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U12.4 Failed To Connect To Server


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Warframe is extremely router sensitve, I DMZ'd warframe in my router and even then I still had problems with the game letting me finish a run only to say failed to update.


Also had 3 days of NO warframe, fixed it by buying a new older model router.

Also started to have lag fests while even DMZ'd on the replacement router when playing with others.


So far a direct connection to the modem (Which I know is pretty lame and in some house holds not an option) seems to fix everything!!


Verdict: Routers, unless configured absolutley perfect.... and even then can still give you issues. Be it warframe (DE), or Sony.

If you ever have latency or problems connecting/patching


Step1: Remove all warframe accounts from other users on your ps4 first.

Step2: Bypass all routers and direct connect to your modem, even if its just to test and see for yourself that the router is the issue.


EDIT: I never had a problem with the previous router or ANY connection issues untill update 12 and on. Tethras Doom had me out of the game for 3 days!! Luckily I had an extra router

Edited by (PS4)Exidium0196
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I have been having a lot of issues with warframe since the new event and I can't get anything in the game accomplished. My game doesn't save my progress, and I keep getting kicked off. I set up my router extra special and opened ports just for this game, and still have the same issues.

I try to play everyday, and still have issues. I have completed my rank mission 3 times and have not ranked up, I'm still rank 3.

The game is unplayable at this point, and it is one of he best games I have played in a very long time.

I hope the game is fixed soon, I'm bored out of my mind.

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Just to be clear I have a router/modem that is about 2-3 months old and is from att it is not store bought. I pay for wi-fi service. I also have an att tech living across the street from me. I spoke with him last night because after trying several things including hard wiring the ps4 to the router/modem I got a ( strict nat detected upnp malfunctioning please open ports 3960-3962 to ps4's ip address) after switching back to wi-fi. He said to contact sony after going through everything with him as to what's been happening with the failed errors in game. So I called sony who tried to help by having me rebuild the data base which seemed to help for a couple of missions but then went right back to the errors. Sony told me strict nat is normally a type 3 nat which is what the ps4 went to when hardwired. I checked that several times, it uses nat type 2 on wi-fi so a router reboot got rid of that error. I will also reiterate the fact that I had zero connection issues prior to 12.4.4 update. The tech also informed me that this definitely sounds like a server side issue with either sony's psn or war frame. I will also note here that the ps4's connection speeds tho estimates are between 10-11 mbs with signal strength between 86-90%. 

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Well, I was playing just fine until today.  I kepp gettin gthe unable to connect to chat server error 0 and error 205.  I also have the same issue getting logged off due to sever error and not saving after completeing a mission.  This all happened after they increased the day count on the current event.  I have lost Rhino prime parts, boltor prime parts, cores etc...  So frustrated right now.

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Okay, before today you could have said it was bad! Today!!!! Today I am not having any progress saved 4/5 times at the end of matches and I have lost tons of nice drops!!!!!

Orthos Prime Blades

Every friggin' Rhino Prime Blueprint piece

Glaive Prime discs/bp

Sooooo many cores

This needs to get fixed soon, we have been seriousley bamboozled this week

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Well,never had any trouble before this patch. I will say this though,my internet is wi-fi,my router is non-existant,and all I have is a modem which is downstairs,where I live upstairs. If I really have to go through that much trouble for one game,my panda will be the saddest of panda. No offense meant though,I know someone that works in communications and networking and I don't envy his job.

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just adding my input. rather continuous crashes "lost connection to server back to the main menu" 


This error happens when I play in a room alone. I never lose internet connection or connection to sony network.


This error also happens frequently at the end of a session and no stats are saved.


This error also happens when attempting to fuse, transmute, or sell mods


This error also happens when moving around the star chart alone.


This error also happens when I'm in a party with my friend in AZ, I'm in PA.  Either of us hosting and the issue persists yet we never lose ps4 party chat function or internet/PSN connection.


EDIT: this has never happened prior to most recent update.  I actually thought the game ran very well and only had issues that were host related previous to the patch.


2nd EDIT:  PS4 is hardwired to the modem/router. PS4 has a dedicated IP address and that address is a DMZ on the router.  Verizon DSL with consistent 6.5-6.7Mb download with 750K upload or .75Mbs.  Even though it's rather low upload it's very consistent and works very well with other games, consoles, and devices.


Due to warframe being a peer to peer game I rarely run any other devices on the network when gaming.


