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Game Becoming To Much Of A "pay To Win" Type Game.


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All i care about is that its actually F2P.


Unlike DnD: Stormreach, pay for extra quest sequences (a lot of them) classes, races etc.


Unlike Swtor: Which truly is P2W, with all the limitations they have put into place, THAT is more like a demo.

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The problem is that is you would have any number of slots, some warframes would be platinum only. Because I still don't think (but I may be wrong) that the most source of income would be the cosmetic things.

That's why I said that the devs are better aware of the situation than us : they know how people did spend their platinum. Maybe the platinum have been mostly used for revives ? For shortening time of the foundry ? For warframes ? For weapons ? For items (affinity/credit boost seem interesting) ?

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The problem is that is you would have any number of slots, some warframes would be platinum only. Because I still don't think (but I may be wrong) that the most source of income would be the cosmetic things. That's why I said that the devs are better aware of the situation than us : they know how people did spend their platinum. Maybe the platinum have been mostly used for revives ? For shortening time of the foundry ? For warframes ? For weapons ? For items (affinity/credit boost seem interesting) ?


Well since people have to pay for slots if they want more warframes on their accounts i'm sure that is the main attraction, but since you can make 3 accounts and have that cost surpassed i think that it is a pretty huge flaw. You couldn't do it before because it was closed beta, but now there is no problem what-so-ever. Also you can level up an account mostly and have the others just for the other frames. Also i think that you can craft them whenever you want, you just can't purchase them whenever you want, but i may be wrong.

Edited by Story4
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actually~I am affraid I can't agree with 216 as everything can be obtain in mission(I am Chinese and Chinese online games are typical 'pay to win'games~much more serious) Besides, the weapons are not really difficult to craft(beside akbolto) . But the frames......

However, the balance in this game is maintain greatly maintained.


Moreover, I think it is fair for the one who pay to upgrate faster because,as you know, the platinum is relatively expensive(to other games).

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Many will use TF2 and LoL as examples, but they're exceptions, highest of the field.

Most games still have premiums on more than just cosmetics, companies can't always make money off just vanity items.


The people that complain about the grind are the ones that enjoy the visual progress from games such as CoD, you get your guns quickly in such games. Such people would not play Quake or Shootmania, games based around their gameplay.

This is a game based around the gameplay of each frame and item, you're supposed to stick with what you have or dump in a few hours for a BP.

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Many will use TF2 and LoL as examples, but they're exceptions, highest of the field.

Most games still have premiums on more than just cosmetics, companies can't always make money off just vanity items.


The people that complain about the grind are the ones that enjoy the visual progress from games such as CoD, you get your guns quickly in such games. Such people would not play Quake or Shootmania, games based around their gameplay.

This is a game based around the gameplay of each frame and item, you're supposed to stick with what you have or dump in a few hours for a BP.


hmm ok more examples: WoT, Dota 2, Blacklight retribution, Tribes ascend. They all have a better f2p model.

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You shouldn't have to pay for silly things like color ways, and i do agree some things are way overpriced. I mean console dlc costs $5.00-$10.00 and you get a few things like maps, skins and whatever else. This is a great game and i'm happy to support, but even if the prices don't change $20.00 should get you more than 1 warframe, should be more like 3 warframes and 3 weapons and colorways, helmets..etc

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hmm ok more examples: WoT, Dota 2, Blacklight retribution, Tribes ascend. They all have a better f2p model.


there are a lot of "F2P" models that are a lot worse.


we have nothing that is locked that can even really effect gameplay.


look at Stormreach or Swtor, you cant even play the damn games to their full capacity without buying stuff.


Its FINE as it is... Devs get a bit o money off lazy people and people who want to support them, everyone else just farms for items. Deal with it.


This thread is pretty stupid to begin with, if you think its pay to win, then you've never played a pay to win game...


or any game with locked content.





