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Better (And Needed) Video Optimization.


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As we are all aware, many warframe players suffer from bad fps issues. I consider myself to be one such person.


While I DO have a desktop that can support the game and get 60~120 fps on MAX settings, I often times have to play on my laptop as I share the desktop with my 4 other family members. On my laptop, I get only 13~21 fps at most times, and on occasion it drops as low as 4 fps.


I DO have a job (for those of you who instantly go "buy a new comp" just to be jerks.) but I only make $450 a month. About 400 goes to rent and other bills. Most of what remains goes to food. I tend to only get to keep maybe 15 bucks a month for myself after it's all said and done, so clearly buying/upgrading isn't gonna happen for me, and I'm sure there are many others who play this game (or try to) who have the same issues as me.


Now yes, many people jump on the "get a new computer or don't play" bull because they think they are special or something. Whatever. The problem I'm seeing (With the game) is that there are actually video optimization options

that are not in warframe that NEED TO BE.


While some of these may sound silly to you, these WILL work in boosting fps on older comps and WILL allow more people to enjoy what I can safely say is the worlds best video game ever.


Allow more options to optimize video such as:


1.- Allow a "distance fog" to reduce the amount of geometry/space that is rendered at a single time. This alone will drastically improve fps even on old comps like my laptop.


2.- Allow for even lower texture detail. (From what I see, reducing "texture memory" isn't cutting it.) Reducing texture detail is an option nearly any game seems to have, so I'm not quite understanding why I'm not seeing it here in warframe. This game NEEDS this.


3.- Option to play at an even lower resolution. There are many who are willing to play at even lower resolutions if it means being able to run the game smoothly on their computers. I'm one of em. Hell, I sometimes even play the game windowed in 800x600 res and then shrink the window for the sake of "lower res". It would be nice to play low res in fullscreen...


4.- Allow and option to reduce (or even remove) particle effects such as smoke clouds. So many games have this option as well. Again, not understanding why I'm not seeing it here in warframe.


5.- If the game has it, allow for players to disable trilinear/ bilinear filtering. (I don't know if this game has it, but if it does, the option to disable it should be included.)



These are surefire ways to allow players with low spec computers to run the game smoothly with good fps. Do this and you will see a BIG increase in playerbase. People aught to be able to enjoy this game. It's such a good game.

I bring all this up because the game is still considered BETA phase. Developers could do this. If they are smart and have a heart, they will.

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It is not a matter of things to turn on or off.. it's the lack of optimization of what we have.


Warframes Gaphic engine.. to be blunt.. runs like crap.


When i play solo i start at 60 fps. The more tiles i visit on the map and the more enemies spawn and get left behind because i rush, the fps goes down to 40-45.


In Multiplayer when players join i lose 5-15 fps per player joined.. enemies, even if not in view kill 20 fps. When YOU are the host it is even worse. My fps is between 15 and 60 in Multiplayer.. and variations of 45 fps in one and the same game just shows how crude and unoptimized the engine is.

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Should these be added to the game to allow players with lowspec computers to play the game  !!!(Don't move my post this time.)!!!


Allow more options to optimize video such as:


1.- Allow a "distance fog" to reduce the amount of geometry/space that is rendered at a single time. This alone will drasticly improve fps even on old computers.


2.- Allow for even lower texture detail. (From what I see, reducing "Texture memory" isn't cutting it.) Reducing texture detail is an option nearly any game seems to have, so I'm not quite understanding why I'm not seeing it here in warframe. This game NEEDS this.


3.- Option to play at an even lower resolution. There are many that are willing to play at even lower resolutions if it means being able to run the game smoothly on their computers. I'm one of em. Hell, I sometimes have to play the game windowed in 800x600 res and then shrink the window size for the sake of better fps. It would be nice to play low res in fullscreen...


4.- Allow an option to reduce (or even remove) particle effects such as smoke clouds. So many games have this option as well. Again, not understanding why I'm not seeing it here in warframe.


5.- If the game has it, allow players to disable trilinear/ bilinear filtering. (I don't know if warframe has this, but if it does, the option to disable it should be included.



These are surefire ways to allow players with low spec computers to run the game smoothly and with great fps. Devs do this and I'm sure you will see a BIG increase in playerbase, I bet my left nut on this. People aught to be able to enjoy what I can safely say is the worlds best video game.


I bring this up because the game is still considered BETA phase. Developers could do this. It's not as hard as making a new warframe... If you are smart and have a heart, you WILL do this.

Edited by LusterSounD
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Thank you. But I feel that in you moving this, I lost an audience that might actually back up my idea....

Dude as much as you think you have control of the forums you don't. If your post is about general things only you put it in general discussion. Players helping players in PHP section. If let's say you ask help with something but you put it in general discussion than it'll be moved. Welcome to the forums.

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Anyways. TY moderator for fcking things up. I wanted other players to see this because it would then more likely have something done about it. You've stripped away the intended audience and rendered this whole thread useless. Nothing will be done with it "here". Because of this I will later repost it again. Don't like it then ban me. This WILL be seen by my intended audience.

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Never said I had control of anything. Please get offline if you are just here to start problems.

Your idea's good but you gotta find the right section to start a topic, I know this because my topic's have been moved tons.

