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Kela De Thaym Is An Anoying Boss Bad Design


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her attack are mostly stupid , i can deal with her millions of balls spam , but one of her atack need more work basically her kinda smoke grenade atack really &!$$ me off , its like you cant see it come you cant dodge it you cant do anything you simply die or get insane amount of damage

this autoaiming BS as to be remade

this boss is not fun to figth its not even chalenging its just stupid and frustrating

here is a great exemple of how glitched but also how stupid this boss is look til the end and you will see how bad this boss is

Edited by Stew360
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I soloed her, she's really easy.

Soloed her on ice environment so halved shields.

You must be doing something wrong 0o.

She only has 3 basic attacks lololol.

Bring a boltor or gorgon left and right dodge above a crate or something and gg dead boss in under a minute.

Edited by --Sensei--
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shes not actualy that hard with proper team / a good warframe setup i have a mag with 470 shields and 300 health and the "patoom" rockets hurt but didnt kill me the balls are easy to deal with jump up on something XD

it can be hard but she makes a good boss shes diffacult makes you move around..and watch yourself

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Box-sitting or bugging AI isn't really a good boss design, neither is 1 hit KO's that have nearly zero telegraph. She's easy if you just sit forever away on a box and tap her down, but doing anything that isn't monumentally boring is inviting a stunlock and subsequent death. Rollers are bad, 1 hit ko's are bad, and huge health pools are bad. Make a mechanic to make the rollers run into her to stun her, make parrying deflect the rockets back at her to stun/damage her, make her use zero rollers at first, but as the fight drags on she uses more as a timer mechanic, there's a ton of things DE could to to make her mor interesting than "stand on a box and spray her down".

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I soloed her, she's really easy.

Ive never said she was hard by any mean

She is stupid and bad design her spammy smoke grenade one shot or 2 shot peoples unless you are super high upgrade in life and armor and shield

if your like 60 % armor 100 shield 150 life she one shot you with a smoke ggrenade

the design of that boss is stupid she always glitch somewhere


she deserve the tittle of the worst boss of this game so far

Bad design , bad ability poor AI

not fun not chanlenging

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Box-sitting or bugging AI isn't really a good boss design, neither is 1 hit KO's that have nearly zero telegraph. She's easy if you just sit forever away on a box and tap her down, but doing anything that isn't monumentally boring is inviting a stunlock and subsequent death. Rollers are bad, 1 hit ko's are bad, and huge health pools are bad. Make a mechanic to make the rollers run into her to stun her, make parrying deflect the rockets back at her to stun/damage her, make her use zero rollers at first, but as the fight drags on she uses more as a timer mechanic, there's a ton of things DE could to to make her mor interesting than "stand on a box and spray her down".

yep this video of me soloying her tell everything about it lol

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being able to deflectprojectiles back would be awesome......I also want death to those freaking ball rolly things high level grineer use, all of them deserve to die, especially the electrocute one

the balls are ok and bring a fresh element into this game

the problem is the design of that boss how glitchy but how stupid those smoke greade one hit at super far away etc..

this boss is bad look at this video and it show how stupid it is

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I've been running a friend through Merrow for days now to help him get Saryn. What I'll give you is that the projectile is really hard to see. I do have defensive mods so I can take a few shot. For the most part though if you are having trouble don't go it alone, there is no need to. Pop onto Global Chat and see if anyone wants to do it with you. If you can't find anyone spend some time farming up an advantage...Shields and Health mods really do help!

That aside, the grenade is only a semi high speed projectile. It tracks horribly given that you aren't within a specific range [mediumish feels safe]. Stay mobile and you won't have a problem with it, standing still or getting staggered by the grinders will get you killed. Simply circling/strafing her will avoid the grenade so long as you aren't in her face, you can easily roll the rockets as well. I'm certain of this, because I fight her with a Bronco.

I am not trying to say that something isn't wrong, but honestly speaking it is not that boss...It is the infrequent nature of the common health and shield mod drops. If people weren't fighting her with their base defenses no one would be complaining about difficulty!

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I've been running a friend through Merrow for days now to help him get Saryn. What I'll give you is that the projectile is really hard to see. I do have defensive mods so I can take a few shot. For the most part though if you are having trouble don't go it alone, there is no need to. Pop onto Global Chat and see if anyone wants to do it with you. If you can't find anyone spend some time farming up an advantage...Shields and Health mods really do help!

