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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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Rhino arrived to dome "I hope that this is the place" Rhino spoke to himself as stepped out of the ship when he saw some mechs doing repairs on the hallways (I think this will take a while) Rhino thought as ascended deeper to dome. There was eight headed squad heading deeper to dome too. They much as amazed of the look of the dome. (From who I should ask) Rhino thought then he saw the library from there he asked that can he meet headmaster "Of course you can meet him just head on that way" Mag said and pointed Rhino to Anrek's office.


Rhino knocked on Anrek's office door "Come in" Anrek said Rhino opened the door and came in "I am looking for person named by Giavenna happen to know one named by Giavenna?" Rhino asked "No... Is she Tenno?" Anrek asked "Trinity" Rhino said "And what would be the reason why I would appoint you to the person I think it would be what you are looking for?" Anrek asked "This is serious business nothing that you should touch on at all. Classified" Rhino said "What if I say that the person who you are looking for has work in here" Anrek said.


"What if I would say that this is about the The collector?" Rhino asked "Collector? What are you talking about?" Anrek asked as he lowered his reports hiding his face "You are Corpus!" Rhino shouted "Don't mistake my origin with my real interests" Anrek said as continued reading "I will be speaking with somebody else" Rhino said "Whatever you say" Anrek said as didn't pay attention Rhino left the library and started looking for Trinities he saw the Arena being opened up again but he continued searching.

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Meanwhile at Garoy's workshop where he and Mirage where examining and researching the tube what Thomrall had found "I don't know what is this thing but I hope you will found out what it is" Mirage said "What is it? You tired?" Garoy asked "Exhausted..." Mirage said and walked away "Well at least I will be working on this for a while" Garoy said. It took him a while that he gave up too. "Those new marines might be inexperienced but at least they have hearts in the right place" Garoy said as went to his quarters.


Meanwhile Rhino who had done some looking around haven't still found who he is looking for (I guess I will be not finding her today... Better hit the bed) Rhino thought as went to Lounge and rent himself a room. Isolated from other rooms where are people. (Ah... Feels so good to have a rest after that escape) Rhino thought as had taken off his frame and hit the bed.


At other side of the dome the new squad of men being trained at the arena and soon they are ready for combat when needed and they will be called Ghosts.

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Crimson saw Mirage and Garoy focused on researching the item what Thomral hand found "It looks impressive yes but we just can not determine what it is" Garoy said "Orokin augmentation seed or Orokin artifact not at all sure. We have had been doing everything to find out what it is but we have had been dropped on those two possibilities. I think this might be Orokin artifact but I have a feeling that it is tightly locked inside of that tube" Mirage said. "We are doing our best to find more about this thing" Garoy said.


"I wonder where Mihya is... She should be in here after she visited at somebody's dojo after the seed was shot down" Mirage said having slightly worry on her voice "The travel takes time I expect her to be okay" Garoy said "Whatever you say" Mirage said and they returned back to work.

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"Like I said. Orokin Augmentation seed or Orokin artifact. We have had been dropped on those two possibilities and yet I am not sure which one will it be. Everything takes their time I do have patience but I am somewhat excited to see what is this thing and will be use to fight against our enemies. Talking about Grineer, Corpus and Infested of course. I will send this to Lotus for further researching we do not have tools to open this but I guess she might be. All what we are currently trying to do is making sure that it is not something... Highly volatile" Garoy spoke as he continued his work.

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"You sure? If it is Augmentation seed to who it belongs? I mean... To who it is planned to be used?" Garoy asked. "Excuse me is this Garoy's workshop?" somebody asked Garoy turned around to look on person who asked group of nineteen Tenno was at the entrance "Yes this is. I am Garoy who are you all?" Garoy replied "We are from Tenno mercenaries except that we decided to disband the corporation" Frost said "Name" Garoy said "Is'Gol" Frost said "Is'Gol. What do you mean by disbanding the corporation? What happened?" Garoy asked.


"I will tell you the whole story" Is'Gol said. Mirage, Garoy, Crimson took a place to sit with the Tenno group "As you know that I am more of human than Tenno that changed as Grineer started bombarding our HQ and assaulted in. We managed to repel them but the danger was behind instead of gone they had installed a bomb in to main generator of HQ and the bomb blew up last thing what I remembered then was that I managed to protect myself my and my team with Ridan it launched us to different directions" Is'Gol explained.


"Next thing what I remember is that I woke up on floor of a ship being called Operator and somebody commanding Lotus to help me but she didn't want to because we are not part of the Lotus at all. Well after I raised up and Lotus told what really I am... A human bit that is a long gone fact now. Instantly I guess our suits had stored some of the Technocyte slowly it became what standard Tenno has. Then... The pain started. It might not be terrible as the pain what we needed to go through order to be able to wear these warframes" Nova explained.


