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About Volt's Speed


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Just a small idea.


Volt's speed says "Volt energizes his body and nearby Warframes, giving them increased speed and dexterity for a short time.


I like Speed, but I think it needs more speed ups in other areas.


1) Reloading speed


2) Knockdown recovery and rolling


3) Climbing ledges. Not wall-running, because Speed already boosts that, I'm referring to the animation where you hop up at the ledge.


4) Weapon swapping


5) Semi-auto weapons fire faster (This one is debatable is the semi-auto limit is the weapon limitation, or the trigger finger)


I know Volt's getting his rework eventually, ut I think Speed could use these features aswell.





Edited by Jin_Lightning
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I think Volt is perfect the way he is.

I can half agree with you. I started using Volt again, and I DO like his skillset, but like alot of other frames, he needs number tweaks.


But these ideas for Speed are great, and it would make all animations go much faster. 





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1) Reloading speed


2) Knockdown recovery and rolling


3) Climbing ledges. Not wall-running, because Speed already boosts that, I'm referring to the animation where you hop up at the ledge.


4) Weapon swapping


Jin! This is an excellent set of ideas. Areas I'm sure more than a few of us have noticed and see room for improvement on. Let's hope this thread gets somewhere. 

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Hastening all actions would at least stay true to the ability's description. Right now, there's no "dexterity" to speak of, it only ups the speed of your walking/running (and related actions) and melee swings, but beyond that nothing; you're not more nimble, your blocks and dodges don't have higher damage reduction, your reload and trigger-pulling skills don't change :|

Edited by ScorpDK
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Hastening all actions would at least stay true to the ability's description. Right now, there's no "dexterity" to speak of, it only ups the speed of your walking/running (and related actions) and melee swings, but beyond that nothing; you're not more nimble, your blocks and dodges don't have higher damage reduction, your reload and trigger-pulling skills don't change :|

Bingo! Although the blocking part I think is a Melee 2.0 issue.

But yes, all of that would serve Speed better, making the skill more immersive and stronger, and not OP..



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No, I'm sorry. Volt is one of the few frames in the game that can use all 4 abilities and be useful. The same cannot be said for most Warframes.


Fix other things before 'fixing' something that isn't broken.


Also, speed is fine the way it is and it does not need a buff. The skill fulfills its intended purpose.

Edited by Dominus_Tenno
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As an active Volt player I can only say that I agree with you there. Speed is the only skill that needs big rework. Others however do not (shock in particular, it is pretty much his best skill tbh). Electric shield is not bad but I think it should be affected by stretch.

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No, I'm sorry. Volt is one of the few frames in the game that can use all 4 abilities and be useful. The same cannot be said for most Warframes.


Fix other things before 'fixing' something that isn't broken.


Also, speed is fine the way it is and it does not need a buff. The skill fulfills it's intended purpose.

It's just an addition, I'm not taking anything away.


As an active Volt player I can only say that I agree with you there. Speed is the only skill that needs big rework. Others however do not (shock in particular, it is pretty much his best skill tbh). Electric shield is not bad but I think it should be affected by stretch.

Thank you, sir. I actually think that Volt doesn't really need a REWORK, but he needs more...well, numbers.


All four of his abilities work great, they just need a 'numbers' boost. Shock for dmg, but nothing severe, Electric Shield for Stretch, and maybe Overload for dmg.


Just numbers is all. His skillset is amazing, but the numbers aren't there.


But that might just be me.



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I agree that adding that simple extra degree of utility to Speed would significantly improve his usefulness to the team at just about any level by increasing general DPS.

As it stands his Speed makes him a good boss run frame but further dexterity would give him the ability to scale as a frame without just being a novelty.


When I first got him I was under the impression it would do that already, I was genuinely surprised how limited it was.


As for his other abilities Shock and Jesus just need more stun on them. The proc rate increase on Shock actually made it useful, if they jolted for longer and you had Speed amping fire rate you could go to town.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree that adding that simple extra degree of utility to Speed would significantly improve his usefulness to the team at just about any level by increasing general DPS.

As it stands his Speed makes him a good boss run frame but further dexterity would give him the ability to scale as a frame without just being a novelty.


When I first got him I was under the impression it would do that already, I was genuinely surprised how limited it was.


As for his other abilities Shock and Jesus just need more stun on them. The proc rate increase on Shock actually made it useful, if they jolted for longer and you had Speed amping fire rate you could go to town.

Exactly. It's the little thing like this, that can tip the scales in the team's favour, speeding up reloads on guns like Supra, Soma, Gorgon, and many more.


