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How Would You Balance Trinity?


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The first one is opinion base "I think" so I won't get anywhere near that. 


2nd paragraph. Remove that mod on your trinity. Her power basically work the same as invisibility but with higher energy cost, less duration, but able to regain health + affect the whole team. My suggestion is reduce the affecting the whole team. 


Base on what you said, anything with duration should be remove in game then? As currently, hysteria, smoke screen, invisibility, bastle, etc all have that. Yet not many people touch them, because their power currently doesn't affect other player much compare to trinity. 


You haven't suggest any compensation for trinity with nerf blessing. So I can't really find any agreement here. 

Just because I say "I think" doesn't mean that I don't have reasons.  I could provide them if you cared to know them, but they were beyond the scope of the thread, so I omitted them.


Invisibility can still be hurt.  I'd also be fine with some enemies having "thermal goggles" or some such mechanic so that they can see invisible Tenno.


Where on earth did you come with that?  Ironically though, every ability you listed there is one that I'd like to change.


Umm.. did you miss my post a couple pages back where I suggested quite a few things for her?




-Energy: 25

-Description: heals and removes all statuses from an ally

-Effect: cleanses a target of all ailments and heals them for {100/150/200/250} health; ally is protected from further status ailments for {3/4/5/6} seconds; casting with no target applies effect to self.

-Reasoning: WoL is far too competitive with Blessing.  It needs a unique effect.


Energy Vampire

-Energy: 50

-Description: Trinity drains the life force from enemies, replenishing allied energy reserves

-Effect: Trinity removes {1/1.5/2/2.5}% of each surrounding enemy's current health every second for {4/5/6/7} seconds.  Enemies are gradually slowed as the effect wears on.  Allies regenerate {0.5/1.0/1.5/2.0} energy per second for each enemy within 15m of Trinity.  Multiple Trinities may not stack the effect.

-Reasoning: I felt like this would do a better job of playing well with Warframe's meta.



-Energy: 75

-Description: Trinity links the minds of all nearby forces, causing enemies to feel the pain of others

-Effect: a network is created among all forces within {12/14/16/18}m of Trinity for {5/7/8/9} seconds.  {40/45/50/55}% of damage to allies is diverted and is instead dealt to each enemy in the network.  Each enemy in the network also takes {3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5}% of any damage dealt to any other enemy in the network.  Damage dealt by the network does not recirculate through the network.

-Reasoning: This makes Trinity more of a team-player when it comes to Link.



-Energy: 100

-Description: Trinity revives allies and briefly protects them from all harm

-Effect: all live allies are instantly healed to full health/shields; all bleeding out or dead allies are instantly revived with full health and {20/40/60/80}% shields; allies receive 3 seconds of invulnerability, stagger-immunity, and a {20/30/40/50}% sprint speed boost; cast time is near-instant

-Reasoning: I felt this would allow much more tactical play by letting her save downed allies and make clutch blocks

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Personally, I like the lobster tail.


And just to clarify, you would agree with the following statements then?


1. Well of Life is not redundant with Blessing.

2. Energy Vampire does not have usability problems related to teammates killing the target.

3. Link is fine.

4. God-mode is fine.

1. Well of Life is redundant not because of blessing, but because I one-shot everything up to level 40's. So how about we buff or change WoL so it's actually useful?

2. Again, I instant kill a lot of things, this needs to be changed as it is crap currently.

3. Link is fine.

4. Blessing is fine.



Yea ok:



That's cool, let me just go spend 3 million credits and thousands of fusion cores to max Narrow Minded.

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You want reasons for why I think what I do?  I assure you, I've got plenty.


Invisibility can still be hurt.  I'd also be fine with some enemies having "thermal goggles" or some such mechanic so that they can see invisible Tenno.


Where on earth did you come with that?  Ironically though, every ability you listed there is one that I'd like to change.


Umm.. did you miss my post a couple pages back where I suggested quite a few things for her?



Yes, it can still be hurt, but if you careful enough you can completely avoid it. 

I listed the one that you like to change, then it's opinion base regarding scale abilities and non-scale. Pretty sure most people here enjoy the game for it's scaling abilities mechanic. 

Yes I totally missed you post, I won't say anything regarding your suggest change in WoL, EV, or link, as this topic seemed to concentrate more on blessing. By reading your suggestion on blessing: 

You wanted Trinity able to revive dead allies? Well isn't that pointless though, every frame got 4 free revives, so unless you played the run for very long, you wouldn't even need to revive any allies. So that ability is just there for show most of the time. How many runs you encounter where allies keep dying unless they at very high lvl def/ survival run? Also if Trinity die, will she rez herself then? Your suggestion is not very clear. 

