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Ghost Clans! Shadow Clans! Unite!


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Alright after going over the page it seems the best way to get this down (the name) is to first decide what language the name should be in

how about a vote?



Edit: I don't know how to set a timer, so ill close the poll around 10pm EDT tomorrow (April 7)


Maybe you should leave the poll in the steam group so random people just done come allow and vote. lol

Edited by SolidSp33d
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Should I also set up polls on various rules?

I think that the ghost/shadow only is well established, but will the alliance allow members to do whatever they want outside of the badlands/ what should the rates be on any badlands towers we do take.

Obviously we will be in need of moderators in the alliance chat, how will we decide who these people are? - (these people will not be allowed to order people of other clans around, only kick from the chat should they become disrespectful and be responsible for origination on some level)


*Edit fixed typos

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I'd like an alliance name with 'tenra' in the title, if not 'tenra bansho'. To read the meaning from the game of the same name (Tenra Bansho Zero), it translates roughly to "all things in heaven and earth", which I think is fitting for an alliance of so many ghost and shadow clans.

There's also that 'ten' (Japanese: heaven, sky) might be the root word for 'tenno'.

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I'd like an alliance name with 'tenra' in the title, if not 'tenra bansho'. To read the meaning from the game of the same name (Tenra Bansho Zero), it translates roughly to "all things in heaven and earth", which I think is fitting for an alliance of so many ghost and shadow clans.

There's also that 'ten' (Japanese: heaven, sky) might be the root word for 'tenno'.


That's pretty good actually.

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Update 13 is just a few days away. And its going to be magnificent!




But with the new changes we also have to face new challenges. The Solarrails, the Badlands, the Clanwars whatever you want to call it, are upon us. I am currently preparing my Dojo and you should do so to.


To compete with the big Clans the smaller ones are going to need a big alliance. A strong alliance. With this topic I want to lay a fundation for this cause. When you are warlord of a small clan PM my account here with your ingame alias and you clan name or write it in the comment section. When you are in a small clan, tell you warlords about this post so they can connect. When the Update is deployed we can form a strong alliance instantly!


We do not stand a chance alone. Only together we can prevail. UNITE!

I'm in the Outer Exiled Clan (Not Actual name)


  I went further out into the Solar Systems, where I watch everybody, and I salvage whats left after the battle is over...


  Tenno Mercenary has to make a living somehow!!  :)


  Good Luck to you PC Users though!!  :)

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Our next major order of business should be deciding how to handle our solar rails.

I ask everyone to read Solidsp33d's thoughts on this before making your choice as he brings up good points.



Where should we place our first solar rail? As the rail approaches ready status we will have another poll on what to do if our chosen world is already controlled.



What should our Public tax rates be? For the moment I think a Clan/Alliance tax rate of 5% will hopefully be able to cover a good portion of the costs of maintaining the rail. however we will also need to set our public rate, just remember if we set it high people will be more likely to want to make their own, but too low and we may not be able to maintain it. also note that this is subject to change if the rates prove to be problematically low.



And don't forget to vote on the alliance names language :D




Edit: I will leave the solar rail polls open until the rail is somewhere between 50%-75% complete

Second Edit: Dont forget to join the temp group so we can start to get an idea of our numbers http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Alliancetemp

Third edit: typos >.< hopefully I got them all

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Our next major order of business should be deciding how to handle our solar rails.

I ask everyone to read Solidsp33d's thoughts on this before making your choice as he brings up good points.



Where should we place our first solar rail? As the rail approaches ready status we will have another poll on what to do if our chosen world is already controlled.



What should our Public tax rates be? For the moment I think a Clan/Alliance tax rate of 5% will hopefully be able to cover a good portion of the costs of maintaining the rail. however we will also need to set our public rate, just remember if we set it high people will be more likely to want to make there own, but too low and we not be able to maintain it. also note that this is subject to change if the rates prove to be problematically low.



And don't forget to vote on the alliance names language :D




Edit: I will leave the solar rail polls open until the rail is somewhere between 50%-75% complete

Second Edit: Dont forget to join the temp group so we can start to get an idea of our numbers http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Alliancetemp


Good stuff. Everyone get voting and come into the steam chat for some discussion on the topics.

