm thinking the..." Miranda gave the menu a further look, "spetsofai sounds good. What about you?" She looked up eagerly at Crimson. Overhead, there was a light patter of footsteps as the chandelier shook a bit.

*The sentinels have stopped their pursuit and have gathered around Elith to protect her as she continues her 'chase'* "Please sir come back!" *She shouts. Just then Shyla rounds the corner with two Kubrow.* "Hi Elith! "I brought friends!" *The kubrow themselves aren't that big, one with a brown coat and black stripes, the other a grey kubrow with black spots, both of them bark affimritavely.* 

"Alright Shyla can you get your kubrow to get him off the roof?"

*Shyla nodded* "You can count on us!" *She cheers as she lets out a short whistle and takes off, her Kubrow following quickly behind her. The trio run ahead of Droben, attempting to cut him off before he can move again*

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Unarmed and unable to continue, Droben stopped his running and stayed on the roof of his current residence. He looked left, then right, then left again, and started to run left, leaping off of the edge of the building with unexpected speed. Unfortunately, because of his overshoot, Droben crashed directly into a Hydroid with a shiny pair of pistols at his side. Without apology, he got back to his feet and ran past, disappearing behind another building where he collapsed and began to mumble to himself. "Come on, come on," he let forth a groan of pain as the turquoise mist began to wither away from his suit. 



Miranda put on her snooty face as she said in an overly high-class voice, "Why thank you Lord Kro Crimson, it is an honor to have you take my opinion into consideration." With a light laugh, she took another sip of her drink before removing the lime and beginning to eat it.

Edited by Alad_VI
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Unarmed and unable to continue, Droben stopped his running and stayed on the roof of his current residence. He looked left, then right, then left again, and started to run left, leaping off of the edge of the building with unexpected speed. Unfortunately, because of his overshoot, Droben crashed directly into a Hydroid with a shiny pair of pistols at his side. Without apology, he got back to his feet and ran past, disappearing behind another building where he collapsed and began to mumble to himself. "Come on, come on," he let forth a groan of pain as the turquoise mist began to wither away from his suit. 



Miranda put on her snooty face as she said in an overly high-class voice, "Why thank you Lord Kro Crimson, it is an honor to have you take my opinion into consideration." With a light laugh, she took another sip of her drink before removing the lime and beginning to eat it.

((Is the hydroid your character? Cuz if not I had something in mind about that actually))

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((Felix is my friend's character))


As the waiter returned, Miranda placed her order, purposefully mispronouncing the dish. The waiter corrected her, "Oh, miss, surely you mean the spetsofai?"


"No, I mean the spitsofa."


"Miss, there is no dish on the menu known as, 'spitsofa.'


"I know what I'm talking about. Please bring me the spitsofa." The waiter shook his head in annoyance.


"Very well ma'am. I will bring you the... spitsofa." He turned to Crimson. "And you sir?" Out of the waiter's field of view, Miranda was trying her best not to make any noise as she broke down laughing in her seat, holding her breath.

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Fortunately, Shyla showed up just as the mist completely dissipated from Droben's suit. In a pained, exhausted voice he said, "I'm fine... I don't need your help. See?" He got to his feet and hopped, landing in a flamboyant pose. He landed with a grunt, a faint wisp of blue radiating off of his suit on impact. Underneath his helmet he smiled a nervous smile.




"Well then," spoke the waiter, "two... spitsofas," he said with spite. "I'll be back with your orders soon sir, ma'am." He turned hastily on his heel, storming off with their menus. A light squeak of a laugh escaped Miranda as she sat shaking in her seat.

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Droben started a little jig. "No need. I'm fine, see?" A hint of nervousness seeped through his otherwise carefree tone.




Miranda concluded her laughing fit. "Ah sorry it's just... Oh I'm really not a good person. I like to mess with people." She bit into the lime again, eating it without a single change in facial expression.

Edited by Alad_VI
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A tiny bodied Nyx happens along to see commotion caused by the Vauban, her helmet off to reveal a young girl no older than 17 with a blonde pony-tail, and fair colored caucasian skin, and bright blue eyes the color of clear ice.

She happens to peek her head around a corner to see the Vauban and Elith, a badge marking her initiate rank on her left shoulder, her frame colors are a dim white body with an orange trim to it, her energy swirling is a bright blue color that matches the shade of her eyes.

A smaller Para sentinel Carrier follows quietly alongside her, its own head casually leaning to the side to peak with her, a light Paras mask adorned with an adorably drawn - obviously meant to look scary - skull adorns the mask's front.

Edited by WingedCrusade
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Droben sighed in an exasperated manner. "Would a hurt person be able to do this?" He then proceeded to twerk, using the building's wall as a brace. When he notes the Nyx however, he collapses and enters a roll, slipping in between the legs of the Trinity. As he reached the girl he leaned against the alley wall. "Hey there baby-girl. Name's Droben. Say, just how old are you?"

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Ignoring Elith's request, Droben approached the Nyx, though kept a friendly distance. "C'mon, can you really resist this face?


"Just two young people in a city of old farts. Come on! I'll buy you a drink." He turned his head to Shyla for a moment. "And no, I am not insane. I'M JUST AN @SSHOLE!" With that, Droben through his hands to the sky as he looked upwards, laughing gloriously before immediately resuming his seduction effort. "So, how 'bout that drink milady?"


Miranda grinned shyly as their food was brought out by a very disgruntled waiter. Her face confused, she looked to him. "That was extraordinarily fast. What happened?" The waiter scoffed. "I had to take some of the spetsofai from another couple's order because as soon as possible I want you out of this restaurant! Now eat quickly!" He stormed off again. With a shrug, Miranda began her meal.

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She lets out a squeaked "Eek!" and buries herself deeper into Elith's arms.

"Make him go away, he scares me! Leave me alone you dirty pervert!"

*Elith sighed, there was no reasoning with the man it seems. She embraces the Nyx protecting her from the man. She sighed and turned to Shyla* "Shyla...I we might need...Enderius' Kubrow...."

*Shyla goes wide eyed, a look of panic washes over her face* "Are you sure?"

*Elith nods and Shyla gulps as she puts two fingers in her mouth and whistles a very loud and distinct tune. The two Kubrows begin to back away slowly as a howl rings out through the halls.*


*Opposite the hall a massive grey and black striped Kubrow comes barreling down towards the group, and when I say massive I mean he's bigger than Enderius, and Enderius is a big dude. It moves to Shyla's side, growling and snarling. The two other Kubrow trying their hardest not to flee.* "Meet Fenrir...Enderius' Kubrow." *Shyla says nervously. The beast, itself is grey with black stripes, some of them forming a lotus symbol on it's face. It's orange eyes are focused on the trouble making Vauban.* 

*Meanwhile Enderius perks up, hearing the whistle from across the way. He sighs* "Come on Rael...we still have work to do it seems"

Edited by SoundwavePrime
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