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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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Soon the Loki pair saw that they were surrounded by Officer units of Dome. "Drop your weapon, hands in the air and get on the ground!" one of them shouted they has weapons aimed on them.

Edited by Revel72
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The lady emerged from the booth wearing a pair of jeans, and a baggy linen shirt. She had a black shawl wrapped around her face, her hair flowing down the sides. She wore leather boots akin to those that the old time "cow-boys" used to wear.


"Well... how do i look?" She asked her companions.


"Amazing as always, mistress." Thom said. Twenty-One just nodded.


"Oh, Thomrall, you're just saying that. I bet-" She was cut off by a tingly sensation at the back of her head. "Sister's here. Pay for me, will you?" She said to her companions and ran off, knowing instinctively where to go.




"Mirage, please be careful." Yngvette said to the woman. She had used her mindcontrol on her, making Mirage think that there was no one else in the room. Mirage would percieve her words as a passing thought.


Then the door slammed open, and a young lady ran in, with two guards behind her, who clearly had tried to stop her.


"Sis!" the lady said, and hugged Yngvette. "Oh my-... you're ok. It worked!" She continued, after looking at her for a few seconds. Then she noticed where she was, and turned to Mirage.


"Excuse me, madam. Did not mean this intrusion, but my sister was essentially dead, the last time i saw her. I will-" Then she noticed Valyria.


"You. Why are you here?" She growled.


"Sister, wait. Valyria is my unn, just as Wildcat is yours. And speaking of that crazy girl, she's on GC's ship, in the docking bay. A-2, to be exact." Yngvette said, taking her sister's mind away from Valyria. The lady looked at her for a moment in disbelief and ran out, past the guards.

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Yngvette pulled out her Hate, and knocked one of the Lokis down. "You touch that person, and your grandparents will vince in pain, that i will subject you to." Her voice was cold, and her eyes started to glow.


OOC: I see that you really like that new Far Cry trailer, Crimson... :P

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Guard quickly dashed towards Yngvette quickly disarming her and setting handcuffs what instantly shut down her armor and powers. Same thing was done to Loki and Krelon "You three are under arrested of creating aggression and untold actions against your kin in here. You can remain silent but your speech can be used against you" One of the officer units said Mirage was free from Mind control "Ugh... My head" Mirage said. "You will be placed on custody as you have violated the law what protects other's integrity. You can remain silent but your speech can be used against you"


The officer unit said as had putted same handcuffs to Yngvette officer units took the arrested people to library where Anrek, Garoy and Ingron had gathered up too. "Three?!" Ingron and Garoy shouted on confusion Yngvette was able to see that Anrek's origin is from corpus but she couldn't do anything because of electromagnetic field around her was shutting down and drained all her suit energy. "*gasp* I hoped to see you some other way..." Anrek said.

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"These three will be making your doom. We are responsible over security and safety of others" One of the officer units said "Let us begin then sit down everybody" Anrek said as sat down on his office chair Garoy and Ingron took seats too and there was brought chairs to Yngvette, Krelon and to Lokis. "Don't be fooled by my origin you Three. I might be from Corpus but my interests are purely on knowledge what comes from books. I fear warframe armor but not enough to protect my home" Anrek said.


"So what is the thing what they did Caltroit units?" Garoy asked "This Three... I guess. Mind controlled Mirage and violated law what protects individual integrity. These two Loki's opened fire at hospital to get in to patience's room and this Frost is their leader" Caltroit units said "I see... I guess you were not known of our rules Three. Am I right?" Anrek asked.

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Yngvette rose up. "Good to see you Ingron. It`s pleasant to see that you have reasembled yourself. And a good day to you too Garoy. I shall explain everything. Then you might understand my motives." She said, and twisted her hands, snapping the handcuffs like twigs. "First of all - don`t bother with restraints. They can` hold me, and right now i`m not inclined to do harm."


She walked a few steps back and forward.


"Well then. Why I mindcontrolled Mirage? It was to ensure the safety of my unn. And i didn`t mindcontroll her per se. I just made her not see me. All other actions she took were her own initiative. You see, i`ve done multiple neural surgeries. Back in my colony, on mars i was a surgeon. And i did countless nerve-repairing operations. And i`ve done neuro-gold replacement operations. Something that no one, besides me and the Neural Sentry, is capable of doing. So it`s reasonable that i would want to oversee this operation. Besides that - i did no harm to Mirage. Even the headache should be long gone by now. I was silently standing in the operation room, and i have to admit - that lady is one very skilled medic."


