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Torid Charge Mechanism (Big Gas Cloud/more Damage)


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Forma with Heavy cal,peed trigger, and Split chamber and you can cover more area faster for more damage


Apparently cavemen cant understand it

So cavemen should Forma everything before giving feedback.....(leveling that weapon to 30 again and again, just to give feedback).


Meanwhile, no one cares about those that Forma anything and many if not most don't use Forma on anything.


Those that have the patience to level weapons to 30 50 times over deserve what they get...

Edited by SirAuron
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If that were the case it could be fine

You seem to have Forma on the brain. Might want to get that looked at.


How about Forma lowering the damage on certain weapons with special capabilities such as my suggestion? Would that please you?

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So cavemen should Forma everything before giving feedback.....(leveling that weapon to 30 again and again, just to give feedback).


Meanwhile, no one cares about those that Forma anything and many if not most don't use Forma on anything.


Those that have the patience to level weapons to 30 50 times over deserve what they get...

You dont have to forma ut understanding how it scales different weapons would help


You dont even have to forma more than twice for most weapons to reach max or near max potential



The Torid is one of those that needs it to be really shiny and making it stronger without understanding just how much better it gets with forma is your issue





You seem to have Forma on the brain. Might want to get that looked at.


How about Forma lowering the damage on certain weapons with special capabilities such as my suggestion? Would that please you?

How about not getting so angry over nothing?


Thatd please me enough

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Your first post did not help with understanding your issue with this idea...The sentence stating this weapon is not bad with forma looks like it's in the wrong thread.


And Forma can always lower the damage of weapons like this if needed.

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Your first post did not help with understanding your issue with this idea...The sentence stating this weapon is not bad with forma looks like it's in the wrong thread.


And Forma can always lower the damage of weapons like this if needed.

Because this thread was made just like the others


With the thought that the Torid is bad


Its not great but with forma it makes significant leaps in damage and utility


The only thing i was saying is dont make another ogris and yo threw a fit over it

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Because this thread was made just like the others


With the thought that the Torid is bad


Its not great but with forma it makes significant leaps in damage and utility


The only thing i was saying is dont make another ogris and yo threw a fit over it

Gas grenade rolling mechanism, creating a trail of gas from it until it stops (gas grenade velocity will decrease no matter what to make it fair, rate of decrease affected by angle of impact and floor). That would allow area denial with the weapon and make it unique to the Ogris. 

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Gas grenade rolling mechanism, creating a trail of gas from it until it stops (gas grenade velocity will decrease no matter what to make it fair, rate of decrease affected by angle of impact and floor). That would allow area denial with the weapon and make it unique to the Ogris. 

I didnt mean uniqueness in this case


The ogris is like a slower bow with an OP firestorm mod ._.


I meant OP in terms of damage output to the point of obsoleting weapons and content


Gas clouds stick around for 10ish? seconds and with a larger AoE could be very devastating when crossed over multiple clouds


I can already get a really mean spread with my Torid between speed trigger split chamber and heavy cal and making the clouds bigger would push it over that edge


I wasnt saying it was a bad idea right out


Just that things like that need to be watched


You buff it and its OP then people want to keep it that way after


Better to do it right the first time


OP felt the need to play attack dog for no reason


Blame him

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Because this thread was made just like the others


With the thought that the Torid is bad


Its not great but with forma it makes significant leaps in damage and utility


The only thing i was saying is dont make another ogris and yo threw a fit over it

That won't help  make it more unique. The damage is not great enough to kill in one grenade like the ogris so this big gas cloud would be a cool looking aoe that won't 1 hit kill similar to Amprex and flamethrower.


That is the suggestion.

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That won't help  make it more unique. The damage is not great enough to kill in one grenade like the ogris so this big gas cloud would be a cool looking aoe that won't 1 hit kill similar to Amprex and flamethrower.


That is the suggestion.

Youd be surprised the kind of DPS you can get safely with the Torid


That gas clod lingers a bit


Its nowhere near the ogris and hopefully never will be

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I liked torid  even without heavy caliber. I was wondering how much of a negative effect the -accuracy of that mod does to it.