Not to mention the faster mantling, and overall evasive maneuvers.



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First, to everyone who said he's perfect, no, no he's not, not even close. Nyx and Vauban are close to perfect, not Vault.


And yes I have Volt and taken him up to T3 lvl 40+ on endless defence on Neptune etc. And no he didn't get patched, the electric damage tables were changed which improved him indirectly. Other than than that his Electiric Jesus move was given a 1 second frame. But that's it.


He's got significant drawbacks vs the Grineer, -50% damage vs alloy armour, for a supposedly direct ability damage warframe is crippling. I don't think that should be removed, but if DE want him to be an alternative to gun play, then it creates issues. -50% I'd say its a touch too high, but the alloy armour resistance shouldn't be removed entirely.




Good power, very nice, 100% proc chance and can bring an entire spawn to a grinding halt. Retains it's use and decent damage vs the Corpus and infested well into 40+. Lvl 30-35 it'll still one shot most corpus units, or at least severely damage them same with infested. Also the targeting is very easy considering most 1 powers are notoriously fiddly to target. 


Electric shield:


Good. I think it should be affected by power distance mods, like stretch, but as a pay off I want to see, the damage generated when firing through the shield drop proportionally if people use corrupted mods to increase the size. I see a major potential for abuse there, providing limited invincibility vs the enemy with an additional 50% electric damage covering a huge distance. The problem is I don't think it should be affected by power strength. ATM I'd say it's fine, if the potential imb issues from corrupted mods and power intensity mods can be addressed then it could be increased in size.


Also if Shock is fired through it, it increases the damage of the power.




It's okay, decrease the blur when activating it. Also, up Volt's sprint speed a touch, he's got 15 armour and yet his sprint is one of the slowest in the game, it's like Ember prime all over again. 




Very situational and generally lacklustre. For a direct damage frame reliant on powers it is poor. The energy pulse is fairly weak and the damage only increases significantly when in the presence of the environment's lights. So in defence, it makes it a 1 time use, then if falls off with diminishing returns. The energy pulse idea is nice causing AOE damage and stun. But the lightning arcs should be centred on Volt, emerging from him to strike 3/4/5 enemies in line of sight per arc, doing direct damage with 100% proc chance to hit another enemy, up to 5 max with a 50% decrease in damage when the secondary target is hit.


How many of these arcs emerge from vault, I've not decided yet, maybe 2/3/4 but I'd say the damage inflicted by each lightning arc should be additive to the energy pulse emitted, but blocked by cover, although it can still leap from one target to another like Shock can now. Currently, Overload is good in enclosed Corpus ships, but is very poor for the damage and AOE in open environments, Any infested lvl or Grineer lvl it also suffers.


Overload's damage I don't think should be increased straight up, but the ability needs a bit of a re work currently. The damage  on the AoE energy pulse is currently has is fine, but drops of significantly at higher lvls, relegating it to a stun mechanic. Shock is cheaper. The addition of lightning arcs emanating directly from Volt, not from the terrain, should make him actually usable as an alternative to gun play. He currently isn't. It'd also enhance the CC ability and give him a good damage boost without it being a nuke button as it required direct line of sight from Volt to hit the target and begin the chain lightning proc. Otherwise, it either grounds itself in the environment or hits the same target as another arc. 


I'm thinking that the additive combination of AoE CC pulse with limited damage that it currently has and the actual damage caused by lightning arcs shifts Volt to an actual stage where he is an alternative to gunplay.

Edited by (PS4)billy-d-squid
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He's got significant drawbacks vs the Grineer, -50% damage vs alloy armour, for a supposedly direct ability damage warframe is crippling. I don't think that should be removed, but if DE want him to be an alternative to gun play, then it creates issues. -50% I'd say its a touch too high, but the alloy armour resistance shouldn't be removed entirely.


That's the nature of the resist system and a single damage-type focused frame.  It's a drawback for Volt, but he does still retain the CC aspects, the speed boost, and such.  He isn't the only frame impacted by that.  Mag, for example, loses a lot of power if not facing Corpus.  Nor will he be the last.  Sooner or later, fire resistant or ice resistant enemies will pop up to ruin Ember or Frost's day.


Overall though, Volt is probably the best balanced DPS frame.  He's got four useful abilities.  He does nice damage, but doesn't go too insane.  His ultimate is useful, but not something you spam all the time.  That instead goes to his #1 power, which is how it should be.  The other DPS frames should be balanced to try and match him.




