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Alerts At Untimely Hours


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Another thread about alerts and so many dumb responses.



it's the most heart breaking thing seeing the last piece of my precious vauban lost forever cause I had to sleep :|


It will come up again and unless you play WF at least 12 hours a day every day then statistically, it'll come up when you can't get it. You might get lucky, you might not. Saying it's lost forever is false.


Extending alerts to such lengths would stop them being alerts and reduce their impact.



I hope DE can at least balance the good alert for different timezones. The game has a huge international player base and DE can't simply ignore the needs of players from other countries. 


They aren't ignoring anybody. Alerts are totally random and every timezone has the same chance to get a "good" alert.

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It seems as though people are thinking I said to change the alert times to favour x y and z places, I'm just looking to have a b and c alerts time extended by a few hours.

Thing is unless every alert lasts for 24 hours they are going to make people unhappy and odds are pretty good they will still be all the same people who are unhappy now. Even if they extend them that long there's going to be someone on a business trip or on a family vacation. The alert system is fine just be patient it took me forever to get the ceramic dagger and pangolin sword, but I did get them. Edited by NevanChambers
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Most of you that's saying missed alerts happen and the stuff will come around later don't know what you're talking about.    Sure they sometimes come around later, but the rare, important, most sought after ones either don't come around again or not often enough for everyone on different sides of the globe to have a chance to do the mission.    I've been tracking alerts for at least 5 months 24/7 and I know dead eye hasn't popped up as an alert reward at all during that time...if it did, I would have it considering how much I stay awake and always have a computer near me every day.  So I understand when people wake up and feel disappointed at having missed an alert that they would really like to have.   It makes it worse when you have bad luck getting that reward any other way.   Sure forma, catalyst and reactors can be bought...but not everyone has money to buy them....and not everyone has luck getting forma as rewards in game either.   For every person that can easily get these items, there are an equal amount of players whom for whatever reason, can't get them easy.   So people stop being ignorant and assuming everyone can do things the way you do them.   I mean just because I can stay up all night and get all these rare alerts doesn't mean I should spout off "tough luck" words at the players who missed it.  


Anyway, here are 3 ways to make alerts fair to all (pick one).


1. Make all rare alerts 24 hours or 12 hours at least (catalyst, reactor, rare mods, vauban parts..etc).

2. Make all alerts pop twice in the same day, once at morning hours and once at evening hours.

3. Make it so alerts of the same reward never pop up at the same time....so if dead eye alert shows today at 3am, the next time it pops up should be restricted to 3pm.


Any one of these 3 would make it more fair to warframe players around the world.   The way it is right now, the people on one half of the globe are SOL while the people on the other all have their alert reward.   It makes it even more painful when you wake up to find that you didn't just miss one rare alert, but 2 or 3 rare alerts.   I mean a forma, reactor and dead eye aura...come on, any reasonable person should understand being frustrated at that.  Remember it's not about DE making money or anything other than fairness to all players.  Everyone deserve an "Opportunity" to do the alerts without having to go to great lengths to alter their lives to do so.



EDIT: and one more thing, DE needs to slow down on the alerts...too many are popping up and many are repeating themselves way too much.   Having 10 <insert warframe name here> helmets from alerts but missing the one rare alert that every player wants just makes players more frustrated.   So I say reduce the number of alerts (5 per day sounds good to me) and let them be ucommon and rare rewards only....take out those crappy weapon BP's and skins and stuff.  Put those in the market or as rewards from invasions or something.   Also, increase the payout for the alerts and make them as hard or harder than nightmare mode.  Right now ALL ALERTS are cake walks unless....I'm starting to miss the level 50 alerts...where are they haven't seen one in ages?

Edited by Krymanol
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Most alerts last an average of 40 minutes.  Things like Forma/Reactors often last a bit longer (not always but often).


Last night Forma one was 90 mins and a two hour Reactor this morning (GMT) which I found with 4 minutes to go when I got out of bed. O_o (just made it)


Having the App works (I use the Ezard labs one, better filtering)  I have almost all of the alert BP/Mods now.

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i feel like most people didnt read the post. but i completely agree that better reward in the alerts(vauban, forma, etc.) should have a longer time to access it. 6-8 hours is pretty good. its still a little hard if you are sleeping or working but its nicer.

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What is untimely for you is choice hours for someone else.


I would have missed todays reactor if not for my week on week of work cycle rotating to off time. I've missed others for simply being asleep or doing a 12 hour shift 1km underground.


I'm cool with it just how it is. I never expected to get a reactor so quickly. Thank you RNG Gods, and the windows desktop gadget for that matter.


These are the thought's of a month long player.

