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Event Prizes


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Then you can buy platinum. You have three options:


1) people that work dont have time, but they can buy platinum. Just dont tell me you cannot spend 5 $ when you get an discount.


2) people with no jobs have time, they can farm.


3) you are complaining about something that will not change. So, either you can stop, or you can fight windmills forever.


i get it without the points. The unfortunate thing is that I do not get what does any of that have to do with anything.


Here, I can use points, too, because I do not understand how paragraphs work.


4) I bought the biggest, whatever it is called and no one cares, prime package because I wanted to support DE.


5) like yourself? good for you!


7) you are complaining about complaining. What does that make you?


10) what does my person have to do with this topic?


Here's a free tip, attacking the person does not refute their argument. Try again.

Edited by HansJurgen
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the sooner they're made available the better... newer players deserve a chance to get their hands on those powerful mods. the badges alone are a good reward, and the people who missed out the event will probably never get the gorgon wraith. 



Exactly this.

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i get it without the points. The unfortunate thing is that I do not get what does any of that have to do with anything.


Here, I can use points, too, because I do not understand how paragraphs work. I am just messing.


4) I bought the biggest, whatever it is called and no one cares, prime package.


5) like yourself?


7) you are complaining about complaining. What does that make you?


10) what does that have to do with this topic


protip, attacking the person does not refute his argument. Try again.

Oh, no need to be that angry.



Eat a snickers.

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I am under the impression that new players have a lot more things to do and worry about than to get the latest and greatest new mod that comes out (that they wont have maxed or able to equip in the first place). Leveling gear and raising Mastery for one, Learning how to equip/level/combine mods/loadouts, dojo and foundry, sentinels and potatoes, the list goes on and on.


once a new player knows enough about the game to actually have a grasp on why X mod is so OP he can either get it himself or set a plan to reach it (farming) play the game first, THEN worry about the rest. You cant get to Mastery Rank 15 without putting in work, a lot of things will fall in place over the course of your playing time. Why are you worrying about such things as a new player?

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I am under the impression that new players have a lot more things to do and worry about than to get the latest and greatest new mod that comes out (that they wont have maxed or able to equip in the first place).

those latest and greatest mods need 7 modpoints when maxed and they're 3 rank mods and therefore easy to max. newer players would be able to max and equip them more than any damage increasing mod in the game. and it's not about the point that completely new players can't get them, it's more about the fact the anyone who started playing after the particular event that rewarded the mods is completely unable to get those mods sans trading. new players don't stay new forever, they improve, build new gear and ultimately hit the "it's your fault that you didn't even play while we handed mod X"-wall. it's artifically separating the community, and that's not a good thing.

Edited by MortalSin
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those latest and greatest mods need 7 modpoints when maxed and they're 3 rank mods and therefore easy to max. newer players would be able to max and equip them more than any damage increasing mod in the game. and it's not about the point that completely new players can't get them, it's more about the fact the anyone who started playing after the particular event that rewarded the mods is completely unable to get those mods sans trading. new players don't stay new forever, they improve, build new gear and ultimately hit the "it's your fault that you didn't even play while we handed mod X"-wall. it's artifically separating the community, and that's not a good thing.


really just not seeing why a new player would be more interested in a mod than in overall improvement as a Tenno as a whole. When I first started playing I didnt even go to the void for a long time because I didnt want to feel like I sucked versus my teammates. So I grinded the crap out of Xini and raised a a lot of gear, THEN I went. I didnt worry about those goodies because I was Mastering what I had available to me. I only had 3 primes for a long time (excal, lato, skana) because of that. Now I have everything minus the 2 vandals


all Veterans start out as rookies... but you have to work through it. You cant just jump to the end. well, you can, but it wont be pretty.

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all Veterans start out as rookies... but you have to work through it. You cant just jump to the end. well, you can, but it wont be pretty.

that's right, i'm not even arguing that, but right now you can only work through things to a certain point. you're basically excluded from viable status builds w/o these mods... and that's a bad thing, cause status procs are a major selling point of damage 2.0. it's more the overall situation that you just cannot obtain those mods w/o trading. i'm for making them available after the player passed the rookie-phase of the game, not for making them available right from the start.

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I do not. If you're playing when the event is going on, participate in the event, get the mods. Didn't even take me an hour to finish Tethra's Doom on PS4. 

Mods should be released, especially ones that give you advantage over others. Only Vandals/Wraiths should stay exclusive.



DE should include event mods into NM table and make low reward chance for them.

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Depends on what is released. I dont mind people getting mods ( heck, i need another set of Ciceros ), Brakk/Detron type also. But if they release Vandals/Wraiths for people that didnt participate in the events, i will not be happy about it.


How would you feel about them being re-released as rewards for other events. We know everything but the founders stuff will come back eventually.

Mods should be released, especially ones that give you advantage over others. Only Vandals/Wraiths should stay exclusive.



DE should include event mods into NM table and make low reward chance for them.

If history holds true then the mods will return. There's never been an event mod that stayed exclusive except primed chamber but that was awarded in a completely different way. The op is complaining about something that isn't likely to pan out the way he sees it. Well and other people being willing to pay too much for a mod, as though that's any of their affair anyway.

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that's right, i'm not even arguing that, but right now you can only work through things to a certain point. you're basically excluded from viable status builds w/o these mods... and that's a bad thing, cause status procs are a major selling point of damage 2.0. it's more the overall situation that you just cannot obtain those mods w/o trading. i'm for making them available after the player passed the rookie-phase of the game, not for making them available right from the start.



the sooner they're made available the better... newer players deserve a chance to get their hands on those powerful mods. the badges alone are a good reward, and the people who missed out the event will probably never get the gorgon wraith. 

In my personal opinion, a good solution would be to put a mastery lock and a trade tax similar to the legendary core to prevent easy trading of these unique mods to low level players. Then when they are released into the loot table, lower the trade tax to a normal amount, but keep the mastery lock. 


Also, the reason they don't throw it out faster is to make the people who got it happy and feel special about getting a mod before everyone else... Or at least that's what they're suppose to do. Although the sad thing is the fact that they can trade these mods for large bundles of plat. 


Another thing, Wraith and Vandals are said to never be released again from what i've heard. 


Look at the brakk, Detron, and Ammo Mutations. They were all released a couple MONTHS after their respective events. It will most likely be the same for these mods. 

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how many players would do events without getting rewarded for it? not many. so they give rewards, ppl complain. what do you want them to do? have events last forever? not bother creating events at all and just drop mods in our mailbox every week?


try and earn your stuff. events like the last one were beyond easy and beyond long. on top of which as you stated you dont even have to do events anymore because you can buy them off other players. what more do you guys want?


Yeah, this is a bit late in coming, but....


Getting to play the event itself should be its own reward - much like how playing the game itself should be the reward in-and-of itself. If you need to dangle sparklies in front of players to get them to play an event (or game), the event (or game) has serious underlying issues that need to be addressed.


When you hear, "Hey, Warframe has a new event on going!" the response should be "Sweet! I going to rush home. I can't wait to see what awesomeness awaits me when log on!" and not "Sweet! That means I have a chance to get awesome swag!"


Note: I enjoyed the Tethra event, a lot. I had a blast - and would have played it even if there would have been no swag involved. Then again, I also really like invasion missions and the new escort map type... but I'm a ancient Team Fortress 2 player so...

Edited by PoorCensored
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