"After we woke up again... We had lost our humanity. Lotus calling us Tenno as much as this Loki right next to you Garoy. Only thing what I heard from my suit was... Gift to continue your war against our enemy. I don't know what it meant but... We used to have problem to control warframes at our standard human form but now... It feels like my skin" Trinity said.


"Interesting and extremely intriguing... So why telling me all this?" Garoy asked "We need you to send a rescue team to fallen HQ and rescue Mirage named by Warframe. She disappeared in the very first seconds of her being woken up... We couldn't find her at all and then the Grineer assaulted" Is'Gol said "Hmm... You are right on that. Why you haven't gone to search for her?" Garoy asked "We have a mission from Lotus to find GC and VIPs with him. It has taken too long from the last message from him so we have had been sent to investigate" Valkyr said.


"Okay... Last time I heard from GC was near of his clan's dojo. I guess they might be there. Anyway what is the location of the HQ of yours?" Garoy asked "This moon" Is'Gol said as showed solar map and pointed at one of the moons of Mars. "Okay I will send a team there instantly" Garoy said "Thank you Garoy. Say who do you really support?" Vauban said "We support nobody but we help those who seeks it and sees our home as small haven to be" Garoy said.


"We will be spending time here to see what you are going to send if that is fine" Ember said "It is okay... I need to remind you they are experienced and has their hearts at right place on what comes to Tenno. They met Tenno once already and we can see how well they will work with Tenno who is all alone and unsure about anything" Garoy said "We will be outside then. See you later" Banshee said and the group went outside and saw the fresh squad of eight man armed, taught and spirits up for and against everything.

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"Old members of Tenno Mercenaries Corporation. Group of fully human Tenno of free will over what they wants to do... Now they have become Tenno too" Garoy said. "If you were not listening the story at all" Mirage said "They are some of the best of Warframe users in this solar system and believe me then they takes a job it is done in no time. Nineteen new Tenno... I am slightly sad that they had to go through same cruel disease like I" Mirage finished. "They didn't take Technocyte because of seeing it as a pit on their progress to be the best" Garoy continued and got shivers.


"You don't want to know how much they have sacrificed to use those warframes" Garoy finished.

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"Though they knows each other like they would be brothers and sisters to each other. If one of them makes a move it is like a book to others. Example. If I and Garoy would be pinned down behind covers. I would point him with a gun and quickly lift it up higher and Garoy would respond by starting to shoot covering fire for me so I could take flanking route or better position" Mirage said. "That why they are famous warframe users of history. Thanks to solid team work and experience they are fierce and devastating at anywhere and anytime" Garoy said.

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Mirage kicked Crimson away from her. "So Garoy what do you think?" Mirage asked "One thing is sure" Garoy said as quickly picked up a full metal pipe and knocked Crimson out with it "Ouch" Mirage said "That must have hurt" she continued "Yeah... But he didn't leave a choice" Garoy said.

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"Okay... We will not be able to follow him there and Ingron is out of commission to dive in to void again" Garoy said "Much as I care about him I am not at all willing to dive to void myself too" Mirage said "And I am not protected from the neutral sentry" Garoy said as putted the pipe aside now what they can do is wait.

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GC's ship landed on the hangar A-2 he knocked on the cryopod where Valyria was sleeping and turned it off. "Mirage you there?" GC said to radio but Yngvette was able to read the message through mental scan "I am here who is talking?" Mirage answered "GC I have a patience for you has suffered a lot of damage on nerve system else where on the body except on brain. I heard that you should be able to fix these kind of things" GC said to radio "Of course I am. Just bring patience to the hospital... I will be waiting in there" Mirage replied.


"I will be taking Valyria to hospital so Mirage can heal her up. Aisha feel free to do anything you want just make sure they stays inside of Dome's rules" GC said "Do you think I am stupid" Aisha replied and both was on their way to deeper to dome GC with Valyria. There was a lot of activity on the landing crossing.

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Yngvette got up and said:"I`ll come with you. I did work as a surgeon on my colony, and i`d like to observe this Mirage at work." She said to GC.




"Thamira, where are we going?" The lady asked Twenty-One.


"Mistress, please stop using that name. I don`t like it." Twenty-One said. "You`ll like it. Maybe we`ll even find a thing or two for you."


Thomrall followed them silently. He had put his cloak on again, concealing his warframe. He smiled slightly.

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Soon GC, Valyria and Yngvette are at hospital GC set Valyria on the half mold of Saryn warframe. "Any idea where the damage has been focused or where the presence of damage is highest?" Mirage asked "On the back near of lungs and heart. Do you know anything that can heal Valyria without opening up the warframe?" GC asked "We do have but manual healing works faster than this R&R radiation machine" Mirage said and pointed above them. "What do you think Yngvette?" GC asked.


