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Warframe Balance


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Please watch the folowing video.

notice that? she hits millions and wipes whole rooms in an instant.

Now, I've already known this but please tell me how is that balanced compared to a warframe like Ash which is supposed to be a damage dealer just like Nova.Please tell me, how does that compare to a 2k slow bladestorm,
Enough is enough, I demand an explanation.I trusted you, I've been patiently waiting for you to balance these things because it couldn't possibly be right.And here we are, update after update after update.Nothing is ever done anything about it.
Who is the genius behind all this?
Please tell me, is this your vision of the class balance so I can quit right now.If not, don't have me pay anything more for a reduced version of the game ,if you throw the beta card on me.
I don't hate Nova, but I can't join a team with my Ash and hope to compete with that.They wont even team up with me if I'm not a Nova because of the class discrimination.
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To go with the topic - Nova is a glass-cannon. Deal a LOT of damage, but get poked by a breeze and you're better off dead. The only reason why Nova can deal so much damage with Anti-Material drop is in part of the damage being dealt to it prior to detonation. It REQUIRES damage to effectively deal damage over an area.


Another, Nova's Molecular Prime only goes up so far against enemies. In the video if you notice, the enemies are only rank 21/22. Mid-rank enemies. Now. Go try using MP in T3 Defense or in waves with rank 40+. Get back to us then.

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this is also not a thread about Nova or nerfing nova, this is a thread about warframe balance.

Nice intentions, but people won't see it this way.


You know how to compete with that with your Ash ? Try harder. Learn marksmanship, learn parkouring. Weapons deal damages, abilities are utilities.


And don't compare your Ash to a nuker when going to a farming node like Xini...

That said ok, Ash could use some love.

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Dont be so melodramatic now haha.


Balance is ahuge problem in Warframe but its not that some frames outperform even gods, its that most frames are just ...bad.

Being better then bad is not hard.

I don't see how this escapes notice and I can't possibly emphasise this more........The difference between Ash and Nova is A MILLION !

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MP explosions used to hit pretty much the whole map, now they dont, if enemies arent clustered they wont do the domino effect.Simple.


Antimatter multiplier used to be affected by power strenght, now it is not.


If you dont call that a nerf i dont know what then.

This I just find sort of amusing.

I bet you think those nerfs were unjustified as well! 

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I'm all for trying out new ideas, but videogames have a history now and some lessons have been proved to be true.


You can have a vehicle/character who can take a lot of damage, or you can have a vehicle/guy who runs very fast. But a fast tank will be overpowered.


You can deal some damage to a lot of enemies at once, or you can deal a lot of damage to one target. Dealing tons of damage to many enemies at the same time will be OP.


You can like Nova, or perhaps you don't like Nova, but cold facts are out there: you can see many more Nova, Rhino and Frost players than any other type. There's a reason for that: they are way OP.


And there's another reason: many hosts will not accept you into their party unless you have one of said warframes.


I would reduce the chain reaction radious. Having m prime on a large radious is ok because the slow down  helps the whole team, but the blast radious is way too high.

And perhaps there shouldn't be a chain reaction at all.

Edited by Phantasmo
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DE doesn't care to balance frames. These threads are popping up several times a week since I joined the game and Im sure it was same before that. 

Two  dev-streams ago when Nova got mentioned DE-Scott's reaction was basically 'lave me alone'. He doesn't want to change anything. This game is never getting balanced.

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DE doesn't care to balance frames. These threads are popping up several times a week since I joined the game and Im sure it was same before that. 

Two  dev-streams ago when Nova got mentioned DE-Scott's reaction was basically 'lave me alone'. He doesn't want to change anything. This game is never getting balanced.

It is understandable you feel this way.

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just look on the lvl of the enemies...............lvl 22? try this at lvl 50 enemies with nova and we can talk again...........


Considering that DE seems to be "balancing" I use that term loosely, round Pluto/ T3 lvls. Not endless defence. That doesn't hold water. I could say the same with any obscenely OP power "well try that on lvl 70 and then we can talk" pfffft. It doesn't mean anything and it's not an argument as the lvls will increase until the said power isn't stupidly OP.


Now, MP. Damage wise fine, 200% damage buff fine, chain detonations fine, radius of effect eeeh, maybe a touch on the wide side, but that's debatable so fine. Now, we get to CC, if she is a nuker, why does she have CC abilities? And if you are choosing her for CC, then why are you choosing a frame which does AoE damage as her specialty instead of a CC? There's your problem.


One power covers a lot, I wouldn't like to see the damage buffs or damage nerfed as that would make her design completely pointless. But it's a cross between enemies clustering, 50% speed debuff and a large radius for chain explosions which lets Nova do to much with 1 press of a button. 


Im more of the opinion that either the radius of explosions needs toning down, if the slow debuff stays. Or, the radius for chain explosions is reduced then the slow debuff stays. Everything else, can be left. May very well make Nova a better team orientated frame,when playing with the likes of Nyx, Vauban and other CC, fostering better play is she can't CC and destroy all in one power. You'll need a CC to help.


Also Would be something if DE could buff Frost to bloody decent CC and debuff lvls so he can slow multiple enemies effectively! Only Nyx and Vauban, maybe Rhino are the only effective CC frame around, Frost needs to join those ranks. More frame variety, might lead to less resistance whenever someone so much as mentions MP.

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just look on the lvl of the enemies...............lvl 22? try this at lvl 50 enemies with nova and we can talk again...........

S#&$ty logic you got there brother, but if a frame is killing lvl 22 enemies better then every other frame, then why would it become worse at killing lvl 50 enemies then any other frame? Are you saying as the enemies become stronger other frames apart from nova get buffed?  

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S#&$ty logic you got there brother, but if a frame is killing lvl 22 enemies better then every other frame, then why would it become worse at killing lvl 50 enemies then any other frame? Are you saying as the enemies become stronger other frames apart from nova get buffed?  


Its funny because Ember can kill lvl 22s the best.

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I actually do not understand how hard is it to balance a PVE game.  Mindless nerfing everywhere and yet nothing done to overly powerful frames.  I think there needs to be a frame 2.0 and for DE to just rework the whole thing because it seems they are losing their aim.

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Its funny because Ember can kill lvl 22s the best.

I would actually say volt if you are facing corpus.



But yeah, I don't really care if at level X the power doesn't insta kill, you need but look at how the other frames are also effected at that level.

Sure, your nova will be only doing decent damage, but F*** that volt, he is doing 1's.

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I watched the video. Laughed at the terrible (no offense) skill of the user and yet nova makes it through defence like a breeze. Jee, I wonder why that is! 

That aside, Nova has such powerful abilities that they only fall off much, much later on, when all other frames are utter and complete crap, damagewise (except for Nyx!) But hey, at least we got a viable nuker for "end game", right...riiiight? 

She raises the bar too high, way too high. That said, yes, she needs a nerf. 

She makes CC frames pretty much useless until much, much, muuuuuch later on. She puts any other caster to shame. Glass cannon is a S#&$ty excuse when she's got CC and speed. 

But people around here like imbalance 'cause it makes them feel special and hey, what's better than showing off e-peen? (basically everything else but alright) 

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