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Ps4 Players - Left Behind


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Please feel free to close this thread if there is already a discussion about it, but I simply could not find one.


I here to find out if there are any more PS4 players as frustrated as I am about the rate at which we receive game updates.  I understand that it takes time to get things certified by Sony but the fact of the matter is that we have been getting our updates monthly sometimes bi-monthly.  This is more than enough time for players to become bored and frustrated by the lack of new content and major bug fixes.  


Yesterday (03,20,2014), we got news that 12.1 - 12.4 had been submitted for cert.  Um, why not submit them as you develop them 1 at a time?  My brother works at gamestop.  His Sony rep came in one day, and he asked him about why it took so long for us.  The rep said that they are always standing by to examine dlcs and content and even mentioned that they were not as busy as they should be given the meager amount of games on PS4 right now.  But when asked about Warframe specifically, he said they simply don't receive them until the devs submit them in huge bundles (like update 12).


So my question is, why not give us 1 or 2 at a time?  Even if we were still behind PC, it would be so much nicer to see actual PROGRESS being made on the game weekly or even bi-weekly.  This has become a punishment for PS4 players who don't want to use a keyboard for parcour, and an easy way to lose console gamers.  It is also sad for people who have spent money on this game and want to like it.  


I understand that it takes longer to go through another company, but the simple truth is that it should have been prepared for when this game launched on PS4.

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I know it's frustrating but you have to realize that coding for PS4 is probably harder than coding for PC. So when DE codes the new updates for PC they have to go back and code it again for PS4. 


You have to also realize that this is a beta. I've noticed that as DE releases the updates for PC they watch the forums for bugs because the majority of PC players act as beta testers so DE can then make hotfixes a few hours later. I understand that there are possibly some lively PS4 players that would love to act as beta testers like the PC community but the fact is updates for PS4 take longer and that's the price we ultimately take with choosing PS4. As far as testing goes, fast updates on PC is far better than slow updates for both.


This is the time we have had to wait for updates. 


The gap between PC and PS4 players for Update 11 is ~22 days.

The gap between PC and PS4 players for Update 11.5 is ~34 days.

The gap between PC and PS4 players for Update 12 is is ~28 days.


I know it seems horrible but after just 10 days DE has already submitted update 12.4.4 to Sony. 10 days is really good. Hopefully this trend will continue in our favor.



Also. It's a PS4. It's not like we do not have other games to keep us occupied. Hell, I'm going to enjoy the gap between updates once Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn hits PS4.

Edited by (PS4)natek_morzy
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Let the PC crowd wait for it to be ready for PS4. 


You really expect that to happen? lol 


Making the PC crowd wait?! That's not gonna fly. I respect DE and like them allot, but they don't care about the PS4, simple as that. Their game started on PC and that's where their heart is. Can't blame them for that, but it is what it is. Expecting them to delay PC content just to satisfy PS4 people is bad for business on the PC end. 


PS4 players just have to get used to being the step child. People think that PC and PS4 will eventually be on the same update are deluded. 

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This game is not really in development. It has been in "Open "Beta for over a year now. It is a released game that they keep adding content to. Do you really think at the end of their "Beta" period they are going to release the game? Of course not.

Yes, this game is in development. It ISN'T finished. It has been in open beta, since shortly after their alpha. Games take years to develop, you just don't hear about them until about a year before their deployment. What other game 'releases' content, who are not in beta, that doesn't make you pay for it? Not many at all, I can tell you that.

Yes, this game will eventually be officially released. This game isn't to the quality DE wants for a release.

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Yes, this game is in development. It ISN'T finished. It has been in open beta, since shortly after their alpha. Games take years to develop, you just don't hear about them until about a year before their deployment. What other game 'releases' content, who are not in beta, that doesn't make you pay for it? Not many at all, I can tell you that.

Yes, this game will eventually be officially released. This game isn't to the quality DE wants for a release.


I guess we are just going to have to disagree on all points

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If DE really wants to have PS4 and PC gamers play Warframe together on their different platforms, making the PC gamers wait for updates is what needs to happen. It will probably make a lot of PC gamers mad, but updates need to be sent through teh approval system and released on the PS4 before the PC in order for the PS4 to stay current with the PC and play with them. DE should never have said that Warframe will be a cross platform game because it will never happen. DE has already stated that they won't delay PC patches/updates. The PS4 will never catch up to the PC.

