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Newbs And Trolls And Speed Freaks


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Votekick i the answer.nothing more.

Votekick is really horrid most of the times.

When people of diffirent skill levels merge they tend to get annoyd and there are cases when a good player get kicked because the player is a lot better than the others and vice verse. Could get messy and its all down to luck weither you manage to get into a game with the right people.

Just give everyone the award if they have done something during the level, those who just stand afk should not recieve a reward.

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How about confronting the runner with the brunt of a 4-player mob spawn and if he survives, he can choose (e.g. by activating the extraction point manually) leave early and gets his reward, is removed from the game and consequently the session and the rest can take their time, getting their spawns dynamically scaled down?

If the runner is the host, someone else will take over the session. Of course, someone else might then join again. This way even the runners can be happy... although why they choose to do this in a full game when doing it solo is more effective is beyond me. Some people just want to watch the world burn, I guess.

The rest can leave the mission as usual with no counter i.e. immediately, but everyone needs to be in the evac zone. If someone does not want to leave: again, activate the escape pod manually, removing everyone IN the zone from the game together and dumping the rest in their own instance.

Also: blacklist for several reasons, not just runners.

Just how hard this might be to implement, I wonder.

Edited by Dusklite
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when I online I tend to go for the goal then the exit, I don't sit around farming mobs, I don't go for all the scenic views.. because it's rewardless.. I get more exp and loot on solo....

to implement a reason I would care to take my time for would be more additional goals such as kill number requirements, and such

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everybody is a "newb" in this game even if you would have been test playing it for a month or even weeks, because it is a brand new game after all.

second of all trying to sound better than other players by inventing or using such names makes the game less fun if such players are around.

speeding your way through and testing the game is a good way to find bugs that otherwise might not appear, also if the objectives are done (as i noticed) everybody rushes to the extraction point. scenery viewers and level tourism is stil possible for a while.

i do not see a big problem in this.

Speeding through the game to find bugs isn't the problem. Speeding through the game, abandoning your teammates and being an A****** is.

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when I online I tend to go for the goal then the exit, I don't sit around farming mobs, I don't go for all the scenic views.. because it's rewardless.. I get more exp and loot on solo....

to implement a reason I would care to take my time for would be more additional goals such as kill number requirements, and such

Rewardless? I pull in 3 to 17 mods per Vor run (if RNG gods are kind and mods are dropping often I farm it out). Cronus bp sells for 2.5k on top of the mods which I can use to progress or sell. I've leveled 3 frames to about 30, got a Boltor, Paris, Lato Prime and Dual Zorens to 30... got a Frost cooking for the next 3 days.. I'd say I'm being rewarded nicely.

Thanks for doing it solo though.. ditching teammates at exit so they fail and lose almost everything is a massive d-bag move, and the focus of the problem we want fixed.


I have a few friends who just started playing and even they are already fed up with being ditched to fail missions by speed runners who exit without them. They now are forced to play on private as well to progress and have any fun in the game.

Edited by Alienami
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  • 2 months later...

How about an option to select a preference of mission and match accordingly? If you're farming then you can choose "Online - Farming" and you'll be joined with like minded individuals. Then you could choose "Online - Running" and you'll be joined with people who are speeding through objectives.

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Right, first post. 


Other than the boss maps, i haven't had issues with speed runners. It's the boss maps where a "vet" speed runner leaves the new players bite the dust. I've seen this happen several times now.


I was thinking if gating the boss maps could slow down speeders in groups. Yeah, you know those gates that require 2 or more players to open. How bout slapping a gate to boss maps that requires at least 2 players to open it up (right before the boss)


A. If the group has 2 or more players, this gate requires at least 2 players to open up.

B. If the player is alone/other players drop the group, this gate is open/opens up.

C. If there's 2 players and the other player decides to troll and not open the gate, the gate has a fixed timer (let's say 10 minutes) and then it opens up (like magic)


The other maps are fine, this was an idea for boss maps mainly to help new players not getting too far behind a speeder.

Edited by Vurtney
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What's the problem with rushers? You can't finish the map without 50% of your team at extraction. Also, you receive all rewards besides credits if you fail to get to extraction so you have nothing to worry about if you don't care about credits.

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Or how about just incentivise getting your team out safely? In a 3 or 4 person game, getting everyone to extraction before time runs gives normal rewards. Leaving someone behind wastes the Lotus' resources and she has to send in another ship to pick up the remaining operatives so people who leave others behind only get 50% while people left behind get nothing (as they currently do). When people suddenly lose half their reward just because they are too busy rushing to the end to shave off an extra minute or two they might just think twice about rushing ahead.

Edit: same goes for downed allies. If you let your allies die, they are less likely to revive. So for every downed ally that doesn't revive you still suffer the same penalty for not getting your team out. That will teach the speedrushers to either solo/private games or actually help the rest of their team out. If their team doesn't make it out alive chances are they would have been better off soloing.

That's actually a good idea, though it encourages trolls to get stuck in unfeasible situations. I'd prefer some kind of good teammate reward, for sticking with the team and dragging people back to their feet, and people can't use the reward to troll others.


I still support host-kick as a possible solution though, as they still own their computer and internet access, troll or not.

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The reason for this, of course is that everyone wants to clear the systems as fast as possible to receive all the alerts that appear in random parts of these systems.

Not having them unlocked leaves you at the mercy of friendly players who invite from the alert forum threads.

You can't fix that without changing the alert system.

But you COULD send special units after a rusher by determining their distance from the team and spawning obstacles that slow his advance, if not stop it.

How about having Grineer Rollers prioritize rushing players, or having Stalker prey upon lonely players MUCH more likely? :D

That sounds horrible, like the players are chained together...

There must be less intrusive solutions.

I like your thinking

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