You shouldn't have to pay for silly things like color ways, and i do agree some things are way overpriced. I mean console dlc costs $5.00-$10.00 and you get a few things like maps, skins and whatever else. This is a great game and i'm happy to support, but even if the prices don't change $20.00 should get you more than 1 warframe, should be more like 3 warframes and 3 weapons and colorways, helmets..etc


LoL, so u want everything in the cash shop for cheap so you can get everything you want and have no reason to play the game anymore because there is nothing really to work towards? that's stupid.



I feel like you people are turning me into a Troll with your selfishness and stupidity.

Edited by Karosu
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You don't get the whole game for free. To me it's funnier that people who payed are so &!$$ed that F2P players want a fair chance at getting all the warframes and weapons and potatoes without paying even if they have to farm a ton to get it. It's quite simple. You don't want to farm but want to get warframes? then you have to pay for the convenience of not farming 40 or more hours for a warframe and a slot. OFC we are not including visual stuff like skins colors etc. which should only be purchasable with plat.


The game at the moment is more like an extended demo where if you want to get everything and be powerfull you have to pay, otherwise you have to repeat the demo.


So you want a whole new game completely for free? You do realize there's people working for this game and they give you all the updates for free right? They need to make a living too and the cash shop serves that purpose. I'm sorry but what you are saying is that you want to be able to get everything for free and that is simply not happening despite what you may think. Fair chance? You have all the chances you want and if you get invested in the game, then how about you actually spend a damn dime on it and help the devs improve it? From what I heard they even want to have slots obtainable in game now so please cut your whinning and get some friends to enjoy the damn game with.
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I know its not just me that thinks this but the game seems to be far to much "pay to win" because firstly most items can only be purchased with platinum and the few items that you can buy with credits are usually really expensive so you have to spend ages grinding, and then comparing the gear you can buy with real money to that of the starting weapons is ridiculous, sure starting gear should be poor quality but not a diffrence of taking 10 shots to kill an enemy compared to 1 shot to kill an enemy with the same type of weapon. Lastly the thing that adds most diversity to this game is getting new warframes but they are all ridiculously expensive, as in about £10, which for a game that hasnt been officially released is abit cheap. I really enjoy this game but if it goes to much more pay to win im very quickly gonna start hating this game.

I've been playing for about 5-6 days and am still using the starting weapon - the Mk-1 chews through enemies with +dam and +armor pen mods, has a great rate of fire and a huge mag - there's nothing wrong with the starting gear, just level and mod it.


There's no weapon or frame that you *have* to pay real money for - its all available for credits.

Grinding?  Yeah its fething pissing me off that I still can't get any drop other than an Ash helmet (the frame I'm farming) - Its still not more annoying than paying a subscription.


The game is not P2W - its P4Convienience.

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This topic feels like we're flogging a dead osprey with our potatoes.


I dunno, to me I couldn't really be bothered - I like the game, if they say it's p2w, then let them say it. No point trying to change another person's opinion over the internet anyway. 


Personal view:
Like the game the way it is, a few things should be changed regarding platinum, a few things should (maybe) have their prices lowered. Also, more sales. Beyond that, if I jump into a game with a new player with my plat-bought equipment, does that give me the ability to lord over them? Hell no. What it does, is give me an edge to survive more hits and help them progress, etc.

Again, it's a personal view thing, so I wouldn't really come back to beat the dead osprey with my potato. Have fun, for those who choose to : D

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Look back in the pre-module overhaul and catalyst and reactor recipe , I would agree with you.

Now the devs changed the game mechanics, everything you can achieve with extended play time, unless its a cosmetic item like the color palette.

After they changed the way I even threw a buck to support the change. Downvote from me since they already showed they were commited for a honest f2p game model.

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that story4 guy keeps whining how he wants stuff for free.

i'm a free player and it hurts my eyes to read his posts.

I'm not whining about how i want stuff for free. The only stuff i said should be free or craftable are slots and that orokins should be craftable. The game is already more grindy than LoL or any other F2P game that just got out of closed beta-i know because i have joined some of them.

