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Can We Replace Excalibur's Super Jump With This?


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Hell no. Excalibur is called the perfect balance between MOBILITY and offence for a reason. Super jump is pretty much one of Excalibur's most essential powers. If we replace super jump with that ground-pound attack, he would pretty much be unbalanced. the reason why it's so useful is because it's able to be spammed, we can get away from enemies easier if we super-jump somewhere above that's safe and can hide from enemy fire.


I don't see why people think super-jump is so useless, you can pretty much jump high, and while you're in the air, shoot the enemies while you're in a far-enough range above them where their shots are less likely to hit, you just gotta be fast about the "shoot your enemies while you're in the air" part. 

Edited by Climaxstriker
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How i say in onther topic Excalibur- needs  a bese status change to be more like valkyr for melle combat .

             Slash Dash  maybe proc like Ash Shuriken

             Radial Blind good how it is....

             Super Jump add stun when he lads 

             Radial Javelin add punch truough change the dmg from impact,puncture,slash and  make it Finisher and maybe increase the dmg  nerf the post animation from 2.5 to 1 or 0.5  

And meybe solve some visual bugs like the one when he use radial blind he raises his empty hand (using Dargon Niakana ) and there are more to look ... 

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One thing I'd like to see in general is having melee slam attacks scale with height, that would make things a little more interesting for Excal and everyone else. SJ doesn't need much, it's an extremely cheap to cast mobility power, giving it too much utility will lend it to becoming a 25e power.

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I was talking to a clanmate about how excal needs something else useful, like a team buff. Excal already has a mobility move, cc, and a generic radial nuke. Super jump is just meh.


If anything, since coptering is viable, horizontal movement is trivial. Not vertical movement.


I just don't see many good things super jump is good for. I only know 2 and that is for ogris so you don't take damage (i know that's good but c'mon that's only one weapon) and to get to higher grounds.

And quick shortcuts.


Excalibur's super jump sucks. I don't even equip it. His radial blind should increase crit chance too but it just blinds...

Opinions vary...


The problem is that the game dosn't really use or rewards the use of, lets call it, artistic abilities.

I am talking of prince of persia style epsiodes were mobility abilities would be realy a huge benefit for the team.

That Wallrunning is available to everyone at a unlimited rate dosn't help a bit as well.


Creating levels were different abilities are needed for the team to accomplish the over all goal are in genereal sorely missing.

Imagine parts of levels or whole levels were you simply can't take a rhino ( just picking one) because your team has to climb the outside of a fortress.

Were speed and agility are everything, or others were you simply must not be detected.


I don't know how long I have to endure Super Jump heretics. I just hope DE doesn't listen.

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I think Superjump needs a mechanic where you hold the button to determine how high you want to jump. Just something to give it more control and fluidity. I was using it today I felt like I could use a lower magnitude jump in order to hop over a small obstacle.  I think Slash Dash could use a quicker base cast time too. I'd love Excalibur to be augmented into a smoothly mobile frame. His mobile abilities just execute too slowly for my comfort.

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That feels more like a Rhino-ish move, plus it's a minor resemblence to Rhinos original 3rd ability Radial Blast minus the jumping part.


Though Super Jump could use Heavy Impact as a passive ability, but Scott will quickly dismiss that idea ( Handspring )

Edited by __Kanade__
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I think Superjump needs a mechanic where you hold the button to determine how high you want to jump. Just something to give it more control and fluidity. I was using it today I felt like I could use a lower magnitude jump in order to hop over a small obstacle.  I think Slash Dash could use a quicker base cast time too. I'd love Excalibur to be augmented into a smoothly mobile frame. His mobile abilities just execute too slowly for my comfort.

I like this idea. You could maybe hold it down and the longer the press, the more energy used.


Onto the original post idea, I understand where you're coming from and I partially agree.


Yet I also agree with those who say Super Jump is fine as it is.



What I think would be cool is if Super Jump remained as is, because SJ is fine, but the actual ability had two stages, the second of which would be optional with a second press of 3 and would consume a little bit more energy (10-15?). This second stage could be what the original post suggested, but I feel as though that's a bit too similar to Dive Bomb. Maybe it could be a special attack where Excal spins rapidly downward, slams the ground for some damage, and remains spinning for ~3 seconds upon landing, becoming a whirlwind of blades or something.


That way, SJ remains as it is for mobility, but also opens up the option for an offensive follow-up attack at the cost of a little more energy. That second stage would also be unique for Excal and could be used to initiate a fight or just defend a position, descend rapidly, whatever!

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Just equip a melee weapon and make a slam attack. I don't know why Super Jump needs damage somewhere. It's pure mobility and it's cheap.


For CC this is not good, because you take too long to fly into the air and land.


It's just meant to be cheap vertical mobility and this is nearly perfect.

The scaling with how long you press the button would be an option, too. However what about the strength scaling with current superjump?

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Just equip a melee weapon and make a slam attack. I don't know why Super Jump needs damage somewhere. It's pure mobility and it's cheap.


For CC this is not good, because you take too long to fly into the air and land.


It's just meant to be cheap vertical mobility and this is nearly perfect.

The scaling with how long you press the button would be an option, too. However what about the strength scaling with current superjump?

Maybe strength mods would just increase the maximum jump height, while still allowing the player to press 3 down to get the jump they want. To avoid waiting a really long time, maybe the scale for time held to jump height would be altered for a heavily strength modded Excal (ie. strength modding then makes SJ take less time to charge to the same distance of a less powerful SJ).

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