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Ok, Warframe, Tone It Down A Bit. "earth: Eurasia"


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I'm not the the only one as i seen many and countless players on the PS4 get stuck on a early mission on Earth: mission "Eurasia" This mission it self is way over powering. It states before you except mission. That lvl ideal is 6-8. Hmm ok. Im lvl 24 and still fail every time with group. I do in fact, slightly do a little better at times by myself but nowhere near 100%. Just becuase i stealth in to get the first tower. But soon after that it signals them any how. So it's nearly impossible, But yeah some how very low % has gotten thru it with luck im assuming.


     SO Warframe....;       I have heard players giving up if they cant pass that lvl that early in a game. I have to thought of it as well. Because i do have other games to play then sit at one mission thats a gate to block the rest of the game.

 Please tone it down.. Get rid of the damn elites. Like the force field mob And the taller all yellow elite. Also lessen the mob respawn. That should be on later missions on the farther out planets, Not Earth. Way to soon. With 4 players where still out number and it dont matter what lvl your at it seems..


 I say fix it or lose Gamers playing your game...???     Thank you..

Edited by (PS4)Dimmu-T
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After seeing my friend struggle on PS4 I see how daunting it is, especially for new players. Although I personally had no problem, Eurasia is indeed too difficult for so early on in the game. My tip to get past it: grab a recruited group that is well coordinated and has at least one veteran player to help out if things get hairy.

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The "ideal level" you described is actually the level of the enemies you will face in the mission.


As for the Interception gamemode itself, it's not really a stealth mission. I would recommend sticking together to clear out the first wave of enemies, then spread out and have 1 person per tower. If you play your cards right, Interception becomes Yawn Mode.


Hope this helps!

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they'll not tone it down anytime soon.We've opened coutless topic about it,they said "It's fun!" ofcourse it's fun if you go in there with potatoed and formaed warframe and weapon.Not so much when  you get there with mk-1 braton and lato without mod.But hey,it's DE..

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The "ideal level" you described is actually the level of the enemies you will face in the mission.


As for the Interception gamemode itself, it's not really a stealth mission. I would recommend sticking together to clear out the first wave of enemies, then spread out and have 1 person per tower. If you play your cards right, Interception becomes Yawn Mode.


Hope this helps!

1 person per tower is a big mistake with a weak team. tower D on both maps (eurasia/lua) should be defended by 2 players, that's hwere the most mobs spawn. 1 tower can be neglected completely and you can still succesfully finish the mission.


they'll not tone it down anytime soon.We've opened coutless topic about it,they said "It's fun!" ofcourse it's fun if you go in there with potatoed and formaed warframe and weapon.Not so much when  you get there with mk-1 braton and lato without mod.But hey,it's DE..

by the time you get there you can build a karak, it helps a lot


EDIT: you cannot build a karak... that's sad

Edited by MortalSin
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They actually said they tested it like new players back in the Livestream 25.

yeah sure.i used a potatoed gorgon wraith oneshotting mobs while spamming blessing,player still went down and i often went out of ammo when holding a single capture point (The most crowded one).When you kill around 300 mob in 5 min or less there's something wrong,it means that one mob spawn each second.unless it doesn't.they come in wave after 10-20 sec stop and there are often leaders and such.

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They actually said they tested it like new players back in the Livestream 25.

That's incredibly unfair though. No one in this game has more experience than them. They designed the whole thing, after all. Of course a team of newbies won't do nearly as well as the people who built the game, even with equal gear.

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Same problem on PC. For new players, it's just 'Go there to die' really. But for some reason DE won't listen. They might as well just get rid of the mode altogether. People already don't like it. It makes sense to tone it down, but DE just won't do it. It's simple, really. Tone down the spawn rate. But seems like they don't really care to listen. Funny how they said they'd fixed it in a previous hotfix, but that just wasn't true. Maybe the 100th or 1000th thread about it will get their attention.

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That's incredibly unfair though. No one in this game has more experience than them. They designed the whole thing, after all. Of course a team of newbies won't do nearly as well as the people who built the game, even with equal gear.


That's why it may be useful to create countless thread.


Because they don't seem to understand.


I did probably at least 50 runs with 3 ranks 0 / 1 / 2.

Most of them DON'T EVEN KNOW they have to stay mobile when they attack, don't even know they should not in any case go in the tunnel.

They don't hide when they lose their shields.


It's really sad. Sad that Eurasia is a real chokepoint in the game. You cant access Saturne or Jupiter before you complete Eurasia. If you manage to complete Eurasia, you can go to Saturne and come back later for Lua to go to Jupiter.

Edited by NjaII
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I did probably at least 50 runs with 3 ranks 0 / 1 / 2.

Most of them DON'T EVEN KNOW they have to stay mobile when they attack, don't even know they should not in any case go in the tunnel.

They don't hide when they lose their shields.


This is probably the biggest issue. This is the first really open area with a decent amount of enemies in the game. Before this players can mostly just stand there and kill, and their shields will be regenerated before they reach the next set of enemies. These missions really require the kind of playstyle that players have to develop later.