Very situational and generally lacklustre. For a direct damage frame reliant on powers it is poor. The energy pulse is fairly weak and the damage only increases significantly when in the presence of the environment's lights. So in defence, it makes it a 1 time use, then if falls off with diminishing returns. The energy pulse idea is nice causing AOE damage and stun. But the lightning arcs should be centred on Volt, emerging from him to strike 3/4/5 enemies in line of sight per arc, doing direct damage with 100% proc chance to hit another enemy, up to 5 max with a 50% decrease in damage when the secondary target is hit.

You must have a different Overload than me.  Mine fries stuff quite nicely, even without environmental factors around.  The electric procs add a lot of damage.  Even if every target only gets hit by one proc per pulse, that puts its damage around the same level as other frames (~1500).  Sure, it isn't a single big number, instead taking a little bit of time, but it does the job and does it well.

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I'm fully aware of how the resistance mechanics work, although know one was saying that when infested had resistance to electricity damage. Mag also does significantly more damage to shields and Proto shields, but then again I'd also advocate a toning down on the damage resistance for alloy armour for her as well, given that elite lancers quickly become the most common enemy, and they all have alloy armour.


If it were just Commanders, Heavy Gunners, Napalms etc. I'd just say tough, okay, but he can still take on the rest of the lancers relatively well. But that's not the case when his damage is not the highest, pretty average about and then it's halved vs the most common Grineer. 


I wouldn't say he's the most balanced at all, he's certainly not the worst, but you seem to be conflating DPS power damage with overall DPS including weapons. If Volt is an alternative to gunplay, he fails given that two of his powers actually complement gunplay. His DPS on powers is fairly average by comparison, I'm not suggesting that he be buffed to Nova lvls, that'd just be daft. 


We see that Volt wasn't buffed directly. And I have the same Overload, the one that does 200 per pulse, so 3 pulses, plus the initial discharge is actually 800, not 1500. While the proc damage deals 50% of the 200 to each enemy in the initial AoE, not the subsequent 3 pulses. So you'd get 900, not 1500. It's actually one of the weakest ults. in the game. 


So I take it you were playing vs the Corpus, because anything at lvl 30, you're okay, but after not so much, and especially not the Grineer or infested to a lesser extent. You're not going to be oneshotting anything unless you've got a maxed Intensify on. The single arcs of electricity generated from the lights, give 250 per hit and generate 125 in a small AOE round the target. That's the issue, it varies wildly depending on the situation, lvl and MD and defence, it's a one trick pony which can do a significant amount of damage, once. At other time next to nothing.


Now, we've established that it's not infact 1500. I don't actually want to see the AOE damage boosted, it would be too much the same as all the other AOE powers, like MP, Stomp, World on Fire etc. I don't like that, it's too simple and too same old same old. 




(play about with the numbers below, it's on the high side, from being off the top of my head)



That's why I suggested 2/3/4 arcs of electricity emanating from Volt himself (change this up numbers wise if you will), to hit the enemy directly, and chain up to per arc 2/3/4 enemies with a subsequent damage reduction of 50% after the initial target is hit. Now if each one of those arcs causes 200 damage, with a 100% proc chance. you get a max of 2100 direct damage without the proc damage on chained characters of 100 (2,400 max, this includes the 900 from the 3 AOE pulses, which actually decreases over distance as it requires the enemy to cluster so they are affected by the overlap). Giving a total of 4,500 (This is actually less than what Volt is capable of, if he is in a well lit room)


However your direct damage lightning arcs are blocked by terrain and cover ie: functioning like shock, they can't hit through walls like Ember's Rhino's and Nova's can. Also you do not determine which targets are hit by the individual arcs, that happens at random, moving from closest to further away, until it hit's the max AOE distance. If you only have one grp in range it could be hit by all 4 discharges. But you don't determine who in the grp is hit. So the toughest target could walk out relatively unscathed being only hit by Proc damage, not a direct discharge.I'd also make it so the arcs are assigned based on proximity to Volt. the nearest enemy within the Vicinity takes the first hit, then the next is assigned to the next nearest (outside the original hits AOE, to prevent chain striking one target) 


It's probably quite demanding in terms of coding, but it's easily the more inventive preference compared to a straight damage buff to Overload, simple DPS boosts are something I'm not a fan of, nore does it shift from the current electric discharge of lights, it simply moves it to centre on Volt.


Currently as a supposed direct DPS frame who can use powers, he's not. Now I can solo missions on Pluto, but the damage comes from my weapons, not my powers, completely the opposite of the design that he was supposed to embody. Overload is pointless and Shock is simple CC. That's at lvl 35, now lvl 40+ which you still encounter on Pluto?. 

Edited by (PS4)billy-d-squid
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