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What If 'players' Acted Out The Stalker Role.. Like In Dark Souls?


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So you want to keep the balance by only giving the "paying players" the ability to become stalker? *facepalm*

You just missed the point. You want to restrict players who dont have the money for plat. Dont you realize that the content needs to be obtainable for paying and free to play players.

You say: "You have to sacrifice something." But you dont actually care for the ones who cant sacrifice enough due to the lack of slots. Its a terrible idea that only a few with plat/ slots are able to become the stalker

You get given 50 Plat in the beginning. That could easily give you 2 more slots + 2 to start with = 4.

And don't say "Oh what if I want to get Orokin Crystal/Catalyst? Their blueprints are dropped ingame, hunt them down like every other player who wants one. Don't spend your precious platinum because you 'can't be effed'

So, you really want everyone to have a stalker huh?What's the point of having a stalker if you don't play it that much. A frame that you play on "stalker events". And what happens to those events when most of the people has a stalker warframe? Most of em would go on it of course, then it would just be a 30m Tenno-butchering.

Including the fact that if most of the people have stalker warframes, the ratio of people who want to do missions to the amount of people playing the stalker would be about 1:3 or maybe 1:2. What happens to the other 66/50% of the players who want some action?

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You get given 50 Plat in the beginning. That could easily give you 2 more slots + 2 to start with = 4.

And don't say "Oh what if I want to get Orokin Crystal/Catalyst? Their blueprints are dropped ingame, hunt them down like every other player who wants one. Don't spend your precious platinum because you 'can't be effed'

So, you really want everyone to have a stalker huh?What's the point of having a stalker if you don't play it that much. A frame that you play on "stalker events". And what happens to those events when most of the people has a stalker warframe? Most of em would go on it of course, then it would just be a 30m Tenno-butchering.

Including the fact that if most of the people have stalker warframes, the ratio of people who want to do missions to the amount of people playing the stalker would be about 1:3 or maybe 1:2. What happens to the other 66/50% of the players who want some action?

Its not about " everyone should have a stalker" Its about "everyone should be able to get one if you want to" and not a few lucky who asked the hell out of the forums to see that slots cant be obtained through playing -.- An example. What about a level which you only can reach if you have 5 or more warframes? Same nonsense with the 3 frames sacrifice.....

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Its not about " everyone should have a stalker" Its about "everyone should be able to get one if you want to" and not a few lucky who asked the hell out of the forums to see that slots cant be obtained through playing -.- An example. What about a level which you only can reach if you have 5 or more warframes? Same nonsense with the 3 frames sacrifice.....

2 Warframes with a minimum level cap? 20-25 i say.

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And why was Dark Souls so damn annoying? Because exactly of that. Do you have any idea how many people played offline just because of that feature? Who wants so jerk coming into your game and ruining all your effort for next to no reward other than an ego stroke?

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THAT'S WHY THERE WOULD BE AN OPTION TO OPT OUT OF IT YOU SCRUB. It's your choice to miss out on it. Less challenge means less reward. That's how it is in all games. It'll be the same when scrubs like you are still playing easy difficulty when difficulties are implemented.

Man you gotta bring that elitist attitude into every single game you play? The challenge in PVE should come from the actual PVE content, not having your mission all of a sudden turned into a PVP match. And no I won't be playing on easy. I've been soloing the hard content in this game since closed beta and am probably better than you are. Just because I don't want every single game in the world to be PVP doesn't mean I suck at them.
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Man you gotta bring that elitist attitude into every single game you play? The challenge in PVE should come from the actual PVE content, not having your mission all of a sudden turned into a PVP match.

Oh, and why is that? Just because? Get over yourself :|

And no I won't be playing on easy. I've been soloing the hard content in this game since closed beta and am probably better than you are. Just because I don't want every single game in the world to be PVP doesn't mean I suck at them.

There is no actually hard content in this game. You'll fall back to easy if the game is actually hard, it's what butt hurt kids like you do.

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I think that it is an interesting ideea, i often thought about it myself. I don't really see a problem with it since Stalkers appear in games anyway and i don't see it as much of a challenge since you guys are going to be 4 anyway so the stalker has to be smart if he wants to do some damage. Maybe you could be rewarded with an ? for killing a dangerous stalker. For example if a Stalker kill 0 team-mates you get 1000 creds, if he kill 1 you get 1000 and ? but with limited stuff (as in no orokin reactor or other rare stuff, maybe just artefacts) and if he kills 2 or more you get 2000 and ? with a high chance of getting good stuff. If the Stalker kills someone he gets the same bonuses. The Stalker should go in random games not premade ones to avoid exploatation and also he shouldn't be able to gather any resources.

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There is no actually hard content in this game. You'll fall back to easy if the game is actually hard, it's what butt hurt kids like you do.

Then why don't you go back to BLR where some people actually like you? Anyway done with you, cause appearently anyone that likes a pure PVE game is a scrub.
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Then why don't you go back to BLR where some people actually like you? Anyway done with you, cause appearently anyone that likes a pure PVE game is a scrub.

Nope, just people like you that want the game to stay purely pve just because.