At the moment a player is better off just making new accounts if he wants more slots, 3 being the magic number because you can have 1 excalibur, 1 mag and 1 loki on different accounts, not have to grind them again and have all the slots that you need. So you can get 33% of the game unlocked with one account(because 4 WF out of 12 is 33%, the rest being restricted) and do the same on the others making it 100%(well almost anyway). Maybe it wasn't a problem in the closed beta where the pay for slots model worked but now in open beta it is no problem to have as many slots as you want by making new accounts. Since the model actually encourages you to have multiple accounts i don't believe that it's a very good F2P system. And it actually affects paying customers more than non-paying customers.

Also i did not say that i want everything for free, i already said that i don't want skins or color packs for free and a mod trading system that is only allowed to those who have paid even a little bit is a pretty good ideea.

EDIT: also if there ever is an orokin bp alert i can get it for all 3 accounts and have 3 orokin bp's instead of just 1.

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I'm not whining about how i want stuff for free. The only stuff i said should be free or craftable are slots and that orokins should be craftable. The game is already more grindy than LoL or any other F2P game that just got out of closed beta-i know because i have joined some of them.

At the moment a player is better off just making new accounts if he wants more slots, 3 being the magic number because you can have 1 excalibur, 1 mag and 1 loki on different accounts, not have to grind them again and have all the slots that you need. So you can get 33% of the game unlocked with one account(because 4 WF out of 12 is 33%, the rest being restricted) and do the same on the others making it 100%(well almost anyway). Maybe it wasn't a problem in the closed beta where the pay for slots model worked but now in open beta it is no problem to have as many slots as you want by making new accounts. Since the model actually encourages you to have multiple accounts i don't believe that it's a very good F2P system. And it actually affects paying customers more than non-paying customers.

Also i did not say that i want everything for free, i already said that i don't want skins or color packs for free and a mod trading system that is only allowed to those who have paid even a little bit is a pretty good ideea.

EDIT: also if there ever is an orokin bp alert i can get it for all 3 accounts and have 3 orokin bp's instead of just 1.


May I correct you:

You want the things to be free/craftable that are actually the only things worth paying money for....

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Despite the fact that additional frame and weapon slots can only be bought through Plat, I think we can all agree that a very significant amount of this game is available completely for free. People who really enjoy Warframe can, but don't have to, support its development by putting money in.


I'm going to give a hypothetical situation. Imagine that the game was completely free, with no paid currency at all. Every player is given a fixed number of frame and weapon slots, and once you've reached that number, there is no way to acquire more slots without selling. Despite this fact, you're still given 100% of the game's content for free.


Would it still be a fun game?


I think anyone who really appreciates Warframe would say yes. This is no different from the current system all free players experience. However, what we have in reality is actually better than this hypothetical, completely-free system, as it allows even more frames and weapons to be stored in your inventory if you can spare a small financial commitment. There's nothing wrong with putting as much into the game as you think it is worth.


Be happy you get as much as you do without paying a single cent.

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Despite the fact that additional frame and weapon slots can only be bought through Plat, I think we can all agree that a very significant amount of this game is available completely for free. People who really enjoy Warframe can, but don't have to, support its development by putting money in.


I'm going to give a hypothetical situation. Imagine that the game was completely free, with no paid currency at all. Every player is given a fixed number of frame and weapon slots, and once you've reached that number, there is no way to acquire more slots without selling. Despite this fact, you're still given 100% of the game's content for free.


Would it still be a fun game?


I think anyone who really appreciates Warframe would say yes. This is no different from the current system all free players experience. However, what we have in reality is actually better than this hypothetical, completely-free system, as it allows even more frames and weapons to be stored in your inventory if you can spare a small financial commitment. There's nothing wrong with putting as much into the game as you think it is worth.


Be happy you get as much as you do without paying a single cent.

You sir, are awesome!

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Great, another one of these threads, and it seems like the OP maybe played the game a day before assuming that things are exactly as he perceives them to be. Probably could have saved himself time and a lambasting had he used the search function and typed in his topic title.


