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Great Game Flawed F2P Model


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as an entirely free to play player who has only put in a bit of money for non-frame related stuff. I can tell you (OP) you are way off base. Yes. The prices are designed so that you pay or farm for it yourself. Yes. it is a time and credit commitment to get a new frame. No the process and time isnt too hard and I've literally built all my frames. I've never paid for a single frame or weapon with plat. Pre update, I had played about 80 hours. I had 6 full sets of warframe blueprint sets. Loki, excal, trinity, frost, ash,rhino. Ive got rhino ash frost trinity all crafted. rhino and ash are both maxed at rank 30. All this was FREE. Just dont have the slots for loki/excal (and dont want to spend more plat on slots yet). If you spent as much time playing the game and less time complaining you would find the same to be true. The only people that really pay platinum for any frames or weapons are typically zero day adoptors or new players. As a new player you can pay your 15-20 bucks. get your frame (AND its supercharged) and chances are you wont ever buy another frame again if you actually keep playing - cause by the time you max out your frame, you will be killing bosses, collecting bps and credits and won't buy another frame unless you are ... a zero day adopter - aka new update comes out with an awesome new frame you MUST have right away.. you pay plat to get it. Those are practically the only 2 categories of people that buy warframes. Well I guess the 3rd is people that play a bit, get bored and cant be bothered to play to get more BP pieces to make a new frame.

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Why? The title free to play;

while you have 12 warframes, and if you are only allow 1 to start off, then it should be free to choose anyone of those to start off.

What's the incentive to do the bosses then? As of right now the bosses give BPs / mats and not sure what the alternative is for that off the top of my head except even RARER frames/weapon/mods? While I understand the main point of the game is have fun, the devs need to make money. While the initial costs of frames is expensive it's a lot less if you farm out BPs on a weekend -> build all three parts on the weekday you are working going to school -> pick up -> start frame build and if you want -> rush 25 plat(?) which is less than 5 dollars and you got a way cheaper way of doing things then paying 225 / 375 for them and you still support DE plus plat leftover to supercharge.

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The only thing I don't like about their model is the pricing for purchasing weapons/frames. (Just too much for me to spend money on it.) Everything of meaning can be earning just playing. There is no unfairness, and the important parts of their model like potatos, frame slots, and weapon slots are perfectly priced.

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I think the bigger issue isn't the amount of grind it takes to get each individual piece if you want it, but it's a bit steep to be charging $25 for some of the warframes. I bought the female warframe pack, which is 3 for $30 and don't regret it. But I bought the master founder pack for $100 because I wanted to support the game and have over 1400 plat left and nothing I want to spend it on because all the plat costs are way too high for all the stuff I would want right now, so I'm just going to be buying potatos, slots, and things with crazy plat-to-credit ratios like the sentinels.

There really does need to be a review of plat costs for gear. Look at the Burston: 12000 credits or $8. I personally hate grinding and as soon as I feel like I'm spending more time grinding and less time playing, I quit whatever game it is. If the amount of time I get to play the game the way I want to play it doesn't match up to the number of dollars I'd have to spend to avoid grinding, those dollars will be going elsewhere.

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The weapons are bought with ingame credits... then there is Cronus, Black sword, dark dagger, ceramic dagger, heat dagger which are all blueprints obtained IN GAME only... you cannot buy them with platinum even though I WANT A BLACK SWORD!!!

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Why? The title free to play;

while you have 12 warframes, and if you are only allow 1 to start off, then it should be free to choose anyone of those to start off.

No because people have to work for the new ones. Why should new players be allowed to choose one of the new frames while veterans have to work for the BP. And free to play doesnt mean free to choose....

Edited by Venarge
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I now feel like im wasting time on a warframe i dont want that i was forced to choose which is making the game incredibly unenjoyable for me to the point i don't wanna play because im wasting time on a char i dont want.

If you aren't enjoying your starter frame what seriously makes you think any other frame is going to let you enjoy the game, the vast majority of what you do in this game doesn't change much from frame to frame, running, shooting, running, stabbing, running, activating objectives. How is changing your warframe going to change the way the game operates?

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For example running, sliding, then attacking... does more or same amount of damage as a charge plus faster... there is alot of things in the game based on skill. Trust me... I hate Loki, I have no idea what I am doing with Nyx... I don't have alot of fun with mag, but I do enjoy some of them mainly Excalibur and Banshee and even though I owned all the warframes before update 7 I still used excalibur Prime level 30, best stuff around and owned "Almost" every map in the game so hardcore I stopt playing (So easy I felt under challeneged to continue beating maps) because I was unchalleneged due to how powerful Excalibur Prime had become... (Its the same as Excalibur your not missing anything) Your basic first warframe can easily become the most deadly check out Loki I hate the guy but other players enjoy using him. I have seen Volt used in amazing ways even I will use him once in awhile to show everyone how its done...