She paused and looked around her.


"Those two Lokis tried to assault my unn. I don`t care what were their orders, and what is their intention," Her voice grew cold, and a psychic mist started to form around her, as her face turned angry, "but if anyone threathens my sister, or my unn, they are in for a world of pain. Now, i shall leave, and continue observing the operation. I shall not interfere with any processes, but if any of your guards try to stop me, you all will regret ever meeting Voidrunner, the Slayer." Her voice was hard, and her eyes steel-cold, indicating that she wouldn`t think for a split-second to fulfill the threat.


As she turned around, she added:"If everything goes as planned, i might share some of my knowledge with you, librarian. I assure you, there are things i know, that have never been uncovered after the fall of the Orokin."


She was heading for the door, leaving misty energy footprints after her.


But the door suddenly burst open.




Thom and Tham payed for the clothes and then followed their mistress, but got lost. Soon they wound up near the library. something drew them here. As soon as they went up to the door of the headmaster, they understood. They opened the door, took a step and kneeled shouting in unison:"Forever at your command Prime Shadow. We stand and fall for you. Mors vincit omnia."

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"I see. Though I bet so as I look on you right now" Anrek said. "Nah I have had been banished few times already. I make mistakes every day on my work" Ingron said "But your clan mates... Needs more free will. More room to think. I suggest you to meet Is'Gol he is currently hall now" Ingron said "Now can we have peace on our work of being leaders of the Dome?" Garoy asked as aligned his hands towards the Frost and two Lokis. 

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"Ingron, Wrath of the Fallen" Ingron said "I am Garoy'Eldre [you spell it Elrey btw.] but just call me Garoy" Garoy said "Anrek Meuchanokhe but I use to tell people call me Anrek only" Anrek said. "So these two Lokis are members of Corpus. I am glad to say hi but this situation does not make me really happy to see somebody from same faction breaking our land's rules. Say all three of you. What is your deal or mission in here?" Anrek asked.

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"Continue, tighten up the handcuffs" Anrek said Caltroit units switched the handcuffs to another pair and these are totally unbreakable and set them tighter on their wrists. "Feel free to ask when they needs to be less tighter" Anrek continued "Don't make me ask Ingron to give a break down for you. He is master of unarmed fighting" Anrek finished. "Damn true it is. I would use new kick punch doll you know if I would be on the mood though" Ingron said.

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"Because if you are leader of these two Lokis who nearly caused harm and the leader of pack is the responsible for the whole pack. Leader is the one who should take care of his team. You made worst mistake on sending your men alone to mission. True leader knows everybody's need and knows how to control his people and knows their needs" Ingron said "Continue anytime when you want. What about you two can you add anything to reinforce your leader's speech?" Anrek said 

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"You just make your suffering and time what you spend in my office on bad manner longer. You three will make this interrogation shorter if you three speak now and we do not need to do something... Highly unpleasant... Garoy do you have the toxin for damaging the muscles on hands and legs?" Anrek replied "I do" Garoy said as placed satchel on the table in front of Anrek he opened the satchel "Imagine. Shocking, Searing and sting pain running all over your hands and legs" Anrek said as he watched inside of the satchel.

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"I own a food and water company I am not part of military side of Corpus or anything what has interests towards warframe armor" Anrek said "I care about my own business and nobody else's own. Now speak to us or this will take longer" Anrek finished.

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"Good lord... You are disgusting" Garoy said "Free them but the traditional way" Anrek said. Caltroit units took the handcuffs off and installed Hikari nodes on the trio. "You three are free to go but do avoid these kind of... Meetings" Ingron said.

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"Hikari nodes tracker machines what one these officer units can take off when we order so or before you leave this place. They will not interfere your warframe systems at all" Ingron said "Sorry girl. You can go ahead and try be seductive towards somebody else. Because these titans are going stand like ground made from obsidian" Garoy said as crossed arms around his lower chest same time as Ingron.

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"Now they seriously do not know when to give up" Ingron said "Their problem. Come on our Dome needs their leaders" Garoy said and went outside of the library then went to their own places Garoy to his workshop and Ingron to the arena.

