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Concept For A New Boss And Warframe: The Forgotten


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This is an accumulation of ideas that I shared on the forums that I have put together into this large idea. Note that this is quite extensive and there is a lot of content to talk about. I just feel proud enough of this idea that I wanted to share it. Also, I am no good artistically, so you will find me describing many of the visuals.


So, what is it?


It is an idea for a lore-friendly boss as well as a related warframe. Defeating this boss would reward you with pieces of a new warframe.


The Lore



Have you ever heard of the story of the The Forgotten? Of course you haven’t; it’s a story that nobody talks about. Maybe it’s the guilt that comes with it. Want to hear it? Well, listen closely.


Some time ago, a Tenno operative was searching an infested ship to search for supplies. The mission proceeded like any other, with very little hindrance from infested creatures to a skilled Tenno. However, a nasty visit from the Stalker made this routine into chaos. A battle ensued between the operative and the Stalker, a battle of which the Stalker proved victorious. The operative was left unconscious at the battle zone, left to the non-existent mercy of the infested horde. After a few hours of radio silence from the operative, the Lotus sent a recovery squad to search for the operative and retrieve the supplies he found. What the squad found was tragic: the operative was laying on the ground, barely conscious. Even worse, his warframe had been ruptured in many areas, most of which in his left hand. The Tenno within had been had been severely injured by infested bites and lacerations. The recovery squad brought him and the found supplies back to a station just outside of the system. Miraculously, the operative survived. However, his behavior began to change. He became more aggressive and merciless, even to his comrades. More worry began to arise as biomass began to appear on his skin, more notably on his left hand, to the point where it even transformed his warframe. It was then obvious that the operative had been infected by the Technocyte virus, and that the operatives biology hastened his transformation while allowing him to retain a sense of clarity. After the operative broke out into a violent, and almost fatal rage against another Tenno, the Lotus, fearing the risk of viral sabotage, banished the operative to an unknown area at the far end of the system. He was never heard of again; the Lotus refuses to speak of the matter, and the operative has been currently, and aptly named “The Forgotten”. It’s been a while now...it makes you wonder if he is still out there somewhere, waiting to take his revenge on the Tenno and especially the Lotus.



Well that is what is going to happen!!


Introduction of The Forgotten


The Forgotten reappears to the Tenno, threatening to take their order down. He even has an infested army to boot. If this was to be brought up as an event, you would have to find rescue or capture targets who, with collective knowledge, can pinpoint the area of operations of The Forgotten. This opens up the idea of a new infested tile set, which is already on DE’s mind. Once the Tenno find the tile set, it is just a matter of going through the nodes of the starchart to reach his boss level. Defeating The Forgotten will result in the reward of component blueprints for the infested, biomass warframe.


Now, what is the boss like?


The Forgotten as a Boss




Due to his troubled past, The Forgotten is severely resentful of the Tenno faction and even more to the Lotus. He was banished only because of a very bad deal of fate, essentially, in which he could not escape from. Due to this lack of fairness given to him, he is provoked to bring an entire army to combat the Tenno. He believes that the infested accepted him as family, and has been more accepted than what the Lotus had to offer. After some thought during his banishment, he has grown cynical towards the mission of the Tenno, believing that they are only greedy mercenaries that would do anything for profit. He also, interestingly, believes that the Stalker may be just in his hunt for specific Tenno, therfore furthering his belief that the Tenno are in no way noble. During some communications with players, he may look back to the grand times he had with his Tenno brethren, only to later trample it with his hatred towards them. The Forgotten as a Tenno was very composed, but his infection gives him a small state of dual-personality, in which he may enter violent fits of rage. Even in his composed self, he can strike hard with his clever use of wordplay and skepticism. He will also try to persuade players that the infested are just as unlucky as he has been, as they were failed experiments as a bio-weapon and have, therefore, been cast out. He believes that the mission of the infested is to unite the system into one order.




Try to imagine a warframe that has been overrun by infested biomass. He will be wearing the warframe that the player would be rewarded with after the battle.The most notable parts of his design are his head and his left hand. As it had been mentioned in the lore, The Forgotten’s left hand had been infected the most. Therfore, his left hand is purely biomass from his fingers to a quarter above his forearm. His fingers would be extended to a sharp point and there would be “eyes” showing his energy. For his face, it is the only picture I was able to draw up!




He leaves his helmet off to show is incredibly deformed face. He will also wear a cape-like, cloth syndana that has been tattered and torn. As for the warframe he wears, it will be mostly black with a sickly green energy color. I wish I could draw up a design, but the base warframe would be pretty generic, with the accents being portions of infested biomass, such as a mass on his right shoulder which would double as a shoulder guard, or numerous “hands" that reach from his sides to his chest that would cross together to make a chest guard.