Edited by Kihana
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Most of you that's saying missed alerts happen and the stuff will come around later don't know what you're talking about.    Sure they sometimes come around later, but the rare, important, most sought after ones either don't come around again or not often enough for everyone on different sides of the globe to have a chance to do the mission.    I've been tracking alerts for at least 5 months 24/7 and I know dead eye hasn't popped up as an alert reward at all during that time...if it did, I would have it considering how much I stay awake and always have a computer near me every day.  So I understand when people wake up and feel disappointed at having missed an alert that they would really like to have.   It makes it worse when you have bad luck getting that reward any other way.   Sure forma, catalyst and reactors can be bought...but not everyone has money to buy them....and not everyone has luck getting forma as rewards in game either.   For every person that can easily get these items, there are an equal amount of players whom for whatever reason, can't get them easy.   So people stop being ignorant and assuming everyone can do things the way you do them.   I mean just because I can stay up all night and get all these rare alerts doesn't mean I should spout off "tough luck" words at the players who missed it.  


Anyway, here are 3 ways to make alerts fair to all (pick one).


1. Make all rare alerts 24 hours or 12 hours at least (catalyst, reactor, rare mods, vauban parts..etc).

2. Make all alerts pop twice in the same day, once at morning hours and once at evening hours.

3. Make it so alerts of the same reward never pop up at the same time....so if dead eye alert shows today at 3am, the next time it pops up should be restricted to 3pm.


Any one of these 3 would make it more fair to warframe players around the world.   The way it is right now, the people on one half of the globe are SOL while the people on the other all have their alert reward.   It makes it even more painful when you wake up to find that you didn't just miss one rare alert, but 2 or 3 rare alerts.   I mean a forma, reactor and dead eye aura...come on, any reasonable person should understand being frustrated at that.  Remember it's not about DE making money or anything other than fairness to all players.  Everyone deserve an "Opportunity" to do the alerts without having to go to great lengths to alter their lives to do so.



EDIT: and one more thing, DE needs to slow down on the alerts...too many are popping up and many are repeating themselves way too much.   Having 10 <insert warframe name here> helmets from alerts but missing the one rare alert that every player wants just makes players more frustrated.   So I say reduce the number of alerts (5 per day sounds good to me) and let them be ucommon and rare rewards only....take out those crappy weapon BP's and skins and stuff.  Put those in the market or as rewards from invasions or something.   Also, increase the payout for the alerts and make them as hard or harder than nightmare mode.  Right now ALL ALERTS are cake walks unless....I'm starting to miss the level 50 alerts...where are they haven't seen one in ages?


Before you blast the good people on this thread and say we don't know what we are talking about you should do some research. Simple go to the alerts forum




and do a search for Dead Eye. Believe it or not there have been 4 reports of Dead Eye alert rewards in the last 2 months alone. These are only the ones that were reported. I am sure there were more in different regions. I dont speak any other language than English.


There was one this morning by the way.

Edited by (PS4)Fbeast2
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I have played through update nine through to now, never seen a vauban helmet alert, its a way of forcing you to buy 300 platinum for him.

I started on 8 and there have been dozens. I've only been tracking them really closely since update 11 when I got an app for my phone. I understand frustration but what you've said is misleading and completely untrue.

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I watched the tweeter feed and got all the Vauban parts in less than 3 weeks. All the alerts were at times when I was normally playing. I didn't loose any sleep. I only play about 10 -12 hours a week. If I can do it, anybody can do it. I do agree that when I was watching the twitter feed, it did require that I be diligent in checking it every half hour on the weekend when I had access to my console. When I saw the alert I just got on and grabbed it.


The alert system is not broken.


Can the alert times be lengthened?

Sure at the expense of having fewer alerts and less chances of good stuff popping up.


Can they increase the rate at which the parts and Aura mods drop?

That would be the ideal situation and can be said for everything in the game.

Sometimes you need to wait for the good things in life or Warframe.


I got mine in the current system along with many other players. You can see them everywhere in the game.


Just have fun with the game that DE has given you. This is just a game and the world is not going to end if you have to wait for a warframe part.

Edited by (PS4)Fbeast2
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Two words: Too bad



Just going back to this, I have to ask, in what way is this supposed to be productive and not a totally a**hole move on your part? There's no reason to post here if you don't like it, we KNOW ALREADY the time zones are different. I'm just saying, this is crazy how it almost always seems to be late night when these things pop up. The 12 hour rotation idea sounds nice though.

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Many say that.


Programmers/sw devs know what that "random" is/means.


I remember they said something about cycles.


I think there is a predetermined number of reward x or y for a cycle but the distribution of said rewards is totally random. i.e. They control what they put in the cycle, not when the alerts pop up.

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