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The Brakk Parts Need To Be Tradeable.


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How long does it take to level up 0-30? 2 hours of playing defences/survivals? And how much time you used to have to invest in the game before, to get good gear? 100 hrs? Its about as bad as Blizzard selling jump to lvl 90 for 60$, except that game has 'end game' while WF has almost none to offer. Farming primes was a substitute for endgame. Instead of improving it, DE decided to make it irrelevant with trading. 

I wouldn't know, with my poor connection anything past 35 isn't really doable for me. But about 7 hours with booster doing other missions.

It took me about 13 runs to get Frost Prime back when I started in January. And that's what I believe something like that should take, ten to fifteen runs. Not 40 or 100. The content isn't engaging enough to warrant more plays, and quite frankly, the 'prize' at the end of the RNG rainbow isn't worth the effort put in.

If it took me 100 hours to get something to enjoy in Warframe, I wouldn't have lasted past a week of play.

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You know, if Warframe was a PvP game, you proud owners of the Gradivus Brakk would have all the rights to whine and complain about us getting a non-potated, pricey and costly, no-slot Brakk, because it would be used on other players and all that.


But that's just it, really. This is a PvE game. We use our gear on AI-controlled enemies. Jesus Christ, guys, quit bashing on the people who have better things to do than to zealously grind 100 event missions or to grind for deathmarks for a miniboss that MIGHT or MIGHT NOT appear, MIGHT or MIGHT NOT drop a part, and it MIGHT or MIGHT NOT be the part we need and want. The RNG in this game is simply overkill, and trading would help lessen it somehow.


I for instance, have run many Invasion missions against the Grineer, and the Grustrag Tenors have yet to spawn on me. I received the threat message since their release, where are they?


Please stop making a fuss over trading weapon parts and bps, I mean come on, it's all just pixels and data, for a game. If it were a job, a real life competition or something, yeah, it's not right, but this is a game. That's it. All I see is some people asking for a better and more certain method to get what they want over this dumb reliance on RNG and luck, and people who feel "I suffered and grinded for this gear, so you should too!", and frankly, you only come off as being jerks if you think like that.

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Why can't the likes of you just deal with it-- by not spending platinum on items you want, and roll around RNG like any other wishing what they wish? I haven't earn a Boltor Prime BP after 10 casual T3 MD, add the fact that 9 of those runs had pretentious c**ts who rush to the terminal without clearing the way.


You are making the same whine thread made in the past, similar to Detron, and Ember Prime; and even today about Boltor and Rhino Prime.


So, no. It will not be tradeable even if you pay $50 for a Brakk, not supercharged nor has a free slot.

Edited by faustias
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Why can't the likes of you just deal with it-- by not spending platinum on items you want, and roll around RNG like any other wishing what they wish? I haven't earn a Boltor Prime BP after 10 casual T3 MD, add the fact that 9 of those runs had pretentious c**ts who rush to the terminal without clearing the way.


You are making the same whine thread made in the past, similar to Detron, and Ember Prime; and even today about Boltor and Rhino Prime.


So, no. It will not be tradeable even if you pay $50 for a Brakk, not supercharged nor has a free slot.

Good luck on that Boltor Prime Blueprint. My clan leader had to run about 40 missions before it dropped for him.


On the other hand, 'the likes of you'? You mean people trying to enjoy an online cooperative game? Perhaps I shouldn't wish you luck. Maybe you need a good dose of frustration so you can understand those that lady luck chooses not to smile upon.


I wouldn't call those Tenno pretentious, more likely jaded. After all, they've possibly gone through T3 MD dozens or even hundreds of times.

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I just PMed the following to Sheldon. Hopefully he reads it; this problem affects more than just the Brakk, it's an RNG issue so it affects damn near all of this game.


Though I've already PMed Rebecca to ask about Detron and Brakk part trading, a thought occurred to me today after reading comments in one of the G3-related threads.

Apparently we're meant to acquire the Brakk "organically" (I don't know if whoever told me that was quoting a developer or just making stuff up), and yet if the farmers can't get it, what chance do the non-farmers have?

The G3 simply has too many layers of RNG to it. First you have to get them to spawn, then the group has to not make a run for it, then the host has to not instantly Alt-F4 rather than risk getting Bolted, then they have to drop a part, then they have to drop the right part, then you have to avoid seeing the words "host migration."

And while being able to trade for the parts--myself I've had four blueprints and a receiver, but never a barrel--would let myself and other people finally make our Brakks, it's the layer upon layer of RNG that provides the biggest problem for this game.

Because some people, even after the "fix," got theirs quickly, while the rest of us are stuck begging RNGesus. There's no upper limit to how many times I could run invasions and not even see the G3, let alone get the barrel I need, and that's poor game design in my opinion.

The people who got their Brakk quickly, the content was over for them. The rest of us? We could be doing this forever and not get anywhere, which will only burn people out if they try for it and be utterly forgettable if they don't, given how rare the G3 are.

I guess what I'm asking you is how many more hundreds of invasions do I have to run, for it to be counted as being equivalent to the one hundred runs Gradivus players did for their "welfare" Brakk?

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Dont see why people got mad about prime trading, I love it.  No more doing 100 dam tower keys over and over again for 1 dam prime part... thank the lord I can pay some one to do that for me.

And I would not mind brakk/detron being tradable either.

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The problem with the second argument there is that because the whole thing is reliant on RNG, some people burn through the G3 content quickly and have done so even after the "fix." The rest of us are left constantly praying to RNGesus, and there's no systems in place to provide an upper limit on how long it'll take us to actually get what we're trying to get.

Oh, I'd agree with that to a certain extent.  I'm not saying the current implementation is ideal.  I've pretty much said screw it to the G3 for now until DE ups the spawn rate.  The sample argument I'm tossing out there isn't meant to reflect my own opinions on the matter.  It exists to show the difference between a jerk and someone who happens to have a different idea as to what makes a good game.  Basically, that wanting others to suffer because you did is not a very good argument against a change.


And yet that's the argument you see made time after time.


I will say though that I'd be fine with some rare items that are status symbols simply due to their rarity, that take luck to acquire.  But those status symbols should not be something players feel obligated to get.  Which in this game means any item that contributes to Mastery.

Edited by Axterix13
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  • 2 months later...

I agree that you should earn your weapons. No pay to win advantage. I get killed by Stalker a lot, but when I beat him it's a sense of accomplishment. Same goes for the G3 and Harvester. When I finally get their weapons I'll feel I earned them because I solo all the time.

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