Boss Fight Mechanics


This fight would have its own uniqueness; it would literally be like “fighting one of your own today".This would play out similar as fighting the Stalker, only The Forgotten would have a loadout of only infested themed weaponry, namely Synapse, Tysis, and Dual Ichor, each of them having some mods to make more damage, depending on the level of the mission. In terms of his abilities, they will be similar, if not identical, to the abilities of his playable warframe counterpart, which I will explain later. Once his health reaches halfway down, he will leap out of the arena momentarily to call upon some infested creatures. After a few moments he would leap back into the arena with his brethren.


Now, what of the warframe he drops?


The Warframe


Currently, I have the named pegged to be Oblitus, which is Latin for “forget”. This frame would be a anti hero type designed for more of a self serving role, perfect for solo players. His element would be biomass, branching of the infestation. His abilities would mainly be used for his own advantage, to allow him to keep himself alive and safe during missions.




The design for the frame would be almost identical to the boss counterpart, including the mutated left hand, which his idles can revolve around (constant flexing of the fingers, looking at his hand in disgust, etc.). What is different is 1. the syndana of the boss is optional and only available to that warframe, and 2. the use of a helmet (having the bare face just doesn’t feel right :P). The base helmet would be, again, generic, but the complexity is given by the biomass which would encircle is head and swivel up to form a thorned crown. Color-wise, and similar to the boss, his default energy color would be a sickly green, with his base color being a dark grey and the details as lighter shades of grey. If the last detail option would only color small accents of the frame, namely portions of the biomass, they would be a darker green compared to the energy. Other helmets would be of a similar style: generic on the bottom but made complex by the biomass.


Stats and Abilities (This is aaaaaallllwaaaays open for change....)


In terms of stats, he would be pretty average, boasting slightly more armor than average and matching Ash and Zephyr in health. He would have average speed, power and shield values.


For the abilities, I have crunched them down to a set of four. While I still feel, in part, that this group may not be as a creative setup as others, it was the best set I could get together. I will not include power consumption. Remember, the actual boss will have these abilities at his disposal as well.


Ability 1: Leaping Swipe-- Leaps towards a target, ending in a wide slash that knocks over enemies hit. Think of it as variation of Sonic Boom, just with a bit more damage and less targets hit, up to three or four in front of the player. Affected by strength and range mods.



Ability 2: Eruption-- Parts of biomass explode from the player, doing damage to surrounding enemies and knocking them down. This acts as a enhanced version of a runner’s suicide. Affected by strength and range.


Ability 3: Gluttony-- Grabs an enemy and consumes his strength. It saps enemies of health and energy and transfers it to the player, which is very useful for solo play. A single serving Energy Vampire and Well of Life. He would consume the energy through his mutated left hand. While he is consuming, he is still open for attack. Affected by strength, maybe range if he does a leap to his victim.


Ability 4: Shriek-- Lets out a debilitating scream that does damage over time. Much like Sound Quake, only a little louder and a different damage type, and the enemies affected would be stunned as the loud shriek would rip them apart from the inside. Affected by damage and range mods, not duration as it would only be a set time.


The one issue with this set of abilities is that none of them rely on duration mods, therefore making the drawback of fleeting expertise non-existent and leaving room for more mods with the lack of need for continuity or constitution. But, since all of the abilities rely on power strength, blind rage would have to be used to make an expert build.




So that is The Forgotten! Thanks for reading!




Before fight:


“Have you ever considered that the Stalker is on to something? Maybe his sense of justice is....just..”


“I find it ironic, the ones who I used to kill hordes of have accepted me more as family than even my former allegiance.”


“This is not a conclave, Tenno; don’t expect me to play fair.”


“The Tenno are nothing but mercenaries who will work for greed. How many times have to changed your allegiance between Grineer and Corpus to gain a better reward?”


“My brethren and I are not here to destroy the system; we are here to unite it. The war between Tenno, Corpus and Grineer has gone on long enough.”


“You follow the Lotus so blindly...”


" I used to be one of you Tenno. I fought with you. Why can't we fight together as one family?"


"The infested were just failed experiments of a bio-weapon, shunned and banished. I can relate to that."



Intro Cinematic:


“It was only a matter of time, Tenno. You will now know what it is like to be forgotten!”



During Battle:

General Dialogue


“I know exactly what is under that warframe, Tenno! Don’t think that you can hide!”


“Die slow. Die in pain. Die in failure. JUST DIE!”


“There is no honor here, Tenno; then again, you don’t have a sound notion of it, anyway.”


“Come, let us fight like we are made for.”


Calling Infesed


“Be wary of my brethren, Tenno. They are not too fond of outsiders.”


“Rip the Tenno from limb to limb, brothers and sisters! Extend your invitation to our family!”


Using Gluttony


“Your greed only makes you empty, just about as empty as I make you now.”


“You are strong, certainly. Share it with me.”


“Feed me, Tenno. Give me your power.”


Using Shriek


“That is only a fraction of the pain you brought me.”


“That sound is something you will never forget.”


“Think about what you just heard....think about it deeply...”

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