Well the spread is annoying at long distances but can actually be helpful for long range gas bombing (I fire it Across the Pluto Interception to support other people from point A)


In close range though its really nice for spreading those gas piles but can be bad if youre actually trying to stick things


Youll get used to it overall and ofr me its totally worth it but i wouldnt blame someone for passing on it either


Great for extra damage and nice for adding spread to your gas

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Youd be surprised the kind of DPS you can get safely with the Torid


That gas clod lingers a bit


Its nowhere near the ogris and hopefully never will be

We,, I'm not asking for an Ogris, more like a flamethrower that creates dangerous areas by shooting grenades. And not have to use Forma to do it.

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We,, I'm not asking for an Ogris, more like a flamethrower that creates dangerous areas by shooting grenades. And not have to use Forma to do it.

Youll have to sacrifice either speed, spread,Status or damage without forma

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Personally the torid is outclassed by the ogris capability with damage output and delivery. I used heavy caliber and it isn't enough spread to make a difference if anything it made it worse not making the damage stack in a concentrated area enemies move way too much to make it worth taking in the most locations. I mean not to complain the ogris even has stealth and that hasn't been checked yet, and neither has the torids effective spread. But I think the grenade should leave a trail with each shot fired (think of infested ospreys gas charging attack). The torid does great damage but the weapon has pretty bad delivery as appose to the ogris capable of just unloading with one shot and not worrying about enemies moving. Now the devs obviously have included different forms of gas inflicted damage like the infested ospreys, I just think either make the gas clouds bigger, or leave a trail or make a charging mechanism allowing to fire a MIRV of a entire clip and instead allocate the damage into the gas not the projectile itself. I have forma the weapon 2 times and that is enough to know forma isn't going to improve the weapon (the forma argument is stupid you could forma a grakkata and that won't make it less S#&$.)

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You forget the charge mechanism.

Nothing changes in that statement


Torid has no polarities and is heavily reliant on Forma to cover its bases


Personally the torid is outclassed by the ogris capability with damage output and delivery. I used heavy caliber and it isn't enough spread to make a difference if anything it made it worse not making the damage stack in a concentrated area enemies move way too much to make it worth taking in the most locations. I mean not to complain the ogris even has stealth and that hasn't been checked yet, and neither has the torids effective spread. But I think the grenade should leave a trail with each shot fired (think of infested ospreys gas charging attack). The torid does great damage but the weapon has pretty bad delivery as appose to the ogris capable of just unloading with one shot and not worrying about enemies moving. Now the devs obviously have included different forms of gas inflicted damage like the infested ospreys, I just think either make the gas clouds bigger, or leave a trail or make a charging mechanism allowing to fire a MIRV of a entire clip and instead allocate the damage into the gas not the projectile itself. I have forma the weapon 2 times and that is enough to know forma isn't going to improve the weapon (the forma argument is stupid you could forma a grakkata and that won't make it less S#&$.)

The Ogris outclasses every weapon in damage output......


The grakata benefits more from forma than many other guns as well so that comparison is just s bad


3-4 forma? on it lets you throw Heavy cal and shred or metal auger so you can abuse elec or toxic AoE procs for great CC and damage


Dont forget that the Grakata has a higher fire rate than the Soma which places it alot closer than people think to the soma

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Charging is good enough. You don't really know how slow it can be.


Nothing changes in that statement


Torid has no polarities and is heavily reliant on Forma to cover its bases


The Ogris outclasses every weapon in damage output......


The grakata benefits more from forma than many other guns as well so that comparison is just s bad


3-4 forma? on it lets you throw Heavy cal and shred or metal auger so you can abuse elec or toxic AoE procs for great CC and damage


Dont forget that the Grakata has a higher fire rate than the Soma which places it alot closer than people think to the soma

Did you ever think that a lot of people don't use Forma? Because they don't and they should not be punished for not using it. No one should have to use Forma to make any weapon good, it should be to make weapons better.


So think of the people that don't want to level their weapon again and again rather than folks like you. Perhaps the big gas cloud might not suit you, but not charging it may.


And I did say that Forma can lower the damage output of this weapon if needed. Perhaps this game would be better off w/o forma. it would make it easier to give good ideas such as this one which produce good results with procs as well raising the fun of this one especially w/o Forma. Who needs Forma, anyway. it's only an easy button. People want difficulty and then they go Forma everything. No wonder this game is so easy.