3rd Edit: I just played a few hours and only had the issue two or three times.  I can say this also. This DOES NOT happen when playing the game. The only time I disconnect from the server is after the round/map has ended and it's giving results. I then get the unable to connect to server and restart to main menu/ start screen.

Edited by (PS4)erief0g
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This never happened to me before, just did 25 waves in ODD, got the key i needed all while ranking up my Nyx, and got nothing for it. And this has happened to me twice in a row. It lets me keep the key everyone else I played with got rewards but not me, and I was the host. Also, if I sit in the game lobby for about 2 minutes or so or am Going through my arsenal I get the same message. I can be changing my loadout or fusing a mod and it will work but it kicks me out and has the previous set up just had on instead of the new one even though i hit "apply". Also sometimes when i go to fuse a mod, it will mess up as well. Not sure whats going on but before this update This stuff happened to me about twice if that, in the last 2 months.




So all in all I've been not wanting to play any mission in which im looking for something important  because if i happened to find what im looking for im afraid all the time i spent looking for it would be wasted if i don't even receive it. I wish these problems didn't exist but they do, I'm not sure if this is a regional thing but most of the people i play with don't have it happen to them at all. But now that I know that I'm not the only one having this problem i know its not my connection or PS4 because my other games work fine. This is a frustrating time to play this game.

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I am getting the same. If I watch chat for a couple of minutes I disconnect.

Sometimes progress isn't saved after missions.

I've put in a support ticket and I hope y'all have done the same.

I'm sorry to say this game is simply unplayable at the moment. I'm not going to potentially waste hours in survivals just to have my progress not saved.

P.S. Which really stinks cause my rhino prime is finally done.

Edited by (PS4)Ionthas
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after my 3rd update from last night I played about 2 hours today problem free.  Odd that nothing has changed but all progress has been saved and not once have I had the unable to connect to server you will return to menu ... or be logged back in.


No rhyme or reason that I can definitively state is the reason.  Just seemed/seems to be random when in menu's but not during gameplay of missions.

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after my 3rd update from last night I played about 2 hours today problem free.  Odd that nothing has changed but all progress has been saved and not once have I had the unable to connect to server you will return to menu ... or be logged back in.


No rhyme or reason that I can definitively state is the reason.  Just seemed/seems to be random when in menu's but not during gameplay of missions.

I've been testing this on solo last night and today and so far no (unable to update progress errors) at the end of missions. So yeah I'm with you; scratching my head trying to figure out what changed or maybe solo is not affected by this progress error? I have no idea. UPDATE: Just put status to private to test that out. Selected a mission but didn't start it, went and got a drink and came back and had a (failed to connect to server error). I'll also note that while I had it set to private I was still alone and not grouped.

Edited by (PS4)firedragon4
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I had two errors since last post and I've been gaming nonstop most of the day. I had two or three errors and I also had the "unable to save progress" error at the end of a round but I'm quite certain that I did receive credit for completion of the round as it was a 3part mission and I showed that I completed 2 of the three which was correct.

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I too have every problem mentioned in this topic. I want to know how to get some of the stuff back. I purchased a 7 day affinity, and the 3 day resource and resource drop boosters. Now, I did get about 1 days worth of actually playing with these boosters. Now I payed real money for many things in this game. Im pissed off that its a waste. IS THERE A WAY TO GET THIS CREDITED BACK TO ME DUE TO INABILITY TO USE? Who and how do we contact someone to get this resolved? I love this game, but my love is fading. She just won't play with me anymore. Im most upset about stalker not stalking me anymore, WTF? I still haven't got the blue print for DREAD OR DESPAIR!!!  {{{ Im a rank 7}}}  The one time i did get the DESPAIR.....it failed to update! AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please fix this DE

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This issue has been driving me nuts. I thought the patch was to address this issue but I guess not. Just this morning alone I was logged out SEVEN TIMES in less than 15 minutes. Try to go to the foundry: get logged out, try to fuse mods: get logged out, try to message another player: get logged out, try to navigate the star chart: get logged out.

The only time I don't have problems is actually playing missions but all bets are off as soon as mission is complete. This is literally the only game I'm playing on my PS4 currently and this issue is making it unplayable. I hope DE has enough info by now to get to the bottom of this.

