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What If 'players' Acted Out The Stalker Role.. Like In Dark Souls?


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Even with this idea there are flaws.


Lets go over the problems with this idea

-If you don't have a choice then its a gameplay disruptor

-Despair have already been named OP

-Stalkers abilities include:

  • Ash's Teleport (yeah thats fair)
  • Ash's Shuriken
  • Ash's Smoke Bomb (totally fair guys)
  • Excalibur's Slash Dash
  • Rhino's Rhino Charge
  • Stalker has Dread which can stagger enemies (so what says that can't happen to players?)

Damn man, all im getting out of you is more NOs than pinocchio


Don't u understand that things can be adjusted for pvp without hurting pve, warframe vs warframe could have different effects than warframe vs mobs. Frost's Snow globe would reveal an invis ash with a frozen effect when he steps in it just like when he gets burned. The problem is that u don't seem to think, u fail to analyze, and when u fail to analyze, u begin to anal-eyez and all u see is crap.



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Only if they're stupid enough to get hit by it.  You're basing this on a complete and utter lack of stalker's stats and the assumption that he can't possibly be balanced for player control.  Each and every post of yours makes me take you less seriously :|

Smoke Screen is has a radius of 10 metres and Teleport would allow him to get close to the player, Smoke Bomb, and then chop them into pieces.







Even if we have no knowledge of his defensive capabilities his offensive look to be quite............ interesting


Also lets look over the Despair and why it would help him so much




And considering Near Instant Reload times the Despair will also cut down players which if this idea is implemented will mean a nerf of the Despair overall.


Again, this a bad idea




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Damn man, all im getting out of you is more NO's than pinocchio


Don't u understand that things can be adjusted for pvp without hurting pve, warframe vs warframe could have different effects than warframe vs mobs. Frost's Snow globe would reveal an invis ash with a frozen effect when he steps in it just like when he gets burned. The problem is that u don't seem to think, u fail to analyze, and when u fail to analyze, u begin to anal-eyez and all u see is crap.



Going to personal attacks are we now?

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Smoke Screen is has a radius of 10 metres and Teleport would allow him to get close to the player, Smoke Bomb, and then chop them into pieces.







Even if we have no knowledge of his defensive capabilities his offensive look to be quite............ interesting


Also lets look over the Despair and why it would help him so much




And considering Near Instant Reload times the Despair will also cut down players which if this idea is implemented will mean a nerf of the Despair overall.


Again, this a bad idea





You don't know what damage stalkers smoke screen does.  You don't know how much damage any of his weapons does.  You don't even know what kind of health or resistances he does.  And above all that, every single last stat on every weapon and skill can be changed to balance things out.


And no, it doesn't mean a nerf for despair.  It means a nerf for the despair that stalker uses.  I suggest you start thinking before you continue to post such poorly reasoned nonsense again.

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You don't know what damage stalkers smoke screen does.  You don't know how much damage any of his weapons does.  You don't even know what kind of health or resistances he does.  And above all that, every single last stat on every weapon and skill can be changed to balance things out.


And no, it doesn't mean a nerf for despair.  It means a nerf for the despair that stalker uses.  I suggest you start thinking before you continue to post such poorly reasoned nonsense again.

This would mean changing almost everything about the Weapons Stats ONLY for this event AND only while this event is active which means shoving more programming down the Dev's throat. This would mean in update 9 this would be the main thing with not a lot of new content added which means that this would be pretty much the only new content you get besides some weapons and frames.

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Why do u bring up balance when u are against pvp, ur not going to participate, why does it bother you? let the pvp community worry about that


bcuz ur afraid things will get nerfed? like i said, warframe vs warframe doesnt have to be the same as warframe vs mob, it could be a different game mode entirely with different rules/stats


theres no personal attacks, ur just not making a valid arguement, are u even reading what ppl suggest? I am not trying to ruin ur pve experience. I just want my share of pvp.

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I'd stop playing entirely. Or just disconnect from the game. Each time some idiot invaded me in Dark Souls, I cut the power to my console and made sure to block them so they would be unable to rejoin.


there was the solo option aswell in dark souls, u were given a CHOICE to be invaded or not

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I'm not reading everything but I haven't seen this. If players were to do it, it seems good in theory, but in practice how many of those people are just going to resort to griefing as much as possible?


"hurr hurr you think you got a stalker but I'm just gonna hide out here and never come out to kill you or anything" or resorting to the cheapest tactics possible to kill the players?

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This would mean changing almost everything about the Weapons Stats ONLY for this event AND only while this event is active which means shoving more programming down the Dev's throat. This would mean in update 9 this would be the main thing with not a lot of new content added which means that this would be pretty much the only new content you get besides some weapons and frames.

