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And no, manpower isn't a cost. Manpower is the amount of work people can get done in a 40 hour work week. Simply multiply by the number of people working in said division. Which is why I went and defined manpower in terms of manhours


And if those 20 people worked for the PvE team instead, the team would by 65 and not 45.



Are you just trolling with me now? è_é

I see that there is no point in prolonging this discussion with you.

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"Its fun, if you get owned, its probably because you suck at it."


After that sentence, i stopped reading and laughed at OP. I laughed so hard that my sides hurt.

This attitude is exactly why the majority does not like PVP. Because of people who say this overly stupid bullsh****


Thanks for the laugh OP. Thank you for the approval that the majority is still right. =)

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"Its fun, if you get owned, its probably because you suck at it."


After that sentence, i stopped reading and laughed at OP. I laughed so hard that my sides hurt.

This attitude is exactly why the majority does not like PVP. Because of people who say this overly stupid bullsh****


Thanks for the laugh OP. Thank you for the approval that the majority is still right. =)


Still right about what? You didn't made a point there. You don't have any argument, just said i made you laugh.


What i said its true, if a player gets owned in the Conclave is probably because he sucks at it. So he quits and rage about how unbalanced the Conclaves are and how they should be removed from the game, simply because they don't like it.

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Still right about what? You didn't made a point there. You don't have any argument,

That the wonderful part about it. I dont even need a point or an argument. You delivered all the necessary arguments by yourself.

You already showed the people what kind of farce this thread is.

"You dont like it because you suck at it" as a reason for people not liking conclave is just stupid on so many levels :D

It´s just supporting the people who say that pvp guys are toxic. =)

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Still right about what? You didn't made a point there. You don't have any argument, just said i made you laugh.


What i said its true, if a player gets owned in the Conclave is probably because he sucks at it. So he quits and rage about how unbalanced the Conclaves are and how they should be removed from the game, simply because they don't like it.

Or, and hear me out on this, they might be raging due to everyone using 4x Forma'ed assault rifles modded out to kill in one hit. 


While PvP can be fun, its also extremely unbalanced and favors the people who can mod their weapon to be a one-hit killing machine rather than the people who build for fun/build for more than damage.

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That the wonderful part about it. I dont even need a point or an argument. You delivered all the necessary arguments by yourself.

You already showed the people what kind of farce this thread is.

"You dont like it because you suck at it" as a reason for people not liking conclave is just stupid on so many levels :D

It´s just supporting the people who say that pvp guys are toxic. =)

This thread has proven that both PvE and PvP players are toxic as hell.

And before you deny this, I have been in many PvP related threads where everyone was getting along just fine (even the pro-PvE people were discussing things calmly), and then some jerk comes into the thread and rants about how PvP is gonna ruin the game, how everyone who supports PvP is [insert expletive filled insult here].

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It is unbalanced, i never said it wasn't. On the contrary, i said it desperately needs some balancing.



That the wonderful part about it. I dont even need a point or an argument. You delivered all the necessary arguments by yourself.

You already showed the people what kind of farce this thread is.



Necessary arguments for what? You still didn't say what's your point.

This thread is not a farce, did you even read the Original Post?

Edited by RexSol
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This thread has proven that both PvE and PvP players are toxic as hell.

And before you deny this, I have been in many PvP related threads where everyone was getting along just fine (even the pro-PvE people were discussing things calmly), and then some jerk comes into the thread and rants about how PvP is gonna ruin the game, how everyone who supports PvP is [insert expletive filled insult here].

I have to admit that there are pvp threads out there that are actually worth reading.

Im not a pvp player, but actually accept it being part of the game. but when reading this

stupid garbage about being bad pvp players bla bla, i just cant take the OP serious anymore. Its just laughable....

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So you guys basically don't like PvP because you don't like competition.

well i'm sorry to inform you that there are some guys who likes competition, does it bothers you so much that we have a optional PvP mode? You're not forced to participate.

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So you guys basically don't like PvP because you don't like competition.

well i'm sorry to inform you that there are some guys who likes competition, does it bothers you so much that we have a optional PvP mode? You're not forced to participate.


And as long as they don't waste any development resources on some crap that about .0001% of the Warframe community cares about, we don't mind at all.


But you posting whine threads insisting they waste more of their resources on PvP is like me insisting they spend the same amount of resources on five thousand different bowties so I can make my frames look good for any occasion.


It doesn't matter if it's different dev teams or not, they all gotta get paid from somewhere, and I don't want any of that pay money going to some crap that has nothing to do with the game and that only about ten people actually give a S#&$ about.

Edited by DocHolliday13
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And as long as they don't waste any development resources on some crap that about .0001% of the Warframe community cares about, we don't mind at all.


But you posting whine threads insisting they waste more of their resources on PvP is like me insisting they spend the same amount of resources on five thousand different bowties so I can make my frames look good for any occasion.


It doesn't matter if it's different dev teams or not, they all gotta get paid from somewhere, and I don't want any of that pay money going to some crap that has nothing to do with the game and that only about ten people actually give a S#&$ about.


You didn't even read my post didn't you?


I am not insisting that they waste resources on PvP. Actually i said that these changes should be in the bottom of their priorities because there are more important things right now. 


