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Rhino Must Be Fast Because He Is A Tank


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So because he LOOKS heavy he should be slow? lol. K.


For god's sake please refer to my other post where it actually gets explained.


There is no reason for Rhino to be as fast as fragile agility frames, except those people called rhino fanboys (mainstream min-maxxers) want it ALL for this lone frame, so stop beeing like a little child and look at the facts. Even if you have to recast iron skin on normal missions... this is seriously not a weakness at all.


A heavy unit also being one of the fastest iwhile other skinny frames are slow is just bad game design.


If I were to play a Rhino, I'd be mad too... So I have to equip Rush again or if I had it equipped all along I'd be not as fast as before. Totally understandable... if I were just selfish.

Edited by SIDESTRE4M
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Start playing real content, that feeling of being OP is gonna go right away when your iron skin melts in 2 seconds and your stomp barely tickles enemies.


IE Rhino is fine, lrn2ply.


If we look at frames form and endless standpoint it still shows that rhino outperforms weaker frames.


And if somebody wants to look at rhino lke a Tank vehicle he also has to be fair and look at the other frames in the same way.

Rhino is a tank with speedand power ?

Then Ember would be a harasser jeep

Zephyr would be a  Jet (and we all know how fast they are)

Oberon is a Troopbus

Volt is a anti tank scout

And Loki s a @(*()$ F1 speeder


All of them would still be faster, but no we get a car with tank firepower and F1 topspeed.

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Yes excalibur is dead in the same time period as iron skin melting. Its why he is a horrible choice to solo with and of very limited use to a group outside of radial blind spam. Your point?


I dont understand because he doesnt out perform every other frame,.


Dont save me the post, because he doesnt. Rhino has always had terrible damage, and still does. His speed was increased when he lost his "bulk" in the great iron skin nerf of 2013.


So wait, you complain about stomp dealing to much damage, its proven it doesnt in any context that matters, then you resort to saying a 8 second CC is OP? Which is it? Also, hint, Vauban bro.


The only skill that makes you immune to CC? Wanna try that again bro? Ill give you one more chance to not sound like a dolt.


And yes, 115% damage is good, never said it wasnt. But its not worth running Rhino for. esp when Banshee and Nova do it SOOOOO much better.




Also, stop swearing. It betrays your maturity level and calls into question anything you may bring to a debate due to said lower maturity level.

That being said. The fomat of my answers is bad, its late. But its good enough.


You should learn how to use multiquote, yeesh.

If you couldn't understand my point when I talked about the bulk comparisons between exca and iron skin, then you are pretty dumb.... no joke.


Despite you not wanting to believe that rhino doesn't outpreforms the other warframes, and is a just on average frame with nothing special, it is far... far... from the case. Like holy crap, if you can't see it, I am genuinely concerned. 


Yes, rhinos damage is terrible. Save me the crap. He does more than overload on most tilesets, crush, miasma, radial javelin, reckoning, avalanche and sound quake. It also has better CC then those as well. I don't know if you just tried to deny basic mathematics, but that looked pretty dumb. 


I really don't know if you cant tell, but vortex does piss damage compared to stomp. Nuking abilities do no CC when compared to stomp, AND stomp does more damage then the majority of them. The only one that surpasses him is M Prime, which is also pretty dumb if you ask me.  Of course vauban can CC better than rhino, but good luck doing much else.


You also use the word complain to often. If you think this is complaining you are sadly mistaken.


So I figured I would get this next part "only skill that makes you immune to CC? Lolurdumb" kind of stuff.

I have owned a valkyr, not trinity because she got taken off earth and I didn't wanna go through phobos. Even though you are knocked down using hysteria or link, you are knock backed. As in, if a person uses a CC ability next to you, you shift back a meter. When faced with multiple people, those meters can add up fairly fast considering those warframes possess no CC themselves. What makes rhino different? Iron skin makes him "invisible" to CC if you will, as in nothing happens. No damage, knockback, anything. Yes, I am most certainly am a dolt. Oh lament the day an internet random insults me about something when he is wrong.


Also, yes. Roar totally isn't worth slotting at all. Trust me. It is the same buff as M Prime (14.5% better), except it follows the warframe and he doesn't have to recast. It is far from the "useless" state you try to tell. But no matter what it might be, it isn't worth slotting just because an internet random is using that dumb argument to advance his point.


Also, pack up your ad hominems and try to keep the debate on topic. I don't need you trying to jab at my maturity when it is quite clear you have literally no idea about anything you are talking about.

inb4 he uses said argument against me and tells me that I am calling him "dumb"



Rhino outpreforms the other warframes in every area they are in now (discount specialists). That isn't good for balance. I don't really care how much you try to deny this. If your next post isn't something different, and can prove to me that he doesn't then I might get back to you.


I have a couple things you tackle below if you really need a starting point.


This community is infamous for using the most broken strategies in the game, despite them not having any fun. This is evidenced by complaints asking for more challenge. The two most widely used warframes in the current state of the game are nova and rhino by far and large. If rhino is just as "meh" as you try to depict him as, why is he so used. 

(Hint: the answer is because he outpreforms the other warframes!!1!)


