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Green Glowing Enemies? Don't Shoot!


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I love my Nyx, she's an astonishing crowd controller - if people would only stop shooting at controlled enemies.

It's better than it was, but in general people seem to asume that green glowing enemies are target practice - not allies.

They are allies! If mind controlled or under the affliction of chaos, if left alone enemies will attack them, or each other.

"psycic bolts" is discussed wether or not have shield reduction abilities, but even so, it's not your first target. It won't attack you, it will attack the nyx that shot at it.

Please stop mowing down green glowing enemies, and you'll see the defence missions going much easier.

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Please don't stop the music~music~musiiic.

Anyways, +1 for Zmiley, I love when my teammate uses mind control on defense, I hate it when the two other teammates assume they're "Free Kill" instead of "Free Assist"

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what OP said.

and also, when nyx is meditating, SHOOT HER!

btw, trinity's "well of life" skill (the first 1) also makes enemies kind of greenish.. jus sayin..

nyx makes green holograms, trinity makes enemies shine bright green.

now you people know.

do the right thing, and have fun! ;)

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lol, this is why i only have Chaos on my Nyx, the only reason ever to have mind control in a squad situation is for distrupting atttacks, And people will never change because this is a game that rewards killing everything... so everything trhat possibly can be killed will be killed. Saying that though, i have over 7 million xp on my Nyx

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and also, when nyx is meditating, SHOOT HER!

Yess, this skill is pretty unknown to the community. I didnt know it at first, until i read it on wiki :/

Unless its a toxic ancient what? even them are damage sponges and gets attacked. they don't do much damage around, but that ain't nescesary the point of mind controlling it.

Toxics are one of the best few units to control lol. They are good against chargers.

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1.) Nyx made mobs invincible before. The result was trolling, by turning bosses invincible - and inactive. To counter that, enemies do not becoming invincible anymore. It's a good thing that was fixed.

2.) I don't care if you controlled a mob. If he is in my sights, I will mow him down. No offense. Good if you take a tough cookie out of the fight, but I won't wait until they are free again.

PS: I play Nyx myself. I don't expect anyone to spare my minions. I just cackle like a maniac.

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I use nyx as well and the only reason I MC any enemy is so I don't take any damage while I take them out myself. MC a toxic and get into melee range and go to town or a heavy grineer and you don't have to worry about the aoe knockdown.

Most mobs can't do much damage to their other allies anyways better to nullify their aoe and kill em yourself.

Edited by Brontolith
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Same question as the above. Why shouldn't I shoot them while they aren't attacking me? Or do you expect us to just sit back and watch them hunger games style and wait till theres only one left then shoot them? I mean sure I'll shoot a non greened enemy FIRST. but if all thats left is a bunch of chaos'd enemies.. why NOT shoot them?

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I love my Nyx, she's an astonishing crowd controller - if people would only stop shooting at controlled enemies.

It's better than it was, but in general people seem to asume that green glowing enemies are target practice - not allies.

They are allies! If mind controlled or under the affliction of chaos, if left alone enemies will attack them, or each other.

"psycic bolts" is discussed wether or not have shield reduction abilities, but even so, it's not your first target. It won't attack you, it will attack the nyx that shot at it.

Please stop mowing down green glowing enemies, and you'll see the defence missions going much easier.

If it matters to you that much please start forming private groups and/or communicate to the players on your team instead of the forums =D

It's tactically sound to take out enemies that are threats first, but mind-controlled enemies will not stay mind controlled for too long. A dead mind-controlled enemy doesn't give more support; but it does take out a would-be threat while they aren't attacking you.

Shooting a Nyx doing meditate is *very smart*.

To be clear, not saying the OP doesn't have a valid point... but lets face it, the primary audience for this information are unlikely to be active on the forums. When I PUG in any game I expect total derps and am happily surprized if I get otherwise.

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