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Just Delete Frost And Frost Prime


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It's situational, sure, but it made for nice, quick cover from all the Bombard spam. Frosty is still special to me. Would be infinitely better if they removed the globe's health, but one can only dream.


DE is going to remove all invulnerability off abilities (inb4trinity q_q) so I think at best we can hope is globe having innate resistance and moar hp 



rank 0 = 8% resistance

Rank 3 = 32% resistance.


Affected by power strength.

So at max power strength it reduces all incoming damage by 78.08%

So that increase the EHP of globe.


Otherwise moar hp and unlimited duration.

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Do you even loki ?

This is how I roll my Loki.


Please tell me how long my cloak last ?

Please tell me where is my god mode ?


So leave again my Loki out of this.




In all honesty, loki is a skilled based frame compared to others. You got your one hit everything in the room frame and then you got your loki, wich can be very amazing if you know how to use it correctly, but your moding could use some work. p.s huehue night

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In all honesty, loki is a skilled based frame compared to others. You got your one hit everything in the room frame and then you got your loki, wich can be very amazing if you know how to use it correctly, but your moding could use some work. p.s huehue night


My Loki is already spec for max range disarm.

My cloak even if I used a 30% streamline and a 50% Fleeting E.

Will last only 6 seconds vs the current 5+ secs I have.


And I maintain Rush is compulsory for Loki and flow isn't needed :p

Edited by fatpig84
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Can Solo anything.


Yeah, I can switch up with team efforts with mass disarm, but I used to have better frames for defense missions (Like FP). I'm not even sure why you even have invis on one of the slots with all that - duriation % you put on there.


This is probably going to help out a lot of you kids, I'm comparing Loki to frost prime because loki is a god and frost can't solo like a loki can, now he's hardly taking a use in team efforts.

Edited by Breadzorz
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Do you even loki ?

This is how I roll my Loki.


Please tell me how long my cloak last ?

Please tell me where is my god mode ?


So leave again my Loki out of this.




Nice helm, nice max redirection for loki, nice invisibility with --60Duriation %, Switch teleport? You have no idea what your talking about when you mod frames like this dude, sorry dude. I hope my screenshot will help you understand what I'm getting at with this thread. AND HOLY 5 MILLION CREDITS, grind much?


EDIT: almost 6mil...

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Nice helm, nice max redirection for loki, nice invisibility with --60Duriation %, Switch teleport? You have no idea what your talking about when you mod frames like this dude, sorry dude. I hope my screenshot will help you understand what I'm getting at with this thread. AND HOLY 5 MILLION CREDITS, grind much?


EDIT: almost 6mil...



So you are targeting my helm and stuff and "grind much" now ?

I am May 2013 account, of course I will have these. In fact, I have much less than my peers.


FYI I used to run a full on invisibility loki, until I realized it is much better if I spam disarm on everything because that helps my team. A perma god mode loki is fun. But never worth it unless facing infested, because that is where your ultra long duration decoy can work because you can drop it into a box.


And I will never mod out a skill ability slot unless the frame sorely needs it, and Loki doesn't.

As for your mocking Switch teleport ?  Switch teleport is kept because I teleport laggy people across ravines. 

It is not the best skill, but best to have it there.



In any case, you are argue Loki can solo everything while Frost can't.

My Chaos + Absorb Nyx and RB specced Excal can solo nearly everything too.

Even my short duration blessing Trinity.


So your point again ? 

Edited by fatpig84
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May 2013 account and you have a -60% duriation with invis...my point once again; when you mod things that make other mods useless, then post a screenshot of it on the forums. It makes your original opinion invalid. 


EDIT: I'll help you even more bro, post more screenshots of your other frames. Sure I'll help you out, with all of them. So next time you want to place an opinion then post a screenshot on the forums. It will show you know what you are talking about.EDIT: Maybe you would even agree with me afterwards.

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May 2013 account and you have a -60% duriation with invis...my point once again; when you mod things that make other mods useless, then post a screenshot of it on the forums. It makes your original opinion invalid. 


EDIT: I'll help you even more bro, post more screenshots of your other frames. Sure I'll help you out, with all of them. So next time you want to place an opinion then post a screenshot on the forums. It will show you know what you are talking about.



I leave the skills in there because I can't be arsed to remove them.

And loki doesn't need more space, unlike a Mag which has to sacrifice Bullet attractor to boost up Shield P and Pull.


So if you choose to attack my credibility because of this, well good luck.



And yes, a 5 second invisibility can still revive someone.

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I leave the skills in there because I can't be arsed to remove them.

And loki doesn't need more space, unlike a Mag which has to sacrifice Bullet attractor to boost up Shield P and Pull.


So if you choose to attack my credibility because of this, well good luck.