Three felt something familiar on Mirage something about void but Garoy arrived "I heard you have something to be repaired" Garoy said something spoke to Yngvette "Follow me" it seemed to have come from Garoy. "We have organic damage not mechanical. You can move to your things" GC said "Come on Three. Before real Garoy comes here" same voice spoke again to Yngvette. There seems to be something oddly familiar on Garoy too but with some other way fully unknown to Yngvette.

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Voidrunner looked at Valyria and said:"Val, now you`re gonna tell me everything about your condition. Every quirk and detail. You got that...?" She was sad and angry at the same time.


The voices in her head didn`t help. so she put up an agressive mental block. Anyone trying to communicate with her on a mental level would suffer horrible headache for a while.


Valyria nodded weakly and started talking in a hushed voice:"Yngvie... I`ve had a heart condition for a very long time now... My heart is weak, and so i`m highly susceptible to electroshocks. Even the slightest one could send me into cardiac arrest. So i strived to instill fear in everyone around me, so no one would attempt anything against me. For a time it worked. But looks like Zephyr somehow reacted differently than most. That girl is very stubborn about stepping down infront of a greater power. It serves her well, but will end badly, if she keeps it up."


"Why didn`t you tell me this, unn?" Yngvette asked, her voice sad.


"I was afraid that you might use this agains me. I knew that one day i would have to antagonize you, and i feared that it might give you too much power over me." Valyria said, fear in her eyes.


"For one of the smartest in the Corps, you sure sometimes are stupid. Val. You`re my unn. Even if you antagonize me, i won`t let you die." Yngvette responded with kindness.




Twenty-One pulled her mistress right to the clothes stall. "Well? I heard you complain about not having anything to wear. So i brought you here. I was thinking about bringing you some clothes, but then i understood that i don`t know your prefference or anything."


"Twenty-One... This is nothing like you. Why are you like this? Is something wrong?" the lady asked surprised.


"Enjoy it while it lasts, mistress. I`m gonna unload myself in the arena today. Brother, are you going to join in?" Twenty-One asked Twelve, turning to him...




Yngvette suddenly became aware of someone pinging her codex. "Oh! Echo, it`s you. How are you feeling? How`s the leg replacement? By the way, can you check on Zerith while you`re there?"

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"Hmm... After I have fixed your nerve system and healed your heart. I will need to place you to sustain training" Mirage said "There will be tough times ahead Valyria... Have a good rest while you are being healed up" Garoy said but shortly he became Ingron he was wearing disguise. "Because the trainer of you will be I" Ingron said "I didn't know you are that good at mimicking people" GC said "I take it as my hobby to have some fun with few persons" Ingron said.


"So the person who had putted a barrel full of cold water on top of a door was you?!" Mirage asked "It was I Mirage calm down. I just wanted to prank you" Ingron said "Oh lord... With who I have teamed up with?" Mirage asked from herself "Nah don't worry me and Garoy have this kind of prank daily" Ingron said "Say Yngvette would you like to go with me for a next victim?" Ingron asked. "Don't be fooled by his being casual person right now. Once he ends up in a fight he is completely other person" GC send message to Yngvette.


Garoy came in to room and looked somewhat upset "Tell me Ingron is it that funny to set shock charges on drill?" Garoy asked "Of course it is. It was from you flipping my bed and me on it to floor" Ingron said. Mirage facepalmed with GC then Mirage pushed everybody out of the room and get on her work. "For a Trinity Mirage knows when to have people gone" Ingron said. "Well after you had prank her of course" GC nagged.


"Don't worry Valyria. You are on good hands. I have had these kind of situations so many times that I have lost count" Mirage said in the room where only she and Valyria are.

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"Sorry but your services are not needed currently. Have great time in the dome" Ingron said was on his way to his quarters. "Well I go rent a room from Lounge to have a sleep when I feel so" GC said and walked towards the Lounge. "I think I will go for a sleep soon too... It is nearly night" Garoy said as went to other direction.

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Soon Mirage came out from the room where she have had been healing Valyria "I may need to remind you that you will need a long good night rest because Ingron will be testing out your performance over how long you can do set of jobs. In the sustain training you do not need to do the job perfectly it is only a secondary objective. The primary objective over sustain training is increasing your stamina and stamina recovery not through mod or modification on your body. Through what lies inside of you" Mirage explained and then left Valyria and Yngvette.

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"Well first you need to sign up and rent one of course" Lounge reception person said as GC was walking away with key to his room what he had rent. "Here is the document for signing up for wanted time. There is rules and expectations of your behaving on other side. I think it shouldn't be so difficult for you" Reception person said.


While at hall "Oh hi, How may I help you?" Merchant of the clothes stall greeted he was distracted by his phone.

