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Mmobomb.com F2P Showdown Megathread (Vote For Warframe!)


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As far as I can tell, nobody actually went and asked for help. The 4chan Warframe group apparently has an innate hate for it and hopes for it's loss. However, the catification of the wiki might not even be 4chan's doing. There isn't any discussion of it, so it might as well just be an April Fools joke.


As far as 4chan and voting goes, while the Warframe group is not going to be giving any of their help, the Mabinogi players have been voting and more than likely, the Vindictus, Maplestory, and other players of the Nexon games will start garnering support for Mabinogi's poll.

So, it's Warbros being butthurt because DE banned their Warlord for not controlling the "Warbros #1" spam and the badmouth they've done afterwards? DE never forced them to disband.


Much butthurt

Such mad


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Whether wanted or not you got it and it favored you greatly


What both sides did isnt any more or less right/wrong than the other


Warframe is least to blame for this


Its mostly airmechs interference


Stop with this.  Warframe did "nothing".  Mabinogi and it's parent company and their other games actively contrived to string up the poll.  This is proven with evidence beyond shadow of a doubt.  You keep QQing about the 3k votes that airmech supposedly supplied (haven't seen anyone have a firm confirmation on the number of votes airmech players gave), and in another post boast how "if the bulk of the mabi community voted we wouldn't even be close" (paraphrased).  Why aren't the bulk of your players voting then. Why pull in other games if your community is so broad and active that Warframe would be blown out of the water?  Pull in your own player base and be done with it.  


The point is you (mabinogi) couldn't motivate the bulk of your player base, much less those of your sister games without resorting to bribes.  End of story.  We got unsolicited support from a game and its community IN NO WAY related or owned or a part of the warframe community because they like the game, and or dislike mabinogi. However the bulk of our votes came from our community, and is a greater percentage of our total community than yours.  


Secondly, this is a public poll, anyone or group is free to vote their mind on the matter.  if airmech, swtor, ro, etc.. communities want to vote for any candidate, they are free to do so.  if 4chan decided to mess with the poll by having all of its members vote, they can. As long as those communities arrive at that decision independently of those actually engaged in the contest, it is fair game.  This is the exact same principle of how political Super Pacs work where a candidate for office may not legally collude with the Super Pac to push any particular agenda.


The mabinogi / Nexon communities decision to collaborate on manipulating the Poll results is the crux of why it is cheating.  I'm sorry you obviously are choosing to turn a blind eye to this, but the moment Collaboration occured, you were dead in the wrong.  


If the vindictus community chose to support you individually without you asking, or your community representatives going from game to game colluding to offer incentives, then everything would be kosher.  In fact, I don't think anyone had a problem here with the possibility of vindictus / maple story players voting for you of their own accord.  That is not the problem, and we expected it to occur. 


tl;dr, Nexon's and its games' Collusion to manipulate the poll through blatant bribery is why Nexon's and its communities' actions are reprehensible and should get Mabinogi disqualified. Fingerpoint if you must, but hopefully enough people will write into MMOBomb so that they examine the evidence presented and make a decision.

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I think a lot of us can agree that we aren't mad that  they're winning but mad that they said they wanted a fair fight then pull a BS move just because they were going to loss the one silver lining in all this is now we can focus on U13


After having walked away from the situation to get a midnight drink, I can safely say this is how I'm feeling.


Tomorrow, I'll vote for Smite (day after tomorrow, same concept), go to class for 3-4 hours, and when I come back, hopefully U13 will be out (or at least, close to being out).

Edited by Katakuna
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*gets on my knees and prays* Everyone with me

Lotus please hear my prayer
Please allow me to say that we played fair. We won by doing nothing to cheat. We upheld the balance as much as we could.
In the end though it seems that even we a strong a force as we are couldnt handle it. I pray to you to give us the strength and grant us more power.
Even if we dont win we fought throughout all our might. Heck who knows we have had many casualties in this war... I may not have long to live.
Shall I die pass on my strength to those who need it. Lotus I thank you very much if you hear me out.

*ends kneeling and stands up*

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Itll be a great battle


Keep in mind this all began with airmechs CM


Youre pouring flames on the wrong place

I don't see it being much of a fight at all really...

For what it's worth though...These aren't flames.

Sadly, I'd have to actually flame you in order for you to see the difference. xD

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As far as I can tell, nobody actually went and asked for help. The 4chan Warframe group apparently has an innate hate for it and hopes for it's loss. However, the catification of the wiki might not even be 4chan's doing. There isn't any discussion of it, so it might as well just be an April Fools joke.


As far as 4chan and voting goes, while the Warframe group is not going to be giving any of their help, the Mabinogi players have been voting and more than likely, the Vindictus, Maplestory, and other players of the Nexon games will start garnering support for Mabinogi's poll.

Warbros = 4chan /wfg/

Their clan leader got banned, alongside the "forced disbandment" (they disbanded in the form of some sorta announcement, but the thread got buried pretty quickly). I admit DE may have been a bit harsh on passing judgement on them, but it's 4chan we're talking about here, and their attitudes when it comes to dealing with S#&$ is usually less than tolerable.