If rhino does not outpreform the other warframes, explain why he doesn't despite having more shields, health, speed, damage, cc,and support abilities then the average frame, of which typically they are better.


Considering that rhino dies at "kappa survival" and we need to "learn to play", explain why I can live through a t3 exterminate with one iron skin, and liberal use of my other abilities, despite not having vanguard.


If vanguard is so "integral" to the usability of rhino, explain why DE didn't just take the "important attributes on some helmets" and make them native to the warframe. (This one especially).


If anything, I would say the more outlandish position in this argument in the one of keeping the stats, when it is clear to many people including DE they are ridiculous in some instances, and not wanted in others. If we were really such the minority why is DE listening to us? Could it possibly be because they also reached the same conclusion?

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ehhh...no, tanks are meent to be heavy jugernauts capable of soking out great amounts of damage while protecting their alies, they arent meent to be the fastest at all...and this comes from a MMO players with over 15 years of experience...thats the whole point of them having skills that draw agro, taunts and battle crys...to draw the enemys to them, not move themselves to the enemy...thats the whole point..draw them to YOU so your team can do their work. From a distance if they are archers or the like, just like spell caster, to keep the enemy on you even if theres other DD on the team, its basic balance.


Also rhino already has a gap closer, he doesnt really need to have a high base speed, that actually breaks somewhat the purpouse of other fast frames, just like having a nuker with tons of HP and defense.

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Being slow isn't fun. Rhino isn't too fast with Vanguard, all the other frames are too slow. And that's boring. No frame should be slower than, I dunno, Excalibur. Use that speed as the slowest a frame can be, and then buff everyone's speed accordingly. 


Plus, Loki and Rhino are both fast and functionally immortal.

Edited by Grayle
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Yes, rhinos damage is terrible. Save me the crap. He does more than overload on most tilesets, crush, miasma, radial javelin, reckoning, avalanche and sound quake. It also has better CC then those as well. I don't know if you just tried to deny basic mathematics, but that looked pretty dumb. 


Also, yes. Roar totally isn't worth slotting at all. Trust me. It is the same buff as M Prime (14.5% better), except it follows the warframe and he doesn't have to recast. It is far from the "useless" state you try to tell. But no matter what it might be, it isn't worth slotting just because an internet random is using that dumb argument to advance his point.

I'm fairly sure the double damage area of stomp is a) smaller than every other frames Ult(I'm not even sure if it's moddable either) and b) A bug. 

Outside of it every every Frame's ult damage is better. 

(And damaging 1 skills should be made closer to Rhinos than the other way around. They wouldn't make sense compared to ults otherwise. But that's really not being talked about here, just thought I'd mention that.) 

Roar only becomes an energy efficient Stomp boost after Rank 2 Blind Rage+Intensify at 78.5%, 76% with Vanguard, barely enough, slightly more efficient than M prime but a weaker boost. 114% would require a fully ranked blind rage, which would lead to a grossly less efficient boost than M prime has.

Also, Roar boosts damage for all ults, so it's really only in solo play when the difference becomes apparent. Something to note as well.


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More and more i see post like : Nerf Rhino with X helmet because he is too fast and X frame cant keep up with.

And that is wrong tanks must be fast because it is their role . Let me explain the pure purpose of a tank is to go first against the enemy  so the infantry be able to infiltrate and destroy the enemy easier and with less casualties .Thus Rhino being fast is a strategic advancement that helps the team more that being in the back.So stop with the nerf posts because you have no idea about strategies that being used for quite some time .Also  believe frost should be also fast like rhino prime at 1.0 


Better explanation is this : Well the normal role of a tank is shock action. They can destroy the enemy who hold ground, but the infantry need to actually physically seize and hold the ground. A tank can't "hold" ground. They support each other, in the sense that tanks can advance under fire, infantry cannot (without massive losses). And the Inf can then be fighting force that fills and holds the void that the tank creates. A tank can't hold ground the same way Inf can because they are large targets, most often "above ground" (as opposed to Inf who can be dug in with overhead protection. 


Edit : Same goes for the helm of Saryn she is tanky too 


2 edit : Removing stats helm will only apply we receive and create from the update will come with it and it wont affect current helms.The reason for that is that if they removed helm stats from already excist helms they should refound us the recources we used to make but that is impossible because some people have bought them thus they cant determine if helms were bought or created 

You are aware that a main battle tank can barely get to 50 mph (and then only on roads)? Infantry are often transported either via land or air at speeds much faster than that.

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1.Read my quoted post.

2.Read my post.

3.Understand the word "context".

4.Go back and delete your post.

Yep, you do need a dictionary. Here you go:


"A tank is a style of character in gaming, often associated with a character class. A common convention in games, tanks redirect enemy attacks or attention toward themselves in order to protect other characters or units

"Tanking" occurs when the unit is intended to be the one taking damage, and secondly, to ensure that they can survive this damage through sheer health points or mitigation."


And don't imagine context that is not there.

But if thats too hard for you, feel free to replace Loki with any other squshy frame.

Edited by Monolake
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Tanks are slow because they're HEAVY. Rhino looks and feels heavy. It's only logical to make him slow, or at least slower than he is right now. I mean come on! Look at all that extra padding!


His bulky frame?


It's actually packed with generators to increase his mobility.

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