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Resource Drops In The Void


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So, I was thinking, people already hate the whole resource grinding system. Once players make it to late game areas, they're mostly interested in doing tower missions and stuff. So most of us have thousands of alloy plates and control modules from all the time spent there.

My suggestion is to rotate out the resource table for the void every so often, to encourage a more even flow of resources to the players who do towers a lot. Maybe change the drops every day, every other day, every week, whatever. I feel like it would definitely ease player frustrations at least a little bit.

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I think that instead of rotating the resources in the void, they need to switch the resources to something that makes a little more sense.  Orokin cells instead of gallium, neural sensors instead of control modules, and not sure about the other two.  Orokin make sense due to most prime weapons needing it, so it seems the Orokin used them a lot.  Neural sensors due to the fact that the corrupted enemies have supposed to be controlled by a neural sentry.  With the other resources, alloy plates are what Grineer use, and I can honestly not remember what the fourth resource is.  maybe put in a resource with a really uncommon drop chance, and have it be used in a new lab in the dojo that can take void keys, and either change there mission type, or change the tier.  It would be costly resource wise, and would take 50k credits to do, so it does not get abused, and farming is still needed.


I do agree the void resources need changing, but like the current resources do not make sense, rotating resources does not make too much more sense to me.

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