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U12.4 Failed To Connect To Server


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how do you fail to connect to server 3 times just sitting idle at the star chart?

If I had to surmise a guess.. and a guess is all it is.. 


When you are sitting in the star chart, the foundry, the market, the arsenal, and a variance of those area's the game occasionally sends out an update to the server to "set" or "confirm" the changes to any of those sections. At this random interval is when the crash will happen.


My other reasoning for this is that I can be in my arsenal and fuse some mods, resort mods per weapon, change appearance, and then back out to the star chart.  One would "assume" that once you've backed out to the star chart it would be saved but then at that moment I get failed to connect. Upon reloading the game and viewing my arsenal all the changes that I did had no effect and all work was lost.

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Numerous times i have gotten the msg connection to server has timed out, you will be logged out, Also after missions I have been getting the progress could not be saved msg , happened a few times most annoyingly after a long odd, but I have clan mates who run into the G3 kill them then get the progress could not be saved msg at the end which is very frustrating if you have been farming them for hours.

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This is starting to remind me of the Battlefield 4 Battlelog forums where many players have game-breaking repeatable issues but no one in dev seems to own and accept the problem as real. I started a ticket 2 weeks ago and it was closed as "Solved" a week ago. How can my ticket be "Solved" when I and thousands of others are still losing progress and getting logged out? There was one moment during devstream 26 where DESteve mentioned the PS4 connectivity issues, then someone changed the subject... What was the update to the issues?? Lotus, you've asked us to "PREPARE FOR WHATS TO COME"... Please tell us it's a bug fix for PS4!! We are oh so prepared for a bugfix ;)

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If you haven't seen, patch submitted to sony yesterday. Will not only give us anniversary edition akfuris, but will also fix connectivity and saving game content issues. Let's hope for the best:) tired of losing farmed mods/resources. And very tired of being booted to start screen.

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I get this error nearly every time I go to my armory. I can mod my weapons and such, but as soon as I go to back out to the main hub it gives me this error. Literally about 80% of the time. I know for certain it isn't my connection because I've tried running a hard line from my router instead of using my wifi and it still does it just as much. This has never once happened to me before the current build.

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Just to update. If you've followed this thread you've seen that I've posted quite often and have been afflicted with the issues of "can't save progress" "lost connection to server" and "passed rank test only to not have it save" rather repeatedly.


Today the update went live; 12.4.6


I played for about 8 hours without one of the above issues. I'm very happy to state that as there was NO WAY I could have played 8 hours previously due to the frustration of losing items I farmed for or losing progress in changing/ranking mods only to lose connection and all progress unsaved.


Good work, thanks!

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Just to update. If you've followed this thread you've seen that I've posted quite often and have been afflicted with the issues of "can't save progress" "lost connection to server" and "passed rank test only to not have it save" rather repeatedly.


Today the update went live; 12.4.6


I played for about 8 hours without one of the above issues. I'm very happy to state that as there was NO WAY I could have played 8 hours previously due to the frustration of losing items I farmed for or losing progress in changing/ranking mods only to lose connection and all progress unsaved.


Good work, thanks!


That's great news! I still have the issue even after update. 

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That is not good news suzook.


I did have the "failed to connect to server" error once today.  Don't know if it saved my end of round mod cards and rewards but it did save my progress in the alert mission 1 of 5.


That's the first time I've had any error since the patch.  I used to get the failed to connect repeatedly when in the arsenal/modding.  


Lets all hope they are aware of what's going on "behind the curtain" and are working feverishly to fix it.

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That is not good news suzook.


I did have the "failed to connect to server" error once today.  Don't know if it saved my end of round mod cards and rewards but it did save my progress in the alert mission 1 of 5.


That's the first time I've had any error since the patch.  I used to get the failed to connect repeatedly when in the arsenal/modding.  


Lets all hope they are aware of what's going on "behind the curtain" and are working feverishly to fix it.


Yeah for me the problem got worse after the update. I tried it out last night and was used to 70-80% failure rate in group play but had 100% until I switched to solo.

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So i just started to play again and could not understand why my game is running so bad out of nowhere (was worried my ps4 was taking a dump) really low fps, freeze, unable to connect to server, long pauses when changing colors on my warframe only to get booted out and getting booted out of online matches and the more i play the more i am starting to see it. But all of it just started to happen to me as of Tuesday. Today i was playing w/ a friend of mine who lives 5 mins up the street, we have the same isp w/ the same speed and he says on his side he is having no probs what so ever but for me  it is nasty, chuggy bad,bad,bad frames and just a huge turn off. We decided to record each other playing together then upload to FB and sure enough his gameplay was much smoother then my footage thats when i decided to look into it and found these threads from you guys so i thought i would just share what i have been dealing with and yes this sucks hard i am just glad its not my ps4.

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if read above in my previous posts....you would see the challenges i had. i was simply stating that as of a new internet service provider....i stopped having the same problems. No need to get &!$$y?


Sorry dude, thought you were trolling...



As of Tuesday 4/15 my server connection issues magically stopped and I can play again. It's been two days since I had a dropped chat session, menu logout, unsaved mission, etc. For 3 weeks, I could not go two minutes without getting kicked to re-login.


I don't know what DE did on Tuesday to fix their servers, but I have not changed anything on my end. It just started working again...


I just wanted to mention that I did continue to have all the issues even after the 12.4.6 Dex Furix update on Monday. However, Tuesday was the first day in 3 weeks that I did not have ANY server disconnects. I have posted many complaints in the last 3 weeks and so far (FINGERS CROSSED) it seems as if DE has fixed the server issues for me.