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Charging is good enough. You don't really know how slow it can be.


Did you ever think that a lot of people don't use Forma? Because they don't and they should not be punished for not using it. No one should have to use Forma to make any weapon good, it should be to make weapons better.


So think of the people that don't want to level their weapon again and again rather than folks like you. Perhaps the big gas cloud might not suit you, but not charging it may.


And I did say that Forma can lower the damage output of this weapon if needed. Perhaps this game would be better off w/o forma. it would make it easier to give good ideas such as this one which produce good results with procs as well raising the fun of this one especially w/o Forma. Who needs Forma, anyway. it's only an easy button. People want difficulty and then they go Forma everything. No wonder this game is so easy.

Alot of people dont make the best of theiur favorite weapons or frames for what reason exactly? Its not like you can do much else other than grind weapons you dont really care about as much


Theres no excuse there


If youre going to use a weapon at half its potential thats fine but you cant really call it bad when youre not giving it its best]


Youre seriously going to blame the playerbase for forma?


Ok so we have to gimp ourselves to get a challenge out of the game?

Thats on DE


If they give us a level of potential to reac and enemies cant match it the players should not have to hurt themselves to crate a challenge


It should be properly presented by the developers


Youre seriously going into deep water over something shallow you know

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Alot of people dont make the best of theiur favorite weapons or frames for what reason exactly? Its not like you can do much else other than grind weapons you dont really care about as much


- That's what normally happens. Many simply don't have the drive to relevel anything or care. There is a thread asking who uses Forma. Go find/read it.


Theres no excuse there


If youre going to use a weapon at half its potential thats fine but you cant really call it bad when youre not giving it its best]


- Still wondering who said it's bad...At least in this thread. Although many people say they have used Forma on such and such weak weapon and made it strong. Does that mean Forma is that buff that all weapons need. Would Forma be the answer to Silva and Aegis, Venka, Amprex and the rest of the garbage that made it into clan tech. If Forma is the answer to needing buffs then that must mean people much grind and grind and grind themselves into the ground re leveling the same weapons over and over and over and over and over just to make them worthwhile and viable and that is pretty much your answer to the Torid which is the biggest load of croc I have ever read. What would you people do w/o Forma. Oh i wonder. You are the only one that even cares about Forma in this thread. no one else does.


 - You are addicted to Forma. A Forma addict trying to force your ways onto others telling them to grind to make weapons like Torid better. So leveling the weapons like torid to 30 is not enough. So what other weapons need Forma to be good and which ones need Jesus to be worthy of Forma? And should every weapon/warframe require Forma exactly like the torid?


 - So lets all forget about the Forma. pretend it don't exist and look at my idea from a non forma perspective and see how fun it could be. You'll LOVE IT! :)


Youre seriously going to blame the playerbase for forma?


- Taking my words out of context, I see...


Ok so we have to gimp ourselves to get a challenge out of the game?


- Seems that way, although the challenge slowly improves, but it would be long before it reach that level to beat Forma.

Thats on DE


If they give us a level of potential to reac and enemies cant match it the players should not have to hurt themselves to crate a challenge


It should be properly presented by the developers


- Too bad their focus is somewhere else, like Kubrows...


Youre seriously going into deep water over something shallow you know


- You're the one making false accusations...You even came into this thread under false pretenses. And you didn't really say anything at all about my idea in your first post, you only mentioned using forma as if it's one of those complaint threads that give simply demand a buff and never say how. Why did you even bother post that. i still wonder.

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Eh, not sure ablut the forma debate going on here, I have more than 50 weapons with at least 4 forma or more, depending on the amount needed to max it. That's to say i can properly give my two cents on about every weapon.

The weapon in question, the torid, i have 6 forma on it, it still feels lacking, it's mechanics do not correspond to what it should be, cloud aoe is tooo small, no matter how powerful you make it you can't change that, and for something that firees, reloads and damages so slowly, you can't afford to do so in a small area, further more the biggest chunk of damage comes from a direct hit, which is weird. We are talking gas grenade launchers, couldnt care less about the 9.8k it does per direct hit...

Any change is very much welcome by it.