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1. Well of Life is redundant not because of blessing, but because I one-shot everything up to level 40's. So how about we buff or change WoL so it's actually useful?

2. Again, I instant kill a lot of things, this needs to be changed as it is crap currently.

3. Link is fine.

4. Blessing is fine.


That's cool, let me just go spend 3 million credits and thousands of fusion cores to max Narrow Minded.

You don't need Narrow Minded at all to keep up invincibility. Although you risk a second of mortality now and then.






  • Maximized Power Duration increases duration to 77.1 seconds (1 minute and 17.1 seconds.
    • Has no negative effect on this ability.


If this is what you want to argue then I could list tons of other frames in that case. 


You can take damage while invisible.


And there's plenty of risk in using hysteria, most of the time you'll do less damage as well.


Neither is as good as Blessing (even if it only affected Trinity).

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You can take damage while invisible.


And there's plenty of risk in using hysteria, most of the time you'll do less damage as well.


Neither is as good as Blessing (even if it only affected Trinity).

1. with a higher duration, less casting time, and less energy cost, and it's a 2nd skill. 

2. did you see that long duration hysteria can have. Yes, it incapacitated valkyr but at the same time making her one of the top survival frame. 

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1. Well of Life is redundant not because of blessing, but because I one-shot everything up to level 40's. So how about we buff or change WoL so it's actually useful?

2. Again, I instant kill a lot of things, this needs to be changed as it is crap currently.

3. Link is fine.

4. Blessing is fine.

You said she didn't need balancing.  Care to clarify the disconnect between this and what you said earlier?


Why not?  Lots of people have fun with just one ability.

It seems unfortunately simplistic.  Babies can get around by crawling, but the more complex act of walking is more useful.


Why not widen their horizons and diversify their gameplay?



Yes, it can still be hurt, but if you careful enough you can completely avoid it. 


I listed the one that you like to change, then it's opinion base regarding scale abilities and non-scale. Pretty sure most people here enjoy the game for it's scaling abilities mechanic. 


Yes I totally missed you post, I won't say anything regarding your suggest change in WoL, EV, or link, as this topic seemed to concentrate more on blessing. By reading your suggestion on blessing: 


You wanted Trinity able to revive dead allies? Well isn't that pointless though, every frame got 4 free revives, so unless you played the run for very long, you wouldn't even need to revive any allies. So that ability is just there for show most of the time. How many runs you encounter where allies keep dying unless they at very high lvl def/ survival run? Also if Trinity die, will she rez herself then? Your suggestion is not very clear. 

Which is why I said I'd like thermal goggles enemies.  I guess it's similar to Notion's "Ancient healer *resists* your Molecular Prime*" thread.


I have nothing against abilities that scale well on principle.  I do take issue with abilities that trivialize difficulty which is what extended-duration invulnerability does.


Every frame does get free revives, but bleedout can be quite lengthy sometimes and you need that extra teammate helping you.  There have been a ton of times I've wished I could instantly rez someone on my team, especially if they're far away.  All those times where I've been just a second too late.  I'm not sure where you get the idea of her rezing herself, but no she couldn't.  You can't use abilities while downed, I'm not sure where you got that idea...

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1. with a higher duration, less casting time, and less energy cost, and it's a 2nd skill. 

2. did you see that long duration hysteria can have. Yes, it incapacitated valkyr but at the same time making her one of the top survival frame. 

 Valkyr will never top trinity in survival. Trinity Replaces valkyr for everyone with a superior version of the ult since everyone can use their ranged weapons. Valkyr is 70 seconds to trinities 30 for 4 people. 30x4= 120. 120 seconds of superior invulnerability spread upon 4 team mates.


Obviously there are holes in what I said here but point still stands.

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You said she didn't need balancing.  Care to clarify the disconnect between this and what you said earlier?


It seems unfortunately simplistic.  Babies can get around by crawling, but the more complex act of walking is more useful.


Why not widen their horizons and diversify their gameplay?



Which is why I said I'd like thermal goggles enemies.  I guess it's similar to Notion's "Ancient healer *resists* your Molecular Prime*" thread.


I have nothing against abilities that scale well on principle.  I do take issue with abilities that trivialize difficulty which is what extended-duration invulnerability does.