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I did probably at least 50 runs with 3 ranks 0 / 1 / 2.

Most of them DON'T EVEN KNOW they have to stay mobile when they attack, don't even know they should not in any case go in the tunnel.

They don't hide when they lose their shields.

youre right, is sad that they havent figured it out yet.  Thats the 3rd planet already!!!

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Well i see most people agree on this. But i dont see myself aimlessly keep on doing it over and over 100 plus times. This is an awesome game far from any free to play i've played in a awhile. But if cant pass this lvl. I can surely move on and kick this game to the curve. Dont want too. But i play for enjoyment like everyone else. To D.E.....  Losing over and over is not fun.!

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I've been helping new players pass this horrible mess for awhile now, no way is it possible for a four-person team with starting frames and equipment obtainable without resources which drop beyond Earth.


A max-range, +50% efficiency Rhino is the only build I've been able to get 100% success rate with when doing the mission with three new players. Stomp, run to the other end of the map, stomp, repeat. If I try to get fancy and stop to shoot enemies someone's almost certain to fall over bleeding as the Grineer just keep swarming in. Hellions, bombards and eviscerators (plus leader variants thereof) all over the place, DURING THE FIRST 5 MINS. It's not uncommon to have 200+ kills when the first intercept is done. What's more they can instantly capture a point even with a player there whereas we have to clean the area before being able to (slowly) take it back. Insane, just insane. Just imagine how many players have already ragequit over this..

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At least it seems as though more experienced players are helping out now.


The biggest problem, from personal experience, is that new players just don't follow instructions. I have played Eurasia numerous times to carry new players on (see older threads) and sometimes it is disheartening and frustrating that the new players just don't follow simple instructions and in fact, do the exact opposite.


The key to completing this mission (assuming one veteran player is present with an AOE weapon/power such as ignis or phage or stomp etc) is to have all new players defend flags B and C. There tends to be less enemies there and there are generally more places to hide.

Sometimes, however, new players ignore instructions to 'stay at B and C' and rambo the tunnels or flag A. If only they'd listen, it would be much easier to complete the mission.

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What's more they can instantly capture a point even with a player there 

Shoot the ones going for the consoles to stop that.


As for the difficulty, I'm not a new player so it's easier for me, but during the Tethra's Doom event I was on groups that failed regardless of their levels (mine is 14).


The Interceptions require some thought out tactics, what I found useful is to break into 2 teams - 1 to get to hold the A & B points which are relatevely close to each other and so you can run from one to the other pretty fast and hold those 2 no matter what.

The other - must take over at least 1 other point - C - is the easiest,  for a while, even if they retreat or have to run to help the first team.

The goal is to have at any given time 2 points at the least, and with a 3rd thrown in you will intercept faster then the enemy.


Hope it helps. 


P.S. Any PC player who needs help is welcome to pm me and we will coordinate a mission togather

Edited by bluehawk1976
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I stand guard at a base but of course get out number and theirs 2 consoles to watch in which is B.S because just makes it easier for them to take it back. But in the mean while. Pugging a group i notice some dont know what their doing and when i die i prolly get rez less then half the time from the players that i have to play with. So i have revives. I notice not alot of PS4 in the post. -.- 

Edited by (PS4)Dimmu-T
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Shoot the ones going for the consoles to stop that...


...Hope it helps. 


Everything you wrote is solid advice. Only thing is that when one is only sporting starting weapons/frames with next to no mods it's a full-time job just to stay alive, nevermind trying kill the grineer hordes faster than they're spawning. Teamed up or not. A pack with more than one leader shows up and you're done. So in a situation with one veteran player and three new ones the vet has to constantly kill the Grineer and try to keep at least 3 points captured in addition to tending to any downed teammates. Hence the completely OP Rhino loadout.


Of course team co-ordination can help to some degree but the deciding factor is, sadly, new players lacking the firepower and survivability the mission currently calls for. Skill, tactics and information won't be enough to succeed without proper equipment (which is gated behind the mission unless you're willing to shell out real money). I've seen three new players try to defend just one point and get wiped out due to unlucky spawns, usually after several leaders showed up at the same time.

Edited by JJ842
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Now ladies and gentelmen. For my other problem. For all new players or just in general, make sure you have revives. PLEASE!... buy some revives. So incase other team mates or I cant get to you. you can stay in the fight. Also so dont revive another player if your shield / health is not high enough to take the damage when your being attack by 10 mobs. Your going to die yourself.


Sorry peeps. I little frustrated today. Cuz this happen and im the last man standing. We had them good and solid. We where up 76% they about 25% or so. Everything went to hell fast. Because they didnt have revives. After that all of the other mobs where on me from the full map.  :( Theirfor LOST! :(

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I am probably over 100 runs by now, not counting the ones with one or two ranks 4+. 


The percentage of times I didn't felt I was needed is around 5 - 10%. In these missions, I felt like a member of the group, not a killing machine.


What was different with these groups ? No rank 0. Redirection. Knowledge about when to hide and how to hold a tower.

Even with these groups, I had to revive members more than once.


Please, do something.  

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