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"Here is the code for you room's door memorize or keep the code in your pocket. Remember security and leaders of dome has the code of the door available because for emergencies and security reasons" Reception person said as took the credits and aligned piece of paper where has had been wrote down the code.

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Transport ship arrived to Dome carrying Mirage from old wars and eight marines who were sent to find her. Mirage looked around once in her life she found herself helpless and amazed. She looked long time at the machines called Mechs walking around. Marines convoy Mirage to Garoy's workshop. When went on their way for rest. "Garoy!" Mirage called "Hmm? *raises the welding mask* Yes?" Garoy replies as he was welding a shield of his. "I am looking for that Tenno Mercenary Corporation group. Do you know where are they?" Mirage asked.


"Hmm... They are looking for GC named by Frost. Go to look from Lounge. Convoy unit can you show her the way?" Garoy said then turned to speak to small convoy unit. "Of course. Please follow me madame" Convoy unit said as walked on sight of Mirage. "Aw... So small and cute" Mirage said and scolded hull of Convoy unit. "Please madame. I am not a pet" Convoy unit said with a bit worried voice. "Oh... Well show me the way" Mirage said then followed the convoy unit to Lounge.


"Here we are. The Mech HQ is at right if you need one of us for something but it will cost you" Convoy unit said "Okay thank you" Mirage said and entered to Lounge. "Welcome to Lounge madame. What do you need?" Reception person asked "I need to find Darul named by Volt. You happen to know where is he?" Mirage asked "Hmm... He exit the Lounge about ten minutes ago. He did mention that he has meeting in the hall" Reception person said. "Where is this hall then?" Mirage asked. "To North west from here" Reception person said.


"Okay thank you" Mirage said and was on her way to hall of cultures. She looked around her all the time. A lot of civilians visits in here it seems. She saw the Tenno mercenaries corporation members listening music at deeper of the hall. She walked among them "So this much you nineteen have had been worried!?" she shouted "Hmm... Mirage..." Frost said as lowered the headphones. Loki wasn't even listening "Names now" Mirage said "I am Is'Gol" Frost said "Ridan" Trinity said "Dalagan" Loki said "Darul" Volt said "Nida" Nova said.


"Argon" Ash said "Esran" Excalibur said "Nekon" Nekros said "Erial" Ember said "Vendel" Vauban said "Marendalyn" Mag said "Nithana" Nyx said "Ranshen" Rhino said "Baije" Banshee said "Sierrely" Saryn said "Valendine" Valkyr said "Zeline" Zephyr said "Olaren" Oberon said "Hanjou" Hydroid said "Dalagan... Why did you freeze me? You don't care how I feel towards you?" Mirage asked like feeling betrayed "Miahena... I couldn't bare the thought of loosing you in the fields. I didn't want to loose you at all" Dalagan said.


"YOU DIDN'T EVEN ASK ME DO I WANT TO GO ASLEEP?!" Miahena shouted "I PLACED YOU FIRST! I LOVED YOU! I SACRIFICED FOR YOU! I DID EVERYTHING TO KEEP YOU SAFE! AND THIS IS HOW YOU THANK ME?!" Dalagan shouted both calmed down after realizing that they are being watched "Sit" Is'Gol said and Miahena sat down on the same couch. "It was start of the second wave of the Sentients. When I had to trap you and put you asleep" Dalagan said.


"Why Dalagan? I trusted you from bottom of my heart and now I know that you were human actually" Miahena said took off her helmet showing pretty face "They were after you. I know we were humans fifteen of us... I bet Orokin would have our heads still... But they ain't going to get them" Dalagan said "I can not convoy my feelings when I am frozen" Miahena said "I know... Even for a human... I was known that I made right choice on setting you sleep" Dalagan said.


"It hurt me a lot to do it... But I had to... Only god knew what would have happened to you in the battlefield" Dalagan said "We ain't playing with dices" Is'Gol said Dalagan took off his helmet placed his Swindle helmet on the table "I am a different face of the man you knew" Dalagan said "You really have had been infected too" Miahena said "I don't blame or shame it at all... Everything what god gives me or takes from me... I have to deal with it and I have always dealt with them" Dalagan said "Dalagan... Do you still love me? Did you even miss me?" Miahena asked.


"I love you... I missed you from the moment when I froze you and I had to pull your cryopod to safety on side killing Sentients with one hand and with my Brothers and Sisters" Dalagan said Frost, Mag, Ember, Volt, Vauban, Excalibur, Ash, Banshee, Saryn, Trinity, Nova, Rhino, Nyx and Nekros nodded. Dalagan moved right next to of Miahena. Dalagan's rain cloud grey eyes stared at her they had a kiss "I hope that you forgive me being protective" Dalagan said "Dalagan... I do now" Miahena said.


"Welcome... To our family" Is'Gol said "Thank you" Miahena said.

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