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Yngvette and the twins went into the Operating room. "I am sorry for causing you distress, Mirage. But i request that you let me stay, and observe the operation. I promise that i won't interfere. And my companions will stand guard and prohibit any disturbances to come in."



Thom looked at Tham and asked her:"What d'ya think Voidrunner's doing here? I though she should still be in that expedition it the 10th quadrant?"


"Shush brother. Don't concern yourself with such matters. Be happy that she has returned save and sound. But to be honest, something about her look unsettles me. She looks too... powerful... I just hope that there still is some of her old self left in that body... Let us hope that she won't go crazy with power." Thamira said.

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"Thanks for the headache I just say" Mirage said to Yngvette... "Like having my own daughter under effects of Ascari is not enough?" Mirage continued as she still works on Valyria but receives a message "Ah great Pilot succeed" Mirage said cheerfully "To what comes on power. Power is not the only excuse for winning" Mirage finished.

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Mirage finished her work on repairing Valyria's nerve system she healed the wounds and scorches. "Okay my work is done. Patience should wake up after twenty minutes. I need to go to claim Ascaris negator to get Ascaris off of my daughter Mihya" Mirage said and started jogging towards the foundry of hospital and claimed the ascaris negator then used it on Mihya "I don't know how long I would have had been able to resist... Thank you mother" Mihya said they gave each other a hug.


Meanwhile at Garoy's workshop "Garoy! Are you here? I could use some assistance?" Tenno said Garoy walked out of the scanner room "Yeah I am here... Hmm... GC you look like you have reclaimed something" Garoy said "GC? Who is he?" Tenno replied "Hmm... Ingron I think you should have a look on him" Garoy said. Ingron came out of the scanner room. "Talvi you seem to be yourself again" Ingron said "What happened to me? And how do you know my name?" Talvi asked.


"Well... Do you remember the very moment when you went back in time?" Ingron asked "Dear lord... I shouldn't have done that one..." Talvi said "I think you have lived on darkness pretty long time. Good to have you back Talvi. Has somebody kissed you?" Ingron asked "What are you talking about I haven't talked anybody else who is not my clan than to you two" Talvi said "Hmm... I think you should find person named by Two, Zephyr, Three and the Mags" Ingron said "Okay but... *Talvi looked on his clothes* Where the **** is my armor?" Talvi asked.


"You leaved it to your room. Two is able to be found from Lounge room 120 your room is 42, Three is right now at patience room 6, Zephyr and the Mags are currently at Docking bay A-2. Once you have reclaimed your memory. I will meet you at your ship. Head to Lounge" Ingron said. "Okay see you at my ship soon" Talvi said and started running towards Lounge.

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OOC: Revel.. .something doesn't fit. Aldis kissed him too, remember... when they were in the dojo.



Yngvette looked at Mirage, and nodded to her, showing her gratitude. "I'll remain here till she wakes up."


Thom and Tham came into the room quietly, and stood besides Yngvette.




Two went into her room, slamming the door. She was confused.


"Why, why, WHY? Stupid girl, why can't you be normal for once. Could've just said - 'I'm going to do S#&$ that'll kill me. so bye.' But nooo... had to turn out all mopey and S#&$. Stupid, stupid, stupid..." She berated herself, while pacing back and forth. Then she took Thomrall's bag, and started packing.


"Got to move. This info should be enough for now. S#&$. Will have to get a ship." She muttered silently while packing, and then went to the door.

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Talvi meanwhile managed to get to his room and looked at his armor. "What the heck?... Ah F*** it. Ingron will have a good explain for me when we meet again" GC said to himself quickly equipped his armor "So you finally got your armor. I am sending you the picture about Two she uses Zephyr armor so do not get confused" Ingron said through radio "Okay Ingron" Talvi said to radio then rushed towards room 120 his helmet fold back and he knocked to door. "Two are you there? This is Talvi open the door. Ingron wants to talk with us" Talvi said.

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Two turned around and picked up her cloak. She wrapped it around herself as to hide from peering eyes. Then she took the bag, and went to the door, pulling it open. She was preoccupied with her thoughts, so she didn't hear GC knock, but ran straight into him.


"Ah, damn it... Watch where you're-... Oh. Sorry GC, i really don't have the time anymore... I-... I need to go... Sorry..." She said, while getting up.

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