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  1. Yeah it's kind of like puncture I guess. In theory lowering enemy damage output sounds good, but damage tends to trump it. Yeah I could see that being a good idea too.
  2. I though that was arguably corrosive? That's unless there was a change I'm unaware of. Corrosive isn't resisted by anything if I recall, where as blast is weaker against ferrite. *forgot, some corpus shields do resist corrosive, but some infested apparently also resist blast.
  3. Yeah, in some cases they do. Still, not every status is best in every situation (like low fire rate corrosive or low crit slash for example). If the weapon already does a lot of procs then my proposed blast change makes it a minimal buff, but in situations where you're not procing so fast it could be quite useful.
  4. A quick idea I had after watching a video by NovaUmbral on the topaz shield gate blast change. I'll just post it again here... 'Blast procs should make effected enemies be more susceptible to other status procs. Example: enemies within the blast procs AoE suffer a flat 25% increase to the status chance of all other attacks they receive for 10 seconds. This would make it into a great support element without outright increasing blasts own damage. It would be great for priming builds (especially on companions).' I think this would buff blasts usefulness (it needs it) and help it be used as much as the other staple elements. I don't think a 25% increase is enough to be game breaking, but I believe it also is enough to be legitimately useful, and being a flat buff it would also see use in improving the effectivness of very low status chance guns, there by possibly promoting a bit more weapon diversity. Just a thought.
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