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Why Do I Even Bother?


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What's wrong with pubs using ults in survival again?


Ults have huge ranges and it cuts off shared XP range. Powers give very little XP for other things.



do to the xp system currently be optimistic it pays to sit back and let them get the kills for you because u get more xp out of it 



Ults have huge ranges and it cuts off shared XP range. Powers give very little XP for other things. Plus people would label me as an afk player, which you can be banned for.



I'm goin to try to start saying things along the lines of " not telling you how to play I'm telling you how to succeed" probably won't help but you never know.

It's not telling in the sense that I say it; I ask them politely.

Or, ya know? The new player experience of warframe basically consists of "DO LEVEL FAST GET REWARD" It's not always the newbies fault that the game does not teach them how the oxygen supplies work, or how to properly defend a pod in defense. I certainly agree there are players that do this for the lols but some of them simply don't know better and actually do listen when someone tries to teach them how to play.



Unless you didn't read an old update then you'd know that they actually changed the text/voice dialogue of the Lotus in Survival missions so that people stop doing that. She used to say "activate it to replenish oxygen" or something like that, to "activate it when your supply is low". It's also common sense to stay NEAR a defending objective in games so that it doesn't die, not run off on your own to kill things faster.

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Regarding survival, I wait at life support pod when they show and pop them when we are between 50 and 60 percent. Why camp the pod? I'm tired of people not thinking about the pod until life support is at 30 percent, and everyone making a mad rush to the capsule or evac point when they suddenly realized what happened. If you camp near the pod, you can activate it at your leisure; but I never see anyone who says "Looking for 20 minute minimum."pop a pod, or help clear the area for someone else to reach and or activate the pod.

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Regarding survival, I wait at life support pod when they show and pop them when we are between 50 and 60 percent. Why camp the pod? I'm tired of people not thinking about the pod until life support is at 30 percent, and everyone making a mad rush to the capsule or evac point when they suddenly realized what happened. If you camp near the pod, you can activate it at your leisure; but I never see anyone who says "Looking for 20 minute minimum."pop a pod, or help clear the area for someone else to reach and or activate the pod.


Personally I do 40%; I think that 50 or higher isn't a good option. You can easily get back the extra 20 - 30% oxygen by killing a few enemies, from just a few drops, wasting it.

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but I never see anyone who says "Looking for 20 minute minimum."

Really? All my games are "Staying for minimum 15 mins".

And "camping the capsule" doesn't mean to literally be in 2m radius from the capsule. The play style that I prefer (and had the most success at) is when all the team stays in the same room > activate the capsules at about 50% > when all the capsules in the room run out > everyone moves to the next room with the capsules.

Edited by DMan128
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Personally I do 40%; I think that 50 or higher isn't a good option. You can easily get back the extra 20 - 30% oxygen by killing a few enemies, from just a few drops, wasting it.

Your and my experience varries. I normally see plenty of people killing enemies, but plenty of people ignoring life support drops, particularly if they have carrier. In PUGs, people who are the most vocal about staying longer, also seem the least concerned about life support drops. I get not picking them up if life support is mostly full, but too many times I've lost PUGs because no one decided to worry about life support until it got in the 30s, and then we don't get it together in time.


Really? All my games are "Staying for minimum 15 mins".
And "camping the capsule" doesn't mean to literally be in 2m radius from the capsule. The play style that I prefer (and had the most success at) is when all the team stays in the same room > activate the capsules at about 50% > when all the capsules in the room run out > everyone moves to the next room with the capsules.

You didn't read the rest of my sentence. Most players I encounter who shout out time goals don't assist with life support collection or activation, until like 30 percent - and those PUGs always seem to then fail.


Edit Notes: Updated for formatting, spelling, and grammar.


Edit Addendum: Additionally, its worth noting that I'm only one step away from Earth in all directions (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn). High level players running lower-level life supports sometime expect more than those players can handle. Saying, "All you need to do is drop some more enemies." isn't always, well, possible in the time allotted - depending on the player's build and current resources.

