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"That makes no sense, I'm pretty sure Urza can just split herself apart whenever she wants, so it's not like it's a bad thing... Either way, you said earlier that Talvia doesn't think dark is bad? That's funny. Really." She said to the frost, "And what's your name anyway?"

"Okay" FIli replied. "I understand, you don't have to show me or tell me anything if you don't want to, but you can if you do."


Fili was quiet, along with her mind, for several seconds, during the last of which she visibly started shifting, as if she sat uncomfortably. FInally, she spoke again. "Sorry, it's just, I've never had my mind be this quiet before. The others, they always  used to talk, but now that they're gone, it's all quiet... I'm just not used to it."

Want me to check around and see if I can get them active? It may be my presence that is scaring them off. Thalia offered.

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"I would like to tell but I can't. Splitting yourself in to two is not same as what me and Talvi experience all the time. Talvi doesn't think darkness as bad thing. It is all about how you use the powers. Powers are inherently neutral but we are the force what decides whether they are good or evil. Well my name is Griffin&Crusader in short GC" GC replied his face turning neutral. Mihya didn't feel at all scared anymore.

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GC looked at Mihya. "I apologize what I went to say to you back then about your way of thinking but mark my words. You will change some day at least a little" GC said "What matters is this very moment. Isn't that right?" Mihya replied GC smiles a little "Indeed. *looks on Fili* Fili. You look puzzled. What is bothering you?" GC spoke.

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"That still doesn't make sense, darkness is not a power, it's a path you take, and were you to take it, you would be considered bad. That simple. You have no choice in the matter because most being's are afraid of the dark, if what's in the dark, what likes to hide, and as a result, darkness is just about inherently evil. The relationships that I can develop by myself are different, if I were to split myself down the middle, it

Would be the feral me, and the non-feral me. Neither of these versions of me are evil, though one side may be more inclined to do bad things, but if I were to split into the light and dark of my personality, one side would be could and uncaring while the other side would love all and try to undo any pain the dark side would cause." Natalia said, starting to lose interest in the Frost's weirdness and probable insanity.

I'll see what I can do to get them back, there have to be some records right? I'll just have to see how they were linked to the combat AI, and see if I can move those bonds to me or you Thalia reasoned, already looking into it.

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"I think you tend to forget a word resolve. I have none but both of us had different resolves but conflicting with each other has had been seen unnecessary. It would be war after another what never changes. I see that goal what I want to reach must be done quickly as possible and with minimal time but as you know that will cause negative effects to my surroundings. Talvi meanwhile wants to reach his goal but onside make things better around him. Eventually our angles how we see things crashed on each other and we can make things better by being on peace with each other" GC said.


"I am not really a good person for long speeches but I hope that should end your thirst of wisdom. If it didn't. I will only say. I just want to stay active. Sitting around places just doesn't feel right but I admit. Time to time I will be bound to it" GC said.

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"So you're wrong, that means either way both of you are just grey, you are both entire people, you could literally leave and have your own life, say 'screw Talvi' and go off to do your way, which you will very likely perceive as better." Natalia argued, figuring that this random person actually had no idea who or what he was, honestly starting to think that he'd simply woken from cryosleep and called himself half of Halcyon's acquaintance.

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"We already fought against each other and I lost but Talvi did still spared me. Together we make grey but we used to be somewhat more different. This is what made me be better and I continue to fight along with Talvi even if I would be considered bad or evil. I just turn my blind eye to it unless I see needed to be discussed about. Why do you want me to change my way do you consider me odd right now?" GC spoke.

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"I consider you very, Very incorrect about what you think you are. Separate, you act and react almost like an entire person, except everything you say is permeated with self perceived righteousness... Here's what I'm trying to say, honestly, because Halcyon's not here, and I'm pretty tired," She sighed, giving up, "You look like an insane child tenno that latched onto the first concept fed to him, and you are doing nothing but making me more confused so as to why you came here, why you exist, and why your existence if of importance to me." She huffed, losing her patience.

