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This Is Sol System Network News With An Urgent Update.


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-just a goofy little topic on the subject of the normal, Due to a recent presentation change... Assume you are a Tenno Operative watching the news to see how the rest of the system reacts to events... Thus the new types of posts will make sense in that context-

Breaking News, The Grineer Blitzkrieg continues as one of Mars' prominent Independent territories, New Dallas surrenders to Grineer forces after a two year siege. This comes as a shocking blow to all of the independent Sol communities as New Dallas' valiant stand against Grineer oppression served as a beacon of hope in these dark times. From what we can gather the decision to surrender came from a spilt decision of New Dallas' governing council of 7 to 6 with the Chairman throwing his vote in to surrender. The current chairman had been the one of the most active and outspoken in his detest of the Grineer's expansion and to fully support armed conflict agaisn tthe Grineer.

The chairman said very little in officially his last broadcast. He called for the civillian population not to panic and attempt to flee to neutral territory as that would just cause a Grineer Blockade over the regions space lanes. He asked the people to simply accept the Grineer occupation.

He seemed as though his will had been broken by some outside force and was a pale imitiation of the man who delivered a hellfire and brimstone speech about fighting the Grineer to the last man.

The experts predict a mass exodus of the New Dallas region in the coming hours, Reports that the Grineer have already dispatched a Command Carrier and two dreadnoughts to prevent civilians from fleeing.

We will bring you updates as the become available.

Next up is Conspiracy Corner

Corpus Indoctrination Temples? Myth or Reality? Is your free will safe?

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-My inspiration is the Cerberus Daily news and the League of legends newsletter... both i was sad to see go-

Major update on the New Dallas situation

Chairman Gorge Wells was found dead in his home, from a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Many are unsuprised by this turn of events since experts beleived the Grineer were to publically execute Chairman Wells as a show of Grineer dominance. Strangely the suicide note seemed to leave cryptic implications on the surrender

"Corpus -Expletives and the Grineer


Vice Chairman

Gonna make the voices stop"

In the wake of this tragedy, New Dallas Miltia Commander Wade Yules has denounced the surrender and has ordered all civilians to flee to neutral Jupiter Territories.

As expected New Dallas airspace is a mass of fleeing ships as civilains rush to excape being lock into Grineer occupation The Grineer have unsuprisingly dispatched Admiral Vgio Zang and his command carrier the Aegean Fist to "detain" the fleeing civilians. With the fresh memory of Zang's massacre in the Venus territories. Our thoughts and prays go out to the New Dallas inhibatants.

Next up, The Silencing of Jupiter. Another Jupiter colony goes dark making it the third this month. A new strategy by the Grineer? A Corpus science experiment. gone horribly wrong? An Alien invasion? We have exlcusive first footage of what appears to be the cause!

More at updates to come, Stay tuned.

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Urgent Update

Aegean Fist's core raptures!

Admiral Zang and all crew lost!

Fellow ships in the Grineer blockade suffer same fate!

Grineer fleet formations in Martain territory in disarray.

Grineer authorities are labeling the disaster an accident blaming it on Zang's habit of ignoring ship refits.

However due to an anonymous source we were able to peice together com chatter from Admiral Zang.

Aegean Fist Com log 72.675.40601


The Orworld's not responding... it's like the entire crews dead


the Orworld's just exploded! What the -Expletive!- is going on! This Admiral Zang to the Ragnos and Tyhpon respond -Expletive!-


This is the Admiral we have confirmation of enemy intruders on decks 27, 43 and 18. Red alert... This is just like what happened to Ruk on Tethys... It's them.


COME AN GET ME YOU -Expletive!- -Expletive!- -Expletive!- -Expletive!- They won't say -Expletive!- Vgio -Expletive!- Zang went down without a -Expletive!- -Expletive!- fight.

.9024-27 incoherent yelling, gun fire and sounds of clashing blades.

. 9030-33 silence

.9036 a different voice

The Admiral is dead, and the core is about to breach, The escape pods have been disabled. Make peace with whatever power you choose to beleive in, This ship will be your grave.

.9040 Black Box ejected as safety measure due to Critical core overload.

While this is blessing to civilians fleeing to independent systems... Who is "them" that the Admiral spoke of? Is this linked to the various "accidents" that have been plagueing the Grineer and thier associates in the Corpus for the last few months?

We'll report more when we have it, Stay tuned.

