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Mmobomb.com F2P Showdown Megathread (Vote For Warframe!)


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Look what reward Carbon Games will give players if Airmech wins.



We must prevail!

Thats serious.....


I had no idea these guys were so into this


Ill see if i can rally support in game somehow...




Idk if i picked a bad time or something but the response was just upsetting ._.

Edited by Azawarau
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Oooooh looks like the airsmurf devs are really desperate.

Damnit... redtext... from now on every 30minutes... we would nuke them.

It really feels like DE doesn't even give the slightest fck about this, while we fight barehanded here.

This thread - it is all we have right now! We havent had a single announcement during this poll, while they are offensive on all fronts. We are un-armed!

Or it could be that they believe and us and know that we will win without any type of aid.

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I think we'll be able to pull ahead of AirMech...it might be close though.

But Mabinogi...freaking Mabinogi...they're right after AirMech for us and we're gonna get driven into the ground by a Rune Factory MMO...welp I have the confidence in us against AirMech but I don't see us beating Mabinogi, nope nope and nope.

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I think we'll be able to pull ahead of AirMech...it might be close though.

But Mabinogi...freaking Mabinogi...they're right after AirMech for us and we're gonna get driven into the ground by a Rune Factory MMO...welp I have the confidence in us against AirMech but I don't see us beating Mabinogi, nope nope and nope.

to many koreans sadly

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Maybe I'm blind, but this particular image with this particular message was nowhere to be found on the thread you linked. I especially inspected the messages from their devs, because only these are true, everything else is just user speculation. (Ok, Wonn posted this helmet on a different mech, but then again, where's the message, huh?)


It's amazing how hyped they are for the WF helmets =D 


All in all, this picture is spreading disinformation, it seems.

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Maybe I'm blind, but this particular image with this particular message was nowhere to be found on the thread you linked. I especially inspected the messages from their devs, because only these are true, everything else is just user speculation. (Ok, Wonn posted this helmet on a different mech, but then again, where's the message, huh?)


It's amazing how hyped they are for the WF helmets =D 


All in all, this picture is spreading disinformation, it seems.

right now I just hope that we can win no one is voting for us anymore it seems we just need to survive till 1 pm pdt ie 4 hours

Edited by Sasoka
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right now I just hope that we can win no one is voting for us anymore it seems we just need to survive till 1 pm pdt ie 4 hours


Let's rally our fellow Tenno!


(Also: if AirMech really implements the Excalibro Prime helmet, then it would mean that more AM players would have something from Excal Prime than most of the Warframe players. Dun dun duuun. The ways of Excalibur Prime are mysterious.)

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I think if we make it to mabobo (or whatever the name is), DE could really incentivize us by offering a plat reward if we win and posting it red text / ingame link.  Apparently there are over 7 million of us Tenno according to the statistics posted on the main page.


As for airmech, if everyone on the forums messages their clan right now and asks for them to vote if they haven't already, we should be okay.  Also hit region chat and/or recruiting.


gah, this is so exciting!

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Maybe I'm blind, but this particular image with this particular message was nowhere to be found on the thread you linked. I especially inspected the messages from their devs, because only these are true, everything else is just user speculation. (Ok, Wonn posted this helmet on a different mech, but then again, where's the message, huh?)


It's amazing how hyped they are for the WF helmets =D 


All in all, this picture is spreading disinformation, it seems.


Did you entirely miss the post by someone here who plays airmech telling us about them adding that helmet if they win?

It was also a general sportsmenlike post that made me happy that we are facing them.

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I think if we make it to mabobo (or whatever the name is), DE could really incentivize us by offering a plat reward if we win and posting it red text / ingame link.  Apparently there are over 7 million of us Tenno according to the statistics posted on the main page.


As for airmech, if everyone on the forums messages their clan right now and asks for them to vote if they haven't already, we should be okay.  Also hit region chat and/or recruiting.


gah, this is so exciting!


It would probably be a skin, syandana, badge, or something.

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Did you entirely miss the post by someone here who plays airmech telling us about them adding that helmet if they win?

It was also a general sportsmenlike post that made me happy that we are facing them.


Nope. But then again: maybe the devs of both games already made a deal to advertise each other's games regardless of who wins. It would be a profitable move. That's just me, though.

I want to see a Warframe helmet on an Airmech ingame. But I also want the Tenno to win ;D

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I think we'll be able to pull ahead of AirMech...it might be close though.

But Mabinogi...freaking Mabinogi...they're right after AirMech for us and we're gonna get driven into the ground by a Rune Factory MMO...welp I have the confidence in us against AirMech but I don't see us beating Mabinogi, nope nope and nope.

Why do you shiver and shake in fear? = 3=


My community has faced darker times while we were losing to Ragnorak~ However we have reminded ourselves the battle is not over yet!


And even while losing we twisted that into something to boost our morals! AND WE GATHERED VOTES AT WHAT SEEMED TO BE HOPELESS!




And with that unity and high spirit, we've successfully triumphed over our toughest enemy.



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If even 1/10th of that number of players still plays, and a tenth of that actually voted, we'd have 70k votes


We must destroy our enemies!

We must all work together at making everyone aware of these polls!


Only reason why we have so little is because no one is aware!

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