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Does Ps4 Need The Founders Pack?


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I'll wait till April myself, then will uninstall the game and forget it ever existed. Hey, I wasted more money than this anyway. Some things I can forgive like poorly done port (lack of talent/working hands, money, many possible reasons) but this whole founders fiasco - I mean, if you think about having the audacity to end it 2 weeks before PS4 launch, leave all the items in PS4 codex and them come out and say that this stuff won't be making it's way on PS4? I'm sorry this is where I'm starting to wish they go the way of THQ.

Let's clear that moment. It's not about them failing on some fronts when it comes to PS4 version. It's about them deliberately, specifically treating customers on PS4 as inferior.


Quick update: I may have been wrong in my judgement after all - DERebecca told me that she made a request to the devs to remove unobtainable items from PS4 codex and will notify us as codex entries will be removed. Also apparently PS4 exclusives are very real. So there you have it.


I guess our numerous complaints are finally growing enough to be taken seriously?  Hopefully truly seriously?


As I've already said though, they have until early April for me and my closer friends.  I won't be pushing my friends that I only know via warframe, just the friends I know from outside warframe. A few have already agreed to leave warframe in April if DE doesn't patch things up by then.  Which, unless in this update that apparently rolled out today has that patched up, I honestly doubt will happen.

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I sent Rebecca a rather lengthy PM last Thursday pretty much with arguments of both sides of the spectrum. Especially after a nice balanced argument in a few of the founders threads..  i requested that they write a sort of statement about what they are planning to do in the case of PS4 and the founders pack/compensation. nothing specific, just a ballpark estimate. Here's a chunk of her reply:



"Additionally - there is content planned for PS4 only stuff, and while it sucks that we can't write paragraphs about it, the dev team knows how important this is.


We'll likely be removing the exclusive stuff from the codex for all players that don't have it, because it is insensitive to keep it there."



So no, we will never have founders items, however they have something planned. What is it? who knows.


It is more of a issue of being truthful to the Founders (even though i proved their "evidence" as false assumptions due to their need to defend themselves) who are too busy with their elitist attitudes to be fair to everyone.



Edited by (PS4)MyTagForHalo
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