Next up

Corporate warfare! Who is Corpus' new rival in the business world and what this means to you as an investor!

-I should probably think up some reporter names-

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The Storm Cometh?

In the wake of New Dallas' surrender, the rumors of a meeting between the various independent Sol territories to discuss a possible military alliance have returned stronger then ever. The implications that Corpus may have been in involved in the late Chairman Wells shocking decesion to surrender has had a crippling aftereffect on Corpus activites in outer Sol territories. While Grineer expansion has been met with outcry from the various independents most have been willing to look the other way and remain isolated. However with disturbing reports from Jovian space and Europa going dark. It would seem that the rest of the Independents are finally realizing that they need to seek higher ground or they'll be sweeped away in Grineer expansionism.

Corpus, Safety record reaches all time high, Moral hits all time low.

Believe it or not, when the Corpus board declared that this year they were gonna seek to reduce the amount of harmful incidents at thier onsite locations. They meant it! Congratulation to the Corpus installation at Ishtar for going a full 32 hours without a major accident. A Corpus executive personally oversaw the development of these new safety protocols, praising the staff of the Ishtar site. Sadly due to a reported fueling leak, the executive's shuttle exploded shortly after lift off ending the sites streak of no fatalities. 3 hours later the Ishtar site was lost due to a core malfunction. We will bring you more details as they become available.

Next up

Europa, A Tale of Jovian Independence!

Adult Holonet Star... turned Freedom Fighter?

and Professor Raquel Shan on The Mysterious group called "The Tenno"

More updates to come as they become available. Stay tuned.

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"Corpus loses bid for Orokin Derelict!"

Sometimes the impossible happens, The underdog beats the champ, The loser down on his luck hits the jackpot and it snows in the middle of a Venus summer. Corpus after many weeks of negotations with the Venusian Colony of Eros III in what seemed to be a standard Corpus acquistion turned into a stunning reversal when upcoming rival Sol-Gen Closed the deal to the rights to claim the derelict ship.

The Vessel which had been a Eros III property for decades was placed up for bid when the Colony having suffered several setbacks due to Solar array malfunctions and Grineer scouting parties decided to sell the treasure.

While Corpus was stunned by the move, by all outward appearances, The PR department is working hard to make sure everyone understands that Corpus will respect the decision and the Sol-Gen acquistion will be respected.

The Sol-Gen fleet going to pick up the vessel is noted to have brought a large contingent of personel from an undeclosed private milaitary contractor. Apparently Sol-Gen is wary that Corpus will attempt something outside the Eros III jurisdiction.

The Sol-Gen fleet will arrive at Eros III in three days.

Tragedies continue in New Dallas

While over 60% of New Dallas population fled at the prospect of Grineer occupation and even chanced death by running Grineer blockade. Those that remained to either fight or simply to stay may have choosen poorly. It seems that which was once a shining success of the Martian territories is now on a long spiral as a Grineer crusier exiting warp from a Jovian tour crashed into the North side of New Dallas primary industrial center, killing an estimated two million New Dallas residents. Shockingly the Grineer have responded by totally black listing the colony and have positioned two of it's Martian expansion fleets over New Dallas primary population hub.

No word on what caused the crash.

Next up

Corpus holds contest for Fan designed robot at charity event.

Stay tuned for more updates as they become available.

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Battle erupts on the edge of Eros III Space!

In a development that shocks no one, Sol-Gen's acquistion of a Orokin vessel met with a violent hurdle as the SolGen fleet left Eros III. The departing fleet was attacked by atleast 7 vessels and the Orokin ship itself was boarded. Reports state that the attackers were a collection of various small pirate groups using stolen Corpus tech. Thankfully the rouges were easily put down as the troops that Sol-Gen brought were mroe then a match for the ill trained pirates.

The Fleet will be taking the Vessel to an undisclosed research station in Sol-Gen controlled space.

Corpus reps deny any direct involvement with the pirates having access to large amounts of Corpus mechs and weapons.

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"New Grineer Councilor to make acceptance speech"

While it's only been weeks since the untimely death of Councilor Hek, when he was killed during a mining accident during an inspection of a Mineral Satelitte in Earth space. The Grineer high command has been rrather closed lipped about his succesor and Who will represent them on on the Sol system Council.

Hek had long since defended the Grineer expansions into independent space citing the need for breathing room and making buffer zones between territories. Many hope that the new Councilor will call for withdrawals of Grineer forces.