Every frame does get free revives, but bleedout can be quite lengthy sometimes and you need that extra teammate helping you.  There have been a ton of times I've wished I could instantly rez someone on my team, especially if they're far away.  All those times where I've been just a second too late.  I'm not sure where you get the idea of her rezing herself, but no she couldn't.  You can't use abilities while downed, I'm not sure where you got that idea...

thermal goggles? Are we fixing trinity or the enemies, I doubt Dev would even considered that a tiniest bit. 


If trinity can't rez herself, and her blessing won't work. She might as well be useless actually, since she will die earlier than her teammates. I can assured you that will happen. In order to rez someone, you need to survive longer than that person, nowhere in your suggestion that you gave her that kind of compensation.

Her 4th, therefore will be the weakest. I haven't see anyone dying lately in any run but long survival/def. So for trinity's 4th to only be useful at that point, it kinda pointless. 

 Valkyr will never top trinity in survival. Trinity Replaces valkyr for everyone with a superior version of the ult since everyone can use their ranged weapons. Valkyr is 70 seconds to trinities 30 for 4 people. 30x4= 120. 120 seconds of superior invulnerability spread upon 4 team mates.

I already suggested regarding reduce blessing's effect on team members but keep the current blessing for trinity. This way it'll solve your problem no. 

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You don't need Narrow Minded at all to keep up invincibility. Although you risk a second of mortality now and then.

Yes, you do need Narrow Minded. Otherwise Blessing is useless due to being vulnerable for too long.

You said she didn't need balancing.  Care to clarify the disconnect between this and what you said earlier?

Yes, she doesn't need balancing. Her skills need to be fixed. There's no such thing as "balancing" when half of her skills are broken due to game design.

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 I already suggested regarding reduce blessing's effect on team members but keep the current blessing for trinity. This way it'll solve your problem no. 

That doesn't make sense the point of her as a frame is to bolster ALLIES not herself. The argument is that there is no risk at all to the skill at all. Making it only work on herself only removes the point of the frame and doesn't fix the root problem (she can't die). If anything it should instead be trinity can't be under the affect of the invincibility. This way the risk for her team is that they need to protect her which is what it should be anyways as she is supposed to be squishy. In no way would she ever be useless with her ult providing invulnerability so I am not sure why you continue to say this.


Its like saying if they made it so rhino stomp couldn't cc bosses/leader mobs anymore that the skill would be useless. Obviously this isn't the case nor would it be for trinity. The fact that she is underplayed is only indicative of a poor kit design and not balance in anyway.


Edit: And yes the root cause to all of this is corrupted mods but at this point with the fact that balancing around them has already started it would be awkward for those that have already received changes if they just nerfed them now.

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thermal goggles? Are we fixing trinity or the enemies, I doubt Dev would even considered that a tiniest bit. 


If trinity can't rez herself, and her blessing won't work. She might as well be useless actually, since she will die earlier than her teammates. I can assured you that will happen. In order to rez someone, you need to survive longer than that person, nowhere in your suggestion that you gave her that kind of compensation.

Her 4th, therefore will be the weakest. I haven't see anyone dying lately in any run but long survival/def. So for trinity's 4th to only be useful at that point, it kinda pointless. 

I already suggested regarding reduce blessing's effect on team members but keep the current blessing for trinity. This way it'll solve your problem no. 

I was just providing an instance where I would like to change another frame.  It was asserted that invisibility would need changes as well if I were correct, and I agreed and provided a quick idea as to what I'd do.


I'm really not understanding where you're coming from.  You only have to survive to rez someone if you're doing it in the traditional way where you're standing over them for several seconds.  My Blessing idea would allow her to rez someone instantly from several tiles away, meaning that she'd be well out of harm's way...  If you don't see people dying, you must have a very different experience than I do.  I see it quite frequently, especially among Penta users.





SEIZE, if I may, I'd like to clarify something.  Fundamentally, we are disagreeing on the justification behind removing her personal extended-duration invincibility, correct?


If I were to give my stance, I would say that it is inappropriate for her to have such because it trivializes difficulty.  I believe you agree that it trivializes difficulty, but your counter-argument is that it is irrelevant because it does not hurt me, correct?  In response, I say that players (even those aside from myself) should not have access to that which trivializes difficulty.  The game should not merely retain difficulty because you elect to gimp yourself.  Such is poor game design and should be rectified.  Beyond that, I could come up with a circumstance where it negatively impacts me.  Let's say that I and another Trinity went into the same game.  Wouldn't the other one be superior and be able to perform their job better, negating any use for me and thus reducing my agency in the game?  On top of that, doesn't self-boosting defy the very point of a support frame?

