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Everyone Hates Rng

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Instead of grinding for hours on end to get the Harvester, Stalker, or The Grustrag Three to show why not make them attack you after 20 missions instead of grinding for more than 2 or 4 days at most besides the RNG does affect mods you pick up anymore so why can they do that to the mini bosses and EVERYONE hates RNG for so many reasons like seriously people don't you think that DE should have done something about this already by now.

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RNG sucks. That is all. For me it's the biggest problem with this game.


RNG sucks so bad, when an Oxium Osprey is downed, and drops an Oxium "package", and a teammate and I collect that "package" (the object on the floor), I get 2 Oxium and he gets 1. Too much is left up to random number generator. There needs to be more consistency. Have Oxium Ospreys drop 2 Oxium every time. Have Stalker show up on the very next mission following the assassination of a Grineer boss. Have the Harvester show up the very next (or even next x amount of missions) after assassinating a Corpus boss (or even a capture). Have Grustrag Three show up very next (or again, x number of) mission(s) after going through a full invasion run (5 missions on same mission node). Have certain bosses drop certain rewards every time. It's not going to kill the game.

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This game is based on RNG, I don't hate RNG I love RNG. RNG is the best.


Are you okay?

I think RNG may have consumed you, I'm sending for help now.

Edited by Rathie
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RNG works as an ilusion of chance actually it is chance... it makes things more interesting this is not a single player game with a limited lifespan, this game is designed to be played for hundreds of hours, you have to like redoing missions and such to enjoy it, the randomly generated maps make it work wonderfully imo.

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I'm hoping that most of it will go away, it is not all bad.

But when it has its nasty streaks(Trying to get that one mod that eludes you), it can be aggravating.

Maybe RNG that is not layered would be nice. 

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mmo stands for massively multiplayer operated, that is what warframe is amongst a lot of other characteristics.


true Warframe is an MMO but it isn't like most MMOs you can actually do thing in this and it 10 times as better than other MMOs but the RNG sucks compared to others seriously I played W.o.W. and I could get what I needed in an hour or 2 give or take

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Inb4 "You're lazy and you just want everything handed to you"


The biggest problem with RNG is that you can have one guy that plays a few rounds (under 10 for instance) and gets exactly what he wants within those runs. Then you have the next guy that does 200 rounds and gets absolutely nothing of what he needs. 


Most of the players I've seen complain about RNG have worked their asses off over and over and over just to get one thing. We need a @(*()$ token system already so that players that aren't favored by the random number $&*^s actually obtain what they want ingame.


My biggest gripe from a game design standpoint on RNG when it comes to Warframe is DE's overreliance on it to "reward" players. I'd be fine with it if it wasn't the only constant thing in the game.

Edited by BizarreFetalChimpanzee
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true I've seen that and I've even done over 200+ round and NEVER gotten what I wanted until the 300th time and then I'd be pissed as to other players who get things with ease and a token system would be good but that'll never happen there should be a little place on the Solar System where we can actually go to the Harvester, Grustrag Three, and Stalker and kill them and get what we need but that'll never happen.

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I always upvote RNG complaints (because they are usually justified).



Just did a 35 minute T2 Survival.  3 Credit rewards, 3 Paris Prime BPs, 1 Fusion core reward.



RNG is borokin.

I see what you did there....


On topic: That's another major annoyance with RNG; it rarely feels like you're being properly rewarded for your actions. 

Edited by BizarreFetalChimpanzee
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