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If DE really wants to have PS4 and PC gamers play Warframe together on their different platforms, making the PC gamers wait for updates is what needs to happen. It will probably make a lot of PC gamers mad, but updates need to be sent through teh approval system and released on the PS4 before the PC in order for the PS4 to stay current with the PC and play with them. DE should never have said that Warframe will be a cross platform game because it will never happen. DE has already stated that they won't delay PC patches/updates. The PS4 will never catch up to the PC.


Exactly. Finally I see a logical response.

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This game is not really in development. It has been in "Open "Beta for over a year now. It is a released game that they keep adding content to. Do you really think at the end of their "Beta" period they are going to release the game? Of course not.


I believe that the game remains in a beta state because it allows them to make major overhaul on the various mechanics and the visual asthetics that we experience.

For example: the major change of melee 2.0 (6.0), or the supposed changes to the starmap becoming actual spacestations that orbit each planet that we then travel to (see devsteams for info).

Without the beta status I doubt that they would be able to completely overhaul such systems in such ways.

And no I don't beleve that the game will be 'released' after the final completion of the game, whereas it probably will each a point where there will no longer have such massive changes to the game and instead will become more 'fixed' where we only recieve numerous updates on weapons.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think them attaching "beta" to it, just gives them an excuse when an update goes wrong, like this last one. It's a catch all that they can use. The reality is it's F2P, which means they have tight budgets, their game is great and their F2P model is to be commended. Just don't insult me and tell me it's beta.

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If I'm not mistaken (and I very well may be), don't consoles charge developers a fee to release game updates? I thought I had read something along those lines before. If that's the case, it makes sense that they'd prefer to release infrequent bulk updates, instead of multiple small updates. My information may be entirely incorrect, though.

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If I'm not mistaken (and I very well may be), don't consoles charge developers a fee to release game updates? I thought I had read something along those lines before. If that's the case, it makes sense that they'd prefer to release infrequent bulk updates, instead of multiple small updates. My information may be entirely incorrect, though.

im not sure, but i dont think sony does. i feel like most developers are really happy to work with them and usually praise how easy and willing they are to work with them.


but i have heard a few indie developers not happy with microsoft, so maybe thats where you heard it. im not sure though either.

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I think DE did pretty good on the last update so I think they are trying to deploy faster updates. Let's not forget that with every update DE has to iron out the bugs which takes time. I rather wait longer than have the game constantly crash.


"DE did pretty good on the last update"??? Not sure if serious...


Void missions hard freezing people's PS4s isn't what I'll call "good". Last update was a mess that took a couple hotfixes to make it playable. Rumor also is that the "fix" was to go back to an old void build. Which might explain why the FPS seems worse than it was before. 

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Raging Lion, can you imagine the extra time and effort it would take for DE to release both platforms at the same time? Development does not work miracles when you have two systems to code for, test, regression or smoke test, get certified, then on top of that bug fix two different systems. It's easy to be on the outside looking in, try it yourself.


Be glad PC gamers are our beta testers. Patience is a virtue, and we are not the ones to wade through the initial bugs.  

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Raging Lion, can you imagine the extra time and effort it would take for DE to release both platforms at the same time? Development does not work miracles when you have two systems to code for, test, regression or smoke test, get certified, then on top of that bug fix two different systems. It's easy to be on the outside looking in, try it yourself.


Be glad PC gamers are our beta testers. Patience is a virtue, and we are not the ones to wade through the initial bugs.  


It's not really our jobs is it? I don't get paid to develop games, so I'm not accountable for the mess. I'm a consumer, and I spend money on their product. If their product is mediocre on my platform then as a consumer I have a right to tell them that. You can stay quiet and be the loyal fanboy if you want. I love the game, and I have allot of respect for DE and what they do, but the crappy state of the game on PS4 is not acceptable. 

Edited by (PS4)iAvernus
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It's not really our jobs is it? I don't get paid to develop games, so I'm not accountable for the mess. I'm a consumer, and I spend money on their product. If their product is mediocre on my platform then as a consumer I have a right to tell them that. You can stay quiet and be the loyal fanboy if you want. I love the game, and I have allot of respect for DE and what they do, but the crappy state of the game on PS4 is not acceptable. 

Amen dude...amen

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I'm not mistaken (and I very well may be), don't consoles charge developers a fee to release game updates? I thought I had read something along those lines before. If that's the case, it makes sense that they'd prefer to release infrequent bulk updates, instead of multiple small updates. My information may be entirely incorrect, though.

xbox does - sony does not.

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