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It seems unfortunately simplistic.  Babies can get around by crawling, but the more complex act of walking is more useful.


Why not widen their horizons and diversify their gameplay?


You're not widening their horizon's or diversifying their game play.  You're taking away what they enjoy.  Options widen horizon's or diversify game play.

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You're not widening their horizon's or diversifying their game play.  You're taking away what they enjoy.  Options widen horizon's or diversify game play.

Umm...  I'm trying to give them several options and make it so that one of them isn't always a given.  Did you also miss the post where I suggested a rework to her that would open up 1-3 for more use and hopefully make her 4 more tactical?


Am I taking away what they enjoy?  I suppose, yes, but I'm trying to replace it with more things which they'd enjoy more in total and would be healthier for the game.

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You're not widening their horizon's or diversifying their game play.  You're taking away what they enjoy.  Options widen horizon's or diversify game play.

Options are nice so whats the option that trumps trinities god-mode? You mentioned giving enemies the capability of countering players. I actually quite like this idea however in the absence of such mobs the skill has no counter. I vote you open a thread for feedback on your idea as here it wouldn't get as much attention as I feel it deserves. If it is implemented and makes me feel worry even though I have a trinity in my group A+ to you sir.


Until then I am going to leave any group I see regardless of how far into a mission I am if I see a trinity as I would like to actually maintain interest in the game I currently love so much.


Edit: I find it kind of awkward I use the trinity icon at this point.

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Options are nice so whats the option that trumps trinities god-mode? You mentioned giving enemies the capability of countering players. I actually quite like this idea however in the absence of such mobs the skill has no counter. I vote you open a thread for feedback on your idea as here it wouldn't get as much attention as I feel it deserves. If it is implemented and makes me feel worry even though I have a trinity in my group A+ to you sir.


Until then I am going to leave any group I see regardless of how far into a mission I am if I see a trinity as I would like to actually maintain interest in the game I currently love so much.

Notion made a thread called something like "Ancient Healer *resists* your Molecular Prime" or some such thing a while back on this very subject.  It's a good read.  Unfortunately, it's beyond the scope of this thread I think.

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I was just providing an instance where I would like to change another frame.  It was asserted that invisibility would need changes as well if I were correct, and I agreed and provided a quick idea as to what I'd do.


I'm really not understanding where you're coming from.  You only have to survive to rez someone if you're doing it in the traditional way where you're standing over them for several seconds.  My Blessing idea would allow her to rez someone instantly from several tiles away, meaning that she'd be well out of harm's way...  If you don't see people dying, you must have a very different experience than I do.  I see it quite frequently, especially among Penta users.





SEIZE, if I may, I'd like to clarify something.  Fundamentally, we are disagreeing on the justification behind removing her personal extended-duration invincibility, correct?


If I were to give my stance, I would say that it is inappropriate for her to have such because it trivializes difficulty.  I believe you agree that it trivializes difficulty, but your counter-argument is that it is irrelevant because it does not hurt me, correct?  In response, I say that players (even those aside from myself) should not have access to that which trivializes difficulty.  The game should not merely retain difficulty because you elect to gimp yourself.  Such is poor game design and should be rectified.  Beyond that, I could come up with a circumstance where it negatively impacts me.  Let's say that I and another Trinity went into the same game.  Wouldn't the other one be superior and be able to perform their job better, negating any use for me and thus reducing my agency in the game?  On top of that, doesn't self-boosting defy the very point of a support frame?

You basically changing an ability that only affect themselves regardless whether it affect you or not without considered players who are fine with invisibility and blessing. 

Yes, you only have to survive to rez someone, but can you imagine yourself to main a frame like that? As I already mentioned each frame got 4 free revives.

You turned a frame from having this invincible into a rezzing machine whose purpose is to wait for someone to die then rez them while they can not rez themselves. I wouldn't mind a change to trinity if you were able to suggest a better way of tweaking her instead of the trinity in your suggestion. 

I haven't read your post but can very well guess, not many would support that idea. 

Haven't you heard of someone saying "use only when useful, cast away if doesn't need", that exactly the definition of trinity in your suggestion. She's a good for nothing frame. 

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My personal change to Well of Life.


A targeted AOE, target one enemy with the skill and it affects enemies in a radius.

All enemies are "primed" to show the effect is in effect.