Edited by PoorCensored
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[quodidname=Etsoree" post="2155255" timestamp="1393269672]Personally I do 40%; I think that 50 or higher isn't a good option. You can easily get back the extra 20 - 30% oxygen by killing a few enemies, from just a few drops, wasting it.

Your and my experience varries. I normally see plenty of people killing enemies, but plenty of people ignoring life support drops, particularly if they have carrier. In PUGs, people who are the most vocal about staying longer, also seem the least concerned about life support drops. I get not picking them up if life support is mostly full, but too many times I've lost PUGs because no one decided to worry abot life support unil it got in the 30s, and then we don't get it together in time.



I run after them if they're left behind in a room ( OCD like that so the darn marker goes away ) and I have used the Carrier ever since I maxed out all the other Sentinels, and yet I still run after them in rooms. Just a habit due to the ability not always working.


But still, I agree. A lot of people don't even bother doing anything about life support levels in Survival missions, or defending a Cryopod, or defending a Terminal. They're all selfish.

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In this case you should threat them in the same way.

No one cares about life support? Simply play along and do the same and force them to either start caring or exit early.

I barely noticed this happening anyway (playing mostly on mimas / elara / void), it's usually the other way around (wasting capsules).


Forcing them to get it themselves hurts the mission overall and your own possible goal in mind; getting credits, resources, XP, ect., which the other players are also possibly needing those as well.


If all four players are acting this way then who is going to get life support? Better to just try to save the mission yourself rather than have tons of missions that fail before you hit the 10 minute mark.


I unfortunately encounter these problems even in ODS games...

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I never really had an issue with this. when i was a noob i thougth it was awesome when some random came into a game and just owned it. Someone could learn things like tatics, what gun and frame is working out for that enemy type. I play this game often and I can't really find anything to complain about even if it is a truly FREE to play game.

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Forcing them to get it themselves hurts the mission overall and your own possible goal in mind; getting credits, resources, XP, ect., which the other players are also possibly needing those as well.


If all four players are acting this way then who is going to get life support? Better to just try to save the mission yourself rather than have tons of missions that fail before you hit the 10 minute mark.


I unfortunately encounter these problems even in ODS games...

This is the point. If they can't play as a team then personally I think that they should get penalized. The goal can wait if no one else is doing anything to get to it.

If all 4 players are acting this way, and it's my key to lose (I'm the one hosting void / ods) I simply abort (they can hate me for it, I don't care).




I never really had an issue with this. when i was a noob i thougth it was awesome when some random came into a game and just owned it. Someone could learn things like tatics, what gun and frame is working out for that enemy type. I play this game often and I can't really find anything to complain about even if it is a truly FREE to play game.

I wish more players would be like you, but from what I've seen most of the new players are refusing to communicate and listening to the ones that "actually know how to play the game".

Edited by DMan128
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Thanks Dman, people need to know that pressing and hold the "C" key will activate the voice channel. That would probably help. Warframe is intense and its soo easy to get caught up in whats going on. I like playing with all types of people. They make the world go round.

Edited by Admat
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Hmm some people are simply pricks, they fully realize that Infinity has 50 meters range, they know how XP works but they simply want all the kills for them selves. And.... I don't blame them, they should feel that way because the game is intentionally designed to make them feel that way.

If kills and scoreboards are not important and true fun in warframe lies in synergetic abilities and emphasis on co-op survival gameplay...rrrrrrrr....---Wrong! We all know it does not work that way, the weakest part of warframe is sadly the co-op aspect and until that changes players won't either. 

Emphasis is in killing stuff as fast as you can and get loot. You see it's not the players fault, the game design is what is at fault here.

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Most of the time pubing makes me want to solo.  They farm assassination missions and run off on survival missions.  When I am farming a boss that I kill in 1 sec and then have to wait for the 1 min timer for another round I just exit and get in with another group.  I would think that newbs would appreciate farming orkin cells that fast but they often don't.  I don't usually need weapon xp and could help them get a ton but they run off so w/e.  So, I just do what I want.  If you want good co-op then pm me or find a good clan.

