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Audio Log excerpt from Mission: ForeRunner


-Sound of an alarm blaring and a countdown in progress-




????-sarcastically-: Well this has gone nicely


-Identified as Operative: XXX13, Frame: Standard Loki model-


?????: He had more Orokin tech incorporated into him, then four of us combined.


-Identified as Operative: XXX07, Frame: Standard Rhino model-


Loki: But that Decoy was more advanced then anything I can produce... Its infuriating to have a Grineer outdo me.


???-sassily-: You did say Ruk may be the smartest Grineer you'd heard of.


-Identified as Operative: XXX18, Frame: Standard Mag model-


Rhino: "He'd be a genius if I weren't in the vicinity" I believe.


Loki -coldly-: He hasn't out smarted me yet...


-The Sound of Grineer yelling, gunfire and sundering flesh followed by screams-


????????: We'll Catch him later... We have more pressing matters.


-Identified as Operative: XXX19, Frame: Standard Excalibur model-


-the sound of a door releasing....-


Excal: You got to be kidding me.


Rhino: It's a planet cracker.


Mag: There is a colony near by... the blastway would...


Loki: No doubt cause catastrophic damage and countless civilian deaths, Ruk's ensuring we stay behind while he escapes.


Excal: Can you diffuse it?


Loki:.. that means giving up on catching Ruk.


Mag: But we can't just... -she seems to be cut off-


Loki: As the team tactician, the pragmatic course of action is to accept civilian deaths as a necessary loss, Ruk is far to high value a target to let escape.


Excal: Except our intel on him was wrong... He may very well be more dangerous then expected.


Loki: Correct, further engagement would be foolish at this point.


Rhino: then correct course of action is...


Mag -sadly-: Is to retreat ensuring that our intel returns to the Lotus.




Excal: I wasn't asking for you're tactical opinion, I asked if you could diffuse it.


Loki-chuckles-: Just have to leave up to your namesake...-sighs- Yes I can.


Excal: Rhino cover the flank, Mag cover the door with me.


Mag: Roger.


-a moment later the sound of paneling being removed-


Rhino: So if you can't diffuse it...


Loki: We should all be vaporized in a nanosecond... it'll be relatively painless.


Mag: That's comforting...


-the sound of something unfolding-


Loki: Don't worry if anything... Grineer engineering is so idiotproof even an...infant... can... do it -starts laughing-


Excal:... Tell me whats happening.


Loki-as though tearing up from the laughter- Oh Sargas, you crazed -expletive-... All the circuits are the same color!


Rhino-in a very gallows humor way-:... Relatively painless huh


Loki -Stops laughing-: Pretty clever... but not clever enough -the sound of clipping-


-The alarms stops and the countdown subsides-


Mag-very high pitch-: YOU -Expletive- You knew the correct one the whole time!


-the sound of a blunt strike-


Loki: Argh! Can't I indulge in a little suspense! It have been boring if I had just diffused it the moment I figured out the circuit placement wasn't changed.


Excal:... I guess it would have been.


-Audio excerpt ends-

Edited by FrostWolf
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Totally imagining him switch teleporting Grineer into their own bullets now.


Maybe a guys rocket...



Bullets would need more spilt second timing...


Loki: I could do it with my eyes close.



What do you think is a better sounding name for a Frame?


Orich, shorthand for Orichalcum, The Atlantis metal of myth know for its value and strength


or Damascus, named after the lost Sword making style.

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"Tensions Mount along Sedna "



To say they're at it again would be an understatement as the Masochism tango that is Grineer/Corpus relationships once more flares toward open combat.


This time centering around Corpus forces massing in the Sedna sector.


The Corpus have found something in the Grineer Territory and are once again more then willing to go to open conflict for it.


Corpus authorities had no comment on the situation, most likely to shift the blame to who ever is overseeing the operation.


However Grineer forces aren't being helmed by Luna politicians but Military hard liner Sargas Ruk.


"I believe the Corpus are in much need of... aggressively applied humility.  This is the third time they have attempted to strong arm the Empire. I intend to make this a more lasting impression on them."






I haven't been writing much due to my head being in a toilet and another project

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"Mars erupts into a Warzone"


At 0100, Sargas Ruk of the Grineer Empire launched a full scale assault on Corpus forces stationed at  their Gradivus, installation.


Gradivus feel in a under two standard hours. Ruk is using this momentum to springboard and assault other Corpus Martian installations, two other Corpus facilities have fallen with another barely withstanding the assault.


At the current time Corpus forces have slowed the Grineer assault at Martialis.



USSC and Colonial forces have mobilized but at the moment Ruk is avoiding any none Corpus related/associated areas. That may change if the Grineer break Corpus' Martian dominance.


Another curious note is reports of bioarmored beings fighting either with or against the Grineer Tide. It is believed that the swiftness of the Grineer's assault on Gradivus is in part to them.


We'll keep you up to date on the current situation as it unfolds.

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Support...Neither... cause they'll just start shooting the moment its over.



The Grineer winning would at least shake up status quo and tie into the image of them as the invading horde while the Corpus despite being morons will find someway to get the Zanuka project off the ground despite the set backs.


Generally I work for Ruk cause despite brain damage he is smart enough not to condescend at me when I'm helping.





Real life is such a bother... it drains you down to the point something you had passion for is hard to do.


Getting that update down... gonna look over it tongiht and ship it out for editing tomorrow.



I have ideas for another project but...

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