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[Concept Idea] - "jerkframe"


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I guess this idea probably has existed? I don't know, I don't stalk the forums long enough to really know what's going on. Basically it's exactly what it sounds like, a jerk with a perfect playstyle to match. Granted, it needs a few idea tweaks and opinions on a few matters like appearance and whatnot, but that's not what I'm good at. My favorite idea is the 4th ability because it's all I could think of while waiting for the Devstream #26 and chatting with other waiting viewers. Btw, my IGN is NekuDash and my twitch is Nekudash21

Not many exact numbers, just descriptions of what the [Jerkframe] can do.
Ability 1 -
Jerkframe charges energy for a short moment and releases it in an aoe and knocks down every unit, allies and enemies. Allies will simply be knocked down but have all debuffs removed and temporarily immune to damage for a very short time after getting up. Enemies knocked down will be slowed until they get back up. Upon getting up, all non-boss enemies will be temporarily stunned for a very short time.

Ability 2 -
For a duration, all projectiles from Jerkframe's weapons will restore nearby allies' shields and power and non-projectile weapons will health leech/siphon based on the damage dealt to the enemy. This does not include any skills used by Jerkframe like his/her/it's 4th ability.

Ability 3 -
Jerkframe roars/howls/ releasing a wave of energy that speeds up allies while moving towards jerkframe. If allies move aways from Jerkframe, they gain a temporary movement speed reduction but increased damage to enemies. Enemies caught by the wave of energy will take increased damage and a reduction in armor and shield

Ability 4 -
Picks up a close by ally Warframe, preventing the victim player from doing anything for a short time. Jerkframe primes the ally with an radiation energy and launches/hurls/catapults/lobs him/her/it towards one spot. Upon landing, the victim warframe will explode, releasing all of the energy Jerkframe infused him/her/it with and damaging surrounding enemies within a certain radius and bleeding out the Waframe. While airbourne, the victim Warframe can not use any abilities except movement and position related skills (i.e: Zephyr's Tail Wind, Rhino's Rhino Charge, Loki's Switch Teleport, etc). If the victim Warframe uses allowed skills, he/she/it will still create an aoe explosion and bleed out upon landing or touching a viable surface like a side of a crate or a wall. Enitities created by a Warframe (i.e Loki's Decoy and Saryn's Molt) are also able to be used as explosive projectiles, except they disappear instead of bleeding out. Abilities that prevent damage will prevent damage of course but Warframes with damage reduction will instead take a 100% shield damage and an amount of impact damage. If the ally Warframe is already bleeding out, Jerkframe will instead instantly pick up the ally, restoring his/her/it's health and shield and resume the skill; this allows the victim to be bleeding out without dying and extending the bleed out duration for certain mods to work effectively. Any sentinels the victim Warframe has floating around will not be affected by Jerkframe's ability, only flung around to follow the victim Waframe to the destination.  Throwing/thrown range increases dramatically with each level.

Clearly, this is best idea for a new Warframe that the community desperately needs to promote friendliness and bonds among strangers and improve relations with already close friends. Feel free to comment and offer your own ideas for other skills if you think mine are lackluster. I will update and give rightful credit(s). Enjoy!




Wording Explanation

When I mean bleedout, I don't mean the damage 2.0 when you take continuous damage over time from a slash damage weapon.  I meant the downed state when you're crawling on the ground and using the secondary/sidearm to retaliate.


Skill Reasonings

For the 4th ability, it's meant to make certain mods I cannot remember the name of more useful.  If I remember correctly, there are 2 mods for the downed state of a Warframe; one that extends the duration and one that increases the damage you deal while downed.  Overall, I see almost no reasons to run them instead of Redirection, Vitality, Vigor, Fast Deflection, Vigor and/or Guardian combinations.  But since the fourth skill will force the victim/ally Warframe into the downed state, that Warframe will be able to actually utilize those mods quickly.  And since the 4th skill is able to pickup a downed ally then resume the skill, it can easily prevent a downed Warframe from dying and instead make him/her/it into a useful martyr/mortar that can keep dealing damage without a large risk of dying.