One Councilor commented that the Grineer's choice may very well be the one that shapes the Empire's future or signals its downfall. With many independent colonies begining to produce personal militas and rumors of cross Sol military coalition against the Grineer. The New Councilor's words may very well set the tone for the next few years.

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"Grineer Shock Sol-system with startling video"

When New Councilor, Rev Thanos, said he would by the end of the night change the way people saw Grineer expansion, He wasn't kidding. After a brief introduction to explain his rather shocking appearance. Him being a clone from a fresh DNA template and not the standard one like former Councilor Hek. Thanos opened with a speech citing that there were three threats that the People of the Sol system didn't know of.

In a move that stunned everyone Councilor Thanos revealed official miltary footage of what was causing the blackouts in Jovian space

The Technocyte Plague, a ravenous virus that mutants organics. Thanos said that the Plague is slowly creeping into all sectors of Sol space and the Grineer Expansion was to give each sector a military backbone to defend themselves

The second threat was the revelation that several deaths and accidents were infact deliberate acts by a group known only as the Tenno, among thier Victims Councilor Hek himself.

Thanos would go onto say that the group clearly wish nothing more the to prevent Sol advancement.

and the Third threat... Came from official pictures by Corpus near pluto.

The picture shows the outlines of unknown vessels apparently scouting Fringe colonies. The implications are... disturbing.

Thanos called for a unifiied goal and that the Grineer's expansion would cease in favor on focusing on containing the Technocyte Plague and retake Jovian space.

Many independent colonies are now asking for an official Grineer presence in thier space.

"Sol-Gen brings in leading independent expert to study Eros III Vessel"

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" Independent Sol states form unified Military organization!"

While Grineer expansion had been leading up to it, The revelation of the Technocyte Plague all but cemented the outcome. This morning over 500 Sol states agreed to the creation of a Joint military force meant to defend it's members independence and protect itself from agressice parties.

The Council has made no official statement or stance on the development, though they had tried to prevent anything that would escalate conflict with the Empire.

" Grineer expansion over or on hold? Grineer Withdrawals reported from all territories!"

Councilor Thanos claim that the Grineer Empire would focus it's efforts on Combating the plague was met with scoffers. However Reports coming in are showing the Grineer are in full withdrawal mood from occupied territories, with only Sedna, Saturn and key sectors in Uranus space remaining with an overt Grineer presence.

Several Martian colonies... including Recently acquired New Dallas now find themselves independent again.

It is expected that the Grineer will luanch a full scale assualt to help retake Jovian space from the Plague.

" The Tenno Strike! Sol-Gen hit hard!"

Thanos' warning about the group called the Tenno rings true as Sol-Gen reaps its losses. As last night, Sol-gen recent acqustion of the Eros III Orokin Starship was raided by the Tenno.

"Most of its vital systems have been destoryed, Data completely erase and artifacts stolen." said one Sol-Gen rep " They probably would have set the damn thing to self destruct if it was so close to the colony!"

Over 50 Privately contracted security members were killed with possibly even more Sol-Gen staff dead as well notable Orokin Researcher Raquel Shan whose body was not found.

Shan's apparent death rocked her home sector in Uranian space.

We will bring you more when we have it stay tuned.

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" New Dallas, Infestation Hot Zone!"

It's been less then 24 hours since Grineer forces withdrew officially from the Martian Colony of New Dallas, now They and New Dallas militia will be returning. United in the goal of Containing an Infestation outbreak that surface a meer two hours ago.

As reported earlier a Grineer Crusier crashed into the colony a week ago, and while Grineer forces originally dubbed it a Navigation malfunction it seems the Truth was far more sinister. It is suspected that the infested hid in the most secure part of the ship as the crew desperately tried to avert the crash and those that survived used the wreckage to escape into the exposed sewer system.

The implication that New Dallas water supply has been infected and broadcast have warned citizens to vacate to cleared zones.

Grineer intelligence is... alarmed by the implication that the infested hoardes are capable of more subtle tactics. Possibly hinting at a higher intelligence?

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Better post this before the forums black out again

"New Dallas Saga comes to a Tragic conclusion"

The Battle to supress The Plague spreading into Mars Sector has ended in the most phyrric way possible.

After several hours of intense fighting, New Dallas Miltia commander Wade Yules requested that the Grineer commander and all aviable New Dallas forces to retreat. Commander Yules Unit had been fighting to retake the Atomspheric generator of the Colony in hopes of preventing the plague of becoming ariborne.

