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The Weapons Of Warframe That I Really Want To See...


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More unique BFG's.

Seriously this is a universe wear almighty space ninjas blast enemies away with their minds.

There has got to be some more weaponry akin to that nature of things, cuz to be honest, a lot of Warframe's weaponry is pretty generic and boring.

Don't get me wrong there are a lot of unique weapons in Warframe, but there are a lot more weapons that are just lame.1


How about a massive plasma cannon that shoots a ball of energy that sparks and deals damage to nearby enemies as it travels and then explodes on contant or when you shoot it in a giant explosion.

Or how about a glove that spawns bombs that you throw that explode according to the elemental type you have on it.

And I know everyone still wants to see a freeze ray. Or maybe instead of just a beam you could have it shoot a blast of ice shards that impale enemies like bolts, as well as freezing them.

What about a massive repulsor wave shotgun/cannon the deals damage and ragdolls everything in a cone in front of you over a short distance.

And you know what, why not a bubble gun that encases enemies is a bubble of energy rendering them useless and ready to be riddled with holes while they're just floating there.


I guess what I am getting at is I'm getting bored with Warframe's weaponry, and that is such a key element that Warframe revolves around.


What do you guys think about Warframe's weapons?

Any ideas of your own that you think would suit the Warframe universe?

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Absolutely no more large-oversized guns.  This game does not need to drunkenly wander even farther off from its ninja development roots than it already has with the Ogris, pre-render stealth 2.0 obsolete, nor completely override melee 2.0 with oversized cannons; the addition of such weapons would help turn this game back into the run and gun that the devs are against from the start till now, what with the onset of melee 2.0.  Rather, what we need are weapons with more taste and subtlety.


I'd prefer weapons such as fans that, in history, have been known to hold throwing knives, be thrown themselves, or become effective maces.


The castanas were a small step in the right direction in terms of static traps, something new for Warframe.


Ninjas were also known to carry small grenade-like weapons; these would be filled with anything from blinding powder, broken glass, to incendiary materials.


Silent weapons are also slightly lacking; either you have a bow, or throwing stars.  Hell, I'd even give a blowpipe a shot.


Trivial ideas, but that's all I can muster at 12:52am.  Less explosions, more variety.  Less run and boom, and more subtlety, thinking, and deliberation.  We have enough mindless run and gun as is.

Edited by DalaiLlama
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