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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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"The orokin never failed, they were obliterated, unjustly, and until you get that through your thick skull, I don't have much more to say on the matter. Though presently, something quite interesting has occurred, and I'm sure something that would make you far less agitated to speak about." He said, gesturing to Fili on the bed.

"As I'm sure you might know, Fili is an android, and has a complement of a couple AI to assist her throughout her life cycle, one of these AI apparently believes it ought to be more in charge than Fili, and has been attempting to cause Fili distress, this recently came to a turning point, with Natalia apparently going into Fili's systems in order to deactivate the AI, also intending to replace the combat AI with herself, stopped by Thalia, who gave up her own life in Natalia's place." He explained. "That's as much as I currently know."

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"Orokin didn't fail. It met this own destiny. And that was destruction of themselves. I don't blame myself anymore and I don't blame anybody. Everybody moves on eventually. Android is a copy of living being. An image to somebody. You know. You do much as right and exactly same amount of wrong. There is always options but depending on situation there is exceptions. I am not agitated. I am sad. You are being ignorant towards things what has knowledge. It escapes. It comes. It hides. Its found" Talvi said.


"You accuse me from failure of protecting Orokin. While their destruction was inevitable by their curiosity..." Talvi said "I don't know did I saw it coming but now thanks to you. I learned that I did see it coming but I didn't see it being that annihilating end. I did my best and it wasn't enough but yet I still live" Talvi said and pulled out his blade looked at ice colored blade. slid his finger on surface of the blade. He sighed. "Who knows what our masters back then thought when they were annihilated. Was it to save us? Or did they believe us to be saviors? Or their end?" Talvi asked. Sheathing the blade.


Mihya went to check on Natalia. She listened her breathing and then tried to find her pulse.

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Natalia indeed had a pulse, her body designed more like a human than Fili's formed from her memories. Her skin however, was a worrying shade of blue, indicative of hypothermia, despite her being done at room temperature.

"Your words fall upon deaf ears Talvi, Though I would be interested so as to what you make of the current situation." Halcyon responded.

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"Nothing" Talvi said as Mihya spotted what is going on with Natalia. She came to Talvi and whispered him about what is going on with Natalia. "Do you mind if I cook something really quick in this kitchen?" Talvi asked and Mihya went to get a blanket for Natalia as she found one in the cabinets in bed room she went to cover Natalia.

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Talvi cooked and kitchen should bath on smell of tomato soup. Mihya came to Talvi as Talvi is serving the food on medium sized bowls. He aligned two bowls with spoons to Mihya. Talvi then aligned bowl of soup with spoon to Halcyon. "Let's eat have some a talk about something else than past. Though do not think that my words tells that I don't want to think about it" Talvi said. Mihya set bowl of soup on table near of the couch and she sat down on the floor and started to eat. She smiled that Talvi did the soup well.

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"Well... Who knows how long you might end up being in a mission. My mentor of long range mastery taught me to be ready to spend even weeks in a mission" Talvi said "Cooking had to be learned by doing of course. So there has had been food what even I didn't want to serve" Talvi said sounding embarrassed. Halcyon might remember how Natalia responded on eating when she was back on the world where they all live. While Talvi remembered when he managed to make Pyefa keel over and barf because of food what Talvi had made.


Mihya went to Fili check on Fili. Smell of tomato soup might wake up Natalia soon or at least that is something what Mihya and Talvi hopes so. Mihya came to Fili without her own bowl of soup. She sat near of her stroke her shoulder. Wondering what is going on in her mind.

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Natalia began to stir, and Halcyon noticed, standing and walking over to her, crouching beside the couch. Her eyes snapped open, Halcyon receiving one hell of a punch, making him stand and step back a little.

"Ouch." He said blandly, searching Natalia's face for a reason for her anger.

"What? You know I don't like waking with people hovering over me." She grumbled,

"Oh yea, my bad." He chuckled, remembering where he'd saved her from and nodding.

"You feeling alright? The Frost approval makes your skin blue tinged, so if there's anything over than that..." Halcyon said as she sat up on the couch, not looking at him,

"I'm fine. Just gonna go get washed up." She said, standing and heading for the bathroom, the door closing with the sound of a lock engaging. Halcyon looked back to the others and shrugged.

Edited by ultimatumcore
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Halcyon now looked at Fili,

"What's wrong with the girl? She seemed fine earlier... With the exception of the, screaming and going unconscious, of course." He said, sitting at the table and retrieving Omega from the table, inspecting the proxy and setting Delta to use the foundry to make new generators. After a moment of two he got Omega back online, and Omega floated nearby, obviously miffed,

"Send Zeta faster next time." Omega grumbled.

"Zeta's totaled, remember?"

"Right, thought you fixed him by now."

"Naw, too busy with this android girl, give her a scan would you? She's started to give me reason for concern." Halcyon said, and Omega nodded, more like a bow, considering the proxy's shape, floating over to Fili afterwards.

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Fili was fully curled up under her blankets, gripping to the Osprey tightly. She moved slightly as she sobbed in pain.


Although on the outside nothing seemed to be wrong, a scan would reveal that her cells were undergoing a massive overhaul. Her Proxy systems were being replaced with that of a human's, her mechanical cells changing to more of a biological nature.

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Omega quickly scanned Fili, and looked back at Halcyon,

"She is converting from an android state to being more like Natalia or Thalia, it should take a while longer, though I am not quite sure if she is receiving pain or simply discomfort." Omega reported, and Halcyon nodded, tentative.

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"Natalia surely reminds me of my own mother. Would love to keep sleeping even if the priorities would say something else" Talvi said. Mihya had listened what Beta and Halcyon has had been talking. "Well if she has something bothering her. Let me or Mirage know at Hospital. Am I still needed Halcyon?" Mihya spoke. "She is a nurse and one really good medic. Who knows which way the metronome will swing" Talvi said to Halcyon.

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"It certainly looks like she's in pain..." Halcyon said, thinking, and Omega nodded,

"That is predictable, growing organs probably doesn't feel the best." Omega hypothesized, and Halcyon looked up at Mihya,

"She's an android, she can't mecessarily get hurt, so I would assume you aren't necessary unless you would like to stay as mental support, I'm not the most cuddly thing ever." Halcyon said with a shrug, Natalia stepping out of the bathroom, clothed in her usual jeans and with a blue shirt.

"I seem to get some cuddles out of you." She chuckled, punching his cheek as she walked past him. Halcyon scowled slightly and looked back to Omega, getting a notification lethal one of Omega's generators were complete, he started getting up to go retrieve it, but a glare from Natalia sat him back down, Natalia herself sitting beside Fili on the bed.

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Talvi nodded Mihya went to Fili. "Don't worry you are just growing up" Mihya said as sat on the bed. "How are you feeling Natalia?" Mihya asked. "Well it doesn't hurt to have nice time with lady" Talvi said to Natalia about cuddling. "I got to say. If you would end up on situation where Halcyon needs to comfort somebody Natalia does the trick better" Talvi said.

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Natalia didn't look away from Fili, placing a hand on her shoulder,

"I'm fine, do t worry about me, I just hate seeing Fili in pain." She whispered.

Halcyon looked at Talvi,

"Of course I'm not as helpful when it comes to all this gushy crap, I'm so far ahead on the personality I'm mad for no reason most of the time." He said, choosing to ignore Talvi's comment about 'having a nice time'.

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