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{Mission Concept} Infiltration - Stealth & Subterfuge


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"You're in, Tenno. Good luck, and remember - whatever happens, do not be seen." -The Lotus at the start of Infiltration.


Summary - Infiltration is a stealth-based mission type where players have to co-ordinate their movements throughout the level without raising the alarm.


If the alarm is raised, a trigger is activated depending on tileset and the reward at the end is downgraded (e.g. Neurodes changing to Plastids or Prime parts to Forma.) If the alarm is not de-activated in time or if the players raise it two to three times, the mission fails.


The objective is to either;

A - (Grineer Galleon / Corpus Ship) Find the ship mainframe, hack it, take the datamass and extract.

Taking the datamass causes it to emit a quiet alarm that will alert enemies (after a brief "confusion" status) in a                       radius if they hear it. This means the player carrying the datamass must either find ways around crowded areas, stealth kill         the alerted target or drop the datamass, clear a way ahead and return for it.


= If the alarm is raised on this tileset, immediate lockdown goes into effect. The Tenno are trapped until the Lotus can hack it and are plagued by high-level enemies. Once it is hacked, normal security levels are returned.



- (Grineer Asteroid / Corpus Outpost) Destroy vital equipment scattered around the map and extract.

= Upon destruction of a piece of equipment, a beacon is activated on it. The enemy will flock to it like moths to flame and you have to escape the area without being seen before moving onto the next. 


= If the alarm is raised, the Tenno have a timer until extremely high level reinforcements arrive. If they are detected again, the timer counts down twice as fast. Alert the enemy once again and the mission fails. If the timer counts down to 0, they will witness the reinforcements approaching them before seeing the "Mission Failed" notice (possibly leading to the Escape mission?)



- (Orokin Void) Recover Orokin technology and extract.

   = Much like Raid, the objective is to find and enter an Orokin Vault (although it doesn't require Dragon Keys), take what is in there - which will alert the Corrupted to your presence and cause them to search for you (with all the limited field of vision unalerted enemies have.) During the period approaching Extraction, the Corrupted will learn of the Tenno's presence and will give chase. If the Tenno do not reach extraction in time, the room is locked down by the Neural Sentry and the mission fails.

If the alert is raised, the Neural Sentry locks down the Vault room. When the Tenno extract, the mission counts as failed.



D - (Orokin Derelict) Contain the power core, obtain the ship data and extract.

   = The Infested, as some cannot be stealth-killed, must require extra caution. The Tenno must contain the Power Core of the ship and obtain its data by hacking a console, all the while taking minor radiation damage, before leaving.


   If they realise you are there, the Infested biomass on the ship fluctuates (off-screen) and the Power Core                       detonates, dealing high Blast damage and 100% status chance initially (to all enemies and you) and Radiation               damage per second. It leaves you at 5 health like in Survival, and the Tenno must escape alive.



"What you have done here will slow the Grineer in their attempts to control the system. Admirable work, Tenno." -The Lotus upon mission success against the Grineer.


"The Corpus' loss today will serve the Tenno well. Excellent." -The Lotus upon mission success against the Corpus.


"There's nothing I can do for you now, Tenno. I'm sorry." -The Lotus upon Grineer / Corpus mission failure.


"What you have found today will use the Orokin secrets in balancing the system. You exceeded expectations." -The Lotus upon Orokin Void / Orokin Derelict mission success.


"You escaped alive. That is all we require of you." -The Lotus upon Orokin Void / Orokin Derelict mission failure.



REMEMBER this is just a concept intended for late-game and comments on it with criticism - I know I've screwed some of these up - are probably appreciated.

Edited by Blackout751
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Stealth is bad as it is right now, it must be reworked. Another thing to add is the lack of connecting tiles to avoid enemies


True. If this general idea were to be implemented, it would need Stealth 2.0.


Sounds great. Add it in, DE. :)


Definitely needs alterations to it, but thanks.

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This kinda seems like my Lockdown post... But It's better than some I've seen. Not bad. Not bad at all.


Lockdown was the option of getting massacred for failing stealth (since people don't seem to understand the stealth aspect as much as the run and gun choice) or being a regular Warframe player and picking assault.


This is pure stealth and you're given a penalty if you raise the alarm, which can entirely vary depending on tileset and can mean you abort the mission entirely.


Just because I include the idea of high-level enemies coming at you because you fail to be stealthy doesn't mean it's that similar.

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