Anyway, complaining about warframe/weapon slots prices is pretty dumb as well. They, as well as catalysts and reactors, are among the cheapest items in the IGS (In-Game Store). If you have to decide whether you're going to eat lunch, or have more warframe/weapon space, or potatoes to make them stronger, then I can understand why you might be slightly frustrated. But other than that, shop being cheap, and help support a game that has developers that give a lot of support through decent content/fixes for less than decent content (updates) and frequent forum communication, to their community.


I'm even pretty sure I just recently read a reply to a question about whether or not purchased warframes came with a slot and the answer was yes, but I might have to do some digging to make sure.


Either way, too much pointless QQ to wade through anymore.


Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention: There have been quite a few cosmetic items given out for free as alerts. Not sure of their frequency, but I remember seeing them!

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May I correct you:

You want the things to be free/craftable that are actually the only things worth paying money for....

Yeah ok slots are the only thing worth paying for because you are pretty much forced to pay for it if you want more warframes/weapons on your account and it still can be bypassed by making a new account. I also said that i don't want skins/color packs/whatever visual items free/craftable so i don't see your problem.


Despite the fact that additional frame and weapon slots can only be bought through Plat, I think we can all agree that a very significant amount of this game is available completely for free. People who really enjoy Warframe can, but don't have to, support its development by putting money in.


I'm going to give a hypothetical situation. Imagine that the game was completely free, with no paid currency at all. Every player is given a fixed number of frame and weapon slots, and once you've reached that number, there is no way to acquire more slots without selling. Despite this fact, you're still given 100% of the game's content for free.


Would it still be a fun game?


I think anyone who really appreciates Warframe would say yes. This is no different from the current system all free players experience. However, what we have in reality is actually better than this hypothetical, completely-free system, as it allows even more frames and weapons to be stored in your inventory if you can spare a small financial commitment. There's nothing wrong with putting as much into the game as you think it is worth.


Be happy you get as much as you do without paying a single cent.

I would agree with you if this game was in closed beta. Since it is in open beta instead of selling a warframe/weapon or buying platinum i could just make a new account and also have a new warframe without needing to farm for it. Don't you see the problem here?

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I would agree with you if this game was in closed beta. Since it is in open beta instead of selling a warframe/weapon or buying platinum i could just make a new account and also have a new warframe without needing to farm for it. Don't you see the problem here?

Surely this is only a problem if DE consider it as one?

You never know, maybe they like the fact that they can go to their investors/ backers (if any) and say "look how many accounts we have, aren't we doing well". 

Certainly seen that kind of thing in certain other games, and anyone who played knew very well that a huge number of the accounts quoted were alternate accounts.

Also very possible that having tried several Warframes this way you might decide to spend some cash in order to consolidate those you really like on your "main" account. 


Just a thought.

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Surely this is only a problem if DE consider it as one?

You never know, maybe they like the fact that they can go to their investors/ backers (if any) and say "look how many accounts we have, aren't we doing well". 

Certainly seen that kind of thing in certain other games, and anyone who played knew very well that a huge number of the accounts quoted were alternate accounts.

Also very possible that having tried several Warframes this way you might decide to spend some cash in order to consolidate those you really like on your "main" account. 


Just a thought.

Hmm yeah you may be right. But why not just make all the slots free or craftable instead, seems kinda silly to me, but i guess it's their decision if there will be a change or it will stay the same. Thing is, i would like to support this game, but since i don't like the f2p model and who knows how many changes will be made until the game reaches it's launch i won't at the moment. I also feel that i don't really get any value for my money. I mean i could buy slots but i can just make another account and have a free warframe to boot. Only things that are kinda worth are orokin's but i don't really like being forced to buy them because who knows how long will it take until i have a random chance to get one.

Oh well, i guess everyone thinks differently. I paid for different skins and champions for LoL because i thought it was a pretty good model for a F2P game and wanted to support the devs. I also felt that i could buy a champ and not waste time playing to get it again and if i bought a skins it was pretty nice because almost no one else would play with the same champion and same skin the same time as i did. I just don't feel that i can get anything worth in warframe.

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