And you are exaggerating, there are many players who like PvP, whether you like it or not. You are the perfect example of the kind of players i was talking about in the Original Post.

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Honestly, I haven't played any conclaive before because the idea just doesn't appeal to me. If I did, I would imagine that I would play a conclaive rating of 0 to 300 range. Playing with base weapons unmodded is the way to go. Also I would imagine if they increased it to 4 vs 4 or 5 vs 5, that would make it even funner. 1 on 1 and 2 vs 2 seems a little stale.


Also... I can't let this go. I have to mention this. I really don't like the tone of how PvP community is like. Just read the comments here and you'll see what I mean.




The user HalotroopermanX7 even mentions how I feel about it. "Is it me or does PvP (in any game) increases aggression and rudeness in game?"


This is another problem. It's the community itself. Hell even the OP, RexSol said how he or she really felt about it "Its fun, if you get owned, its probably because you suck at it." Right there I can see that rudeness. Even when responding with DocHolliday13 post you said "This is a PvP game too, there is PvP now, deal with it." It isn't a PvP issue it's a COMMUNITY problem.


Now here is the other side of the spectrum. The players that are saying remove PvP. There is no need for that at all. Why would you remove someones reason for having fun and playing the game? Because you think it's boring so you do that out of spite now? Just how bitter are human beings?


So what it comes down to is this poor community in general. Go ahead read all of the posts right now and look at the tone and aggressiveness in the posts and you will see what I mean. You might not think it, but most of you are coming off as $&*^s right now just blatantly harassing eachother.


Also there is like a 50% chance that this post will be deleted by some mod which I can see happening.

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i love pvp. did alot pvp in other games (like swg,gw1 etc)


but its a FACT that pvp in THIS game here is just not worth it.


so i dont understand the people that say they love pvp in warframe.


only 2 things i can imagine why they like it:  1. they NEVER played any pvp in any other game before  2. they actually love to 1-2 shot people / get killed with 1-2 shots



(before the "mimimi u bad at pvp? mad? mad?" trash talk is coming up: i played 3 rounds of pvp this game and destroyed the other players without even modding my gun or warframe right.)



tl;tr  pvp is trash now. maybe in some way its gettin better with badlands and other features in the future

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Is it odd, I ran pvp farming groups in wow, commanded in gw2, I love pvp, yet I have not once even tried it in warframe, I guess I'm just expecting horrible balance and p2p lag.


I'm glad someone people like it though, I'd like it to be continued development and maybe oneday it will even appeal to me.

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Honestly, I haven't played any conclaive before because the idea just doesn't appeal to me. If I did, I would imagine that I would play a conclaive rating of 0 to 300 range. Playing with base weapons unmodded is the way to go. Also I would imagine if they increased it to 4 vs 4 or 5 vs 5, that would make it even funner. 1 on 1 and 2 vs 2 seems a little stale.


Also... I can't let this go. I have to mention this. I really don't like the tone of how PvP community is like. Just read the comments here and you'll see what I mean.




The user HalotroopermanX7 even mentions how I feel about it. "Is it me or does PvP (in any game) increases aggression and rudeness in game?"


This is another problem. It's the community itself. Hell even the OP, RexSol said how he or she really felt about it "Its fun, if you get owned, its probably because you suck at it." Right there I can see that rudeness. Even when responding with DocHolliday13 post you said "This is a PvP game too, there is PvP now, deal with it." It isn't a PvP issue it's a COMMUNITY problem.


Now here is the other side of the spectrum. The players that are saying remove PvP. There is no need for that at all. Why would you remove someones reason for having fun and playing the game? Because you think it's boring so you do that out of spite now? Just how bitter are human beings?


So what it comes down to is this poor community in general. Go ahead read all of the posts right now and look at the tone and aggressiveness in the posts and you will see what I mean. You might not think it, but most of you are coming off as $&*^s right now just blatantly harassing eachother.


Also there is like a 50% chance that this post will be deleted by some mod which I can see happening.


I checked the link you posted, all i see is people ranting about how DE should remove PvP from the game.


Just read this entire thread and its clear, the hostility in this case comes the other way around. 


Besides that, i agreed with what you said even gave you a +1

Edited by RexSol
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You didn't even read my post didn't you?


I am not insisting that they waste resources on PvP. Actually i said that these changes should be in the bottom of their priorities because there are more important things right now. 


And you are exaggerating, there are many players who like PvP, whether you like it or not. You are the perfect example of the kind of players i was talking about in the Original Post.


I read enough to see that you're wasting their server resources posting about PvP in a PvE game. The rest is irrelevant.

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Would rather see dedicated servers with up to 100 tenno in a battle across the planets, taking ships from mission to mission and vehicles across the badlands. Boss fights, epic animation cinematics. But you know, could just kill a few more enemies before u13 comes. To excited to care about anything at this point.

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How is this not a PvP game? There is PvP so it is a PvP game.

When someone says it's not a pvp game they aren't saying it doesn't have pvp, just that the game is not focused on it. It's sort of like an unstated subject because its easier to type "pvp game" than "pvp focused game" and most people don't nit pick the little detail. I highly doubt you actually didn't get it and are just being pedantic.

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