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Invasion Missions Boredom


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I for one am very tired of invasion missions being exterminate only. It is boring and tedious. Either lower the requirement to get the reward to like 3 or something (which I know won't happen). Or add some variety to it. Add some different type of missions to it.

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they already lowered the requirements for infestations to 3. invasions at 5 are alright. as for the extermination, well, it's the mission type that makes the most sense when two factions are fighting over a territory. but others could certainly work. I like the map setup for invasions, though, crossing between corpus and grineer ships. pretty cool


but defense, sabotage, spy, or deception could work pretty well too. and planetary invasion tiles would be cool. starting either in the invading army's ships and walking out onto the planet's surface, or rushing the invaders from a planetary embattlement. alright, you've convinced me, that would be a great addition


I personally don't do invasions because for the really good rewards, there's no way you'll get all 5 missions in time, and otherwise it's for like 1 orokin cell. though to be fair, getting 3 mutagen masses/filedrons/detonite injectors is a real time-saver. but you don't need too many of those, so I'll stick with survival missions for my fun. but I do enjoy the tileset when I play invasions every once in a while. separate tilesets for phobos, hoth (corpus planet), earth, and the grineer asteroids would be pretty cool

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