Lol, implying that changing the stats for a single boss would actually be hard.  I do believe I suggested you think before you post next?


I'm not reading everything but I haven't seen this. If players were to do it, it seems good in theory, but in practice how many of those people are just going to resort to griefing as much as possible?


"hurr hurr you think you got a stalker but I'm just gonna hide out here and never come out to kill you or anything" or resorting to the cheapest tactics possible to kill the players?

That's where rewards come into play.  If the incentive to play the role of the stalker is strong enough, players won't bother griefing.

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This leads to too much griefing potential.

say your trying to farms stalker weapons yet time after time you get people who run and hide from you so you cant kill them to get the drops?

or what happens if they jump in and just kill everyone else over and over, forcing the use of revives before getting bored and killing their target?

Or what if a stalker joins during a boss mission, and speeds off ahead to kill the boss so that the drops will disappear before the party gets there?

unless there are serious and huge limitations on the actions of the stalker it will just be griefing central.

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Why do u bring up balance when u are against pvp, ur not going to participate, why does it bother you? let the pvp community worry about that


bcuz ur afraid things will get nerfed? like i said, warframe vs warframe doesnt have to be the same as warframe vs mob, it could be a different game mode entirely with different rules/stats


theres no personal attacks, ur just not making a valid arguement, are u even reading what ppl suggest? I am not trying to ruin ur pve experience. I just want my share of pvp.

Here's the dealio. If they add a full fledged PVP mode they will have to start working on both PVP and PVE. They now have to appeal to the PVPers and the PVEers. Chances are (i use that term loosely as it's almost certain) that PVPers demands will outnumber the PVEers demands which will mean less content in the Main Game (The PVE Co-op part of the game) and more content in the PVP game.


Balancing isn't the only problem. It's the community, programming, everything about this game. There are so many things wrong with adding PVP to a game that IS supposed to be a Co-op PVE game.

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You don't know what damage stalkers smoke screen does.  You don't know how much damage any of his weapons does.  You don't even know what kind of health or resistances he does.  And above all that, every single last stat on every weapon and skill can be changed to balance things out.


And no, it doesn't mean a nerf for despair.  It means a nerf for the despair that stalker uses.  I suggest you start thinking before you continue to post such poorly reasoned nonsense again.

Really? You edited your post just so you could get that one insult in there? Childish


Lol, implying that changing the stats for a single boss would actually be hard.  I do believe I suggested you think before you post next?



Well here's what the programmers would have to do.


-Change Stalker from AI controlled to player controlled ONLY during a specific event.

-Change the stats of the weapons Stalker uses ONLY during a specific event

- Remove or balance Stalkers abilities ONLY during a specific event.


I made that sound SOOOOOOOOOO simple didn't I?


Well it's actually harder in programming.


It's a little time-consuming to explain so i'll save you the explanations for now.





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Lol, implying that changing the stats for a single boss would actually be hard.  I do believe I suggested you think before you post next?


That's where rewards come into play.  If the incentive to play the role of the stalker is strong enough, players won't bother griefing.


You severely underestimate the desire of players to be $&*^s to people on the internet. No matter the rewards people will get bored of going for it and simply do what they can to have fun and screw with other people just because they can. It leads to griefing. Period.


Look at other games. There's incentive to NOT team kill or to actually do the objective and stuff. Yet what do many players do? They team kill and grief and everything simply because they can. I was in a game earlier where the entire team decided to start killing me for no reason. Was there any reason to do so? No. Was there a "reward" to encourage playing the game as intended? Yes. Did it stop griefing? No. This sort of behavior is much more common than you seem to believe.

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Really? You edited your post just so you could get that one insult in there? Childish

Well here's what the programmers would have to do.

-Change Stalker from AI controlled to player controlled ONLY during a specific event.

-Change the stats of the weapons Stalker uses ONLY during a specific event

- Remove or balance Stalkers abilities ONLY during a specific event.

I made that sound SOOOOOOOOOO simple didn't I?

Well it's actually harder in programming.

It's a little time-consuming to explain so i'll save you the explanations for now.

Cause no game dev streamlines processes for change the stats of weapons and and mobs. And they haven't changed stats on items and mobs on an almost weekly basis already. Oh wait. They have.

Most of the legwork for the pvp side of this has already been done with dueling system. Reappropriating it for a player controlled stalker would most likely not be the gigantic undertaking that you wish it were.

You mean exactly in the manner that they plan to balance duels?

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Cause no game dev streamlines processes for change the stats of weapons and and mobs.  And they haven't changed stats on items and mobs on an almost weekly basis already.  Oh wait.  They have.


Most of the legwork for PvP has already been done with dueling system.  Reappropriating it for a player controlled stalker would most likely not be a huge undertaking.