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Anyways. TY moderator for fcking things up. I wanted other players to see this because it would then more likely have something done about it. You've stripped away the intended audience and rendered this whole thread useless. Nothing will be done with it "here". Because of this I will later repost it again. Don't like it then ban me. This WILL be seen by my intended audience.

You'll be banned for bashing players or devs. Anyway players do see on the right side of the forums.

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It's not as hard as making a new warframe... If you are smart and have a heart, you WILL do this.

That made me laugh out loud.  3D modeling is far easier then programming.  There are programs that help you make 3D models. There are not programs that write video rendering for you.

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My system:

Phenom 9850 @ 3.0 Ghz

4GB DDR2 @ 820 Mhz

nVidia GTX 760

Windows 7 SP1 64-bit


Steam version. Tested by standing in the doorway of the Grineer lab, looking inside, measured with the game's hud option. When "co-op" is mentioned, a friend was hosting the dojo, and aside from the two of us, there were no other people in the dojo; friend was in the Tenno lab in both instances; in "solo", I was hosting the dojo, and was alone. Same settings every time. One other thing to note is that with the 32-bit exe, the game doesn't calculate the decimal of the frame time (which I didn't log here).


32-bit solo: ~95 FPS

64-bit solo: ~68 FPS

32-bit co-op: ~62 FPS

64-bit co-op: ~47 FPS


My impressions: framerate gets sliced when even one other player is in the game (this is important as it doesn't involve any AI other than the sentinels'). As far as I can recall, this is the only multiplayer game I've played where framerate is hurt to this degree. Second - and from asking my friend to test, this may be specific to my system (though I haven't figured out why yet) - is that framerate is lower on 64-bit than on 32-bit. At this point, I'm curious as to what the hell is going on. A slight framerate drop in multiplayer is to be expected, though not to this degree, but the 64-bit framerate loss makes no sense - at best, it should run better, at worst, it should run the same. 

Edited by blackgu4rd
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Blackgu4rd, those stats are incredibly interesting - and it makes a lot of sense too.


When you're hosting a game it's all on your PC not just to render the game at that point, but to keeps things like physics and AI in sync with every other player in the game. I would imagine this puts a lot of extra load on the host PC's CPU therefore slowing down game rendering.


There's a lot in the pipeline for Warframe right now - I can see how the folks at DE are pouring so much time and effort into the game. All the improvements that aren't even included in patch notes. But if I'm right, what should happen (sooner rather than later), is dedicated servers. No more host migration, no more extra load on a host's PC (my internet speed is godly so it tends to be me), and no more hosts who run the game on a 5 year old netbook making it lag like hell for other players.


I'm not saying the engine itself doesn't need optimization (hell, if it were up to me I'd be working to move to an OpenGL solution instead), but I feel that would ease a lot of issues with multiplayer connectivity in general.

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Anyways. TY moderator for fcking things up. I wanted other players to see this because it would then more likely have something done about it. You've stripped away the intended audience and rendered this whole thread useless. Nothing will be done with it "here". Because of this I will later repost it again. Don't like it then ban me. This WILL be seen by my intended audience.

Someone from Warframe Staff replied, see?  ^^^  So it is being seen by your intended audience.  DE is one of the most involved groups with player feedback, and I am pretty sure they see stuff no matter where it is posted.  I've seen staff post on topics in all locations.  Trust me, them seeing this is the LEAST of your worries with an attitude like that. 

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I would like to blame my pc for low fps (and to be fair it isn't a top of the range pc), but I'd rather blame the 'BETA' part and hope they optimize it down the road. FPS is sometimes horrible, but it hasn't stopped me from playing this awesome game :)

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Blackgu4rd, those stats are incredibly interesting - and it makes a lot of sense too.


When you're hosting a game it's all on your PC not just to render the game at that point, but to keeps things like physics and AI in sync with every other player in the game. I would imagine this puts a lot of extra load on the host PC's CPU therefore slowing down game rendering.


Indeed, but I wasn't the one hosting the dojo in the co-op tests. And I mentioned that in my post.

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My system:

Phenom 9850 @ 3.0 Ghz

4GB DDR2 @ 820 Mhz

nVidia GTX 760

Windows 7 SP1 64-bit


Steam version. Tested by standing in the doorway of the Grineer lab, looking inside, measured with the game's hud option. When "co-op" is mentioned, a friend was hosting the dojo, and aside from the two of us, there were no other people in the dojo; friend was in the Tenno lab in both instances; in "solo", I was hosting the dojo, and was alone. Same settings every time. One other thing to note is that with the 32-bit exe, the game doesn't calculate the decimal of the frame time (which I didn't log here).


32-bit solo: ~95 FPS

64-bit solo: ~68 FPS

32-bit co-op: ~62 FPS

64-bit co-op: ~47 FPS


My impressions: framerate gets sliced when even one other player is in the game (this is important as it doesn't involve any AI other than the sentinels'). As far as I can recall, this is the only multiplayer game I've played where framerate is hurt to this degree. Second - and from asking my friend to test, this may be specific to my system (though I haven't figured out why yet) - is that framerate is lower on 64-bit than on 32-bit. At this point, I'm curious as to what the hell is going on. A slight framerate drop in multiplayer is to be expected, though not to this degree, but the 64-bit framerate loss makes no sense - at best, it should run better, at worst, it should run the same. 


I have noticed this too except with my 64 bit..when co-op my frame rate drops into the teens

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