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Abilities are meant to be used, as are rare mods that extend those abilities to absurd distances. This game isnt about neglecting your own power for the sake of leveling up someone elses weapon faster, it's about winning and staying alive. If you forget about the tedium that is level grinding, and just have FUN, you wouldn't get all bent out of shape because Player X is using his ulti.

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On those types of missions I'll wander around looting lockers and barrels until the other team gets into trouble. Then I come in and burn the whole place down as a "safety". Or I'll do things like not use my ultimate, or explore non-optimal builds, or use old weapons I haven't touched in a while.


And when the pubbies run off at 5min into Survival, I call them "wussies" and keep fighting.

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Why does anyone here even bother going into a public Defense or Survival mission? There's always one person ( now I'm seeing two ) who goes around being completely uncooperative, spamming their ultis to kill everything in a room in one go and just moving on to the next. That, and spawn camping in Defense missions before anyone has a chance to even get within shared XP range and/or get XP for their weapons.


Why bother playing either mission types now?


Why bother trying to ask people to be considerate?


Why bother trying to teach lower levels a good playstyle?


I just want everyone's thoughts on it.




Adding in Mobile Defenses to the list, and Pull / Chaos.

You seem Salty...

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This is the point. If they can't play as a team then personally I think that they should get penalized. The goal can wait if no one else is doing anything to get to it.

If all 4 players are acting this way, and it's my key to lose (I'm the one hosting void / ods) I simply abort (they can hate me for it, I don't care).


Sometimes I do abort the missions but then I don't want to go through the hassle of getting another team up.



You seem Salty...


Salty? What?

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Hmm some people are simply pricks, they fully realize that Infinity has 50 meters range, they know how XP works but they simply want all the kills for them selves. And.... I don't blame them, they should feel that way because the game is intentionally designed to make them feel that way.

If kills and scoreboards are not important and true fun in warframe lies in synergetic abilities and emphasis on co-op survival gameplay...rrrrrrrr....---Wrong! We all know it does not work that way, the weakest part of warframe is sadly the co-op aspect and until that changes players won't either. 

Emphasis is in killing stuff as fast as you can and get loot. You see it's not the players fault, the game design is what is at fault here.


This is a very good point honestly. The game needs to have more cooperation in it, and DE is working around the clock almost for us. I still say blame the players for not learning, heh.



Why are you so stuck up on idea that everyone should play to level up your weapons?



Being Mastery 15, I'm not. I'm trying to get other players to hopefully learn how to play missions "correctly", or how to use their own weapons rather than their win buttons.



Abilities are meant to be used, as are rare mods that extend those abilities to absurd distances. This game isnt about neglecting your own power for the sake of leveling up someone elses weapon faster, it's about winning and staying alive. If you forget about the tedium that is level grinding, and just have FUN, you wouldn't get all bent out of shape because Player X is using his ulti.



Winning everything is not always fun for a lot of people. You're stating that as a fact, too. It makes your point honestly invalid I would say...

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Sometimes, when I'm in a good mood, I go to Apollodorus just to teach new players how to play Survival propely. So yeah, you could say I ran out of things to do in Warframe.

Why put yourself through this hell?

A typical chat window in Apollodorus when a noob is turns up with his Exacliber and starter gear.

"Stay in sight so I can get to you to revive you"

"Don't touch those till at least the 70% mark"

"Please don't touch those till at least the 70% mark"

"I said stay in sight, I might not be able to get over to you next time"

"Don't touch those again"

Watches the noob burn through 4 revives trying to get to extraction on his own.

It's frustrating, because if they just listen you can carry a nubblet for 25 to 30 mins, get them a boat load of XP and resources if they just pay attention.

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*watches the noob burn through 4 revives trying to get to extraction on his own*

It's frustrating, because if they just listen you can carry a nubblet for 25 to 30 mins, get them a boat load of XP and resources if they just pay attention.


I took the liberty and added the appropriate needed astericks.


Anyway, I don't have a PS4, but how are you even able to use chat functions on the PS4 version of the game?


Either way you have a good point.


There's too many people that do not listen now.

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