You mean exactly in the manner that they plan to balance duels?

Here's the ADVANCED RUNDOWN of how this would be programmed


So lets say that the devs are using a program similar to Construct 2.(Doubt they aren't but still makes it easier for me to explain)


Changing stats on a specific entity in a game for a specific event is impossible so by changing they would have to duplicate Stalker,Despair,etc and modify them to add player input and add specific stats.


Now they would have to add an event and add a condition for playing as Stalker.


Then they would have to add all the actions in for the modified Stalker,Despair,etc.


Now assuming that the other players besides your target  are invisible they would have to put all other players in another layer making them invisible to the Player Stalker but at the same time making their projectiles damage you and making sure their projectiles (assuming the projectiles are invisible) are visible.


Seem time-consuming yet? They still have to add criteria for winning which means adding more events and action they would also have to program the rewards and set them to random. Also they would have to set criteria for losing and etc.


While this seems simple it is much harder in programming especially since i doubt they are using a program similar to Construct 2.


If you think i'm wrong feel free to use Construct 2 yourself and try to prove it. (It's free ya know)

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Here's the ADVANCED RUNDOWN of how this would be programmed

So lets say that the devs are using a program similar to Construct 2.(Doubt they aren't but still makes it easier for me to explain)

Changing stats on a specific entity in a game for a specific event is impossible so by changing they would have to duplicate Stalker,Despair,etc and modify them to add player input and add specific stats.

Now they would have to add an event and add a condition for playing as Stalker.

Then they would have to add all the actions in for the modified Stalker,Despair,etc.

Now assuming that the other players besides your target are invisible they would have to put all other players in another layer making them invisible to the Player Stalker but at the same time making their projectiles damage you and making sure their projectiles (assuming the projectiles are invisible) are visible.

Seem time-consuming yet? They still have to add criteria for winning which means adding more events and action they would also have to program the rewards and set them to random. Also they would have to set criteria for losing and etc.

While this seems simple it is much harder in programming especially since i doubt they are using a program similar to Construct 2.

If you think i'm wrong feel free to use Construct 2 yourself and try to prove it. (It's free ya know)

And this is based on your thorough knowledge and use of the Evolution engine. Oh wait, instead it's based on your experience with a drag and drop html5 game engine marketed towards non programmers. Are you for real?

I hate to break it to you, but DE isn't a small time dev team making iOS games. What may seem like a gigantic endeavor to you, is not the same thing for them.

And again, did you miss the fact that many of the things you're talking about have already been done with dueling or are being planned for it?

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And this is based on your thorough knowledge and use of the Evolution engine. Oh wait, instead it's based on your experience with a drag and drop html5 game engine marketed towards non programmers. Are you for real?

I hate to break it to you, but DE isn't a small time dev team making iOS games. What may seem like a gigantic endeavor to you, is not the same thing for them.

And again, did you miss the fact that many of the things you're talking about have already been done with dueling or are being planned for it?

Even without my fail there. There are still too many problems involving the community and other things to go through with this.


Here's the dealio. If they add a full fledged PVP mode they will have to start working on both PVP and PVE. They now have to appeal to the PVPers and the PVEers. Chances are (i use that term loosely as it's almost certain) that PVPers demands will outnumber the PVEers demands which will mean less content in the Main Game (The PVE Co-op part of the game) and more content in the PVP game.


Balancing isn't the only problem. It's the community, programming, everything about this game. There are so many things wrong with adding PVP to a game that IS supposed to be a Co-op PVE game.

Did you not read what i said right there?

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I don't know why the OP is trying to defend his terrible idea so much.  It's just a terrible terrible terrible idea.  When i'm trying to farm I don't want griefers popping into my game to try to ruin it.  This game has a nice community so far and I'd like it to stay that way.  Simple as.

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Lights flicker, players bunch up, stalker appears, players empthy magazines on their potatoed heks and gorgons in 2 seconds, stalker leaves...


I don't know, sounds like a pretty boring experience for the stalker player.

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  • 2 weeks later...

this game was made for pve not really pvp but i like the idea but if it is gonna be craftable it should be 


A rank 30 Excalibur warframe 

100,000 nano spores,

10,000 ferrite

10,000 salvage

20 Morphics

20 orkin cells

200,000 credit manufacture cost 

just so not every single player can be the stalker

and an alert based system where the original stalker sends you a name of the player and the mission and its like the dark version of  the alert system

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Every night I play my clan mates on raidcall discuss how amazing it would be to have the option to become infected or play out the Stalker.  Maybe it's just a long, drawn out tease, where the plot eventually focuses on the Stalker and some sort of, "noble," mission he is on.  I don't care... I just want more.

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