Still on the 4th skill, mainly the movement and position addendum of it.  The reasoning for this is simple, to make certain skills easily accessible and still be a jerk.  Imagine using the 4th skill on a Zephyr and you lob him/her/it straight up into the air so that Zephyr is right over your head.  DIVEBOMB! Or a Loki instead of a Zephyr, Swap Teleport with an enemy or surrounded ally and you have an instant teleported nuke right into the enemies' face(s).  Or better yet, one of your team mates is afk because s/he has to eat dinner but you want to last at least 40 minutes in a Survival mission.  Just lob that AFK and justice is served at the cost of victimizing the AFK.  Yeah, he'll/she'll, it'll will be downed, but you can do it again and you have a fun explosive Tenno-ball.


Still on the 4th skill because it's my pride and joy; you can toss the Saryn clones and Loki Decoy.  This can happen because not everyone wants to be a Tenno-ball, because they are selfish beings.  

But what about multiple Jerkframes? Congrats, you now have a game of explosive catch or a Quickdraw Showdown between 2 Jerkframes.  Why can't you just toss the Grineer? Corpus? Infected? Why yould you, you're not being a Jerkframe if you don't play the jerk to your team mates.


Ability 1 has nice utility while still maintaining the Jerk-theme of being the Jerkframe.  Removing debuffs? I meant the bleeding from slash weapons or other debuffs that I cannot name but you'll remember them from the arc traps that zaps you from being near.  But hey, you get a temporary damage immunity buff after getting up, which is sped up by the Handspring mod.  Non-bosses is simple, no Vor, Lt. Lech Kril, Salad V, Zanuka (etc) will be stunned, only knocked down onto the ground where they belong.  Of course, this skill doesn't affect enemies that are temporary immune to everything like Vor's Sphere Shield or the airborne Raptor, so there's the drawback to make it not exactly broken.


The Third Ability is supposed to make it easier for Jerkframe to approach his allies and then go Jerk-Mode on him/her/it and toss the ally Warframe into oblivion.  Of course, I can't make it so that it's extremely terrifying to his team mates caught by the energy wave, so I made it trade off their escape for increase damage dealing to enemies.  Enemies caught by the wave can't just willy-nilly shrug it off, that's just not what befits a Jerkframe.


Some of you may ask why the Second ability have no drawbacks on your team mates, which is perfectly fine.  My reason is that not all jerks are what they appear to be.  Look at the high school bully, good chance he's bullied by other bigger kids or his own family at home, but deep down inside, he's a soft puppy/kitten loving fellow that just wants some kindness and wish to be your friend.





The 4th skill is meant to be a 2-stage skill.  The 1st stage is basically grabbing a helpless ally Warframe by the headhips and priming him/her/it with explosive energy to be used.  Next stage is basically aiming for a nice spot to toss your victimfriend.  Meaning you first walk up to an ally, activate the skill and wait for the charging to complete.  Then you aim like you normally would with any kind of weapon while moving or standing still.  Lastly, you press your firing button and watch the Tenno-ball hit/miss its mark and laugh your fleshy head off.  Simple!


About the position and movement addendum to the 4th skill, there's quite a list on what skills can be used mid-flight.  Here's a list just for you guys in case you're wondering what I meant.

~ Ash's Teleport

~ Excalibur's Slash Dash and Super Jump

~ Loki's Switch Teleport

~ Mag's Pull

~ Rhino's Rhino Charge

~ Valkyr's Rip Line

~ Zephyr's Tail Wind and Dive Bomb

Yep, just this list of skills are allowed to be used while still airbourne after being tossed by Jerkframe.  Skills, not maneuvers and whatnot.  Meaning you can still execute a Jump Attack and end the airbourne effect prematurely if Jerkframe has terrible aim and overshot you.

Of course, mods that either amplify or modify the effect of being airbourne or landing will still take effect.  For instance, the Warframe Aviator mod will still decrease any damage you take while in the air.  You have the Warframe mod Heavy Impact but no way to fly into the air to create the seismic shock from landing? Here's your crazy answer.

Edited by NekuDash
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I prefer ToughloveFrame, he hurts you because he cares about you :)


Although the ability to have your friends enter bleedout mode probably wouldn't work out due to trolls who would pick people up, make them bleed, and just leave them. Otherwise this is rich.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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And a Loki Switch Teleporting with you as he jumps into a horde of Grineer, knowing full well you have about 20ish HP and low on ammo in Nightmare mode isn't troll enough? Or Switch Teleporting with you as he jumps into a cliff?



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