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Badlands + Lore = Incompatible?


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This is also why I am extremely disgruntled at the fact that we "research" Warframes and build completely new ones, like Zephyr. So that would mean there is either a way for a Tenno to leave the suit, or there is a way to create new Tenno. There is no other option. Both require explanations to be rooted in a plausible fashion. Everything until that point was fair and working as intended. Warframes being created by the Orokin and cast around the Tenno who survived the journey through the Void.

Neither do we know how much the Tenno are dependant on their suit, nor do we know if there have been new endeavours to artificially create new Tenno to power new Warframes.


IMHO it's pretty obvious that the current Warframes are not the same as the "first" Warframes that were built around the first few Orokin-Era Tenno.

Current Warframe lines are built and sometimes designed (Nova, Zeyphr) by the Tenno council and are not based on a specific Tenno's "Void Powers" (Materials in Zephyr's case and there is no information about the origin or Nova's powers). Regardless how much some people dislike the idea that the player controls a single Tenno the game is set up to assume that, and that the Warframes are set up as interchangeable armour for that single Tenno.


The lore entries for Ember and Excalibur are talking about specific, historical, Tenno, not the Tenno controlled by the player, hence I don't think that they can be applied to _all_ Tenno without additional Lore to justify it.


Also remember that the children that returned from the Void in the Ember codex entry did not have Warframes and survived just fine. So currently I don't think we have any evidence that suggests that Tenno can't easily exist without a Warframe.

Edited by SilentMobius
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The thing here is... you're assuming that this comes out of no where. If we suddenly have this with no event, no lead up, then yet it will be bad. But noting that there will likely be some form of ingame event that helps bring this in as they have before which may well deal with a lot of the "unknown" lore reasons you question. 

Well then you should release this content alongside with lore.


There's no reason to release this content without any explanation other than DE not knowing either.

Content first, lore later, is the viewpoint that DE seems to have.

And by later, that means several months from past experiences.

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IMHO it's pretty obvious that the current Warframes are not the same as the "first" Warframes that were built around the first few Orokin-Era Tenno.


Also remember that the children that returned from the Void in the Ember codex entry did not have Warframes and survived just fine. So currently I don't think we have any evidence that suggests that Tenno can't easily exist without a Warframe.

It isn't obvious. Why would we be in Cryopods and Stasis chambers then, and Lotus saying that we've slept for a pretty damn long time? *wink wink nudge nudge* I'm very positive that we play the same Tenno as back then. Our Amnesia just causes the sleeper effect of "we actually don't know what happened between here and there."


The Ember Codex is a pile of bantha poodoo in my personal opinion. You can speculate more about that entry than about the entire rest of the game Lore. Not even kidding.

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Tenno have been called upon to balance the system's forces.


With the corpus and grineer so well entrenched our covert operations can no longer be sustained in a prolonged conflict without safe havens. With so many of the available locations already taken by either faction we are left to carve out in the near inhospitable void locked locations that probably haven't seen in millenias. 


Who gets the honor to be the custodians of such locations? Only the strongest or most respected and it will be their leadership that will help bring about balance in the solar system and mayhaps peace as well.


Meanwhile those who support the tenno; those who are seeking refuge are probably flocking to these gates to get away from the highly oppressive grineer or the brainwashing of the corpus.

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I've always seen the whole deal with the badlands being the next step in the Lotus's rise as a legitimate force in the solar system.


Early on, the game story was all about the Tenno fighting to survive while recovering and awakening their brethren in stasis and recovering artifacts from the Grineer and Corpus, and then start building up clans as the earliest form of governmental structure.


Then, the invasion system came out and the Tenno started taking on more of a mercenary role to start exploring around for a place in the political and economic landscape, playing multiple sides under the guise of "balance".


Now, the Lotus has us forming clan alliances in the next step of forming a federated government, and building solar rails to claim actual territory so as a faction we aren't limited to hidden bases and the few intact Orokin Towers left around Mercury, and acquire resources and economic power without having to basically pirate it from the Corpus and Grineer via survival missions (which incidentally explains why the badlands are all Infested missions--they're essentially unclaimed territory and eliminating technocyte infestation in those areas provides diplomatic cover).


With the next step, the factions system, we'll have the Tenno exploring more formal diplomatic relations with various groups around the solar system, including the Grineer and Corpus.