And yes, a 5 second invisibility can still revive someone.


Lets see that mag, I'll help you. 


EDIT: That mod set-up is 4.7 seconds by the way =). You can't rez someone in that amount of time. Anything else?

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 As far as invisibility goes it really is either that or build for radial disarm. Loki is too paper thin to consider a nerf to be a viable option. What this has to do with frost I do not know but the whole argument seems to revolve around a nerf to frost and loki being too strong in the OP's eyes. Loki may be a massively good solo frame but it is by no means a clearing frame or one that is easy to play. I think there is a misconception among some players that figuring out how to do all content solo is simply a bad thing There is a solo component to the game. It just so happens a few frames (really most of them) allow for this. Frost sucking in solo is a bad reason to request nerfs for another frame. This is PvE so nerfs should be few and far between as it is. Loki can't nuke, can't tank, and doesn't destroy ranges dps when built for invisibility. There are some clear tradeoffs. Frost needs some help but you killed your argument the minute you brought in a red herring to pin all your complaints to. 

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There was a Loki buff?

Loki gets buffed nonstop, his pure godness is never ending evergrowing. Soon we will all be taken by the Loki, Loki is Life. Loki is Love. Take in the Loki. Take in his warm shine and know true joy. Nef Anyo will guide you....

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Frost is not useless. His main ability (snowglobe) is still being tuned, and the Avalanche CC thing was a bug and everyone knew it (the guy fixing it said he would report to other devs that for Frost it had a beneficial effect, crossing fingers but not faithful in ti being considered).


The first two abilities are trash, but there are around half the warframes in the same condition.


Please leave Loki out of this. There is also Trinity, Booben and Nyx that can basically go in GodMode, but that's not the point here.



General Discussion "All Warframe related topics posted here". I didn't want to give feedback, I wanted to discuss about this.

I think the mod chose the best for this thread.

I mean, the OP is basically "Delete frost because it sucks and I hate Loki because it is OP"

Which can be read as hastily-worded feedback (you didn't explain why until a few posts down), but can also be read as simple trolling.

Feedback goes here, trolling gets locked.


Also, devs never get in General section because... constant trash storm there.


This means what? Enlighten me.

Wikipedia article about "red herring" first sentences below: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_herring


"The idiom "red herring" is used to refer to something that misleads or distracts from the relevant or important issue."


That's what you did when you posted that they should stop buffing Loki. As it misleads or distracts from the important issue (Frost being subpar).

Which is easy to see as most posts here are about Loki, and not about Frost.

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Well its true that Frost is useless against 25+ wave *globe goes down in less then a sec*.

Vauban totally outclasses him many times over.


Loki is Loki; Frost is Frost - they should not be compered.


Since DE is currently working on Frost I'd wait with those types of threads until new change for snow globe is rolled out. We'll test that, and if its bad - we'll fight for something else.



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Please leave Loki out of this. There is also Trinity, Booben and Nyx that can basically go in GodMode, but that's not the point here.


If you read my later posts you would see why I brought him up.





I think the mod chose the best for this thread.

I mean, the OP is basically "Delete frost because it sucks and I hate Loki because it is OP"

Which can be read as hastily-worded feedback (you didn't explain why until a few posts down), but can also be read as simple trolling.

Feedback goes here, trolling gets locked.


Also, devs never get in General section because... constant trash storm there.




If you actually checked, I actually play a Loki, I use him when I want to feel like a god. Once again you can go back a few pages and see a screenshot of my Loki. So I'm not pulling anything out of thin air. If you want me to spell it out for you, I don't hate Loki, I'm brining up the fact that someone like frost who has a prime compared to someone who doesn't have one. It's a simple example of the facts I'm proving here. It's not that hard to understand what I'm actually saying.


Why are you speaking for moderators? Yeah I have bought plat before, so what? Just like a lot of other players, that makes me a paying customer and people like me keep this game alive. When I have a frame that I grinded for before the prime trades, gets nerfed. I'm going to be frustrated and I'm going to say something about it and I'm going to want to know what other veteran players think. WHY?? Maybe I loved my frost prime as much as my Loki. That should spell it out for you completely, if it doesn't you shouldn't say anything at all.


EDIT: Let alone that you shouldn't be speaking for other people.

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Also, devs never get in General section because... constant trash storm there.


Wikipedia article about "red herring" first sentences below: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_herring


"The idiom "red herring" is used to refer to something that misleads or distracts from the relevant or important issue."


That's what you did when you posted that they should stop buffing Loki. As it misleads or distracts from the important issue (Frost being subpar).

Which is easy to see as most posts here are about Loki, and not about Frost.


And was I asking you? Yes, I feel like I should be asking you twice. Apparently, you don't get things right the first time.

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