That and we need the headcount.

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you should also consider that are tower will come under attack by other clans just trying to carve out more Territory for themselves, we need to establish a quick alert system so we can ready are selves to confront the opposing tower the moment the invulnerability timer ticks off.

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This sounds like fun my friend and I will join.


My ign is: Balmung02(Warlord)


My clan is: The Late Night Gamers


just a note my friend and i work nights so we play mostly overnight but were willing to do our part anytime we can when were available thanks. Also its just the 2 of us in our clan that were building still atm.

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Have you guys set up a forum or TS server yet? If not I would be more than happy to set something up to more easily facilitate this process. 

Also, The OP should start making a list of Clans on the first thread if not already done so.


Shadow Clan: Clan Neuro

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Have you guys set up a forum or TS server yet? If not I would be more than happy to set something up to more easily facilitate this process. 

Also, The OP should start making a list of Clans on the first thread if not already done so.


Shadow Clan: Clan Neuro

Agreed the OP should be updated with all the relevant information.

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All clans joining can PM me as well, and I will add the info to the temporary steam group as well


Edit2 (yes its above edit1, deal with it): I'm currently on steam, dolby axon, and I have a mumble but no sever myself. I'm in the process of setting up a teamspeak now

Edit3: after some discussion we are going to wait on setting up a teamspeak for the moment; as between the forums, steam, and in the in-game UI  it may be enough for our needs. However if it proves not to be Ill get a teamspeak up ASAP

Edit: shameless repost to make sure everyone sees all the current polls

Our next major order of business should be deciding how to handle our solar rails.

I ask everyone to read Solidsp33d's thoughts on this before making your choice as he brings up good points.



Where should we place our first solar rail? As the rail approaches ready status we will have another poll on what to do if our chosen world is already controlled.



What should our Public tax rates be? For the moment I think a Clan/Alliance tax rate of 5% will hopefully be able to cover a good portion of the costs of maintaining the rail. however we will also need to set our public rate, just remember if we set it high people will be more likely to want to make their own, but too low and we may not be able to maintain it. also note that this is subject to change if the rates prove to be problematically low.



And don't forget to vote on the alliance names language :D




Edit: I will leave the solar rail polls open until the rail is somewhere between 50%-75% complete

Second Edit: Dont forget to join the temp group so we can start to get an idea of our numbers http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Alliancetemp

Third edit: typos >.< hopefully I got them all

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Done aaand done! Important information added to the first post !!!

:D Ive updated the steam page with the clan list as well


And it seems at the moment English is winning by a long shot for the clan name. there's still 9 (or so) hours left but for the sake of getting the next round of voting up quickly I will start accepting English name suggestions via PM (limit 3, more then that ill take the first 3 I see)


Edit: If another language pulls ahead, Ill start accepting submissions for names of that language

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Shaz I just realized that we will need an alliance emblem as well. I'm now accepting alliance emblem submissions, we will have a vote on those as well, either at the same time or shortly after the final name vote begins. Photoshop is allowed/encouraged


Rules are:
1) It cannot be copyrighted by any franchise/series unless it is from Warframe

2) It cannot contain any highly inappropriate content (keep it PG-13)

3) There is no submission limit at the current time, If I start to get too many submissions I will add a limit

3a) Make sure to include a url link to your image when you PM as I will likely not be able to include images on a poll page

4) Leave a space for the alliance name/abbreviation (if it is meant to be placed over the emblem be sure to tell me when you submit it via PM)

5) If I get no submissions, I will make the emblem myself. Which will be a fairly simple one at best.


Also note that I may just create another page somewhere on the forum with all the emblem submissions If I start to get too many. but as of 2:45 PM EDT I have yet to receive one

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My clan pledges their support and loyalty to the cause.

IGN: Nox174

Clan: Elite Termination Forces

Also our Alliance should be called the "Shadow Protectorate" or SP for short. :D

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We'd like to join the cause.


IGN: kuliise


Clan: Lumanesia 


We're a ghost clan, but have several active members. Looking forward to seeing this happen!


Also, it might be useful to list the clan names alphabetically.

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