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Suggestion That Would Make Nyx's Second Ability Fun And Practical


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I think we can all unanimously agree that Nyx's Psychic Bolts ability needs some work. Compared to her other skills, Psychic Bolts seems pretty lackluster; it's not practical to use nor does it fit her skill set.

Let's take a look at her abilities:

- Mind Control:
What it does: A single target ability that makes an enemy target fight for you.
Analysis: Not a bad skill. If used on big targets like leaders, they can really disrupt the enemy team. It's also an easy way of quickly dispatching a tough enemy target as the enemy afflicted of mind control will not attack Tenno.

- Psychic Bolts:
What it does: Fires three bolts that the enemy that can be controlled by the location of the cursor.
Analysis: The topic of discussion. At the moment, this skill is really situational. Why would you use it when you could just shoot the enemy? The only use I can see of it is using it to hit enemies around walls.

- Chaos:
What it does: All the enemies in the radius around you start attacking the closest target be it a friend or foe. Afflicted enemies get higher threat, attracting aggro.
Analysis: This is Nyx's signature ability. In my opinion, it is one of the best crowd control skills. It turns a fearsome enemy army into a massive free for all. Just stand back and shoot to your heart's content.

- Absorb:
What it does: Nyx becomes invincible via meditation for a duration but cannot attack or move. She gets higher threat and any damage done to her during this duration will be released at the end in an explosion.
Analysis: Originally, I thought that this skill isn't all that useful when compared to Chaos. However, I have recently begun to see the uses of Absorb. It not only absorbs damage done by enemies by also absorbs self damage as well (Penta) and damage done by teammates. On top of that, it acts like a nice shield for defense missions.

Taking a look at all those abilities, Psychic Bolts is the only ability that doesn't fit it in with Nyx's skill set. Three of her abilities, Mind Control, Chaos, and Absorb all use the enemy to damage themselves leaving Psychic Bolts the odd one out.

No one uses Psychic Bolts anymore. I have not seen a single Nyx equip the skill because it is so situational. It does decent damage ONLY if you hit all three bolts and even then, why would anyone waste energy to kill an enemy that they could just shoot to death.

With all that considered, I have a suggestion to rework Psychic Bolts to make it fun and practical as well as being able to fit in with the rest of her abilities. It will sound simple but might take a bit of coding to come to fruition.

Ability 2 (I don't know what name)
What it does: Takes control of the enemy and fight from his point of view for a certain duration that can be prematurely ended by pressing the ability again. While controlling the enemy, the warframe is vulnerable.
Explanation: This ability would be able to literally make the player able to control an enemy. For example, if you targeted a Grineer Scorch, you would leave the point of view of your own warframe, leaving it just standing there and assume the point of view of the enemy you are controlling. You run at the speed that the Grineer Scorch can run and shoot the weapon, in this case, a flamethrower. This ability while powerful because it allows control of an enemy, has the main drawback of leaving your warframe vulnerable.

In my opinion, this reworked ability would bring out so much for Nyx, replacing her comparably useless Psychic Bolts with an interesting ability that would be quite fun to use as well as being practical.


If you support this idea, please give it a +1. If not, please explain why it would not work.


EDIT: Another idea that was mentioned by the Terrornaut is to make Psychic Bolts penetrate through walls and whatever target it hit would attract aggro from Chaos'd and Mind Controlled enemies. It would definitely add great utility to the skill. It would probably be much simpler to code than my idea so I thought I would just mention it.

Edited by RayDrazon
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Your idea seems too similar to Mind Control. If anything, it ought to replace MC. Also, I don't want to lose my Itano Circus power. Give me another warframe which can shoot a swarm of homing missiles and then we're good.

On the wiki, it explicitly states that Mind Control makes the enemy fight for the Tenno cause. There is a difference between that and literally controlling the enemy.

In terms of gameplay, since you are controlling the enemy, you could make it do much more harm to the enemy team than compared to an AI mind controlled enemy.

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The idea sounds completely awesome. Really, +1. However, in terms of actually making it work i think there would be some issues. Things like the Jetpack, Ice Leader's Globe, and Scorpion's whip(Scorpion ability thing...what do you call it?) might be hard to program as Tenno abilities. I'm not a programmer, and it might be really easy, but who knows. Still, awesome idea.

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The idea sounds completely awesome. Really, +1. However, in terms of actually making it work i think there would be some issues. Things like the Jetpack, Ice Leader's Globe, and Scorpion's whip(Scorpion ability thing...what do you call it?) might be hard to program as Tenno abilities. I'm not a programmer, and it might be really easy, but who knows. Still, awesome idea.

Aren't they technically just abilities? We would be able to use them just like our regular abilities. If its too complex to program, maybe just leave the special abilities out all together. Thoughts ?

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If they did some other kind of damage besides slash, punctured, and could go through walls/obstacles, that'd almost be the fix they need.  Now, if mind controlled and chaos enemies would go to where psy bolts went, or attack what it hit, that might make things really interesting.


...........and really funny for nyx trolling <_<

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If they did some other kind of damage besides slash, punctured, and could go through walls/obstacles, that'd almost be the fix they need.  Now, if mind controlled and chaos enemies would go to where psy bolts went, or attack what it hit, that might make things really interesting.


...........and really funny for nyx trolling <_<

This idea is actually really good as well. Much more simpler than the one I had. Mind if I edit this one in as a secondary rework?

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No, no.

It is good for Nyx to have a projectile ability she can cast while under Shade's cloak.

The problem is the bolts are useless. They need a rework/serious buff.


Perhaps turn it into a mind duel where Nyx fries the target's mind  causing damage or something.

Whatever as long as it's instant damage.

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Move mind control to 2nd skill position

Mind Control: Makes 1 enemy at a time a follower. Buffed stats and damage that scales by percentage of the current level of that unit. Abilities of controlled units will be active for following tennos to share.


Psychic bolts is now a first skill ability

Psychic bolts: Does percentile damage or a solid damage number to a single unit, When hitting a chaosed enemy, the damage is linked to the rest of the chaosed group making all of them take the same damage debuff. The linked damage will count as pure damage meaning that heavy units will be taking full damage that grunt units take, bypassing armor calculations etc.

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