Also, when he mentioned "biggest and most successful clan in the history of the game", they are referring to themselves. It's true, but its ironic as hell.

If anything, they'll vote for Mabinogi purely out of spite. Again, 4chan.

Edited by kaboomonme
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As far as I can tell, nobody actually went and asked for help. The 4chan Warframe group apparently has an innate hate for it and hopes for it's loss. However, the catification of the wiki might not even be 4chan's doing. There isn't any discussion of it, so it might as well just be an April Fools joke.


As far as 4chan and voting goes, while the Warframe group is not going to be giving any of their help, the Mabinogi players have been voting and more than likely, the Vindictus, Maplestory, and other players of the Nexon games will start garnering support for Mabinogi's poll.

Where is this thread D:

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Anyone who loves their game will be biased towards theirs. That is absolute truth.

Yet Airmech, despite their loss to us, did not make an incredible fuss about it, they stepped up and decided to help us.

That alone is a testament to Warframe's popularity. It is from an indie developer, still in Open Beta, yet it garnered so much support,


We have already won. This is no competition. Everyone can pat themselves on the back.

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Aw shucks. I dunno, I just got tired of all the misinformation. Yes that was me. I posted it on the Mabinogi forums but it got swallowed by the sea of other posters. Got a few hits but they were one-liners basically saying my post is invalid because Airmech or some other bull.


But yeah. I truly do believe we won as a community. Screw the poll. Sure, keep working towards winning it, but know that we kicked serious &#! regardless.....And we did it without any incentives.


I think DE is proud of us. And we all should be too.


Cheers to that.

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People take this poll too seriously. MMO bomb is not well advertised at all because LOL and Planetside 2 should have not lost to smite and mabinogi respectively. It's more like who actually votes for the poll then which game is actually better. Just calm down and listen to the facts. Only about 46k people have voted for both games and warframe has a community of several million and mabinogi has a even bigger one.  This is like a miniority representation and isn't even accurate. Warframe fought a good fight, but we need to relax and stop flaming nexon or blaming them for messing up the wiki.

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Stop with this.  Warframe did "nothing".  Mabinogi and it's parent company and their other games actively contrived to string up the poll.  This is proven with evidence beyond shadow of a doubt.  You keep QQing about the 3k votes that airmech supposedly supplied (haven't seen anyone have a firm confirmation on the number of votes airmech players gave), and in another post boast how "if the bulk of the mabi community voted we wouldn't even be close" (paraphrased).  Why aren't the bulk of your players voting then. Why pull in other games if your community is so broad and active that Warframe would be blown out of the water?  Pull in your own player base and be done with it.  


The point is you (mabinogi) couldn't motivate the bulk of your player base, much less those of your sister games without resorting to bribes.  End of story.  We got unsolicited support from a game and its community IN NO WAY related or owned or a part of the warframe community because they like the game, and or dislike mabinogi. However the bulk of our votes came from our community, and is a greater percentage of our total community than yours.  


Secondly, this is a public poll, anyone or group is free to vote their mind on the matter.  if airmech, swtor, ro, etc.. communities want to vote for any candidate, they are free to do so.  if 4chan decided to mess with the poll by having all of its members vote, they can. As long as those communities arrive at that decision independently of those actually engaged in the contest, it is fair game.  This is the exact same principle of how political Super Pacs work where a candidate for office may not legally collude with the Super Pac to push any particular agenda.


The mabinogi / Nexon communities decision to collaborate on manipulating the Poll results is the crux of why it is cheating.  I'm sorry you obviously are choosing to turn a blind eye to this, but the moment Collaboration occured, you were dead in the wrong.  


If the vindictus community chose to support you individually without you asking, or your community representatives going from game to game colluding to offer incentives, then everything would be kosher.  In fact, I don't think anyone had a problem here with the possibility of vindictus / maple story players voting for you of their own accord.  That is not the problem, and we expected it to occur. 


tl;dr, Nexon's and its games' Collusion to manipulate the poll through blatant bribery is why Nexon's and its communities' actions are reprehensible and should get Mabinogi disqualified. Fingerpoint if you must, but hopefully enough people will write into MMOBomb so that they examine the evidence presented and make a decision.

That quote about the bulk of mabi players is oit of context so i stopped there


The larger playerbase is overseas


We had more votes in the first few rounds without votes than most other games and yet we need bribes



Thats the kind of thing i keep hjearing thats totally wrong


Is there something wrong with rewarding players?


What if i said your devs should be rewarding you for your efforts


Do they even much care?


You wont like that im sure


Also the voting campaign was and is player led


From the very first round to now weve gone all across the channels and servers and forums to get more votes


Youre downplaying our efforts which are clearly greater than a redtext every once in a while


Contact the devs for me and tell them the flame repellent mod isnt working


Ive just been baited


This link is supposed to be airmechs votes with just that link



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