Maybe one day there will be proper colonies with civilian populations moving in as refugees from Corpus- and Grineer-dominated areas, providing a developed industrial and agricultural base.  Then, the Lotus's rise to power in the solar system will be largely complete.  Only system-wide domination will remain.

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Quoted for sad truth :(

And yes, I'm thinking the Dark Sectors get the new pure-infested tileset, or they get something completely different and the infested tileset will be happening on a different part of the solar map.

10$ say that they will initially make the infested tile sets for the sectors but at the last moment they will go LOLNOPE and hide it behind keys(like they did with Hek and the orokin derelicts).

I don't know what the hell are DE thinking or whats their obsession with hiding everything behind key grinds but its stupid as hell.They really cant seem to think of other ways to increase the time people play this other than hiding stuff behind grindwalls.

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I agree with the post.


Suddenly I see the Stalker with more friendly eyes, Tennos are truly betrayers after all, they are turning on each other for greed and power (resources and map control) and deserve to be hunted down. At least is what I would do if I were given the chance.


I can only imagine The Lotus facepalm, after locating, protecting and awaking tennos, they decide to fight themselves.


Like "Hi brother Tenno, thank you for protecting me while I was in the cryopod, but now I will fight you and your allies."


Doesn't make much sense to me and leaves me with the feeling that was not well thought out, lore wise. Unless it's all part of a bigger plan which will be revealed in time, but considering the amount of lore (and the consistency of it) out there, I'd stick to my previous feeling.

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It isn't obvious. Why would we be in Cryopods and Stasis chambers then, and Lotus saying that we've slept for a pretty damn long time? *wink wink nudge nudge* I'm very positive that we play the same Tenno as back then. Our Amnesia just causes the sleeper effect of "we actually don't know what happened between here and there."


The Ember Codex is a pile of bantha poodoo in my personal opinion. You can speculate more about that entry than about the entire rest of the game Lore. Not even kidding.


You misunderstand. I'm not saying that our Tenno are "modern" Tenno whatever that means. I'm saying that we are Orokin era Tenno but _not_ the first 20 or so who all got unique frames crafted to their personal Void-taint/personality/shape.


Obviously the Warframes are no longer unique, Otherwise there would be no such thing as a clan and The Excalibur-wearing Tenno in the Alad-V cinematic couldn't have died  (Without no one being able to ever use Excalibur again). No, as the system says, we build new Warframes and they are not unique but part of a "line" that had an originating Prime line and ultimately a single "progenitor" Tenno with a custom Warframe.


Whether you like the Ember codex or not, it's pretty clear that there are kids on that ship with fire-void powers without a Warframe. That's enough for the answer to "Can a Tenno exist outside their Warframe" for me.

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Then I misunderstood you, sorry!

Actually I never thought that there were only 20 or so Warframes to begin with. That would be highly illogical, considering they had a damn WAR to win and a damn EMPIRE to throw down. They might have had prototypes and then flushed more people into the void, and those who came out with similarities to existing prototypes, stuffing them into the pre-fab frames, possibly diluting their potential.

Perhaps the original prototypes where a lot more powerful because their suits have been tailored to suit their exact needs, who knows. Still would be doubting to have a few dozen "superheros" to take down a massive force. There are thoughts of my own as of how the "Birth of a Tenno" took place.

Argh. nnnrgh. Damn. Thanks man, now I have to jot down notes for yet another fanfiction >_> *kills himself* There are JUST four waiting to be delivered.


I also never thought them to be unique, right from the moment where I started playing the game. Like a car of a certain series isn't unique. It just is from that production line. We got the first, bulletproof, irreversible evidence of the Warframes not being unique with the Hunt for Alad V trailer. I don't think they kill their mascot just for the show's sake. But even before that, to me, it was absolutely logical that there are multiple copies around. Anyone arguing this in the past just had me shaking my head in bewilderment of such logical fallacy.


While I see where you come from with the Ember Codex, I've thought about that myself in the past and have discarded this as too flimsy an evidence. While it could be a possibility, it isn't lasting much against a poking stick when trying to put that thought into the bigger picture.

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There is no lore, DE just goes along with whatever pops in their heads

There is absolutely no story what-so-ever behind this game

Sure there is you just have to pay attention. I'll grant you it's not really well fleshed out yet but there's miles between scant and non-existant.

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