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GC bursts in laugh. "Well Talvi was a full person before a thing what I can noT tell you happened but I can only say that punishment from it was cutting sides of soul in to two different ones" GC said as he calmed down his laugh was vivid but somewhat darker. "Well what would you think if you replace word incorrect with Different?" GC replied. "Not everything is simple as text written on white would always be black? How about if it would be red or blue? What would it mean? To me it would be nearly same except if it has secret meaning mystery" GC finished.

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Natalia's attempts would be futile, as the other AI were seemingly nowhere to be found.


Fili looked up when GC asked the question. She contemplated answering, wondering how this person knew her name. How any of these people knew her name, for that matter. When Natalia seemed to continue the conversation before she could answer, Fili decided against and simply went back down to looking at her hands.

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"So instead of darkness you're blueness or redness?" Natalia asked, and continued, "And no, I mean what I say, and I said you were incorrect. Because trust me, I have seen true darkness, and you are a laughably monotone color, practically as blank as white itself." She assured him.

Thalia reported back to Fili,

They're gone... I'm sorry Fili... Were they important? She asked, returning back to her place.

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"You are too sure about what you speak when there is perfect example standing right in front of you what different really can be. Well I guess it is probably better ignore what both of you and Halcyon say. Because *covers his mouth before says something what he would have regretted some day* It seems that Halcyon trained a stubborn person from you. Hmm... I think that was badly putted. It is easy to turn a tin can in to fork but changing way of how people does things is nearly impossible" GC said.


"Are you not going to check your overall battle point at all GC?" Mihya asked "Yeah... I should do that test too but some other time. Right now I do not have interest on doing that test" GC said.

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"Don't let us hold you back." Natalia said through grit teeth, now very tired of the frost, "Go do your test thing, we should be fine, considering there was no real reason for you to be here in the first place...

Fili, I didn't know, there has to be something I can do... Thalia said, looking back to the deactivated combat AI.

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"Relevant to how it's been going, nothing we do will effect how far Fili gets on her own, so if you don't mind..." She said, gesturing towards the door,

"I would appreciate if you go test your new way of fighting and allow me to study it later." She finished.

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Natalia looked slightly hurt at the mention of food,

"Ever since my recreation, I've found myself... Unable, to eat." She said, "Thank you for the offer though, it's very polite of you." Natalia assured Mihya, laying back on the bed and closing her eyes to think.

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"I am a nurse. I am supposed to take care of everybody. I just hope you don't fall on the ground" Mihya said and stroke Natalia's shoulder. Then let her be. She sighed as she remembered her time on tower 17. After a while she shook her head to get the thought from her mind and focused on observing what is going on.

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"I'm sure I'll be fine, it's been a couple years since I've last eaten anything, the energy that powers the warframe I wear is the same that powers my body." She explained, "And my aura means I can just siphon energy off everything around without any ill effects to those I'm siphoning from." She added, "Though I'm pretty sure Urza figured something else out, and Thalia used it as well, something to do with revival nanites..." She said, shrugging slightly.

She's right. Thalia said, "looking" up from her work. We had a center in our chests, which let out a pulse of energy to the rest of the body. Thalia affirmed, looking back to the combat AI, figuring if she reactivated it... It would risk hers and Fili's life. She looked for another way, they had to have backed themselves up somewhere... Such as, in another being...

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"Well it doesn't do bad to eat something time to time. Besides that tomato soup what was for you was made by Talvi and I have to say he is a good cook but he learned it from Pilot master of sniper rifle and marksman rifle also he saved my mother when she was pregnant. I guess you know that already" Mihya said and hugged her own legs as she is sitting on the bed.

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Natalia blinked,

"Oh, you thought... no no no, What I mean is, I physically don't know how to digest the food, I would love to be able to eat again, but any food I consume would just sit in my stomach, I used to be a big eater, never found anything I didn't like... So as you can imagine, one of the first things I did once I got Halcyon back is try to eat something, and ever since, he's been respectful enough to not eat anything that looks tasty in front of me." She said, sitting up again.

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"Hmm... I guess you already know how the digestion works so I am not going to move on that. *sigh* I wonder where Pilot is? He has had been away for such a long time. He used to say 'Triumph or die' also I feel kinda sad to him when he lost his wife before we all were awaken" Mihya said "Have you heard about group named by 'Lone Long Shot'? He was part of that group"

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