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The Origin Protectorate [Multi-Game Community] News And Recruitment Thread


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Polymelodic does have a point. There really isn't much in they way of communication throughout the alliance. The only reason I knew what was happening with the rail choices is that I was in the Raidcall when decisions were made. In fact I was the one to suggest we grab as many people as we could into the call before we decided the fate of our rail. Now it was also posted in the alliance chat but not really anyone paid attention to it. At that point there isn't much we can do. Again we need clearer channels of communication. This thread is a good one but things get drowned out so fast with posts of adding new clans etc. I suggest we either start another thread just for announcements or perhaps even a twitter account with regular updates. We also need to start up those alliance meetings again as this alone will be the biggest and best start.

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The idea of making a twitter would be great, assuming people would actually follow it, but ill give a try and make one.


Right now not very much is going on the leadership end and half of what has, has been a bit on the poisonous side, admittedly part of this is because I didn't handle a personal dispute with another member the best I could have (but this is why there are two leaders not just one)


The current consensus is to hold back amass funds, waiting both to have a huge stockpile and for dark sectors to not suck

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Welp I'm a twitter nub, so I have no idea how to provide a link to the twitter. But the account is

Origin Protectorate @Origin_protect


If someone can give me the link to link up on all the pages that'd be great, as all I'm seeing is the basic twitter url >.>


Edit: Got it I think





Err, any plans to mass produce specter regiments?

They could be useful, but we'd need a good amount of man power.


The plans for that are still up in the air, they will be discussed soon

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"Origin Interregnum" would like to join, its a ghost clan for mainly just my friends and I. Willing to help wherever needed. I previously did alot of help for the solar rail and was a contributor to the solar rail for Innominandum

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After some discussion we will add a third leader

So congratulations to Creid on becoming the third member of our leadership. We will also be putting out various guidelines and clearing up the roles of each tier works for those who are interested sometime soon


And in other news

A member of our mutual defense pact (Spear Confederation) is under attack at Phobos-Memphis by Eclipse

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Meeting this weekend

It will be at 2pm EDT this Saturday May, 10th
We will be discussing what we want to do in the future as an alliance, and hear any concerns from those outside the command structure, as admittedly communication has been on the weak side of late

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I want to be perfectly clear that the current "commandstructure" is absolutly TEMPORARY. Any changes and aditions that are made are temporary aswell.



Nothing about it is final or permanent.



We are currently working on better communication through the tools ingame itself. A more complete update on that will follow tomorrow!


Please be patient and understand that we are just players like you that are trying to create a better alliance experience for everyone!

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Alright everyone the main directive of the alliance is to bug DE for alliance MOTD and more controls for alliance chat in general


Also, its time for the first official roll call of The Origin Protectorate

Please fill out the following, the reason we need the main timezone is so we figure out meeting times that work best for most everyone, the current meeting time is a mere guess. It will also help if we adopt some of the communication methods that have been suggested (one example is group representatives). Please only fill this out on either steam or here

Edit: asked for warlord as this may not always be the same as the representative


Clan name:
Clan Tier:


Main timezone:

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Clan name: Cahoots

Clan Tier: Ghost (Full)

Warlord: Creid

Representative: a) Creid b)LordSurtr (He can get hold of me if you cannot.)

Main Timezone: EST/EDT

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Emblem vote has resulted in extension of contest. you have until 4pm EDT may 16 to submit, no further extensions will be made. same rules apply


Edit: See OP for rules

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Hello, I am the warlord of The Orokin Dragons and we would LOVE to join. We are a shadow clan with normally around 20 people, sometimes changing from 15 to 25. I am the warlord, along with TheGHOSTyA. Nagmus is the diplomat of external business, and can be treated as warlord (Yet he is not one, he only has the same abilities as warlords when it comes to terms of alliances). We strive to stay active and we auto-kick people that are longer than 14 days inactive. If you need any more information, feel free to ask. We would love to receive an answer.

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Welcome to the protectorate Orokin Dragons, Tell me if this info is correct


Clan name: The Orokin Dragons
Clan Tier: Shadow

Representative: Nagmus

Warlord: Deservate and TheGHOSTyA
Main timezone: ?


Also would all future clans please fill out this format when applying, it will make it easier to organize you right into the spread sheet I am making

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Things that I am doing right now !!!



I am currently preparing a big message to all warlords and members!


I am adjusting the moderator and alliance guidelines to roll them out this weekend!


I am working on a presentation/introduction of all current moderators!


I am working on restructuring the alliance "leadership" to be more democratic and closer to everyone!



Moreover everything that happend in the past few weeks is going to be analyzed so you can see how things went down and developed to this point where we do not own a rail and desperatly have to rework our means of communication!



Please understand that this is a lot of work and that it is going to be posted this weekend to ensure that it actually contains usefull input.

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Clan name: The Lampshade Space Ninjas

Clan Tier: Shadow (about 20 active members)

Representative: Kinperor

Warlord: Kinperor

Main timezone: Mainly a North American clan, but with some outliers. 

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