Allies gain a 20% damage bonus against affected enemies.

Ally who kills the enemies gets a percentage of health restored.


It no longer gives enemies 10x more HP.


There now it at least still heals, as well as providing something that blessing doesn't do, giving it an actual purpose beyond a crappy blessing.

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You basically changing an ability that only affect themselves regardless whether it affect you or not without considered players who are fine with invisibility and blessing. 


Yes, you only have to survive to rez someone, but can you imagine yourself to main a frame like that? As I already mentioned each frame got 4 free revives.


You turned a frame from having this invincible into a rezzing machine whose purpose is to wait for someone to die then rez them while they can not rez themselves. I wouldn't mind a change to trinity if you were able to suggest a better way of tweaking her instead of the trinity in your suggestion. 


I haven't read your post but can very well guess, not many would support that idea. 


Haven't you heard of someone saying "use only when useful, cast away if doesn't need", that exactly the definition of trinity in your suggestion. She's a good for nothing frame. 

Bad game design is bad game design...  Players shouldn't have access to that which trivializes difficulty.


Actually, yes.


She still has global instant max-heal and three seconds of invulnerability on her ult.  The fact that she can rez is just a bonus.


Umm.. which post are you referring to?


The Trinity I suggested would be useful under the following situations:


1. squad afflicted by status (Restore)

2. squad low on health (Restore and Blessing)

3. squad low on energy (Energy Vampire)

4. squad wants more damage (Energy Vampire and Link)

5. squad wants to take less damage (Link and Blessing)

6. squad needs to escape FAST (Blessing)

7. downed ally that is too far to rez in time the normal way (Blessing)


Between those situations, I feel like that encompasses most games.  She seems pretty reasonable to me.  I'm thoroughly confused why you're focusing so heavily on rezzing being a bad thing.  She still gets a rangeless max-heal and some invulnerability...



Also, you completely ignored the second half of my post...

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Bad game design is bad game design...  Players shouldn't have access to that which trivializes difficulty.


Actually, yes.


She still has global instant max-heal and three seconds of invulnerability on her ult.  The fact that she can rez is just a bonus.


Umm.. which post are you referring to?


The Trinity I suggested would be useful under the following situations:


1. squad afflicted by status (Restore)

2. squad low on health (Restore and Blessing)

3. squad low on energy (Energy Vampire)

4. squad wants more damage (Energy Vampire and Link)

5. squad wants to take less damage (Link and Blessing)

5. squad needs to escape FAST (Blessing)

6. downed ally that is too far to rez in time the normal way (Blessing)


Between those situations, I feel like that encompasses most games.  She seems pretty reasonable to me.  I'm thoroughly confused why you're focusing so heavily on rezzing being a bad thing.  She still gets a rangeless max-heal and some invulnerability...



Also, you completely ignored the second half of my post...

the bad game design is in your opinion part.

You said you make a post regarding trinity's suggestion change right? 

Is restore and blessing two different skill? 


2. How do you take less damage? Link only work for trinity. Blessing given invisibility. The only change to blessing that I read from you is to revive allies. 

3. How many players do you see using Trinity's energy vampire? 99% of the time they don't even know that trinity using it. 

4. EV gaining energy, link only affect trinity. Again...

5. That's two 5 you posting there. 


ok, I stop posting reply to your situation because here's why. There are many frames, in just one of their abilities, they capable of doing more than one job. 

Exp: Warcry

1. Squad can take less damage

2. Squad can deal higher damage

3. Squad can outrun enemies

4. Squad have higher attack speed


exp: invisibility

1. Can run away from enemies

2. Can easier deal damage

3. Can revive allies

4. Can reach destination faster


This is what you doing right now with trinity. One abilities can be use in several different situations. That applied to your blessing suggestion change as well

I'm not here arguing with you about your suggestion about trinity because it's totally against my idea. 

When you suggest something, you are to think: "Is that a frame I'm willing to main if such change occur?" or I'm just changing a frame so that my own main frame will be better than said frame. 

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When you suggest something, you are to think: "Is that a frame I'm willing to main if such change occur?" or I'm just changing a frame so that my own main frame will be better than said frame. 

As a person who plays prefers support in most games if they took the invulnerability off of trinity and changed her kit around to be more active, less clunky and less god mode I would hop on my trinity in a heartbeat. I tend to not use many of other warframe skills anyways, so giving me my niche role without making me feel like I am cheating would make me giddy. 


