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Glaive And Unarmed Combat


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Currently, throwing the Glaive completely disables melee moves until it returns to your hand.

I imagine this was a basic necessity back when the Glaive was introduced, simply because there was no alternative. No fisting unarmed melee moves, I mean.

However, the escape mission type demonstrates that such moves have since been implemented!



Let the player use unarmed melee moves while their Glaive/Glaive Prime/Kestral is busy smackin' distant enemies.


They don't have to be strong melee moves. Just existent.

(Wouldn't mind a little CC power, though. Knocking down single enemies, or staggering small groups, for instance.)

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I'd love to see this.

Doesn't have to be anything special at all; a couple of light-hitting punch animations (none of that awkward repetitive punchy-punchy-kicky from the Kogake animations, please...) like the ones on Furax and the like would be pretty awesome.

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