Edited by Arlayn
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True that the Prices for warframe in plat are way off. However if you ask every single person that is a founder, the majority of them would say they never spent a single plat on warframe. They farmed for the blue print and waited for it to finish in the foundary. So that in itself isn't a problem. Either get off your lazy &#! and farm or spent quite a bit of money for a warframe/weapon. There are games out there that overprice stuff way more than warframe. Keep that in mind. Farming Warframe Blue Print isn't that hard either.

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True that the Prices for warframe in plat are way off. However if you ask every single person that is a founder, the majority of them would say they never spent a single plat on warframe. They farmed for the blue print and waited for it to finish in the foundary. So that in itself isn't a problem.

You really think that it's not a problem that the majority of founders (the ones with the most platinum) don't spend platinum on warframes? If no one is spending plat on them, then obviously they are priced too high.

Either get off your lazy &#! and farm or spent quite a bit of money for a warframe/weapon. There are games out there that overprice stuff way more than warframe. Keep that in mind. Farming Warframe Blue Print isn't that hard either.

I don't play this game to farm, (I've been playing games for decades, so I've done my fair share of farming) I play it because I want to do crazy space ninja things with cool weapons and powers. If the cost in time or money to get those things exceeds the enjoyment I get from them, I'll sink my time/money somewhere else. Right now the time cost isn't too bad, but I can get way more bang for my buck elsewhere.

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You really think that it's not a problem that the majority of founders (the ones with the most platinum) don't spend platinum on warframes? If no one is spending plat on them, then obviously they are priced too high.

I don't play this game to farm, (I've been playing games for decades, so I've done my fair share of farming) I play it because I want to do crazy space ninja things with cool weapons and powers. If the cost in time or money to get those things exceeds the enjoyment I get from them, I'll sink my time/money somewhere else. Right now the time cost isn't too bad, but I can get way more bang for my buck elsewhere.

I don't see your point

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You really think that it's not a problem that the majority of founders (the ones with the most platinum) don't spend platinum on warframes? If no one is spending plat on them, then obviously they are priced too high.

Even if they lower the price I doubt it would change the fact that the "majority" would still farm for blueprint rather than buy it from the shop for plat. Why buy something with cash when it can easily be farmed.

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Even if they lower the price I doubt it would change the fact that the "majority" would still farm for blueprint rather than buy it from the shop for plat. Why buy something with cash when it can easily be farmed.

It takes hours (regardless of how easy the farming is) to farm a new warframe, including getting the blueprints, getting the alloy plate and rubedo, and, after update 7 made credits have actual value, gathering enough credits to pay for it (blueprint + 4 foundry costs). If that time was pure grind, I would definitely pay $10 to avoid it.

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I think every free to play game you have to be willing to give some money esle you basicly not a good person

If I like the game I will buy stuff

I give a min of $30 but im pretty poor

The nice thing about free to play is that you don't have to give it right away.

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Yes but even in tribes it didnt take too long to grind out xp for a class you wanted to play now the weapons took more time yes. But even in tribes you could buy gold and get way more out of it than buying plat in this game

Then you didn't look hard enough

you can change you plat into credits or whatever there ingame money is.

buying a gun or blueprint(if blueprint you still need to farm the other stuff) + an Orokin Catalyst is cheeper that way,

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To me the Platinum does not seem over priced at all. I came here from a game that had a lottery type system as a try your luck on getting better weapons (this was a really badly run game that really is greedy and pay to win).

I know people in that game that have spent over £500 just trying to get one gun... and they have done the same on god knows how many other guns. :/

In this game you pay once and you got the gun (or whatever it is you are buying). Seems like the pricing is perfect for me after coming from such a greedy company as the one I described above.

Plus I dont think it is all that difficult to farm credits for the blueprints. Just upgrade your weapons and current warframe to a decent level and jus play defence levels and sell all the mods that you dont want or need instead of fusing them and spending more credits xD

I have just bought the dual fire swords and bolt gun blueprints and as soon as I have paid the construction fees (already paid the dual fires) and collected the materials I will be saving up for a sentinel :p

Although I do like this game and may put some money in here anyway and jus buy a sentinel to save a bit of time :)

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