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has anyone said this already?

to build a warframe specifically for "stalking"


that way it keeps the ability set

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I think it'd be the most effeicent way to add in some PvP, and it would add some variety.

You would have to gather a lot of rare materials to make a stalker warframe, and the BP's could be elusive as well, kind of like banshee. You would also probably need to be pretty high ranked. Like 5-10? I don't know.

You would invade just like the stalker does now, you have your intended target, and you can only see him, the catch is, the other co-op members can see you this time. If you win, you get X amount of creds, or maybe a random item of some sort..and if they win, the same.

It would be completely random, across the galaxy, maybe make some exceptions of new players..but certainly not systems, since high level players still farm there.

Personally if I could only see my target and not his/ her team-mates I wouldn't bother with the hassle of building the frame just to be a mildly irritating piece of cannon fodder for the buddies.


If I could see the whole team and/ or attack whoever I liked, I can already think of multiple ways to annoy the hell out of them ;)

Deliberately introducing something that would appeal to those who enjoy irritating people (which this is) is not a good idea given the current ethos of the game. 

Would any serious PvP'er want to be nothing more than a moments amusement for other players? Or would PvE players want a serious PvP'er to be able to invade their mission if they actually had any way to effect the outcome?


The hate this would generate on the forums would be briefly amusing I suppose, moderators would not thank you however. 

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I don't know how people can be so against an idea that's optional... I like the idea, if I didn't want to be invaded i would just turn it off.


The Stalker is factionless and his objective is always kill ONE target. When he does, he goes away. It would be pretty hard if not impossible for a player controlled stalker to try and kill all 4 players. That said, it can be a nice idea and it would need tweaking to make it better.


So lets stop all this "NO PVP! IT'S A PVE GAME!" And just try to improve the idea to make it better for everyone?


There are lots of reasons why it couldn't work. But there are lots of reasons why it could work. And again. It would be optional.

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I don't know how people can be so against an idea that's optional... I like the idea, if I didn't want to be invaded i would just turn it off.


The Stalker is factionless and his objective is always kill ONE target. When he does, he goes away. It would be pretty hard if not impossible for a player controlled stalker to try and kill all 4 players. That said, it can be a nice idea and it would need tweaking to make it better.


So lets stop all this "NO PVP! IT'S A PVE GAME!" And just try to improve the idea to make it better for everyone?


There are lots of reasons why it couldn't work. But there are lots of reasons why it could work. And again. It would be optional.

Keep in mind that the stalker's goal is to kill a specific player.  So one  kill should be enough to earn a reward.  But even that will be really hard since you'll still have to try and not get killed by four players.  Additional kills would a.) take a lot of skill and hard work and b.) should have a pretty damn good reward as long as they kill their target too.


But you're still bringing up all the right points.  Pretty much every complaint that people have had about this system can easily be mitigated.  This is the easiest way to implement any kind of PvP in this game has ever been brought up.  It will require the least balancing work and doesn't present any kinds of issues in terms of lore (mind you those would be easy to address).  And to top it off, it will allow them to lay a lot of the ground work for any future PvP system, which can only be a good thing since the devs have indicated that they are interested in eventually implementing PvP.




Personally if I could only see my target and not his/ her team-mates I wouldn't bother with the hassle of building the frame just to be a mildly irritating piece of cannon fodder for the buddies.


If I could see the whole team and/ or attack whoever I liked, I can already think of multiple ways to annoy the hell out of them ;)

Deliberately introducing something that would appeal to those who enjoy irritating people (which this is) is not a good idea given the current ethos of the game. 

Would any serious PvP'er want to be nothing more than a moments amusement for other players? Or would PvE players want a serious PvP'er to be able to invade their mission if they actually had any way to effect the outcome?


The hate this would generate on the forums would be briefly amusing I suppose, moderators would not thank you however. 

A serious PvPer would want a challenge.  People that get butt hurt about getting wrecked aren't serious PvPers.

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Ok it is inevitable that there will be pvp here there is no way its not going to happen eventually in one way shape or form its going to fcking happen deal with it this just so happens to be a possible form it might come in and i like this idea fck pure pve and the system

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Ok it is inevitable that there will be pvp here there is no way its not going to happen eventually in one way shape or form its going to fcking happen deal with it this just so happens to be a possible form it might come in and i like this idea fck pure pve and the system

No need to swear, but you are right.  The devs have indicated that they are interested in eventually doing a PvP system.  This is the best compromise on the issue thus far and people that don't want PvP should jump on it because since it's going to come in some form either way.






I jump you with my HEK and AKBOLTOs and Fangs, you will change your mind really fast



Hope your aim is good enough.  Good player based stalkers will have better aim, won't stand around like retards, will pick more ideal locations to spawn and will know how to properly time and use their abilities.


Personally I'm hoping that if this system is done, the devs will test it out before full implementation by playing as the stalkers in peoples' games.  It would make for some fun community interaction and give them an opportunity to test the system out in the wild.  Maybe make an event out of it with people getting awards for killing/playing with the devs (pretty common in other f2p games).

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