Currently I play Oberon in groups but all I use is his renewal and his ult every so often.

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As a person who plays support if they took the invulnerability off of trinity and changed her kit around to be more active, less clunky and less god mode I would hop on my trinity in a heartbeat. I tend to not use many of other warframe skills anyways, so giving me my niche role without making me feel like I am cheating would make e giddy.

I'm replying to the other person with their suggestion change. 

Have you even suggest anything?

Also, it won't make you feel like cheating if you don't use that ability at all. 

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I'm replying to the other person with their suggestion change. 

Have you even suggest anything?

Also, it won't make you feel like cheating if you don't use that ability at all. 

Do you bother to read threads? Or do you just post oblivious to what goes on in them? Read up I suggested and commented plenty of times so far.


Edit: As for not cheating because I don't use the ability. Her 1 is clunky, her 2 normally ends up in me wasting energy because team mates kill them. Her 3 makes me feel like a tank more than a support (because why would a support frame have a damage redirection ability) and her ult is god mode. So no I don't like trinity the way she is, but yes I would play her if they fixed her huge flaws.

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the bad game design is in your opinion part.

You said you make a post regarding trinity's suggestion change right? 

Is restore and blessing two different skill? 


2. How do you take less damage? Link only work for trinity. Blessing given invisibility. The only change to blessing that I read from you is to revive allies. 

3. How many players do you see using Trinity's energy vampire? 99% of the time they don't even know that trinity using it. 

4. EV gaining energy, link only affect trinity. Again...

5. That's two 5 you posting there. 


ok, I stop posting reply to your situation because here's why. There are many frames, in just one of their abilities, they capable of doing more than one job. 

Exp: Warcry

1. Squad can take less damage

2. Squad can deal higher damage

3. Squad can outrun enemies

4. Squad have higher attack speed


exp: invisibility

1. Can run away from enemies

2. Can easier deal damage

3. Can revive allies

4. Can reach destination faster


This is what you doing right now with trinity. One abilities can be use in several different situations. That applied to your blessing suggestion change as well

I'm not here arguing with you about your suggestion about trinity because it's totally against my idea. 

When you suggest something, you are to think: "Is that a frame I'm willing to main if such change occur?" or I'm just changing a frame so that my own main frame will be better than said frame. 

Two fives was a typo.  I've since corrected it.


So when I quoted myself to show you the thing I'd been referencing assuming you'd read it already, you just didn't read it then either?  You're trying to argue about something, yet you didn't ever read the source to know what you're arguing about or against?  I'd understand if I'd linked you to a wall of text, but the section that I quoted of myself isn't long at all...


Maybe I'm not being clear?  If I need to clarify something, I'll happily do so, but... You're not understanding at all what I said...  At all... You're responding as if you're missing a good chunk of my posts...  I'm assuming that there's a reasonable human being on the other end of that username, so is the website bugging and you're just not seeing everything I'm writing?


Do you realize you're using a straw man argument?  You're attacking small portions of what I said as if they were standalone when they weren't...  The Blessing I came up with for instance heals, rezzes, provides stagger immunity, and a speed boost.  You're saying it can't perform multiple tasks, but I'm pretty sure that between those four mechanics, it can.


To be perfectly honest, I'm thoroughly confused as to where you're coming from at this point.  It's like you're just ignoring swaths of what I'm writing and then basing your response on what little you did read...

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Do you bother to read threads? Or do you just post oblivious to what goes on in them? Read up I suggested and commented plenty of times so far.


Edit: As for not cheating because I don't use the ability. Her 1 is clunky, her 2 normally ends up in me wasting energy because team mates kill them. Her 3 makes me feel like a tank more than a support (because why would a support frame have a damage redirection ability) and her ult is god mode. So no I don't like trinity the way she is, but yes I would play her if they fixed her huge flaws.

Support mean your ability affect other's players as well, regardless it's still a support. 

Her one is useful if you don't want to affect your team with blessing, cost less energy, less casting time. 

Her 2nd is very in synergy with Trinity along with the rest of her ability. 

Hello, why can't a frame had more than one component/ exp: Rhino, is he a tank? Why would he need crowd control ability or damage buff? 

Frost is defender right? Why does he need avalanche or any of offensive ability? 

Nova is offender right? Why did she need worm hole? 

Trinity can't keep link+ blessing on at the same time spamming them without her 2nd ability and you said energy vampire is a waste of energy?


Anyone playing trinity well enough would know that energy vampire is better than just a skill that you called "wasting energy" 

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