That aside, the grenade is only a semi high speed projectile. It tracks horribly given that you aren't within a specific range [mediumish feels safe]. Stay mobile and you won't have a problem with it, standing still or getting staggered by the grinders will get you killed. Simply circling/strafing her will avoid the grenade so long as you aren't in her face, you can easily roll the rockets as well. I'm certain of this, because I fight her with a Bronco.

I am not trying to say that something isn't wrong, but honestly speaking it is not that boss...It is the infrequent nature of the common health and shield mod drops. If people weren't fighting her with their base defenses no one would be complaining about difficulty!

sorry to say but i dont need tips to beat this glitchy boss i already have all saryn part btw

i know how to beat her the only thing is her design

she is not fun to play

she is not chalenging

she is just stupidly frustrating and spammy

all she can do its spamming and the smoke grenade are deadly one hit kill for level 15 to 20 and maybe 2 to 3 shot for max out shield and life caracter

the design of this boss is really really bad

i would like to have true boss that are fun to figth and who are chalenging

by chalenging i do not mean Autoaiming super aimbot almost invisible projectiles that cant be dodge , this is the lazy way to introduce (( fake difficulty )) Uber aimbotting and uber damage isnt the way to make thing difficult the difficulty must remain in Ai behavior

and the Ai behavior link with this boss is simply super glitchy super bad and need a compleate redesign

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Haven't fought Kela yet (RNG is trolololing and not giving me a shield mod) so i can't really judge her design, but really most bosses right now are considered poorly designed bullet sponges. With the exception of Jackal, all the other bosses are really bullet spongy versions of normal enemies with a couple warframe abilities tacked on and super shields, and in some cases some kind of one-shot ability for lolz. Really, I would have preferred an overhaul of bosses and enemies for U7 instead of the Mod 2.0 system, but that's another story -_-

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I still prefer soloing this boss for fun over say, the even more boring choices of Hyena, Golem, all-the-other-bosses-cept-for-lvl80+Jackal. There's something to dodge, not all attacks are hitscan, no ridiculous shield regen to burst over, more variety in her attacks, and an instakill to keep me honest.

From the video, why did you choose to stay at such a close proximity and not relocate to the central platform to give yourself more room to maneuver out of her aoes? The high damage and limited range of the grenade is a pretty strong tell that it's an area deny skill. The same idea as the Jackal's spray of grenades.

Edited by Cakes
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Since we all know she throws grenades how about paying attention to her animations so we know when it's time to run?

look at my video and i didnt even record the part where she was spamming her nade at 1 sec interval ;) and even if you see it you cant dodge it its pin point aimbot and also as you can see in the video even if the (( smoke genade dont even hit you it one shot you with 100 shield + 150 health + 60 % armor so yeah is it overkill ?

Is it a stupid mechanics ? yes it is this is what i call a (( fake difficulty )) a lazy way to make thing look harder but its not , a fun and chalenging boss is a boss that required skills and understanding to beat properly , this boss she is not chalenging by any mean she is just anoying poor Ai really silly grenade trowing and damage

this boss need a compleate redesign , better Ai behavior better moovement and a learning curve atached to it , not a fake difficulty with silly one hit kill smoke grenade

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From the video, why did you choose to stay at such a close proximity and not relocate to the central platform to give yourself more room to maneuver out of her aoes? The high damage and limited range of the grenade is a pretty strong tell that it's an area deny skill. The same idea as the Jackal's spray of grenades.

I did that to show How glitchy she is and how spammy , i didnt record the few minutes before where she was spamming nade over nade over nade over nade every seconds but you can still see how stupid those hit detection are with those nade ;)

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Box-sitting or bugging AI isn't really a good boss design, neither is 1 hit KO's that have nearly zero telegraph. She's easy if you just sit forever away on a box and tap her down, but doing anything that isn't monumentally boring is inviting a stunlock and subsequent death. Rollers are bad, 1 hit ko's are bad, and huge health pools are bad. Make a mechanic to make the rollers run into her to stun her, make parrying deflect the rockets back at her to stun/damage her, make her use zero rollers at first, but as the fight drags on she uses more as a timer mechanic, there's a ton of things DE could to to make her mor interesting than "stand on a box and spray her down".


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