Yule's last transmission

" Left Arm is gone... had to take it off after it started to change... Civilian shelters were compromised... they were all those things when we got to them. Colonies lost... Can't let the -expletive- get out... Set core to overload.., Nothing will be left.... Getting dark now... Be with you soon Grace."

The Resulting explosion wiped out 90% of the colony. While there is no signs that the Infestation survived whats left of the colony is under quarantine.

The Ramifications of the Plague are startling and the cost is looknig high for the efforts in the Jovian sector.

In stunning display of respect, the Grineer fleet fired it's cannons in salute to the fallen.

The aftermath of New Dallas destruction will be felt in Martian space for years to come.

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These are really neat. I spent alot of time reading every single Cerberus News Network update when they were broadcasting em.

I like your treatment of the Tenno as a shady mysterious group that only recently became a blip in what was otherwise a very lively solar system that already had its own issues and goings-on. Cant wait to see more :)

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The CNN -Wait a minute, I see what they did there- is the major inspiration

The Hard part is thinking up a small running arcs and trying to tie the story into the game.

Alot of the events i discuss are actaully based on my progress in the game, IE Thanos being elected Grineer Councilor. was when I really got around to dealing with the earth missions and was essentially farming them XD

Granted alot of its guess work based on implication and intrepretation of what is being said. IE The Grineer are ruled by the Three Sisters but there is Council they exude influence on hence why Hek had to go. The Grineer to be oppressive have to oppress someone hence all the other Solar states.

The Corpus.... I get the implication they are somewhere between the Liandri, Shinra and the Machine Cults of Mars.

The implication is the hire ups Know the Tenno exist... they are just doing the plausible deniablity stick government officials love. IE There is no "Official" stance on the "Tenno"

Ah Yes The Tenno... We have dismissed that claim

I kinda treating them like post Purge Jedi... the average civilian thinks they are a myth... and Let's be honest if you explained what a Tenno was -A space ninja with super powers- you'd get funny looks

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Ah Yes The Tenno... We have dismissed that claim

I kinda treating them like post Purge Jedi... the average civilian thinks they are a myth... and Let's be honest if you explained what a Tenno was -A space ninja with super powers- you'd get funny looks

Yes exactly my thoughts!

Excellent work and keep it up. these are awesome little stories and tidbits :)

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"Coalition charter is formalized, The United Solar States Command is born"

Grineer expansionism foster its creation and the revelation of the Great Plague has made it a reality. Today the USSC made up of over 500 independent Solar states and colonies has formalized thier economic and military alliance.

This leads to the creation of the United Solar States Defense and Combat Operations Force a joint task force bringing together a great deal of military backgrounds.

Various weapons, tech and genetic companies are vying to supply this new force. While Grineer's Ruling Sisters are outspoken in there condemnation of the Council's willingness to allow so many solar states to arm themselves. It is Grineer councilor Thanos that said that the Grineer Military is more then thrilled by the idea that they will not be fighting the plague alone anymore. It will allow the Grineer to focus on key hotspots in its own territory that are suffering Plague outbreaks.

While the structure of the new military organization is largely unknown at the time, It's spokeman said that the Organization plans to be fully mobilized by the end of the solar month. This implies that the infastructure had already been set up.

Infact reports of what were official condemned Resource satelittes are noen showing signs that they were being retrofitted to become bases and outposts.

Between this new development and reports of the Grineer making headway in Jovian space... the Plague's rampage might just be averted thought the question remains what happens when the Grineer run out of other enemies to fight?

We'll keep you informed as we gain new information. Stay tuned.

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"Europa, Corpus Stronghold amongst a besieged Sector!"

While the Jovian Sector is now ablaze with intense fighting as The Grineer's 7th and 9th Fleets along with the Newly formed USSDCOF Alpha and Beta Wings have begun a grueling campaign to take back ground from the Infested while many colonies that went dark have completely lost thier populations to the plague ... These colonies must be purged least they serve as hives for the infested to breed and multiply in..

A crucial component of this war effort is The Independent Sector of Europa, which serves as a base for the Grineer and USSDCOF forces to rest between colony purges. The Corpus themselves seem very interested in infested specimens with rumors that Grineer units are paid to bring back live specimens to a base on Europa itself.

Corpus denies such claims,

Svana Delecroix, Head CEO and Tech Preistess of Corpus' Europa branch.