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I too have every problem mentioned in this topic. I want to know how to get some of the stuff back. I purchased a 7 day affinity, and the 3 day resource and resource drop boosters. Now, I did get about 1 days worth of actually playing with these boosters. Now I payed real money for many things in this game. Im &!$$ed off that its a waste. IS THERE A WAY TO GET THIS CREDITED BACK TO ME DUE TO INABILITY TO USE? Who and how do we contact someone to get this resolved? I love this game, but my love is fading. She just won't play with me anymore. Im most upset about stalker not stalking me anymore, WTF? I still haven't got the blue print for DREAD OR DESPAIR!!!  {{{ Im a rank 7}}}  The one time i did get the DESPAIR.....it failed to update! AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please fix this DE

i understand your frustration. i also have a 7 day credit booster that is basically wasted because of the issues. you need to click on the support tab on the main warframe page and submit a ticket so they can look into your account.  hopefully they give people that bought boosters another booster to compensate.

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This issue has been driving me nuts. I thought the patch was to address this issue but I guess not. Just this morning alone I was logged out SEVEN TIMES in less than 15 minutes. Try to go to the foundry: get logged out, try to fuse mods: get logged out, try to message another player: get logged out, try to navigate the star chart: get logged out.

The only time I don't have problems is actually playing missions but all bets are off as soon as mission is complete. This is literally the only game I'm playing on my PS4 currently and this issue is making it unplayable. I hope DE has enough info by now to get to the bottom of this.

this is exaclty was happening to me and im with you, this is really the only game i play on ps4. hope it gets fixed soon

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this is exaclty was happening to me and im with you, this is really the only game i play on ps4. hope it gets fixed soon

Same thing here, this is the only ps4 game i'm playing at the moment. I have spent about $100.00 usd trying to support DE and this great game. However since the 12.4.4 update I haven't spent any money and I hope this is the part DE understands; they are now losing money due to this bug.

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i understand your frustration. i also have a 7 day credit booster that is basically wasted because of the issues. you need to click on the support tab on the main warframe page and submit a ticket so they can look into your account.  hopefully they give people that bought boosters another booster to compensate.


Thanks for the info. I don't even want to try to get anything back until its all fixed. Hopefully by friday evening at the latest. Im also hardwired and am running a symmetrical 18MBps connection. How do the tickets actually work? they just give it to you or what? Or is it something you activate?

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well.. I still keep getting both errors regularly. (much more often during peak nighttime playing (8pm-midnight Eastern daylight, but still can be anytime)  I'd also like to update that sometimes when I get the "progress can't be saved" at the end of a map/mission I get credit for doing the mission. ie: it's a 3 map mission, I do one map and am at 1/3, do it a second time and get the "can't save progress" error yet I'm now on 2/3 which means it saved that I did the map. When this occurs I don't get the rewards for the mission, just credit for doing it.


Very odd but anything I can donate in knowledge, my hopes are this helps the Dev's find the issue and fix it asap.

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Last night I was able to finish my first mission without issue (i was like YEA!!) but after that each mission failed at the end. Going solo worked fine, but online groups and invite groups did not. I've tried all kinds of mission types (Void, Alerts, system nodes, etc.)


I switched off my home network and used my Verizon MiFi card just to test it out. Worked fine. No drops. No lost loot. So I'm guessing this new release maybe has caused new problems or exacerbated old problems related to routers or TWC cable internet, etc.


Today I messed with some router settings and again, first mission OK, the rest no dice.


I have no problems logging in or starting the mission its always just at the end the progress won't save anymore.

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Yeah, I pretty much lost over a week of my boosters.  And of course, there is no way to get that back.   And some people wonder why I'm quitting Warframe by this Friday when a certain beta comes out >.>


I'm sorry, but when 90% of my games end up with either:


a) Crash

b) Freeze

c) Loss of Rewards due to server issues

d) Loss of connection due to host dc/crash/freeze

e) Loss of connection at random (while my internet is still running fine, mind you)

f) Can't even join the game due to unable to connect

g) Forced to restart the game because someone ninja invited me to a tethra mission while I was pressing x.

h) Some other issue not listed above because I don't want to have to switch to a different language to keep this list going.


That just makes me really give up on the game.  I'm sorry, but that is just bad practice.


Like with BF4 and how they knew that the game crashed before the release date.  They knew that the game crashed while testing in their own company.


However, they at least could use the excuse: Well, Sony was forcing us to release early because of the PS4 launch.  What is DE's excuse for pushing out a bad patch?  Last patch was bad with several voids frequently crashing.  This patch you had freezes until the hotfix.  Even after the hotfix, you have crashes.

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