Thanks for all the hard work you guys and gals do to make such a great game. Please don't let the Corpus, or no it must have been the Grineer, or who ever messed up the servers, keep them away!!

Edited by (PS4)Dramatik
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update to my last.. as above, it's been a few days since last patch and I've gotten quite  few hours in since the patch. I've had two "failed to connect to server's" in all that time and at no point did I lose any progress or saves. 


Very happy with the update and the game is back to enjoyable. Playing the way I want, farming the way I want, and expecting to keep what I earn.. priceless patch!!!

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hello i have warframe on my ps4 and i would say 2 to 3 days ago i have had the problem where every time i finish a mission it says failed to connect to server you will be logged out and even if i go in solo it says no mission data will be saved and i have tried many times now i deleted it from my ps4 then reinstalled it and it is still happening to me and if i am in just sitting there in the menus or something it says failed to connect to server you will be logged out so if someone could help me that would be nice thx

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hello i have warframe on my ps4 and i would say 2 to 3 days ago i have had the problem where every time i finish a mission it says failed to connect to server you will be logged out and even if i go in solo it says no mission data will be saved and i have tried many times now i deleted it from my ps4 then reinstalled it and it is still happening to me and if i am in just sitting there in the menus or something it says failed to connect to server you will be logged out so if someone could help me that would be nice thx

same problem hear. so...now i cant level up or seem to make any progress. would like to get into this game but just doesn't seem worth the aggro if this is the case with this particular game and franchise. if any one has any idea as to a fix for this please help. update decided this game is broken worse than skyrim connot play a round without it loseing connection not worth playing. the end.

Edited by (PS4)amerrycon666
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As these connectivity issues persist, we'll update everyone when we have secured a fix. We're currently testing, once we are confident we will get it out as soon as we are able.

It's been over two weeks since this response. Can anyone from DE give us any kind of update as to where we are with this issue please? As it is now for a large number of us, this game is simply unplayable at the moment

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This is 100% a DE server issue. Some people experience the problems and others do not. I had constant disconnects for 3 weeks and none of my clan mates had any problems. Now, all of a sudden, the problems stopped for me and some of my clan mates are having problems.


Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do except play other games while the issues are being fixed and check back from time to time. I deleted/re-downloaded the game + updates 3 times, put my PS4 on DMZ, called Uverse Tech support to test to signal in my home, etc and NOTHING worked.


Then on 4/14 I noticed I had no disconnects and it has been 1 full week w/o issues. Like I said, unfortunately my clan mates are having the issues now so I know it is not completely fixed.


My only suggestions are to try changing regions in your options menu then restart the game. I don't know if this has anything to do with it but it may possibly route your data through different servers. Also, make sure the correct ports are open in your router (or DMZ). You can find the ports to open in the options menu. Good luck...

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This is 100% a DE server issue. Some people experience the problems and others do not. I had constant disconnects for 3 weeks and none of my clan mates had any problems. Now, all of a sudden, the problems stopped for me and some of my clan mates are having problems.


Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do except play other games while the issues are being fixed and check back from time to time. I deleted/re-downloaded the game + updates 3 times, put my PS4 on DMZ, called Uverse Tech support to test to signal in my home, etc and NOTHING worked.


Then on 4/14 I noticed I had no disconnects and it has been 1 full week w/o issues. Like I said, unfortunately my clan mates are having the issues now so I know it is not completely fixed.


My only suggestions are to try changing regions in your options menu then restart the game. I don't know if this has anything to do with it but it may possibly route your data through different servers. Also, make sure the correct ports are open in your router (or DMZ). You can find the ports to open in the options menu. Good luck...

Once again back on us but no disconnect non save etc issues before update and I and others saw the changes the made via network

DE is the issue not us having to all of a sudden jump through hoops with our internet provider or Sony.

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In an attempt to explain every detail I can give I'm gonna explain my issue from start to finish, so forgive me if any part is a repeat of an earlier post.


As of March 28th based on the daily reward counter, so 9 pm March 27th to be exact, I was kicked from the game and prompted to download a 164 MB update. It only took a few minutes to download, but when it began installing it stopped with a message saying "Cannot complete the update." If i opened the app It would go to the screen listing update details. If the update was still downloading it would continue to say checking for update, but if it had downloaded and failed to install it said "verifying download cache." I've tried every combination of downloading or installing or both with the warframe application open and closed. After trying all of those I deleted the app and reinstalled. The problem persists, but now the application name is "Warframe[en]" instead of just "Warframe" and when the application starts regardless of the update downloading or installing it defaults to the standard loading screen then to a message saying "PlayStation Network features unavailable on this account at this time" with only a prompt to press X for OK. After pressing X the screen shows an animated background with the warframe logo under which is written "You are required to have a Warframe account in order to play Warframe on PlayStation 4. By proceeding you agree to the terms and policies of Digital Extremes Ltd. http://warframe.com/privacy http://warframe.com/eula" Another X prompt this time for Accept. Pressing X brings up one last message saying "Login failed. Could not connect to server." with another X prompt for OK this repeats indefinitely. My connection test is successful across the board.


Any other attempt to reenact the problem end with the same results.


I'm running the same 1.62 system software as the last time it worked with no other changes to the system or internet connection besides this update. If anything changes I will continue to update with as much detail as possible.


This is happening to me as well. I cant play the game

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