" We would never endanger the citizens of Europa with such an irresponsible action. If Plague specimens were being collected, they would be held on a site far away from any civilian population center and they would be used as a means to find more effective ways of killing these abominations"

However the rumors still presist, Some even impliying that Corpus "mythical" indoctrination devices might be involved in an attempt to turn the infested into a new bioweapon.

Whatever the truth is, It must be said... no good can come with trying to understand or tame the infested.

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"Startling Implications, the Infestion more then a runaway mutation?! and a Possible sighting of the 'Tenno'?"

DCOF Delta wing has triumped over impossilbe odds when its 1st and 2nd infantry teams became stranded on a Derelict in the Uranian sector. The Two Squads soon found that the ship they had been investigating due to odd readings was in fact a Infested hive vessel not yet fully awakened. However soemthing seem to awaken the hive as the teams entry point was cut off by awakening enemy forces.

The two teams battled overwhelming forces in an attempt to overload the reactor and prevent the ship from being used as a spring board to assualt a nearby colony.

While the 2nd made its way to the reactor eliminating what ever resistance it encountered... The 1st made its way to the Command center as if drawn there.

The DW 1st's Captain Ronald Lords explained it as such.

"Me and Eddie -Delta wings 2nd Captain Edward Brandall- knew we might have to sacrifice the sqauds to see the bucket burn.... It was something we understood when we signed on. However His boys then started reporting strange occurences... Those Infected -Expleitive- seemed spoked by something and it felt like someone was shadowing the team into the ship. I thought it was just nerves couldn't blame em, Then it happened.

We came to this big hanger bay and the sensors showed a -expletive- huge gathering of the little -expletive-. We mapped out the battle plan when My coporal said something was funny on the sensors... Something or someone was picknig them off as if trying ot even the odds in our favor.

Eddie reported the same thing... even swore he saw some 'naked guy' running around in the rafters."

We asked what he meant by lured to the Command center.

" Wierdest -expletive- thing as we got closer to the center of the ship and most likely the hives main chamber... I started hearing my daughter's voice telling me to stop fighting. All of the squad reported the same, someone close pleading with them to not fight anymore and accept the end.

However when we got within a corridor of the CIC... the voices stopped being familar sounding... and started sounding Whats the word i'm looking for... 'grotesque'

It was a female voie yet it was raspy and sounding like ten other people talking in unison with her... It seemed to be trying to sell the infection as a cure or an ascension... you know the stuff lunatics spout as they try to explain why they killed a random person for nothing.

We found the source of the voice when we got to the CIC... It's gonna haunt my dreams for a while...

Can we take a break first? I need a drink to talk about this.


out of respect for the Captain's wishes

We'll be back with the rest of the interveiw later today. Stay tuned.

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"Part 2 of the Captain Lords interveiw"

" Sorry about that... had to steady the mind a bit... Its something you don't like to remember.

When we got to the CIC... we noticed two things... The lower floors had been flooded... thought it was a Water leak perhaps. And This Massive pillar of whatever the hell you call the stuff. It look more like a insect hive then a CIC... at first we thought it was odd that the beasties weren't trying to rip us apart...apparently they knew they weren't needed.

That voice i mentioned earlier... We found what was making that. At first It looked like it was just that damn pillar in the middle of the ... Then I noticed something moving... it had the same coloration so whatever it was was hard to make out... till it dropped out of one of the holes in the pillar.

-deep breath- It was large, snake like... it was coiling through the pillar dipping in and out of holes while it slowly made its way down to us... I told the men to aatleast wait till it was in range of the shotguns so we could maximize damage. It seemed to be in no hurry. as it came closer... it spoke from the back of your head you could hear it. It was welcoming us to the fold.

I was the first to speak, asking what it was since to my knowledge no Infested spoke.

It laughed mocking my preconception of its children I and my men had been murdering. It said things that made me think it was really old, like how it had claimed the ship to be its nest, odd details like colonies that had been dead for centuries it had raided.

I assumed this thing must be like a Hive leader or the Strongest infested on the ship... Killing it might have an effect on the rest and give Eddie the time he needs to prep it to blow.

When it finally got down to the Floor we were own.... I kinda wish I had ordered the squad to just open fire. The Lower part like I said was snake like... except it had a mouth about where its waste should be... The Upper part looked like a woman... maybe it was a woman before the plague... it had a smooth face no mouth... just a bonelike plate where the mouth should be... It had one large eye on the left and a set of three eyes on the right/ The head had this wierd bone crown thing.