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Alot of people dont make the best of theiur favorite weapons or frames for what reason exactly? Its not like you can do much else other than grind weapons you dont really care about as much


- That's what normally happens. Many simply don't have the drive to relevel anything or care. There is a thread asking who uses Forma. Go find/read it.


Theres no excuse there


If youre going to use a weapon at half its potential thats fine but you cant really call it bad when youre not giving it its best]


- Still wondering who said it's bad...At least in this thread. Although many people say they have used Forma on such and such weak weapon and made it strong. Does that mean Forma is that buff that all weapons need. Would Forma be the answer to Silva and Aegis, Venka, Amprex and the rest of the garbage that made it into clan tech. If Forma is the answer to needing buffs then that must mean people much grind and grind and grind themselves into the ground re leveling the same weapons over and over and over and over and over just to make them worthwhile and viable and that is pretty much your answer to the Torid which is the biggest load of croc I have ever read. What would you people do w/o Forma. Oh i wonder. You are the only one that even cares about Forma in this thread. no one else does.


 - You are addicted to Forma. A Forma addict trying to force your ways onto others telling them to grind to make weapons like Torid better. So leveling the weapons like torid to 30 is not enough. So what other weapons need Forma to be good and which ones need Jesus to be worthy of Forma? And should every weapon/warframe require Forma exactly like the torid?


 - So lets all forget about the Forma. pretend it don't exist and look at my idea from a non forma perspective and see how fun it could be. You'll LOVE IT! :)


Youre seriously going to blame the playerbase for forma?


- Taking my words out of context, I see...


Ok so we have to gimp ourselves to get a challenge out of the game?


- Seems that way, although the challenge slowly improves, but it would be long before it reach that level to beat Forma.

Thats on DE


If they give us a level of potential to reac and enemies cant match it the players should not have to hurt themselves to crate a challenge


It should be properly presented by the developers


- Too bad their focus is somewhere else, like Kubrows...


Youre seriously going into deep water over something shallow you know


- You're the one making false accusations...You even came into this thread under false pretenses. And you didn't really say anything at all about my idea in your first post, you only mentioned using forma as if it's one of those complaint threads that give simply demand a buff and never say how. Why did you even bother post that. i still wonder.


I came here to say be careful not to create another weapon as powerful as the Ogris and youre shifting that for convenience now


Some weapons need forma to be way stronger


Some add Forma and dont really change all that much


A weapon like the Torid is special that way


I never said it doesnt need change


I did say be careful where you go with it


Take it how you want but if youre going to skew it for your own argument youre not procing a thing


Eh, not sure ablut the forma debate going on here, I have more than 50 weapons with at least 4 forma or more, depending on the amount needed to max it. That's to say i can properly give my two cents on about every weapon.

The weapon in question, the torid, i have 6 forma on it, it still feels lacking, it's mechanics do not correspond to what it should be, cloud aoe is tooo small, no matter how powerful you make it you can't change that, and for something that firees, reloads and damages so slowly, you can't afford to do so in a small area, further more the biggest chunk of damage comes from a direct hit, which is weird. We are talking gas grenade launchers, couldnt care less about the 9.8k it does per direct hit...

Any change is very much welcome by it.

Mine is 5 forma


I took the status route VS damage to make use of status procs and still find it to be not bad


It could use some love but cautionary


OP thinks im out to get him or something

The number of formas a weapon needs to max out is not a balance point, as formas are easy to get.  

And its easy to rerank weapons and near everyone has formad something they liked at some point


Theres always that load out thats your favorite that you want to have ready for the big games


If not then youre gimping yourself and blaming people that do use forma for a developer that adds such an easy way to get stronge without a challen ge to match up


Though DE isnt too terrible at this they definitely need some reworks on scaling and AI

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And its easy to rerank weapons and near everyone has formad something they liked at some point - Not really


Theres always that load out thats your favorite that you want to have ready for the big games - People use what they want and won't always have that fav loadout.


If not then youre gimping yourself and blaming people that do use forma for a developer that adds such an easy way to get stronge without a challen ge to match up - This sentence makes no sense.


Though DE isnt too terrible at this they definitely need some reworks on scaling and AI - And better weapons that have a uniqueness to it.

You sure have a lot of spelling errors according to chrome, doesn't matter anyway, but you might want to look into it.

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