The middle part... as i said it had the shape of a woman... but where her "breasts" were... well two more mouths... looked like pits of teeth when they fully opened. It had six arms... one set was really long whip like hands and arms, they looked thin enough that they snap if you just bent them. One set was more normal sized but only had to larger digits and a thumb.... and the last set was just a pair of Scythe like claws... like a Praying mantis except the blades looked like metal.

When it reached us I was done listening to its babbling and me and the squad open fired....

It let out this earbleeding shriek before it dived over the edge into the water.

Thats when i realized this place was set up to give it the advantage cause the lower decks mostly like converge and connect underneath the deck we were own.

It was... a tense fire fight yet oddly simple... It'd use the water to move at lightning speed to try and flank us... It got a two of my squad that way... it'd attack from one way and the dive to surprise someone near the edge on the other side. It wasn't slow on the ground either... nearly tore my jaw off with one of those scythes when she darted past.

We eventually formed up to where we could defend against its tactics... dropping grenades in the water. and we were beginning to do some damage as it was showing signs of fatigue.

However it decided it had enough of the fight and just began to break the deck out form under us... I ordered the squad to move but My Corporal... it had darted out and taken his leg clean off as we tried to avoid going into the water. I went back to get him and... I guess the whole CIC floor gave way as the next thing i knew the two of us had fallen into what appaered to be a large storage room... the water had flowed down making it about a foot deep everywhere. It was down there with us... The corporal even though he was fighting shock from the blood loss... tried to get a shot off on it... It darted by and tore his throat out before i could reach him.

That was three now it had taken away from me... I lost it, I unloaded my rifle, my side arm, the coporal's side arm into it and seemed to be doing some damage and I went for his shotgun... when that snake tail hit me full force form the side... I felt my ribs crack and my arm go out of its socket as i flew into some thing... crate, piece of the deck... I don't know. I knew it was over... my only chance was to use my one good arm to cook a grenade when it came in to finish me off.

However... even as I struggled to focus... I noticed it had stopped... it was staring at something. above me... I could barely move so I couldn't see... but then i noticed all the water it was beginning to evaporate... yet It didn't seem hot enough in the room for that.

Whatever it was looking at, It most have thought it was the bigger threat cause it let out this massive howl before it lunged over me... and then came barreling back as a torrent of water sent it crashing back to the far wall... with enough force to dent the damn thing. It had lost an arm from that... then a thin band of water seem to come from something and cut two more of its arms off. It howled and screamed the whole time.

I was finally able to move my head as the feeling came back to my body and I saw what Eddie meant...

I saw a woman... it looked like she was naked except her skin was shiny... It was like she was wearing a sometype of secondskin over her.

If i wasn't a married man... I'd say I was inlove cause it made her fill out in all the right places -chuckles- No... She looked like an angel to me.

I couldn't make out any features like color... the floor we had fallen to had gone to emegency lights so everything was red... I couldn't make out a face... The Helmet she wore didn't appear to have eye or anything. I wondered how she could see... She apparently could see better then I could cause she danced around that Monster who let me remind you wasn't exactly slow. She was using what looked like a Lato and Some type of large beam blade I'm not familar with. She kept darting around the beast making cuts and planting shots.

Eventually the beast with its remianing sycthe hand was able to knock the sword away... but then the water seemd to follow her jesture and rise up and engulf the monster... and then it all Vaporize and the Creature let out this Soul shattering yell. The heat must have been tremendous as the creature's skin had either melted off showing inner tissues or was blistering and bleeding.

I still had the Corporal's shotgun, I yelled to her to catch... and she reacted perfectly ... She caught the shotgun, and buried the barrel in the monsters skull and puled the trigger

The beast yelled

She pulled the trigger again

The beast screamed

She pulled the trigger a third time


Just as I was about to thank her and start asking twenty questions my squad bursts in... I look away from her for a second and she's gone.

After that its blurry... as my squad had to medicate me and carry me to the extraction point.

Eddie says a friendly beacon is what lead us back together and to the escape point.

Whose beacon? One of Eddie's squad had gotten ambushed earlier... nothing they could do... yet someone had pulled his tags and his recovery beacon off of him. Whoever it was had cleared a hangar and let the shuttle in. We knew someone else was there cause none of our troops were armed with bolt firing weapons.

I can only assume that the Woman that saved me wasn't alone... and they didn't care for good soldiers dying on that ship.

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